Tuttle & Kline

Ep #12: Comedic Creatures and the Delights of Simple Pleasures

Tim Tuttle & Kevin Kline Episode 12

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Buckle up for a wild ride as we dissect the antics of a Sasquatch-human hybrid and the endless hilarity that ensues. Beyond the mythical musings, we get real about our hair-raising history with personal grooming tales, the legendary 'brush-o', and a nostalgic trip back to our grunge-rock roots. Plus, there's a Cinco de Mayo prank that will have you rethinking your holiday traditions—our humor knows no bounds and neither do the laughs that come with it.

Join us as we explore the funny side of cultural exchanges and why sometimes, simplicity wins. Then, strap in for a heartwarming chat about our attempts at 'unplugging' in the great outdoors, met with Oscar's refreshing perspective on why he cherishes American comforts over his tougher past. It's a blend of chuckles and insights that'll leave you appreciating the luxury of a cool breeze on a hot day and the beauty of a well-timed joke.

Speaker 1:

welcome to the Tuttle and Klein show.

Speaker 2:

I got that full. Uh, sasquatch thing happening now are you growing it out?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I figured I'm gonna. I'm gonna grow it out one more time for a movie role that I'm gonna do. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna be playing the um, the love child of a seven foot guy, playing the role of Sasquatch and Jacqueline Smith, one of the Charlie's Angels. Really, yeah, is she in the movie? Yeah, she's my mom. In the movie. You're going to meet Jacqueline Smith. Yeah, she's my mom and it's going to be freaking awesome. I'm just playing with you, dude. Oh, oh, I think she's totally Kev. I've always like thought, um, uh, that concept was pretty cool, though, where you know, sasquatch seduces like a gorgeous woman and she's into him uh-huh you know bigfoot and they have, they have a child and you know the child is.

Speaker 2:

You know he's the hairy. You know, uh, sasquatch looking kid really tall really, because dad's seven, eight feet tall obviously. So you know, and and you know his struggles are, uh, you know he gets, has anger problems because he's son of sasquatch, right, so he doesn't suffer fools really well. So he had. Occasionally he has to run out into the woods and talk to his dad, just say I just want to rip these people's arms and legs off, dad, and his dad's.

Speaker 2:

Like, trust me, I understand, yeah now I get it, but you can't do that. You know you're growing up in mom's world. You know out here, son, when you come and visit dad, we'll rip arms and legs off of stuff all the time. As a matter of fact, go ahead there. It looks like we got a wolf over there.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead yep, there you go.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right, you get your fix done. Okay, now you got to go back. You got to get your homework done. You got it. You got a big history test tomorrow. Okay, the civil war is not easy. There's all kinds of different ripples. Okay, son, I'll be right out here if you need me. Son of a Bigfoot Is that a good? I just completely pulled that out of my ass. That would be really funny. Is that kind of money? I don't know if it's a movie, but it'd be a good skit or something, wouldn't it?

Speaker 3:

That'd be a great skit. I think you could make it a movie.

Speaker 2:

That's freaking hilarious. Holy shit, man. That's funny. How did you pull Jacqueline Smith out of the air? I don't know man, I just. I just thought who would, who would kind, who kind of looks like me. Yeah, I mean and if you look at it, kev put a picture of uh, of Sasquatch up, a good picture of, you know, sasquatch, and then Jacqueline Smith, and now here I am.

Speaker 3:

Can you see it? Oh, my gosh Spitting image.

Speaker 2:

Am I right? If Sasquatch and Jacqueline Smith were to have a love child, it would be Tim Tuttle. How?

Speaker 3:

you doing Right there. I know how you doing, brother Excellent man. Getting back to the beard, though do you still have brush-o? I know how you doing, brother Excellent man, getting back to the beard, though do you still have brush-o?

Speaker 2:

I do, I do and I brush 184 times already.

Speaker 3:

Because what's the number that you have to have a day? 500. Oh, you're well on your way.

Speaker 2:

Well, on my way 500. Yeah, so I'm going to get that going. I don't know what I'm doing with it. I wanted to grow my hair out one more time. You remember back in the day when we were alternative rock guys and we had earrings and I had long hair and you had the shaved head? You know you look, you look like American history X, waiting for your buddy Edward Norton to come so you can go curb stomp somebody.

Speaker 3:

Yep, that's right, Dad, I shaved my head bald and one year for Halloween I went as an Amish serial killer. Oh, that was great, Hezekiah Manson so stupid. You know? What's funny is I was just going to bring it up because remember how when you would break out brush-o in the studio and Erica would just get so annoyed with that Because I would brush my beard, yeah, yeah. Well, guess what I did yesterday to annoy her.

Speaker 2:

What did you do to annoy her? Trish sent her the Cinco de Mayo song.

Speaker 4:

Cinco de Mayo. Cinco, cinco de Mayo, cinco de Mayo, cinco de Mayo's coming. Eat tacos by the dozen, drink lots of margaritas with all my mamacitas. Don't have the information about what we're celebrating, just care that it's a party. We're two for one, but hearty Cinco de Mayo's coming.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's so funny. She hated that. Oh, do you think she is so fucking relieved that we don't bother her anymore? I mean, I know she hates me, I know that. But you know, even you would get on her nerves and she's probably just like this is the greatest life that I have now. It's the greatest thing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, she responded to the texter, the DM that Trish sent her with the song and she's like, oh my God, why? Oh, wow, yeah, yeah, we touched the nerve. Oh yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Why? Oh wow, yeah yeah, we touched the nerve, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I can't believe you did that, kev. You got to be careful, okay.

Speaker 3:

I know Well, I'm far enough away, though.

Speaker 2:

She doesn't have to work with you anymore, so she'll just put the. She's got that witchy voodoo, that witchy voodoo. Ooh, witchy woman we are in a thing in mood tonight yeah, oh well, her theme song, the one she liked, was black magic woman. You know, carlos santana. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know, when I was riding driving with her, every time that came on, she cranked that up and I could not talk for three minutes and 48 seconds got a black magic woman.

Speaker 5:

got a black magic woman Bam bam, bam, bam, bam bam, Got a black magic woman.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Santana, that would be a great hotel name for you.

Speaker 2:

Oh, check it as Carlos Santana. Yeah but it's already used. It is. Yeah, somebody would look and go sure, you're Carlos Santana.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm the son of Bigfoot.

Speaker 2:

I'm the son of Bigfoot Tim Squatch Ha no, I'm the son of bigfoot.

Speaker 5:

I'm the son of bigfoot tim squatch.

Speaker 3:

That is right, there am I right yeah, perfect.

Speaker 2:

Hey, kev, you're gonna. I think you're gonna love this. Uh, I you know, because I the clash of the cultures happens every so often when I go to the gym. We, the clash of the cultures happens every so often when I go to the gym. We have the clash of the cultures.

Speaker 5:

What cultures with this?

Speaker 2:

You, you remember the African dude. I was telling you about that every so often. You know we're working out together and you know we're friendly, we talk. He's one of the few people that I talk to.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I totally remember that His name's Oscar.

Speaker 2:

That's's it, oscar, although that's not really his name, because he brought his mail in the other day and he put it down next to my uh, next to my water bottle and my towel. And you know, when I went over there, you know to wipe and get a drink and I looked at this mail, his name is some shit I cannot even pronounce well, he, he's African, so that would make sense. It's not like Eddie Murphy's Goonie Goo Goo, not quite.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

But it's a bunch of shit and I'm so glad he did Oscar, you know you got to do that. Yeah, Simplify things, yeah, and I don't know why they make it so hard in other countries like that. It's like hey, man, if you're going to do all those consonants and shit like that, you know, at least make it shorter. Yeah, Is that that? And I even told him, I said that thing's a nightmare man. He goes yes, every. Every time, Tim, I have to do a legal document. It takes so much longer.

Speaker 3:

I bet, yeah, like 27 letters there, mm, hmm, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, anyway, I I you know I was talking to him and I was like you know, oscar, I'm thinking, uh, I'm thinking of unplugging. You know a little bit unplugging. He goes on what is this? Unplug, timothy.

Speaker 2:

He calls me timothy great yeah, timothy, what is this unplugging you speak of? And uh, and I said, well, you know like, like camping, you know like camping. And he goes what is this, timothy? I never heard. What is this camping thing? What are you doing? Do you camp and have anything? And you know, I was telling him, you know, you unplug, you kind of put the phone down, disconnect from everything. You connect with your own thoughts and you connect with nature and everything like that and he's like, well, yeah, that's, that's very cool.

Speaker 2:

You know, don't you do that? You were telling me about the meditation which I do now, timothy, I do the meditation. Isn't that the same thing? I said well, you know, this is like next level, like you go out in the woods and there's no like electricity, there's no comfort. You know, you do, you do shit, like you eat baked beans out of the can that you cook over a fire or whatever you catch in the woods.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I didn't think of it and he goes. Timothy, I came to America so I didn't have to do that shit anymore, because I was. I was camping for 34 years. I was like, okay, because I won't be joining you on this, I like the creature comfort. Air conditioning is the best shit in the world. It's the best shit in the world. Do you know what part of Africa he?

Speaker 3:

grew up in. Conditioning is the best shit in the world. Totally it's the best shit in the world. Do you know what part of Africa he grew?

Speaker 2:

up in, I want to say Angola.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

But I'm not going to say Angola. All right, because I'm not 100. I mean, I think he mentioned it one time, but you know how I am sometimes Kev. Yeah, is I only give a fuck about me? Or thinking about the next thing that I'm going to say?

Speaker 3:

Well, I figured you were probably squeezing out that final rep to failure.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, you can't get in the mind then.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of which man I messed myself up last week. Why couldn't I? On last Wednesday, I had some soreness going over the speaking of which man I messed myself up last week. Why I couldn't I? On last wednesday, I I had some soreness going over the head, you know. You know, like um, military press, yeah, no, shoulder press, yeah, yeah, okay, shoulder press, and I had, I've had some problems for a few months and I just, I just I just messed it up bad, I couldn't even work out friday, I couldn't even lift friday. So, yeah, I'm on five days with no lifting and you know, I, psychologically, oh, you're going berserk, psychologically, I'm just, but I think I need to, I think I need to let it heal. I think the problem is is I didn't let it heal and I pushed it, yeah, and, and you and you know you got to let it heal, you have to, even if you got to shut it down for a week or two, you got to let it heal, where you know, and I didn't.

Speaker 3:

Then well, that's what. That's the thing you know. You shut it down for a week or two instead of a month or two exactly.

Speaker 2:

You know now, now I'm, I'm worried that I may be down longer and I'm just that's free dude. That's the psychological, especially when I've been like really working to get myself where I want to be.

Speaker 3:

You know, because you're going to be shooting that tv series pretty soon, right, very soon supposed to start may 20th dude. Well, that's on monday, yeah in the afternoon. Oh, okay, okay in the afternoon. I mean, don't I know my monday dates now? Oh, do you you got them all laid out? Oh, dude, I have one on my calendar.

Speaker 2:

It's just repeat, repeat, repeat for those, uh, unaware, kevin Klein and I record this on Mondays and then released it on Wednesdays, so hey, I talked to.

Speaker 3:

It's interesting that you bring up the working out, because I just talked to a guy who's going to be on Fuzzy Mike this week and he has a nonprofit and basically what they do is they give away gym memberships to people who are going through PTSD and depression and anxiety, because working out or running or some sort of physical activity is the best medicine you can have.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah absolutely.

Speaker 2:

It completely resets and changes that. Just the ideas, kevin, and the thoughts that I've had when I've been working out, I mean even like during our radio career, you know, just the ideas for bits and stuff like that that I've just had working out, I mean a lot of that stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because you're clearing your mind and you're getting the endorphins pumped. It's, it's natural, it's natural.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, all right, kev, I love it when we do this and I look forward to it. And I'm sorry I didn't. I kind of overlooked yours last week until the end. You had to throw it in there, by the way, your rabbit hole of the, uh, obscure vinyl yeah, you like that god, dude, that is hilarious stuff.

Speaker 2:

If you didn't, if you don't, the, uh, our last episode. It's the last episode that we had go to the end of it and you'll see, like, uh, kevin Klein's rabbit hole, uh, with the songs, dude, they're hilarious man.

Speaker 2:

That is that is great stuff. I've had people like message me uh today, Cause I used it as a promo today on my story. I saw that and I've had people say, oh my God, this is hilarious. So it's really good stuff. Anyway, rabbit hole, Kev, what is your? I'm going to go to yours first. Yeah, what was your rabbit hole? What did you get caught in this past week?

Speaker 3:

Well, we watched a documentary of Trish and I watched a documentary on Saturday. That led to a massive rabbit hole and it was based on something that you have said a couple of times on the podcast here. In regards to nine 11,. We watched a documentary on nine 11, and it was a one hour documentary on all of the uh air traffic control communication between each other. Okay, and that got me thinking about some of the things that you've said that Saudi Arabia and the CIA were involved. So I went down this rabbit hole to try and find out how this was all pulled off and all that kind of stuff. So I never got a definitive answer on on that question. But uh, I did know. Uh, I do know a lot more about nine 11 now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, you know the, the, the, the, um, you got to remember the people in the uh on google and everything like that. They're with the program, so they get rid of all of that stuff that's what I was thinking.

Speaker 3:

I'm like kevin. You realize you're looking up something that's probably not available because of who you know you never get the truth because they're all in on it.

Speaker 2:

They are, but that's what, the missing pages. You remember the whole report on 9-11? That's what the missing pages are. They just they won't release those because it basically says hey man, this was a Saudi Arabia and CIA op. You know we didn't have an enemy anymore because the whole Russian Soviet Union thing wall break military industrial complex. It needs some money.

Speaker 3:

So we're going to develop a boogeyman here yeah, so bin laden didn't have anything to do with it I, I don't know he, he may have been involved.

Speaker 2:

He's, he was, he's a cia operative. He's done cia work really. Yeah, dude, cia is just, it's a look. You do some investigation on the cia? Well, they're not gonna let you know well, no, I mean they're gonna be the first ones to bleach it but there's, there's some that are out there.

Speaker 2:

I mean, and and you know, even some of the things that you're seeing right now, uh, james o'keefe is releasing project veritas and everything like that. The cia is just a monstrosity, I mean. Uh, I mean they're, they'll do stuff like, if they don't like what you're saying, they'll, they'll, uh, they'll hack your computer and put kiddie porn on it and come and rescue you. Really, yeah, they're, it's, they're an that's an ugly organization dude. So, yeah, I mean. So, I mean. Yeah, I mean it's, you know, and they're doing everything they can to keep things status quo and keep the establishment in, so they can be this monstrosity, you know okay, well, I'm gonna.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna mind my p's and q's, because the last thing I want to do is see some little boys willy well, no, they just want to be able to use that to bust you anyway.

Speaker 2:

that's. That was like a a big, uh bunch of chatter. Uh, from last week is, uh, that our Congress is completely taken because they're worried about the intelligence community, the CIA, doing that to them. So they, that's why you always see boy, that's weird, he's a Republican and he just voted for big government, big spending and everything like that. He's not supposed to do that. Well, they're afraid of them, they're afraid of the CIA. We're a captured country, bro, and that's that's scary stuff, man. We're in a very scary time right now, man.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I know, yeah, everywhere you turn it's, there's either protests going on or there's unrest in other countries that we are getting involved in.

Speaker 2:

And a lot of it is is fabricated and paid for. You know, like the protests. You see, that's George Soros wreaking havoc, but what's his venmo? These college students paying them? What's his end game, though? He's chaos, man. He hates america, he hates freedom. He's just an evil motherfucker but what does chaos?

Speaker 3:

what chaos bring him? I don't know man oh just excitement kev I.

Speaker 2:

There's just something. You know if you look at the the problems in the world today, it's billionaires, right, they get to the point where they're. You know, if you look at the problems in the world today, it's billionaires, right, they get to the point where they're bored. You know, hey, we've done everything. We've got these yachts, we've had all these women. You know we own teams. We can do anything. We want Nothing's fun anymore. You know we've got to. So let's just see if we can crash the whole fucking thing.

Speaker 3:

So basically what you're saying is that the billionaires are doing what on a larger scale, what you've always wanted to do If you were became a billionaire on a smaller scale, just walk up to random people and say, hey, dance like this, hey do this, and you're going to give them money. So it's basically that on a larger scale.

Speaker 2:

I thought I always thought that would be funny. Yeah, If you get bored. Yeah, If you get bored, you know you go to your guy who's always got like a silver briefcase with you know, hundreds of thousands of dollars in it and hand me a brick real quick. Hey, dude, 50 grand if you go and lick the toilet. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I've heard you say it numerous times.

Speaker 2:

That's just childish and stupid shit that I would do if I was a billionaire. I'm not an evil motherfucker that wants to kill 90% of the planet and make the other 10% slaves. I'm, you know. It's a big difference.

Speaker 3:

Right, yeah, yeah, so I get it now. I get it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so yeah, right yeah, yeah, so I get it. Now I get it. Yeah, so yeah it's, and you can't. You used to be able to find these rabbit holes. You know they find these information pockets in Google, but they've done a good job of bleaching them so you can't get any other side of, hey, the establishment story okay you know, fact checkers, which I always I thought was made me laugh.

Speaker 2:

You know why? Because it's like so there's a group of people out there that think that they are omniscient and know everything, where they can tell you that is the truth and that that's the absolute truth and that is a lie. There's no discussion, nothing like that. And what is it based on what the government and the media releases. These are two organizations that have lied to us continuously and we're supposed to believe everything that they tell us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Oh, yeah, I know what you're saying. Yeah, because uh, getting back to uh the obscurity vinyl stuff, uh, did you know? No, no, no, did you know that the N word is more acceptable than the C word?

Speaker 2:

It is. I did not know that.

Speaker 3:

Let me tell you how I know this how do you know that? Because when I typed in, uh, the song from obscurity vinyl, ain't that a kick in the sea? Uh, it gave me a 21 or over or not accessible to download this wow uh-huh, you download any uh n-word reference in blazing saddles. Boom comes right up.

Speaker 2:

Isn't that funny, kevin. What they're saying is you are such a child that you can't handle words, so we're going to tell you the words that you can see, hear, use, and what you can't see, hear. That's what I'm talking about.

Speaker 3:

It's just the height of pretentiousness. I mean, that's evil sociopath.

Speaker 2:

I think I'm mature enough to be able to handle both of those words.

Speaker 3:

I don't use them. I'm cool too. Yeah, and don't forget, in Blazing Saddles. Richard Pryor wrote that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, richard Pryor. He was supposed to be the sheriff but they had some kind of scheduling difficulty or something like that. I can't remember what the exact story was, but yeah, he was supposed to play the sheriff in that. Anyway, kev, I'm so sorry man, we tangented like a mofo, that's right. Yeah, mine was, and I've done this in the past too.

Speaker 2:

I have a weird thing for for plane crashes. Okay, I have a weird thing for, you know, learning about them and you know, checking the investigation, what went wrong and all that stuff. I mean, I've done that over the years many times documentaries, wikipedia, youtube and everything like that. And the one that I had, you know before, was I was thinking to myself I want to be able to survive if there's a plane crash, or at least have a good. What do I have to do? I want to be able to survive if there's a plane crash, or at least have a good. What do I have to do? So I I, you know in the past, have looked up hey, the best way to survive a plane crash.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And some of those things are. The people in the back have a better chance, Right, Because they're they. Usually the tail is is thrown. They don't hit the tail, it doesn't hit as hard on the ground.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And the tail is often thrown away. So as long as you stay seat belted in your seat, you may be away from the whole situation.

Speaker 5:

Good to know.

Speaker 2:

So back rows are best survival.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Also, a big thing is burning. So don't wear flammable clothing. You know, don't wear the, the polyesters and the rayons and you know all the stuff that you, yeah, it'll incinerate sure yeah, and and wear armor. Well, I, I, I always wear, you know, something light and and shorts and everything like that and sleeveless and and. Sleeveless yeah, the less material, the better. I'm not a douchebag, I'm just trying to live yeah, and you know, another thing kev in terms of surviving is is knowing where the exit is like with the lights out right like I always when I get on a plane, I always estimate the number of steps I would have to take in the dark to get that exit okay you know because you.

Speaker 2:

Here's what you have to imagine. All right, you have impact. Oh shit, after impact, I'm still alive. Now what do I have to do?

Speaker 2:

well, more likely or not, there's going to be fire right and more likely than not, there's going to be darkness and smoke. So you know how many steps, or even better, like how many crawl feet, do you have to do crawling on the ground to find the exit to get out yeah those are keys have you decided or investigated how many people you're going to have to move out of the way, or uh?

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah, you're gonna bet you I mean more likely than not because you're gonna have either bodies or you're gonna have people that have panicked and are in shock so much they can't even move.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And whereas I will, I will psych myself, train myself. Okay, man, if I die, I die, we're going down. If I die, I die, if I live, let's stay psyched up, timmy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean you're, you're, I mean you. You've got firefighter training. You have done well in smoky and blind environments, you know, yeah. So I I think you could, I think you could navigate it, I think you can manage yeah, and I always.

Speaker 2:

I always look at the stuff in the magazine too, like the safety stuff. I always know that oh, I always pay attention I always I pay attention and I look and I double check and I'm like, okay, and then I actually, as the as the plane is, uh, is taking off, I actually at that point visualize and take a picture of what am I going to do and it's in my head very smart.

Speaker 3:

That's called game planning yeah yeah, so, um, I don't know the actual, but you do realize that more people survive plane crashes than die in plane crashes, yeah.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah. Because, all we really concentrate on are the big jets to go down. But there's Cessnas and Bonanzas and Pipers that go down pretty much daily and people survive those down pretty much daily and people survive those and kev.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of great pilots that even when the shit is hitting the fan, they're they're able to keep calm and cool and figure out a way, okay, to have the least impact, or to get it down somewhere, or to do something to uh mitigate the the explosive impact.

Speaker 4:

You know what?

Speaker 2:

I'm saying Fucking Sully.

Speaker 4:

He's the new American hero, the pilot of the US Airways jet who flawlessly landed his plane in the Hudson River.

Speaker 2:

Sullenberger lands in the Hudson River, chesley, sullenberger. I mean that is one of the most unbelievable of all time right there, ted Stryker. Airplane. He wasn't even like an airline pilot. No, he was a war pilot from 30 years earlier. But you know, there he was. I mean, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar went down from the fish. Ted Stryker, you're right, he sweated like crazy then.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, he did.

Speaker 2:

Look at him pouring it on him right, right now that's called the tim tuttle tim squash, tim squash that's me. But yeah and kev, some of these guys are so good and that's the rabbit hole that I was really in last week was the, the uh cockpit recordings as they're going down.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And yeah, there are some, uh, some pilots that are oh my God, oh shit, oh, mommy, mommy, there's some of that.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

But there most of them are just stoic.

Speaker 5:

This is a cactus 1539. It burns through Lost rust. I'm hoping it's returning back towards LaGuardia stoic.

Speaker 2:

Calm and cool all the way to the end.

Speaker 3:

Oh, because they're training and your brother would be able to tell us about this more because he was a Blackhawk helicopter pilot in the U S army but their training, uh, is so rigorous that they're basically just going off a muscle memory, you know, and and if they panic, they know that they're not going to be able to to perform.

Speaker 2:

And that's some of the things Ke Kev that I heard on these recordings is them going through their checklists calm?

Speaker 5:

and cool yeah.

Speaker 2:

Calm and cool, like we got a fire and cargo. We got smoke filling the cabin. But they're like okay, checklist one, two, two. Do we have a fuel leak? Fuel leak, fuel going from right wing to left wing? Do we have a fuel leak? Fuel leak, uh wing? Uh, fuel going from right wing, left wing? Do we have any in in anything in there? Okay, uh, where is our altitude supposed to be? We probably need to be at a shorter out. You know they're, that's their voice absolutely and just absolutely shit hitting the fan.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you can hear passengers screaming, you know. You can hear some of the uh flight attendants knocking on the door or the cockpit, going, hey, it's smoking here, and you know. And they're just like and one, one niner, this is seven, one, five tower. And I'm like, oh my God, who are these guys?

Speaker 3:

We were on a flight Trish and I run a flight and I don't remember where. It was a domestic flight and we were on United, excuse me and there were two pilots sitting in front of us. They were getting ready to go to work, they were being transferred to work and we probably we probably dropped about 1500 feet due to turbulence and everybody's flipping out, you know. And these two pilots just look at each other and go oh, that was interesting.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like yeah, and I'll tell you this, since you brought up my brother the first time I ever flew with him, he was Kev, he was 16.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

And I was 17 and it was a little like Tomahawk airplane and we had a wind burst hit us and we dropped like 500 feet instantly or something like that, and I'm flipping out. I'm like he's like hey, I got this, we're okay. And I'm like, dude, you're 16 and you just got your license. Man, what are you talking about? Hey, we got this, okay. I am going to put it down because I know that dad will probably be upset if I kill both of his sons. He's like talking like that. I'm like who is this dude man?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, it doesn't serve them to panic. No, no, no.

Speaker 2:

They leave that to us Exactly. But yeah, that was my rabbit hole. I've always been. I mean, you know me since 9-11. You know, I'm a silent air marshal on a plane.

Speaker 3:

Now, yep, I'm a silent air marshal on a plane now, Yep.

Speaker 2:

I know there is no. If I'm on a plane, they are not hijacking that plane. Nope, because I and I, even to this day, jeff anybody that stands up I'm eyeballing them, I'm serious Eyeball, I'm eyeballing them and I'll tell you and I'm I hate to say this, but I'm going to be honest with you there was a flight where you know I'm, I'm sitting in the back and I see one look like a middle Eastern dude get up, start walking to the front and then, right after that, from another row two and froze in front of him.

Speaker 2:

another one, stand up in front, started walking to the front and you know what I did.

Speaker 3:

Got up and walk towards the front.

Speaker 2:

I got up and walked towards the front.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And I think that you know, you know me when I walk. I have that, you know, you know, and I think they look back and they were just, I think they were like laughing because, they weren't doing anything. They were just two dudes on an airplane. They both had to use the bathroom and they said the aft to the back bathroom wasn't working so everybody had to go to the front and they were just I think they were just laughing, I think that they were just like okay, yeah, this, this guy remembers, you know.

Speaker 3:

Uh, what I found out in this documentary on nine 11 was that prior to nine 11, you were able to take box cutters and up to four inch blades on the plane with you. Isn't that crazy? I mean, I realized it was an unprecedented event, but the lack of cohesive communication between air traffic control towers that was. That was shocking to me.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, oh yeah. But you know, in the aftermath they just, they just said well, hey, we got them all scared, Now let's shred the fucking Constitution right in the immediate aftermath, we suddenly had no rights because we got to fight terror. If you want your rights, are you a no rights? Because we got to fight terror, If you want your rights, are you a terrorist? You know that kind of shit. Okay, and they called it the Patriot.

Speaker 3:

Act the Patriot.

Speaker 2:

Act. That's so funny, that's the funniest thing ever. So what you're saying it's a misnomer, dude. I can't even read eight paragraphs of that act without just like going george washington's fucking rolling in his grave right now. You know, yeah, ben franklin's like what you? You guys are okay with this yeah, jefferson all of them, adams, all of them are just like. This is not what we fucking put our ass on the line for guys.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, I realize that, for sure yeah.

Speaker 2:

Kev. I don't know what my problem is and I'm pretty good with geography. I need your help with something here.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I just realized I think Saturday that there are actually two cities called.

Speaker 3:

Kansas City Sure, Kansas City Kansas and Kansas City, Missouri. What Separated by a river?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so there are two completely separate cities.

Speaker 3:

Yes, Separate states.

Speaker 2:

Separate states, so they have separate mayors. Separate states, separate states, so they have separate mayors, separate governors, separate governors and all of that. Yeah, that's so. I had no idea, and they're right next to each other, right?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you can throw a rock across the river.

Speaker 2:

Okay, Now the big question is is like which is the daddy, you know, which has the teams, the Chiefs?

Speaker 3:

Kansas City, missouri, has the Chiefs, has the teams, the Royals, the Chiefs, yes.

Speaker 2:

You're kidding.

Speaker 3:

No, but it might not be that way much longer.

Speaker 2:

What are you talking about?

Speaker 3:

Well, the Chiefs, the taxation bill that they put forth in April did not pass. They were wanting to extend a three-eighths cent tax in perpetuity to pay for upgrades to Arrowhead Stadium, or maybe even a new stadium, and the voters rejected that, and so now there's talk that they might leave Kansas City Missouri for Kansas City Kansas.

Speaker 2:

Oh wow. So what would they do? Would they build a whole new stadium?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

And, just like right across the river, they're just going to leave this stadium. I mean, arrowhead's been around for a while though, hasn't?

Speaker 3:

it one of the oldest uh stadiums in the nfl. Uh, that has never been uh remade or or completely renovated uh. But there's also speculation and this was in yahoo uh just yesterday that uh, the kansas city chief Chiefs and even the old mayor of San Antonio said this is BS might become the San Antonio Chiefs. That's how. That's how pissed off they are that this tax did not pass, it did not go through.

Speaker 2:

Wow, OK see, and you got to remember that the NFL will do that shit. They will.

Speaker 3:

Well, and the other thing was that they might. Dallas could support two teams both playing out of AT&T Stadium, and there was only one person that came out and said definitively that that ain't ever going to happen. That's Jerry Jones.

Speaker 2:

No, I was going to say no, Wow, that would be. I mean, I always thought I always thought LA and New York were dicks because they had two teams.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well, no, Jerry Jones said never, never on his watch. Is that going to happen?

Speaker 2:

No, he's been. He's got power too. He's a very powerful owner.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think probably the most powerful owner in the NFL.

Speaker 2:

Because he has the franchise that's worth the most money out of any franchise, I think in the world. I don't know Kev Yankees. And then there's a soccer team.

Speaker 3:

Manchester United.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think in that is like Manchester United Yankees Cowboys.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, Definitely top three, Absolutely so, mm-hmm. No, Jerry Jones said that ain't going to happen. But yeah, man, there's a lot of speculation where the Chiefs might be playing in a couple of years.

Speaker 2:

Okay, See that be playing in a couple of years okay. Um see, that's crazy too, because they're like they have a dynasty now. Man, I know uh and uh, wow, okay, all right, all right, so kansas city, kansas, do you?

Speaker 3:

so they're the, they're the, the stepchild they all the actions in kansas city, missouri do you think like kansas, or is this like?

Speaker 2:

hey man, it's kansas city, it's not missouri city. What are you doing? What are you doing? True? I can't even believe. I just learned that this weekend. Yeah, that is two completely separate cities and uh where the, uh where the.

Speaker 3:

When the football cardinals were in st louis, you know that was a state with two nfl teams and now still two major league baseball teams let me ask you this though like do the, uh, the residents of kansas city, kansas?

Speaker 2:

do they support the chiefs and the royals and stuff like that?

Speaker 3:

or are they just like hey man, fuck you guys oh, dude, my brother, my brother-in-law, lives in in overland park, kansas, which is a suburb of kansas city, and the dude bleeds chiefs okay royals, oh my god yeah oh so he bypassed his cardinal upbringing yeah, no, he's, uh, he's full-on royals yeah, okay, all right, all right, so all right.

Speaker 2:

So they they said they accept them like hey man, it's right across the river yeah, it's, that's, that's the team you know.

Speaker 3:

And, hell man, now even st louis outside of the battle hawks. St louis, I think, even gloms on to the chiefs now, do they? Really well, it's only a three and a half hour drive interesting um, and if you're gonna support a team, support a winner exactly, I mean that now.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, I mean it's Mahomes era. As long as Andy Reid and Mahomes stay together, that team's going to be making runs.

Speaker 3:

Well, and they just signed Kelsey to two more years, so he'll finish his career as a chief.

Speaker 2:

I don't like him as much as I like his brother. Oh, jason's awesome. Jason is the best man. What's he going to do? Is he going to go into announcing now that he's retired from the Eagles?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's. I want to say. He signed a $3 million contract with one of the major networks to be one of their in-studio analysts.

Speaker 2:

Oh cool, yeah, I figured, isn't Brady going to start with Fox this next season?

Speaker 3:

Brady ousted Olsen, Greg Olsen. He's going to be the main guy with Kevin Burkhart.

Speaker 2:

But Olsen was good. Where's Olsen going to be?

Speaker 3:

Nobody knows.

Speaker 2:

Olsen was good man I liked him.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he was great, he was great.

Speaker 2:

He'll find something.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, Well, they might just move him to the B team, or he might find another network.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just go on another network because he was good. I know everybody loves Romo and Romo's okay, but I thought Olsen was better than Romo.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you brought up Brady. Did you see the roast over the weekend on Netflix?

Speaker 2:

No, what happened?

Speaker 3:

Oh, they had a roast of Tom Brady and he produced it.

Speaker 2:

No shit, yeah, yeah, with the comedians like Jeff Ross and Jessel Nick and stuff like that.

Speaker 3:

Jeff Ross got in trouble.

Speaker 2:

Whoa what happened.

Speaker 3:

Jeff Ross and Jessel Nick and stuff like that Jeff Ross got in trouble.

Speaker 4:

Whoa, what happened? Jeff Ross got in trouble. What happened?

Speaker 5:

On the first day of training camp, that scrawny rookie famously walked into the owner, Robert Kraft's office and said I'm the best decision your organization has ever made.

Speaker 4:

Would you like a massage?

Speaker 2:

I love Robert Kraft. I love him. Okay, okay, why it's a roast? I know Exactly right, there's no Shut up, tom. Don't be like, don't be like that, don't be like Will Smith man.

Speaker 3:

That's what people are equating it to the verbal Will.

Speaker 2:

Smith, have a sense of humor, man. I mean, if you, if you open yourself up or it's like you, can roast me you can't say a word, dude.

Speaker 3:

Well, the what the insiders are saying is that Tom took exception to that because it wasn't a roast on him, it was a roast on his boss.

Speaker 2:

So what exactly? Who cares, man, it's a roast. I mean there's, there's. No, that's the one last vestige of fuck you Political correctness. Fuck you Hypersensitive people. This is a roast, yeah, and, and I and I like it because you know, greg giraldo used to do roasts and people have grown sometimes because he had some heavy stuff oh yeah and he would say it's a roast, whiny, whiny, whiny, it's a roast you ever want to see some cringeworthy stuff?

Speaker 3:

uh, watch. The roseanne roast jeselnik just went off. It was so good and she's laughing her ass off.

Speaker 2:

She's laughing. She appreciated his stuff.

Speaker 4:

Roseanne, even though you're a feminist icon, so many men have gotten rich off of you Tom Arnold, john Goodman, the guy who owns the Cheesecake Factory. Here's something positive, because you had gastric bypass surgery in 1998, and then you beat it.

Speaker 2:

There's nothing you could ever say to me that would offend me, and I hope you feel the same way well, we've, we've gone over this before, absolutely nothing I mean it's words man have at it. People have your freedom, man don't worry about it. And there's always been, there's always going to be, pussies who can't handle them. Fuck, fuck them.

Speaker 3:

Well, the thing is, I've always known when somebody's joking around with me and when somebody's serious, you know, if they're joking around, I laugh with them, if they're serious, I don't hang out with them.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. If they're serious, then they gave you information that you don't have to waste your time with them. I love that. I wish Kev you know anybody that's ever talked shit about me behind my back would just have said the same thing to my face. So I know so I know you are not a friend. Cool, have a nice life. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

I know exactly what you're saying.

Speaker 2:

I would love that. I think that, yeah, that yeah yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

But you know there are very few people like you and like erica who will tell it straight oh yeah yeah, you know you don't care if you hurt somebody's feelings with the truth I I, on the other hand, will sugarcoat anything yeah, I hate conflict I've always, uh, had the mind frame of I owe you the truth.

Speaker 2:

If you ask now I'm not, I don't go volunteering stuff often right, but if you ask me a question, I will always tell you the truth and if it's something I think it may sting you a little bit, I'll say do you want to really know? I'll give you a last, uh chance to throw the lightsaber out.

Speaker 3:

Uh-huh, yeah and I'll let him breathe yeah, I, I will.

Speaker 2:

And do you really want to know the answer to this question?

Speaker 3:

I think you're terrible I think I knew he was kidding when he told me that I never told you you were terrible oh, I know, no, I you never did uh, hey, kevin, you're gonna laugh.

Speaker 2:

Last week um in in public. Uh, I saw this couple going at each other okay just, and she was latina and he was a white guy oh, he has no chance.

Speaker 2:

So not only that is, she doesn't care, right, she does not give. I mean, it totally reminded me of me and my ex Not Erica, you know, the one I was with after Erica. Okay yeah, she had some anger management problems and she would sometimes explode in a very public way, and I wanted to just walk up to this guy afterwards because you know she walked away from him in a huff after just lighting him up and I just wanted to tell him you know what I that, hey man, I used to happen to me too and tell him what I used to do.

Speaker 3:

What did you do?

Speaker 2:

Oh, anytime she got like that, like in public, and you know cause, I was just like oh, you know cause that, you know that stuff, we got a million and a half radio listeners. Second date update is popping, you know. Yeah, I'm just like, okay, somebody, somebody's going to notice this, or maybe even somebody's going to video this, or something like that. So I always used to just carry around a couple of pieces of paper, kev.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And I would pretend that we were reading lines for a script. Oh you crazy bitch, you're crazy. Oh, no, no, no, I did not completely overlook your wishes and and wants, and that would just piss her off even more.

Speaker 3:

And it was great oh, of course I was going to say there's a very passionate read coming from the other side well, yeah, I was.

Speaker 2:

I was just, I mean because she was beautiful, I mean in her perfect body, so she looked like she could be like an actress and I was just acting like. I was like doing the line reading with her. She was going to play the role of crazy, uh, latina and and you know, you, sometimes, when it got a little like really like edgy like, or like she was really starting to blow her top, I'd be like, oh, your improv, this is good improv oh gee no lucky to get stabbed.

Speaker 2:

We didn't last, we didn't last, we didn't last, you know so goes the idea it's kind of funny.

Speaker 3:

Though it was kind of funny yeah, I mean it's funny to listen to.

Speaker 2:

I wouldn't have wanted to be in that situation I would have been running and it was one of those where you know he had he had no way out. You know, I'm saying he sounded. He sounded to me like he was right and you know what happens when you you know a person's right in an argument, the other person only has name calling.

Speaker 5:

That's it.

Speaker 2:

That's all they have. Like he was completely right and he laid it out and we're all you know. There's like six or seven of us, you know, just looking over and you know we're kind of judge Wapner.

Speaker 2:

You judge judy yep and just listen to the whole case being laid out in front of us. And he had it. I mean, it was and, and, and. Even you can even tell that it hit her, that it's like oh yeah, I sound, but that just made her more angry oh yeah, she's got a safe face at that point exactly.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. So she degenerated into name calling.

Speaker 2:

That's when you know you won. Exactly. That's when you know you got the victory, when it's totally name call.

Speaker 3:

Is anybody in that argument winning? Everybody on the outside is winning. Yeah, you guys are losing.

Speaker 2:

I just Kev. I honestly think that a lot of this is society's fault. How so we gave permission for Latinas to act crazy and it be normalized in public.

Speaker 2:

OK we as a society. It was just like she's Latina and so they, they know, they pick up on that. They know that. I mean, you know, if you're a Latina lady and I know there's a lot that watch this and and and listen to this podcast, comment or send us something, uh, you know, uh on our Facebook or Instagram or something like that. I'm right, Am I, aren't I? Because you are Latina, you have been given this carte blanche card to do whatever the fuck you want, and people will just say, no, she's just Latina.

Speaker 3:

Well, I that that is reputation preceding Exactly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly, and I, I, Kev, I. There's even been situations where you know in front of police officers, or or you know when it goes to court, and they're just like she's Latina man.

Speaker 3:

She's a local.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

Why did you, why did you put her in that situation where she had? To lash out to you like that.

Speaker 2:

Exactly Right. Yeah, the ultimate case on that one, lorena Bobbitt. Oh yeah, latina, cut his dick off, threw it in the field. Threw it in the field. The overwhelming response from the public was what Kevin?

Speaker 3:

She's Latina. They ended up finding that and reattaching it. Can you imagine being the investigator that has to go out in that? They ended up finding that and reattaching it. Can you imagine being the investigator that has to go out in that field and call your wife? Hey, honey, I'm going to be a little late to dinner tonight. I'm looking for a dick. No, you arrest them. No, no, this time I'm really looking for a dick.

Speaker 5:

And she's going.

Speaker 2:

Well, just look in the mirror and come home, yeah that's hilarious oh, totally, totally and just man, kevin, you were there for one of these. I just it just dawned on me right now we were doing a chick-fil-a broadcast probably, you know, 2014, 2015 or something like that and you know, eric and I were together at the time road to rodeo road to rodeo or something like that, and she that we had police officers surrounding us, because of course you know we were the first responder.

Speaker 2:

Morning show yeah, and we had him and erica, yeah, and we had a bunch of around, you know, at the broadcast and she, like right there, threatened to kill me. You remember that.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I totally remember that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm going to kill you. And I look back at these police officers like, are you going to do something? I mean that is a laughing. They're laughing, they go. We love it when she does that, I'm like what do you know in reality?

Speaker 3:

uh, that saying, that saying I'm gonna kill you, that is considered second degree assault. Is it really? Yes, it is.

Speaker 2:

I had a police officer tell me that once okay, so she like even recorded, because we're recording the broadcast. Uh, and video was everywhere. The police officers are right there. She committed second degree assault and they laughed at about it.

Speaker 3:

They laughed about it. Yeah, you see what I'm talking about yeah, because in the back of their mind they're like if she does kill him, then she's available.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, exactly. Yeah. Oh, those two won't be together long, I'll just wait. And by my time, and lo and behold, they were right and, ironically enough, she ended up with a police officer.

Speaker 3:

She certainly did.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, good for her. Glad she's happy. Kevin, yes, sir, I have a top three that I think you're going to like.

Speaker 1:

Just when you thought they couldn't count any higher. It's Tuttle and Klein's top three.

Speaker 2:

I need your top three movie moments that scared the shit out of you.

Speaker 3:

I know two of them right off the top of my head.

Speaker 5:

One was in Exorcist 1 when her head spun around jesus christ, who lives and reigns with the father and the holy spirit, david did that mess with you too dude, that that messed with me big time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that messed with me big time and then the other one was in Exorcist 3. Oh my god, that was an unbelievable jump scare yep, and then this one is, uh, very obscure and it was steve rails back playing charles manson and it was a two-part series on network tv and at the end of segment one, manson's in court and Vincent Bugliosi is laying out the case and Manson is staring at him and his watch stopped.

Speaker 5:

Sometimes I just want to jump on you and let you shoot me. If I could, I'd grab this microphone and I'd beat your brains out with it, because that's what you deserve. That's what you deserve.

Speaker 3:

Whoa, and Bugliosi's watch stopped when manson was staring at him and I was like, ah, fuck it, I'm done I.

Speaker 2:

I guess that was the case in real life too oh, yeah, yeah it's in the book, because I read that book, uh, kevin, in college like two or three times yep and uh yeah, buliosi said that actually happened, happened. He got a stare down from him and he looked at his watch and his watch had stopped. Mm-hmm, yeah when you get to the bottom, you go back to the top of the slide. You get to the top, you go for a ride, you get to the bottom and you do the scan. Helter.

Speaker 3:

Skelter, originally done by the Beatles.

Speaker 2:

Yep, and then U2 and Motley Crue. I like the Motley Crue version the best, Do you really? I do I do. Probably because that shout out the devil. You know that was a big record for me. Yeah, but I do like the way that Shout at the Devil.

Speaker 3:

You know that was a big record for me, yeah, but I do like the way that Bono introduced that one.

Speaker 4:

This is something Charles Manson stole from the Beatles. We're stealing the fun.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was good. I guess it was because you know, and I played that Shout at the Devil record constantly.

Speaker 3:

Oh, your mom was not happy.

Speaker 2:

I told you this story, didn't I?

Speaker 3:

please share it with the rest oh, I my classic my mom.

Speaker 2:

Okay, first off, she's listening to, like you know, ozzy, crazy train and you know, shout at the devil. You know she's listening that whole thing in the beginning, good, overpowered, all you know. Well, you still remember that whole thing in the beginning Good overpowered.

Speaker 4:

Wow, you still remember that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh yeah, the beginning part. Be strong and shout at the devil. You know my mom's hearing this because I got it cranked and I remember she opened the door one time and she had tears in her eyes oh Tim, you were an altar boy and one of the best and you had such a beautiful angelic voice in the choir at seventh. What is going on? You know, she was crushed. I'm going to, I'm going to talk to father Serpik, we're going to get to the bottom of this, you know.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And just, and I was like, mom, listen, I want you to listen. And I I played the lyrics for her Again, I said, listen, they're shouting at the devil, there's at the devil, they don't like them. They're shouting at him. Okay, not shouting with him, okay, so they're on the same team as you. And she thought about it and she was like, oh know, okay, so they're. You know, even though I don't like the way they look with all the makeup and, you know, the leather, I they're, they're, they're good boys yeah yeah, yes, mom, motley crue is, they're good boys salt of the earth, mom salt of the earth who will fuck your girlfriend?

Speaker 3:

the most rambunctious group in in rock history probably yeah, yeah, I was talking, I was.

Speaker 2:

I watched the, uh, the netflix. You watch dirt. Do you watch their documentary? I have not seen it. Oh my god, kevin, you gotta watch it, man. I mean, that's like our pipeline, bro. Yeah, I know, I know, I mean, motley crew was one of our staples. You know, motley crew and guns and roses, acdc.

Speaker 3:

I mean, those are our staples baby crew was the second concert I ever went to when they opened up on park at the moon you gotta watch dirt.

Speaker 2:

But you know that. You know that was that was the. Uh. A theme is you never leave your girlfriend alone with motley crew. They will fuck your girlfriend. Alone with Motley Crue, they will fuck your girlfriend. So, yeah, you don't leave your girlfriend with Motley Crue or Ryan O'Neal.

Speaker 3:

Very true, farrah Fawcett.

Speaker 2:

Farrah Fawcett from Lee Majors. Lee Majors is like I gotta go do a shoot. You know, ryan, will you keep an eye on Farrah while I'm doing this shoot out of town?

Speaker 3:

I'll keep more.

Speaker 2:

Keep an eye on Farrah while I'm doing this shoot out of town, I'll keep more than an eye on her. I'm going to keep my eye on her.

Speaker 3:

for you, lee, are you going to go see the Fall Guy, because I know that that was a good TV show for you.

Speaker 2:

Man, I love that TV show. Did he sing a song Ryan Gosling sing Because he just was nominated for an Oscar for the Ken?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know if he sang it or not. I don't think so.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Fall Guy the Fall Guy anthem. It's a great song.

Speaker 4:

I might fall from a tall building I might roll a brand new car Cause I earned the unknown's command. I made Redford such a star.

Speaker 2:

I love that song.

Speaker 3:

I know.

Speaker 2:

I know it's great stuff. I mean, that's classic Lee Majors, of course, from Houston Texas. He's a legend.

Speaker 3:

That's right, yep.

Speaker 2:

Even though Kev I've been here about 19 plus years, I still have not run into Lee Majors, so I'm a little disappointed.

Speaker 3:

Oh well, we should be able to make that happen for you.

Speaker 2:

Nah, I don't want to.

Speaker 3:

You don't want to.

Speaker 2:

You don't ever meet your heroes.

Speaker 3:

But you did, and he turned out to be great, which?

Speaker 2:

one, bart Starr, that was great. Oh my god, bart Starr, do you remember that happened in 2001 when we were in Birmingham, because he was from Birmingham and he was throwing passes to me in the parking lot? Remember that.

Speaker 3:

I totally remember it.

Speaker 2:

And I was like, was like, I am not gonna drop one of these. I don't care if I have to lay out superman style on the concrete to catch these paths. These are not hitting the ground, no matter what. And not one of them hit the ground not one of them hit the ground of course they were perfect spiral even at even at 70 years old cab, perfect spirals right on my chest. They were just like right there, I was like this. That was a great moment. I think I got a picture of that too.

Speaker 3:

That, uh, yeah we got a picture.

Speaker 2:

It's right up here yeah, yeah, that's, uh, that's awesome stuff. I I love it we would see.

Speaker 3:

We would see him in the grocery store on bruno's, did you really?

Speaker 2:

yeah, bruno's in hoover yeah, because you lived in pelham, which was close to Hoover. I was way down in Alabaster man.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So I didn't go to the Hoover one.

Speaker 3:

Did you say hi to him? Said hi to him, uh, let's see, trish and I saw him twice and we actually met his wife there too, and super, and he, he remembered, he remembered us from the. Did he really? Yes, he did. I went up to him and I said hey, Mr Star, I said Kevin, and from Kevin and Tim. He's like oh yeah, yeah, I remember coming up and playing with you guys oh my god, I didn't know this Kev.

Speaker 2:

Did he say anything about me?

Speaker 3:

yeah, he said you're a great catcher, you know he said I have good hands said right between the numbers. He said he can grab it, yeah like, like okay, did you ask him.

Speaker 2:

Hey, if you, if you had to put him, you know, you know you had max mcgee and boyd dollar. I mean, where, where would he be in between those guys, somewhere? Or like did he rank me.

Speaker 3:

He didn't. He said you know what I wish he could have played for us two street no, nobody in the 60s had that kind of groove man.

Speaker 2:

That's right that's nobody's nobody swagged like that in the 60s. Of course, they were done winning super bowls before I was born. So it's that whole space time thing. Uh, kev, did you didv. You did your top three right? You did all three.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I did all three. Yes, sir.

Speaker 2:

For me, number three, the demonic face in Insidious.

Speaker 4:

My God. God, he is looking.

Speaker 2:

That right there. I didn't expect it, it didn't come out of nowhere. I mean, it came out of nowhere and I was like, oh my god, that freaked me out, because I don't know if you remember this or not that had that whole you know, black and red, darth maul type look okay and darth maul when you know he's star wars bad guy yeah when he came out in 1999 and that you know, second series of uh star wars.

Speaker 2:

When I saw him I was like holy shit, george lucas is getting in my brain because darth maul, this face right here. That was what was under my bed growing up yeah, that was your boogeyman that was good, cav. When I saw that, that shit, that darth maul stuff, I was like, oh, and you know I'm a grown-ass man, uh-huh. And I was like, oh, because that kept. I swear there was probably about a two or three year period of time where that's the dude that was under my bed in my mind right, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

But I mean the saving grace was no boogeyman can get through the blanket, and so you would always pull your blanket up over your head totally fine, yeah, totally, it's all you had to do, because they can't.

Speaker 2:

they can't claw you. Nope, they can't, can't grab you. It's like a force. Yeah, and you don't have any appendage sticking out. You can't have any appendage sticking out at all. No, because they'll chop that shit right off.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you're vulnerable.

Speaker 2:

then You're vulnerable then, because they're like, oh okay, he's just showing me a pinky finger, I'll just chop that, I'll eat that thing pinky finger.

Speaker 3:

I'll just chop that. I'll eat that. I'll eat that thing. Dude, when, when, when darth maul was under your bed, did you jump into bed or did? You climb into bed you gotta, you gotta jump man. You can't, you can't leave your your legs dangling off there.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, yeah, no, no, no, yeah, no, no, no, no, kevin. And let me tell you, um, um, when I had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, it was fast, I mean, it was I, I, I think that and there was probably about a good 12 feet from, uh, you know, the edge of my bed to get into the bathroom.

Speaker 2:

I think I one-stepped that wow I think I one-stepped that and just get, get in the bathroom, get that door shut, because they you're cool in your bathroom too when you have the lights on oh, yeah, yeah, for sure so you get that light on as soon as possible, you shut that door and darth maul can't do shit but it's the coming back that always worried you that's where I would get a little bit of a running start from my bathroom and I would one step it again and I would just be under that those covers so quick he was flying michael jordan before michael jordan oh, hey, kevv, you remember the free-flow line dunk from Michael Jordan?

Speaker 2:

I did that every night for three years straight. Of course I didn't walk the dog and rock the cradle, but you know, straight jump. But I'm a white guy. What are you going to do?

Speaker 3:

And this was a life-saving maneuver. This wasn't just a show-off.

Speaker 2:

No, no, no, I wasn't trying to win any dunk contest or anything like that. I was just like, hey man, I'm just trying to make it to the morning so I can deliver my milwaukee journal in sub-zero temperatures, in sub-zero. Thanks dad, thanks dad. Yeah, I always gave my dad shit about that too. I'd be like you're the smartest dude in the world. You know, you got a law degree. I mean, you are just a business mogul, a publishing mogul, all this stuff. Why are we still living in fucking Milwaukee, wisconsin, dad?

Speaker 2:

And he hit finally, after I said that to him, about four or five times over a period of time. You know, I think I was 14 or something like that, 15. Times or a period of time. You know, I think I was 14 or something like that, 15. And he looked back. He goes because I got a job offer that we could you could have grown up in san diego, but your mom nixed it. What job was that? I was. You know this, don't? Yeah, my dad was offered a job publishing, to be literally the president like publisher of Hustler Magazine.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

Flint. Larry Flint offered my dad a shit ton of money to come live in San Diego. When I was, I would have grown up in San Diego. Uh-huh, when I when I was, I would have grown up in San Diego in that beautiful 75 degree, 80 degree temperature right Year round, uh, right on the right on the water and stuff like that. My dad would have had access to the helicopters and all that, and my mom would not let my dad. I don't know why. Can you explain this? Why would why my dad not want my mom or my mom not want my dad to work at hustler magazine?

Speaker 3:

I can't imagine why I'm just trying to think yeah, no, no, no idea why.

Speaker 2:

I'll tell you why yeah there's something that happened about two months before my dad was. You know, because he's my dad's big time magazine publisher at this time this is early 70s. You know, he's's my dad's a big time magazine publisher at this time this is early 70s. You know, he's already the publisher of saturday evening post and you, you can get some of these uh, 1970s issues of saturday evening post. Open it up and says fred frederick tuttle publisher. How cool, yeah. And um, you know, he, he was uh, invited to the Playboy Mansion.

Speaker 2:

This was the one in Chicago. There was a Playboy Mansion back in the early 70s and my mom was there and there was a party and everything like that. And my dad went to the gift shop and there's this little 20-something-year-old bunny Now, my dad's a handsome dude, always has been, doesn't matter how old he was mid-40s, mid-50s, you know, 60s, I mean. Even towards the end he looked like Sean Connery from Hunt for Red October. He's a handsome dude. And there's this little 20-something bunny, perfect body, with the ears on and all that stuff, running the gift shop and my dad gets a pack of cigarettes. My mom's standing right next to him and she's already huffy because the girlie is looking at how my dad. He's a very handsome guy and she says, you know something like 78 cents and my dad pulls out a 20. That's all he had and she goes. Oh, thank you Like. The rest was supposed to be a tip.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And my mom's like what the fuck is that? You know they walked away. And she's like get the change. It's like I can't, you know I can't, and that was that caused like a problem, wow yeah. My mom's like Holy Okay, so you get a. You get right. Even in front of me you get a little, you know with the girlies, huh, okay, fred even in front of me, you get a little, you know with the girlies.

Speaker 2:

Huh, okay, fred, so it had more to do with money than it did the scantily clad women. No, it's like. He's like. My dad was a target of these beautiful women and she thought that that was, uh, you know, maybe something that if she wasn't around, what could have happened? Right? There, oh, yeah, okay and I'm like Dorothy, let me think about this your dad's second wife, the hot chick that looks like Jackie O in the office, and you're worried about that a little bit.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

Speaking of which, did I not follow in his footsteps like perfectly?

Speaker 3:

He was your hero.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he was my hero. And remember we hired Eric and I was like, wow, she's hot man. Yeah, I was like oh, here we go, fred.

Speaker 3:

Thanks Dad.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, dad, you did this to me Anyway, kev.

Speaker 3:

So that was your first one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, second one there's a movie called 47 Meters. It's about sharks and being down underwater 47 meters or whatever, and it's completely dark and I don't know they have this red flare like red light that they light up. Don't know they have this red flare like red light that they light up and as soon as they light this thing up, there's like three or four sharks with their mouth wide open, just ready to eat them got it.

Speaker 2:

Got it, just three more minutes and I remember that freaking me out because you didn't expect it. You expect they were just going to turn on the red light so they can see what's ahead of. But as soon as they did, they showed, uh, this the sharks. And I was like, oh, that was a great jump scare. That freaked me out, out. That was good.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

But the number one one was Kev and and I laugh at this now because when I've watched this movie since you know my teenage years, it's really just a comedy. It's a stupid movie and it's a comedy to me Nightmare on home street, the original one.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I remember, cause, you know, I'm a, I'm a, I'm young at the time when I watch it, and I watch it in the theater when, uh, the girl is dragged across the ceiling. Kevin, that freaked me out, man really I don't know why.

Speaker 2:

I don't know why that one right there had a traumatic effect like I, I, I, I had some trouble sleeping for about three or four nights from that one Holy cow. Yeah, I mean I was. I was young and stupid and I I've never really been exposed to movies like that either. You know, up to that point. Um, I'm good Catholic boy. All I care about is athletics. You know academics, you know I'm fresh from a allboys Jesuit high school for my freshman year. I had a very naive mind and I got coaxed into going to that. That was my first horror movie. I was like that was a bit much.

Speaker 3:

In your adult life you became quite a fan of Freddy Krueger. You used to do the line all the time in the studio and it would just aggravate and aggravate. I'm your new boyfriend.

Speaker 5:

now, nancy, the tongue comes through the phone.

Speaker 2:

I used to do that voice and the devil voice and yeah, she did not like that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, that was not a fan favorite.

Speaker 2:

That was that was. I think it was listed in the divorce oh in the decree huh. Yeah, plus, he does satanic voices and you just don't know with him. I mean, look at him. That's so funny.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, Good stuff. Oh yeah good stuff. Good times, Good times.

Speaker 2:

Alright, kev, what else?

Speaker 3:

do we have? I don't know, I think that's it.

Speaker 2:

What a great show. Good fun, as usual. Can't believe that it's already over. And let me tell you this too Kevin Kline and for those of you listening, I want you to really think about this Kevin does such a great job Editing the video, the YouTube version of this. You really should be checking it out. He adds the cutaways. He does such a great job putting flavor into this thing. If you get a chance to watch these I mean listening to it's fine. Go ahead and download episode uh on your podcast platform.

Speaker 2:

We're on all of them, um, but you know, if you get a chance to, you're at you're at home or something like that, and you know the astros are now down seven, nothing in the third inning and you're just like this sucks, go. Go to youtube, which has been happening often lately. Uh, go to YouTube. Tuttle, cline and punch. In these episodes, kevin does a masterful job, oh thanks buddy, really enhancing them, and I think it's one of the things that really make this one of the best podcasts in the world.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you're going to love this, the way that I ended the Fuzzy Mike episode this week, because I always promote the Tuttle Climb podcast. Basically, the gist of it is you know, if you're not listening to the Tuttle Climb podcast, it's been called the best podcast available on the internet. And who cares that? We're the ones that said it. That's so funny, it is good damn it.

Speaker 2:

I was thinking kev too, because you know I every day I I post a little clip on my story I know I, I see it every time uh, and I was trying to you know I take quotes that people when they dm me or they do comments or stuff like that about the show but I was thinking of like adding one like the greatest piece of entertainment in the history of mankind. If you're not watching or listening to tuttle and klein, you might as well grab a nine millimeter, pull the hammer back and shoot yourself and who's gonna say that?

Speaker 2:

tim tuttle you should do it, that's funny you should do it I was thinking of adding some funny ones here and there. You know just absolutely.

Speaker 2:

That's our show man every one that I've done so far has been hey, this is a legit quote from a listener, you know, or a viewer, or whatever, but I was thinking of adding some, some goofy ones in there. Definitely I will, I will. So, hey, check out the story uh the tunnel inclined story on uh instagram and I'll start posting them to the uh tunnel inclined story on our facebook. But, like us, follow us, rate us, uh, subscribe.

Speaker 2:

I said rate, okay, I know a lot of you're like really, because I've been waiting for a long time to do that.

Speaker 3:

No, oh, speaking of uh what, what's uh the uh. What's going on with the cuckold saga?

Speaker 2:

Uh, I um, for those unaware, I got, uh, I woke up, uh, probably about 10, 12 days ago, to a DM from a lady saying, you know, hey, my husband and I, we, uh, we want to try you know some lifestyle stuff, cord lifestyle, which I have to. I had to look up all this stuff and, uh, we think you'd be a great bear.

Speaker 2:

Uh, what is a bull bull bull, we think you'd be a great bull and I want you to cuckold my husband, you know, which is basically I'm gonna have sex with his wife in front of him and make fun of him and everything like that and treat him like garbage. And I was like, wow, you know, that is, that is the most bold direct message that I've ever gotten in my life. Um, but I finally replied, oh, and you know, and she then she replies back, goes um, yeah, we listen to the podcast. We know, yeah, yeah, she's like, uh, yeah, I didn't mean to. You know, that's cool. Yeah, no, and then you know she sent me pictures.

Speaker 3:

She's really odd oh, really kind of reconsidering I.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, man. I mean, what would you do?

Speaker 3:

You know me. I would have curled up in fetal position in the corner and said please don't email me again.

Speaker 2:

Kev, do you remember? There was this reality star. Her name was Tila Tequila.

Speaker 3:

Totally remember her. Yeah, she was a big MTV star.

Speaker 2:

She looks exactly like Tila Tequila.

Speaker 3:

No kidding.

Speaker 2:

Huh star, she looks exactly like tequila, tequila no kidding, it's a cute lady, yeah, asian woman, yeah, yeah, yeah, you know I'm talking about. Yeah, I was just like I don't know, man, I don't know. You know, once you go there, though, you become that guy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, I'm saying oh yeah, I know exactly what you're saying yeah, but basically it's the um you.

Speaker 2:

The perv in me is fighting with the altar boy. It's the movie Animal House going on. On the left shoulder For shame Lawrence, I'm surprised at you and on the right shoulder, fucker, fucker, brains out shoulder.

Speaker 3:

Fucker, fucker brains out. Do you remember that? Yeah, I do. Did you ever find out what the term bull means?

Speaker 2:

The bull is the guy who is having sex with the woman. The husband's the cuckold. He's the weak human being that's taking it okay, all right, yeah, and I guess there's, I guess there's two kinds of cuckolding. Now it's just like straight cuckolding and now, you know, the woman. It's a turn on for the woman. If the guy comes in and does some stuff to the bowl, the couple guy, yeah. So it's. I mean cap.

Speaker 2:

This is a different world, man I mean I mean you know, mean you know, you and I we would look through a Sears catalog at the underwear section, and you know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I know you remember that. Oh, I totally remember.

Speaker 2:

And now it's just like all bets are off. Man, if you can imagine it. There's been a video of it cut. Thank you, tinder, if you can imagine it.

Speaker 3:

There's been a video of it cut.

Speaker 2:

Thank you, tinder. So crazy, so crazy. Okay, all right, Kev, that's been fun. What do you have? Oh, by the way, please buy some of our merch. We have some really good stuff. Here's a little picture of what it looks like, and then you just go to the Tuttle Cline Facebook. It's got instructions right there. What do you have coming up this week? Kevin Kline.

Speaker 3:

Coming up this week. I'm really getting back into my running, tim. So your brother actually I was going to talk to him about that if he was able to join us he's inspired me to maybe do a special 55th birthday run this year. My birthday is on a Sunday this year, so I could start on a Thursday and still be done in time to record on Monday with you.

Speaker 2:

So there you go. If you're wondering how, how have Tim Tuttle and Kevin Klein, how have they evolved since their radio career? Kevin thinking of more great ways to raise money for pediatric cancer patients through his run and Tim looking to be a bull in a lifestyle cuckold situation. There you go. Aim high.

Speaker 1:

That's it for this episode of the Tuttle Cline Show. See you this Wednesday for an all-new episode. Also, you can catch Tuttle on TV. He is a handsome man, and you can get more Cline on his podcast, the Fuzzy Mike, with new episodes on Tuesday. Stay fuzzy, friends, and thanks for listening to the Tuttle Cline Show.

Speaker 4:

Yo. All right, take the yo out.

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