Tuttle & Kline
Award winning morning radio partners for 25+ years, Tim Tuttle and Kevin Kline share stories and insights through organic conversation and natural humor.
Tuttle & Kline
Ep #50: Hilarious Anecdotes and Milestone Magic
Ever wondered how a chance encounter with a rock legend might feel? Join us on a nostalgic ride as we share personal tales of our Led Zeppelin fandom, including the thrill of meeting icons like Robert Plant. These stories are woven with humorous anecdotes about reckless youthful decisions, the wisdom gained from them, and the serendipitous links between music and life milestones. We laugh, we reminisce, and we indulge in the joy of connecting with listeners who love music as much as we do.
Switching gears, we recount a fascinating golf course conversation that defies stereotypes and brings unexpected connections. This leads into our analysis of Super Bowl 59, where the Eagles' defense stole the show against the Chiefs. We speculate on NFL narratives and what might have been with different matchups.
We pose questions and answer them too, including the challenging question, Can Kline be replaced by poo?
Celebrating a major milestone of our 50th episode, we express heartfelt thanks to our listeners and muse about reaching the big 100. Our usual humor and anticipation shine through as we look forward to the exciting adventures yet to come in our podcast journey.
Welcome to the Tuttle and Klein Show.
Speaker 2:If I say to you tomorrow take my hand, child, come with me. Oh wow, it's to a castle, I will take you. Well, what's to be? They say, would never be.
Speaker 3:So we'd see a spent sail away. Leave the day away up high in the sky.
Speaker 2:Little Zeppelin right there.
Speaker 3:That's a lot of Zeppelin and that sounded really good. I think you could go on tour with the remaining members.
Speaker 2:He said members and I would never. I wouldn't even be in the same room with those guys. I would, yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you would. They're just people bro.
Speaker 2:No man, that would freak me out.
Speaker 3:Really.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that would freak me out. Yeah, I told you the story about how I was down. I was in New Orleans, in the French Quarter, a few years ago with my ex and there was word around that Robert Plant was, uh, you know, in the French quarter too. Okay, and I, you know, I'm, I'm walking around looking for him. But I thought about it later. I'm like I don't even know what I fucking do. If I saw him, I don't even know what I do. Really, I, I wouldn't, I would, I would probably just leave him alone as a favor to him.
Speaker 3:No, you, you would. You could say hi to him for sure.
Speaker 2:I would just be like man, you guys provided the uh soundtrack of my life.
Speaker 3:Yeah, just do what, uh, do what I did with Billy Gibbons at the IAH. I saw him walking towards me. He looked at me, I looked at him, he knew it. Iah, I saw him walking towards me. He looked at me, I looked at him, he knew it. I'm like thanks for all the entertainment. What'd he say? Just kept walking. He said you're welcome, that's it.
Speaker 2:He said you're welcome.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and we both just kept walking in the opposite direction. I love it. Yeah, that's all you.
Speaker 2:Damn, that's cool, see. I would be afraid that Robert Plant would like piss off.
Speaker 3:He'd say piss off. What's wrong with that? That would be awesome.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. Well, I told you about in 87, when you know they were doing the Now and Zen tour at Deer Creek and I threw my Houses of the Holy t-shirt up on the stage.
Speaker 3:I was just getting ready to say you should just walk by him and go.
Speaker 2:I houses of the holy t-shirt up on the stage. I was just getting ready to say you should just walk by him and go. I remember those days. I remember those days, one of the greatest, but what? Like a freeze frame moment in my life. It just stuck right there, I mean and the calf, I'll admit, you know, I'm 18 years old, I'm drunk and high as shit and and trouble memory, you know, with memory during that era. But I remember that moment. I remember the taste in my mouth, the colors, the light, who was standing next to me, who was standing in front of me.
Speaker 3:I remember it like If you're, if you're new to the Tunnel and Klein show, what we're talking about is is Tim's all time favorite band. You know like let me put it to you this way you know the love you have for your first child. Well, that's the love Tim has for Led Zeppelin, because, Led. Zeppelin was his first find.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, you know, Led Zeppelin was born in September of 68, same as me. Boom, you know, they came together had their first uh session, september of 68. That's awesome there you go.
Speaker 2:I mean, it was written in the stars, you know? Yes, it was. Um, I'm sorry, kev, we're diverting like crazy right here just because I come, I come and hum a tune. Uh, coming on to this wonderful podcast, by the way, thank you gotten a bunch of feedback in the past week. Have people stopping me just going? That is a runaway freight train podcast. We love it. We absolutely love it. And the first thing I ask all the time is do you download it or do you just press play? Well, we just press play.
Speaker 3:Yeah, not helping us.
Speaker 2:No, please do us a favor. It's how they keep score, and Please do us a favor.
Speaker 2:It's how they keep score and it opens up opportunities for us. If you're listening to this right now, just real quick on your platform, download the episode. It doesn't take up room on your phone or jam it or clog it or anything like that. Just download the episode and, while you're there, give us a rating. That'd be great too and uh, we'd appreciate it. But yeah, I, uh, yeah, it's uh people like uh what we're doing. So I, I, I enjoy the feedback.
Speaker 3:The quotes you've been putting up on the Instagram uh posts. Those are great quotes I love to. I love reading those.
Speaker 2:Yeah, go to the Tuttle and Klein uh Instagram. Um, I do a daily you know story clip, something from the podcast, and you know I get quotes. I get people texting me and I what I say, what they, what they email or what they message the show. I mean all kinds of different. Because I always ask, and the first, the first thing I'll ask is is do you pull a press play or download? Then I'll be like the first thing I'll ask is do you press play or download? Then I'll be like hey, man, what do you think? Of it yeah.
Speaker 2:And a lot of people I guess don't know that I'm. You know you're going to use it.
Speaker 3:Uh-huh.
Speaker 2:But they'll figure it out when I go. Well, what's?
Speaker 3:your first name and last name.
Speaker 2:There you go and they're like dude. I just saw you for two seconds walking out of church, man. I didn't know I was going to be accosted like this.
Speaker 3:Hey, you know, we're always in show prep mode. Yep, always doing our thing, it's just automatic, but you brought up a couple of different things that I'm staring at our battle plan in my notes that we could just jump right into. If you don't mind, go ahead, okay. Well, where do you want to start? You mentioned New Orleans. The Super Bowl took place in New Orleans. I've got a be honest and a top three. Based on that, let's go. Oh, you want to go on that?
Speaker 1:Okay, let's go. So New Orleans. Here's my be honest for you, be honest.
Speaker 3:Be honest. You talked about seeing Robert Plant, maybe on Bourbon Street, because you have an affinity for the ladies. I want to throw this to you Timmy, be honest. You're walking down Bourbon Street.
Speaker 2:You see a woman you find attractive, you know nothing about her. You invite her back to your hotel. Um, it takes more than that now. Okay, now, now, if you, if you get me, uh, you know, if you ask me in, you know early 20s, yeah, I'd be like fuck. Yeah, how hot is she? Okay, all right, but now I, I don't think I'm there, you know, I, I think I think there needs to be a little bit of a you know, um, unless it's like jessica albert or something like that okay, but yeah, you, you know her, though, because she's a celebrity yeah, oh, yeah, yeah well just talking about josephine schmoe, off the top of the, off the bottom of the street I don't think so because, um, I wouldn't feel comfortable, you know I wouldn't be able to turn my back on them.
Speaker 2:You just never know that's where I was going yeah, you know, robbery or kill, just killing you, or something like that. You know I, you know there's all kinds of whacked out shit out there well, you know why I'm bringing this up, don't you?
Speaker 3:I you?
Speaker 2:know there's all kinds of whacked out shit out there. Well, you know why I'm bringing this up, don't you? No, the last thing, the last thing I want to do is you know, have some hot chick laying on my laying on my hotel floor and I snapped her fucking neck because she tried to stab me or something.
Speaker 3:I see, all right, well, uh, kansas city Telemundo reporter Aiden Manzano is dead. Uh, because, because he met a girl on Bourbon Street and took her back to his hotel and she ended up being a con artist and a murderer, no shit. So the authorities believe that she drugged him, killed him and then took his phone and his credit cards and she used the credit cards the very next day. So that's kind of how they found her. But yeah, he's dead at the age of 39. His wife two months ago died in a car crash. So yeah, wow. But yeah, apparently just met her on the street and they went back and she's like she's a career criminal.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I couldn't, yeah, I wouldn't See. That's the thing is I? I watch a lot of true crime.
Speaker 3:I know, so do we.
Speaker 2:And because of that, I, I mean, I, yeah, I, I have there has to be some kind of pre-screening, vetting, conversational thing.
Speaker 3:That happens, uh, you know, over days or so maybe even over a couple hour coffee, you get a pretty good idea.
Speaker 2:after a couple hour coffee, you get a pretty good idea after a couple hours, if I sit down and have a coffee with you and it's one on one where I can look you in the eye. Another thing is looking you in the eyes, I can tell if somebody's home or not by looking them in the eyes.
Speaker 3:It's on the timing 20-something Timmy? Yeah, probably so.
Speaker 2:And I think of that, Kevin the positions that I put myself in again, with my high-velocity adrenaline activities, combined with the position that I put myself in on numerous occasions, I am shocked that I made it to 25 years old.
Speaker 3:Well, I have a file on my computer that says I should have died and all the different stupid stuff that we used to do growing up. That we're lucky we're like Keith Richards man. We're lucky to be alive still.
Speaker 2:Oh it's, it's, it's staggering, it's staggering and it just makes me sick to my stomach because I have kids, yeah, and I have a good idea of who they are. They're really good kids, well-behaved, they have parameters. I've got to give their moms credit. Erica and Kathy are phenomenal mothers, so they put guardrails up life guardrails up on them really well. But you never 100% know. You never 100% know what they're doing. I mean, you know, I know that you know the ones over 21,. You know Audrey and Joe. I know they party a little bit. Nothing excessive. You know nothing like I did. Nothing excessive, nothing like I did, thank God. I mean Kev. There's no acid, no mushrooms, no weed. There's none of that going on. So I think I don't know if there is. I mean I have no grounds to say anything. I really don't, because I did it myself. Yeah.
Speaker 3:Wow, but like you said, man, your, your kids are so, uh, they're so stable, dude, you know they're, they're, like you said, great kids, all four very well behaved.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and again, I um um, their, their moms, all the heavy lifting, all the credit in the world goes they did, did, they did. All heavy lifting. You know I was very good, just like with the radio show Kev, I'm macro, dad, I'm macro. You know I'm great at guidelines and I'm great at the fireside chat pulling you out of the doldrums. You know I'm great at that. And you know, when I did spend time, get a chance and I still do get a chance to spend time, we have a lot of fun, oh sure, and stuff. But you know I'm more hit and run. Erica and Kathy, they do the heavy lifting and they do a fantastic job. Regardless of what happened materialized between us individually, personally, I will always love, adore and be appreciative of both of those women for how they have taken care of my children.
Speaker 3:You know you were talking about. You know, I do know I don't know. You know about your kids and stuff. Well, trish did something interesting yesterday and it is astonishing how much AI knows about us.
Speaker 2:Tim, this is scary shit man. Oh yeah, I'm very intrigued by this. What did she do? She did like a mean tweets thing with AI.
Speaker 3:I asked ChatGPT to make up mean tweets about Tuttle and Klein using everything AI knows about the two of you.
Speaker 2:See how far, how far does AI know us?
Speaker 3:Wait until you hear I just saved four of them. Okay, she came up with like 12 of them and I just cut it down to the top four. How brutal are they? Oh my God, dude, I don't. I guess they listen. Ai listens to the show. Here you go. Uh Klein, trying to rein in Tuttle's political rants and conspiracy theories is like trying to stop a train wreck with a paper towel.
Speaker 2:But this is AI generated, so they listen to our podcast.
Speaker 3:I have no idea. Here's another one.
Speaker 2:And let me just say this to the AI robots out there yeah, conspiracy theories, the shit that all came true.
Speaker 3:Here's another one. If Klein had a dollar for every time he had to stop Tuttle from going off on a political tangent, he'd be able to hire a full-time therapist. Oh wait he already has one AI dude, so wait a minute. So so these robots like listen to every episode or something. I don't know, but all Trish put in was Tuttle and Klein podcast. Uh, what do you know about Tuttle and Klein?
Speaker 3:OhPT, that's great Two more. Can someone just get Todd to host the show already? At least he makes sense half the time. Plus, we like him better and he's funnier than both Tim and Kevin. Hashtag the Todd Show, Tim's brother, Todd, who was on with us last week.
Speaker 2:That's awesome.
Speaker 3:This is my favorite one and the last one right here. This is a mean tweet from chat GPT AI about us. Tuttle's ex-wives and girlfriends are probably getting together for their own podcast about the chaos that is Tuttle Meanwhile clients over there making sure the audio levels are perfect for each episode. Meanwhile clients over there are making sure the audio levels are perfect for each episode, so true. My God, is that nuts or what?
Speaker 2:That's crazy. So basically, what you're saying is somewhere out in the ether or wherever. Every word we're saying on the podcast is being transcribed and dissected and wow, I have to believe that, based on those four mean tweets.
Speaker 3:Wow.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and AI is funnier than I am. The exact AI is funnier than I am, the exact ai's funnier than I am. The new podcast should be todd and ai.
Speaker 3:Oh my god, that's so funny I love it.
Speaker 2:That's great stuff, yeah thank you, thank you hey, uh, and I I'm kind of curious to what ai is going to think of a conversation I had with my neighbor.
Speaker 3:You're talking a lot to your neighbors lately.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's crazy, kev, I've become kind of the wisdom guy. You know, you've always had wisdom, but you know, now even like strangers, like new people, like you know, I've heard that you can maybe help me out with this and I'm like what's your name? I mean, that's how that, yeah, that's how two or three people. I just walk up to me and I'm just, I'm just going to get my mail, or you know what I'll do sometimes now, kev, is I'll put a trade in and instead of just watching it work or whatever, I'll just go take a little walk. And when I'm taking these little walks to, while my trade plays out, you know my, my, uh futures trade trip plays out, my day trading. Um, you know somebody else who stopped me it's happened twice in the past two weeks, wow. And one of them, um, I mean I, I, I, I like hardly knew this dude at all. I mean, it's just one of those. You see him every so often. You the upward head nod.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And he came to me with looking for a quote. Unquote consultation.
Speaker 3:To charge him.
Speaker 2:No, I, I, although I'm thinking.
Speaker 3:Why not?
Speaker 2:You know I'm thinking because, uh, um he, he grills out some really good stuff. You know, not only am I front row for the pool, but the grills are over here. All four of the community grills, gas grills. So I know who in this neighborhood is good, good grill master, and this guy's one of them.
Speaker 3:Dude, I can totally see you setting up like a lucy from peanuts kissing booth or advice $5.
Speaker 2:Exactly. But he comes up and he goes um, you know I, I've seen you, you know I've seen very, uh, pretty young, uh ladies, you know, coming in and out of your place. You know, uh, and you know I have a son who you know is dating someone, and I just kind of want to know what your thoughts are on it. His, his son, is dating somebody that has like a, a nose ring.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:And I was like, hey, okay, I have cause. I've I've thought about this, I've gone through this, I've had discussions about this and this just based on my evaluation and you know what I've discovered in regards to what you see when you see piercings and rings and stuff like that. And I'm going to go through them, kev. And I just want a little disclaimer out there. This is not set in stone. I mean, this is just the guideline. Okay, I don't want anybody pissed off. If you know you have a nose ring and you don't like what I off. If you know you, you have a nose ring and you don't like what I have to say. Or you have a thumb ring and you don't like it, what I have to say there's always exceptions to the rule, always, always.
Speaker 2:This isn't everybody, but for the most for the most part, and I told him this. I said uh well, sir, you know, nose ring to to me. What comes to mind is she's saying I have other piercings and if we vibe, you'll definitely get to see them. That's tame.
Speaker 3:There's nothing wrong with that. Nobody's going to take offense to that.
Speaker 2:Let's move on to thumb ring. Thumb ring. I asked him. I said, well, she'd have a thumb ring and he goes. Well, I didn't look at her, I was just so mesmerized by the nose ring I didn't even look uh, you know for other stuff and I said, well, thumb ring to me. Is her saying hey, I don't like to advertise and you may have to do some hard work to get there. Advertise and you may have to do some hard work to get there, but I do enjoy anal. Oh my god, that's what a thumb ring says, just based on a thumb ring just based on collective data and information over the years.
Speaker 2:Now I know there's a lot of women out there with a thumb ring going. Nobody's putting it in there. I get it. I'm just doing an overall generalization here.
Speaker 3:Yeah, like an umbrella An umbrella Eyebrow ring. Uh-huh.
Speaker 2:If she has an eyebrow ring. These are the true freaks.
Speaker 3:The true freaks.
Speaker 2:Yeah, these are the women who are saying hey, my first base is two in the pink and one in the stink, oh, my God, jeez, and you will not have to wait for a second date. Wow Again, this is general. I don't want to get any. You know harsh feelings from anybody with an eye ring going no, no, no, you have to work for it. You know harsh feelings from anybody with an eye ring going no, no, no, you have to work for it. You know, yeah, I'm okay with what you said.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean, you know, every once in a while you find a unicorn.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, exactly, you know what I'm saying. Yeah. Then he, you know, after I'm laying those out, he's like, well, you know what I'm saying, yeah, um. Then he, you know, after I'm laying those out, he's like, well, you know, I, he was, he was uh dating somebody before that had the tongue ring. What do you know about the tongue ring?
Speaker 2:oh, I can't wait to hear this one I said no, sir, I don't know whether this happened and I don't want you to judge his ex. Uh, you know based on. But a tongue ring says I measure my fellatio and ass-eating sessions in hours, not minutes. And kev also tongue ring yeah, no knows exactly how many licks it takes to get the center of a tootsie pop exactly all right yeah, I have to ask this, you know, is this based on personal experience or is this based on just a general knowledge?
Speaker 3:yes, okay, all right, there we go. There's your answer. There's your answer kev.
Speaker 2:Just you know some personal experience in there, thrown in with um, you know I, I mean I, I've always, you know me, I, I, I always like to ask questions, oh yes, you do even if, if I have nothing going on with the woman or whatever, I'll ask her questions, you know, based on you know.
Speaker 3:Hey, I noticed you had a thumb right which I don't know if we're done with this particular topic, but there is something that you submitted on the battle plan that I can't wait to dig into.
Speaker 2:What are you talking about?
Speaker 3:You actually had a conversation with a trans woman and asked questions?
Speaker 2:Absolutely, why not?
Speaker 3:I didn't know. You could ask questions.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, I, I again, I go into, I I'll talk to anybody, I don't care.
Speaker 3:Oh, so will I. I have a natural curiosity about almost everything, but at what point do you talk to a trans person and they take offense to your questions?
Speaker 2:I have. I I guess I can disarm them with a smile or something like that, because I I never have have had any problems.
Speaker 3:Great Billy Corgan lyric. By the way, I just sorry.
Speaker 2:I had a chat with a trans woman. She was about two stalls over on the driving range and I did a double take, very hot, very attractive. And I walked behind her stall and was watching her hit and right behind her stall was the bucket of water where you clean your clubs. And I just flat out said, hey, what are your pronouns? Oh, and she kind of was taken back, seemed a little taken back. She goes well, how do you know? How did you know? And I was like, come on, you're as tall as me, you have giant hands and you're piping your driver 275, 280 every time. And she laughed. She laughed she goes, yeah, yeah, she goes, yeah, um, and we had just started talking. I was just talking, you know, having a conversation about golf with her and, and, um, she, before we, before we were, uh, before we kind of separated, she goes, you know, I, I'm kind of surprised how cool you are. And I said what she said for a MAGA guy, you're very, very cool. I was like, well, how did you know that? And she said, well, you're, come and take it. Golf towels, a dead giveaway. Yeah, I, just, I just, you know, we wrapped it up. We had a nice little talk.
Speaker 2:I was like, hey, man, you know the thing that you're propagandists that you listen to. You know that what the things that they say about us, people like us, is incorrect. We, we really don't care what you do, we don't we, absolutely we just want to be left alone and you know, we want, you know, our families to be okay and, you know, have the freedom that the constitution gives us and everything. I, we don't care. I mean God blessed you. I mean you, you made a move in your life and you're, you're comfortable now and you're happy now and you found love now with with someone, and that's fantastic. Don't care, don't judge. You know, all we care about is we want to be left alone and the constitution's the fucking law of the land. Don't trample on it. That's all we care about. Okay, yeah, and she said that doesn't sound unreasonable. We're kind of the same way. We want to be left alone.
Speaker 2:I was like yeah. I said yeah, most of us are cool, or okay, it's the powers that be that are trying to divide us with rhetoric. You know. I told her you would look at me and be like, well, this guy probably hates me or I don't like him or whatever. That's all based on the divide and conquer agenda that's out there. You know, I don't care what you do I mean and what do you think of me. Are we cool? And she goes god, I think you're one of the nicest guys I've I've talked to in a long time. I said good, tell your friends and make sure they download download the episode please.
Speaker 2:I I think she may be actually listening because I, I, I did, uh, that did come up, uh in the conversation. So anissa anissa, if you're out there, um, hey how you doing. I'm glad you're here and that was a great conversation that we had. And damn does she hit a right to left ball. That is just right, you know awesome little, perfect, little draw, you know perfect there you go.
Speaker 2:You got another one for your foursome if you see a six two anissa in the cinco ranch katie richmond area on a golf course and she's wanting to play for money, keep your fucking wallet in your pocket you're going home lighter you're going home lighter, she's going to own your car by the 17th hole. Um, yeah, all right, let's, let, let's, let's get uh down to brass tacks here. Um Superbowl 59. What the fuck was that?
Speaker 3:Uh, you know what? It was the third quarter. The chiefs were down 34 to nothing and I turned to my wife and I said do you realize, if this was Little League baseball, that game would be over. They would have mercy ruled them. That was that. That was a beat down.
Speaker 2:I don't remember a beat down like that and maybe you can remember one since the Bears 85, you know 86.
Speaker 3:Super Bowl. I do remember that one. Yes, that was a massive, that was a shellacking.
Speaker 2:The defense, just completely annihilating them, not even letting them cross the 50-yard line until the fourth quarter. That is unbelievable, and I'm a little angry at the NFL. You were so into the agenda of getting Taylor Swift and and Travis Kelsey to New Orleans that you really blew the game, because, I'll tell you this right now, the Buffalo Bills, baltimore Ravens and even the Houston Texans would have given Philadelphia a better game than that you think, even with that defense, the way they were playing, I have Philadelphia was destined to win the Super Bowl this year but it wouldn't have been the shellacking like that against Baltimore for sure, and likely Buffalo and Houston.
Speaker 3:That defense just made the Chiefs look amateur.
Speaker 2:The Chiefs all year were, you know, paper tiger man, I mean, it was spit and gum man. Uh, coupled with some very, very timely calls by the referees to help boost them to where they were. I thought we were gonna.
Speaker 3:I thought we were gonna see a replay of that kind of crap, with the very first penalty call against aj brown yeah, not a push off. But then the very next call went against the Chiefs because that was not a hit to the head by McDuffie. It was not. It should not have been unnecessary roughness.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:I agree. But here's the thing Was it just me, or did the Chiefs look slow?
Speaker 2:They looked really slow on offense and on defense they looked really slow on offense and on defense it kevin looked. It just looked like to me that they had no desire. I mean, it was a hunger thing. It was a. It was a hunger thing. I think that they realized early on like we're gonna get our ass kicked today and they didn't want to put forth the effort to fight through it. They're they down to mentally and it could have been subconsciously. It's like I already got two rings, man. I don't want to go through the pain that it would take to even make this a game. I think they quit.
Speaker 3:So do you think we've seen the last of Travis Kelsey?
Speaker 2:No, I don't think he's going out with that bad taste in his mouth. Okay, I don't think, I don't think he's going out with that bad taste in his mouth. Okay, I don't think he is. That that's a tough. That's a tough way to end it.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:However, he's got a lot of uh options. I mean, you know he, he's gonna. He's gonna be making movies. You know he's one of those guys that's going to follow the rock, going to follow John Cena. You know he's going to make movies. You know he's connected with Taylor Swift. He's got his podcast is one of the best podcasts in the world, one of the highest. You know he's got a lot of options and he may just be like I don't want to go through the bullshit, but I would be surprised as a football player, cause he can still play the game If he, if he lets that be his the last memory of him just completely being destroyed.
Speaker 3:Well, mahomes, after the game, said that he didn't say anything about Travis Kelsey coming back. He said that's his decision, if he wants to go through the grind or not. He still has a lot of football left in him. It's just does he want to go through the grind? I think that we have seen the last of him. He's going to go out the same way that his brother went out losing the Super Bowl, and one of the main reasons that I say this is because his girlfriend got booed at the Super Bowl. Got booed at the Super Bowl. The NFL is not going to highlight her as much next year if he is in the league, so doesn't have anything to prove anymore yeah, that was, uh, that was crazy.
Speaker 2:Now, yeah, the the media won't let you see it because they have their own agendas, but taylor swift was soundly booed from inside of that stadium when they put her up on the screen and trump was cheered, cheered. I I couldn't believe it and of course you're never gonna see that on our propaganda media but you heard it though. Oh yeah, did you see how quickly the camera got away from it?
Speaker 3:when they flashed to him, they the cheer went up, a massive cheer huge cheers and quickly the camera cut.
Speaker 2:You know uh got it got out of there because you know they get. They got to maintain their fucking bullshit.
Speaker 3:So but yeah, that was not a good game, not a good game at all.
Speaker 2:Very, very disappointing product on the field. I was and again, that's all I was thinking I was like you know what, God, I would love to see what Lamar Jackson and and Derek Henry would have done here.
Speaker 3:Well, if you believe the conspiracy theorists, you'll get your opportunity next year, because Super Bowl 60 logo has already been released and the background is purple and the main color is also light blue. So they're saying that look out for a Detroit, baltimore, super Bowl in.
Speaker 2:Super Bowl 60. That's hilarious.
Speaker 3:Well, we'll check and see if it is.
Speaker 2:I think that that's the end and I kept again. I hate to say this. I think that's the next. I guess narrative that the NFL wants and will push along is getting Lamar Jackson off the schneid.
Speaker 3:OK.
Speaker 2:I think that I think that they're, I think that they're wanting him. It would be good for the product to have him in the big game.
Speaker 3:I don't disagree with that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think that's the best narrative and I like your Detroit narrative, but I also like the Jaden Daniels narrative.
Speaker 3:That's not my narrative. That's just what the conspiracy theorists are saying after the release of the super bowl logo. I don't see detroit making it. You know, dan campbell said two years ago that your window of opportunity is so small. They lost their offensive coordinator and their defensive coordinator to head coaching positions and other teams. I just I don't see them making a run and I'm not convinced that golf is the guy no, I, I, I'm, you know, I they that this was their window.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean this, this was their window. I I think uh washington is gonna load up and uh billy ain't going anywhere. Yeah, exactly so. And I and got to tell you we found out on Super Bowl Sunday that Aaron Rodgers was flushed by the Jets.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 2:And I think that there's some teams out there that are just that one piece away. They have good rosters, kind of like what we saw with Tom Brady in 2020 with the Buccaneers. Uh-huh, in 2020 with the Buccaneers. That that may, uh, may, be a surprise next year. Um it, you know Aaron Rogers, cause he doesn't want to go out that way either. Right, I think he will come. I'd be very surprised if he walked away now. I think. I think that he will be. Uh, yeah, he's licking his wounds right now a little bit, and I think this would be a good, a nice. As we talked about last week, you know, or the week before, you know, this is a nice little reset reboot.
Speaker 3:You got smacked in the face do you think um uh, the the mvp should have gone to? Uh, jalen hurts. I mean, he had a great game, but what about?
Speaker 2:that there was two guys on the defense. Josh sweat was the mvp of game.
Speaker 3:Well, I think Kevin Burkhart was the MVP of that game for having to carry Tom Brady. God, he's horrible. Oh my God, dude. You and I could have done better color commentary than that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I want to give Tom the benefit of the doubt. It was too much, too soon for him. Yeah, I mean, you got to give. He is the goat and he's got the name and he's got the looks and everything like that. You got to give him a couple years to get his shit together in the broadcast booth. You do, you just do. Yeah, I mean that. That should have been uh, who who's fox's other guy, is it? Uh? Greg olsen yeah, greg, ol Isn't Aikman, or is Aikman on a different?
Speaker 3:Aikman's on prime for Thursday Night Football.
Speaker 2:I would because I was thinking about that too is I would love to have had Olson or Aikman on this, or even Romo on this game.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we didn't learn anything from Tom Brady until the game was already out of reach, and then he's telling stories about his days playing.
Speaker 2:But we didn't. During the game, up until like the fourth quarter, we got nothing from him. Well, kev, let me tell you this even though you say that about tom brady um, outside of the philadelphia eagles, he was the biggest winner of the super bowl how so? Because, uh, it's gonna be a while before people start talking about Patrick Mahomes goat shit yeah, yeah yeah, but yeah, you know, brady didn't say it.
Speaker 2:You know or even allude to it. You know because he's a class guy, but he's just like you guys are way too quick to come at me with that that Patrick Mahomes stuff.
Speaker 3:Mahomes did, considering his offensive line wasn't there. He did have a decent game. I mean, he was the highlight of their offense.
Speaker 2:It was all during trash time.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:It was Kev.
Speaker 3:He and Xavier Worthy anyway.
Speaker 2:They pulled the. He scored a touchdown on his own. You know, when it was 40 to six, they were pulling the starters already. Yeah. So that that was trash time. You know that, that that last you know 16 points was trash time.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:And yeah, great, great catch by worthy and all that stuff and the bomb or whatever, but that was against a second string defensive backs, against, uh, uh, second string defensive backs. So, yeah, I, yeah, I, I, I, I bet you believe me. He boosted his, his stats. Uh, because I was watching his stats, you know, after every series and I was like man, this is a historic dump right here. This is terrible in terms of he. He is about to go down in history as the worst starting quarterback in Super Bowl history. You know worse than you know the Patriots 85, 86 quarterback. You know worse. This is terrible. And then he got the trash time boost.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it was tough to watch. It was really tough to watch and I'm not even a Chiefs fan, I'm just I like good football and that was just not good football.
Speaker 2:I got to ask Kev because you you know you got a lot of family that are Chiefs fans how quiet was Sunday night.
Speaker 3:Well, it was just Trish and me watching the game together. And Tim, I'm going to be honest with you, if I had a penny penny which Trump's getting rid of the penny, by the way but if I had a penny for every time, my wife said, fuck me, dude, I'd be a billionaire. It was every play man oh yeah oh yeah, every play.
Speaker 2:Kevin, and that was without the blitz. That was just four dudes. No blitz at all that. That was four dudes.
Speaker 3:Blitz that was just four dudes. No blitz at all.
Speaker 2:That was four dudes just pinning their ears back and saying we own the night. Yeah, that's what that was. And, kev, I like it because most of them are third, fourth, fifth-round picks. Uh-huh, yeah, I love that. That's a great story. Now, you know, I'm getting texts from Audrey. You know she's, this is a boring game. I'm like, yeah, you're, you're generation, generation Z, you're used to offensive shootouts like a video game. This is the kind of shit that we grew up on. You know, yeah, where you know a defense would just dig in and say, uh-uh.
Speaker 3:Well, and you heard it after the game defense wins the championships, totally, absolutely, defense wins the championships. So you know, a good defense is going to shut down a good offense. We've seen it time and time again.
Speaker 2:I think that this season is a watermark season because we'll have now a new era. We'll have now a new era. We are going to go from the you know the shootout era, from the you know the air raid era, to more ball control, more running.
Speaker 2:We saw that Look at the successful teams this year all had a running game and that sets your quarterback up for success. Where they're not facing, you know, heavy duty defensive pressure, because it's eight in the box man, they can. They can do a play, action, pass and find somebody open with some separation, you know. So that does your quarterback some favor. But you're also going to see more of a concentration on defense. That's what we saw A lot of a lot of. You know it's a copycat league. Of course it is. So you know it's a copycat league.
Speaker 2:Of course it is. So you know, this year you watch the draft Everybody's going to be looking for defensive linemen, offensive linemen, good running back.
Speaker 3:Okay, so what sucked worse the game or halftime?
Speaker 2:God man, I don't want to again. The last thing I want to do is be the old guy at the bar. But I and I love hip hop. I mean, you know me, kev. I mean I grew up on Ice-T, you know Public Enemy. I love Cool Moe D. I mean I was a basketball player so I was injected into the whole hip hop thing. I love it. But I just do not understand that at all. I walked away. I just said, oh, I'm going to take a shower.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it was unbelievably piss poor. I couldn't understand a single word Kendrick Lamar was saying.
Speaker 2:I don't get it and you know I, I again. The kids, they like him. You know Audrey Jonas. The kids, you know Dallas, they like him. I don't understand it.
Speaker 3:Let me ask you this, okay, because you're a marketing guy, who who's the target audience of the Super Bowl? 18 to 34 on TV, right, because if you look in the stands there ain't no 18 to 34 in the stands.
Speaker 2:Can't afford it well, no, 18 to 30, but that's not. The halftime show is not for them, it is for the tv audience right, okay, so all right 18 to 34.
Speaker 3:They might have hit a home run then with kendrick lamar exactly.
Speaker 2:I mean, you know, but you, if you go to see, if you go to uh like x and the social media, I mean, and I sent you a, a snap, yeah, of probably the most winning tweet on the night. I don't know if you have that here, kev, if you can post that, but yeah, this is for all disabled people everywhere, thank you.
Speaker 3:Well, I don't know if you saw this or not, but I read it this morning. It actually happened yesterday. The NFL regrets their decision to make Kendrick Lamar and they have issued a letter of apology to Lil Wayne.
Speaker 2:Why? Why is that?
Speaker 3:Because everybody thought Lil Wayne should have been the halftime entertainment, because he's from New Orleans and that's where the game was played, they did not ask Lil Wayne to be a part of it. And because the ratings and the feedback about Kendrick Lamar's performance is so horrible, they sent him a letter of apology saying we should have reconsidered.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I didn't even think of that. I mean, I know there was a lot of new Orleans flavor. I mean, you had Harry Connick jr Up there. Yeah. So how do you leave out little Wayne? I know, I know, okay, I didn't even think of that, kev. I oh, okay, I didn't even think of that.
Speaker 3:Kev, I didn't either, until I read it this morning.
Speaker 2:I didn't even think of it, but that's how bad it was that the NFL's apologizing. Yeah Well, has Kendrick Lamar said anything?
Speaker 3:No.
Speaker 2:See again, and this is why we're going to do this right now. I mean, I'm very limited on what I know and what I hear because I'm off the grid. I check X slash Twitter every so often, but I don't do any social media and I don't watch the propaganda news. So what's going on in the world? What did I miss over the past week that I probably should know about?
Speaker 3:Well, we've already talked about a couple of different things. You know the Telemundo KC reporter who got murdered at the Super Bowl. Then we also just talked about the NFL sending a letter of apology to Lil Wayne.
Speaker 2:Here's something you know the name, luigi Mangione, of course you do the guy who shot the Health South or the the United?
Speaker 3:Health. Yeah, ceo yeah. Ceo.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:Do you know how much he has raised on? It's called Give Send Go campaign and it's been set up by the December 4th legal committee.
Speaker 2:He's raised $300,000 for his legal defense. Oh man, I mean there's again. There's anger out there, man against healthcare pharmaceuticals. I mean there's anger.
Speaker 3:People got hurt, people have been hurt, man yeah yeah, and he's going to accept the money, by the way. Why wouldn't he?
Speaker 2:What else is he going to do?
Speaker 3:Remember we talked about that asteroid a little while ago.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, we're going to die in 2032, according to your last report.
Speaker 3:Well, the chances of that have increased. According to scientists, it used to be a 1 in 83 chance. Now it's a 1 in 79 chance. They're still not saying that it caused for alarm, though.
Speaker 2:You know I was thinking about that after you gave that report that we have, like, an asteroid that's supposed to hit us in 2032. Yeah, if the powers that be, you know the axis of evil, the billionaires, and you know the people who hate the world and hate humanity, if they had an opportunity, I think they would steer us into that. I think they're rooting for the asteroid.
Speaker 3:Go asteroid go.
Speaker 2:You just get that feeling. You know all these eugenicists who want everybody dead because you know we're a virus human population. They'd be just like hey, is there any way that we could move Earth just a little bit, you know, to the right?
Speaker 3:Yeah, tilt it just a little more.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we got some time to get it done, you know. Oh yeah, I'm just saying what else is happening, kev.
Speaker 3:Those are about the only interesting things that are happening. Most everything else is just politics. It's you know about Trump trying to get rid of the penny. Also, you know the tariffs that are being enacted and you told us why the tariffs are being enacted last week and I mean it makes sense to me.
Speaker 2:Why did it take Trump to do an executive order on a penny? Are these ass clowns that mathematically challenged? If it takes two cents to make a one-cent penny, why are you making it?
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 2:You're losing money right out of the box.
Speaker 3:Yeah, not a good business decision.
Speaker 2:They just don't. They don't give a fuck about money. They're just like hey man, it's not our money. And if we really run low the federal print, yeah, we'll just print some more. And fuck you. Inflation it's which is just a tax on us, it's another tax on us. Fuck you, we'll just print more, fuck you.
Speaker 3:The other thing, and this will get us into more Super Bowl talk what ad do you think won the Super Bowl according to the ad meter?
Speaker 2:Kev. The one that got me was the Google Pics one where you know the little girl growing up and he's talking to the AI about his job qualifications, and he dropped his little girl off up. And he's talking to the AI about his job qualifications, and he dropped his job.
Speaker 3:That was a great one, oh man.
Speaker 2:I was like oh, why did you do that? Man, don't do that. I was like cause it reminded me of when I dropped Audrey off at Texas tech.
Speaker 3:Uh-huh.
Speaker 2:And yeah, that was my personal favorite one. What? What are the uh analysts saying?
Speaker 3:uh. Matt damon, david beckham, stella artois yeah that was a great one. My favorite one was seal seal space on an actual seal. When he that was hilarious dude. It was for mountain dew, baja blast iast.
Speaker 2:I'm just wondering why it took so long to do that, Aren't you, though? I mean, Seal has been in the American spotlight for 30 years now, man. Why did it take 30 years for somebody to say you know what would be really, really hilarious If we put Seal's face on an actual seal?
Speaker 3:really hilarious if we put seal's face on an actual seal and you, you were, you were marketing. As I mentioned before those advertising meetings, that's what they do.
Speaker 2:They sit around and they just start brainstorming and throwing ideas out and somebody says seal's face on a seal and and boom, suddenly the room, like you can feel a feel a cold air in the room, go, that's it man. Yeah, I love it when I do that. When I, when I'm doing creative for you know, idea or whatever and I, I, I like, throw out an idea and then the room gets quiet, they're like oh you know, I hate to tell him, but tuttle's got this one again.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that used to be a big feather in my cap and whenever we would have brainstorming sessions with uh, the q morning zoo, with tuddling the client show, and we'd all just sit around and throw ideas out. And I'd throw ideas out and tim would say hey, you know what claim. There's no bad ideas in a brainstorm, except yours except, except that one.
Speaker 2:I know, man, I was such a dick to you, I was such a dick to everybody it was funny I just I never took that personal.
Speaker 3:Are you kidding me?
Speaker 2:all I was doing the whole time? Well, some people did kev. All I was doing for my whole 26 year radio career was just keeping my comedy knife sharp. Take no prisoners I exactly. None of it was ever personal and there was enough that I jabbed myself, you know, to offset some of it right where you could see what I was doing. I was very self-deprecating, yeah.
Speaker 3:No bad ideas, klein, except yours.
Speaker 2:Except yours. That was terrible. What the fuck was that?
Speaker 3:We got interns over here who are more creative.
Speaker 2:Jesus Christ, I'll go to the bathroom and take a shit and ask him for a better idea.
Speaker 3:That was one of the lines that he used.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Client can't come in today. He's not feeling well. Well, that's okay, I'll go take a dump and put some headphones. On the dump it's the kumarang zoo with tim tuttle and pile of shit. I know a lot of you're saying right now there's no difference. I'm so sorry am I laughing?
Speaker 3:I'm laughing. You deserve better.
Speaker 2:No, that's cool, that's funny, that's funny now I want, I want to offset this you do uh, by by a little self-deprecation. You know, I know I was kind of a dick for a couple minutes there. Uh, yeah, I I've been, um, my sister, tina has done some unbelievable work, um, going through the ancestry, our ancestry, particularly on the title side right now, right, and I'm I've been contemplating after reading some of this, just thinking about you know my ancestors a lot over the past few weeks.
Speaker 3:Well, we found out that you're a descendant of Aaron Burr. Yes, and you're related to Bill Burr, correct, which would now make you related to Billy Corgan from Smashing Pumpkins.
Speaker 2:Oh, is he related to Bill Burr?
Speaker 3:Apparently they're half brothers.
Speaker 2:No shit, how is that possible?
Speaker 3:share the same dad, so bill burr's dad was fucking around he's pissed. Uh, howie mandel on his podcast was the one that brought this up, with billy corgan as a guest, and apparently it's true wow, did they do a dna test or something like that?
Speaker 3:I don't know if Burr actually wants to do a DNA test, but he has come out and said I am none too pleased that this information is out there because apparently I don't know if he liked his dad or didn't like his dad, but yeah, and he's like you know. And what narcissistic asshole names two kids William, bill, billy. That's so crazy.
Speaker 2:That's so crazy, you know. I know Bill has, you know, had a rough upbringing. His dad was pretty much a dick Right.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But you know he had. You know he loves his dad. From what I've gotten from his, you know his fireside chats, his podcast, and you know even some of the standup. I don't even know if his dad's around anymore, though, either. I'm not sure. Um, I should know, since you know his dad's my seventh cousin or something, but that's, that is uh. Wow, that is a lot to uh to unpeel right there. Cav, yeah, there's a lot there. I mean, you're right, he named Bill. What's the age difference? They're about the same, you know. I know Bill Burr is three months older than me. July of 68.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:Billy Corrigan. Is he old? I think he's a little bit older, Not by much. I think it is Wow, that's so close yeah and then I mean sure, bill burr's dad's a dick for doing that or whatever. But uh, yeah, if you're firing, uh, you know some, some shots, and two of those shots become top of the line entertainers, there's got you. There's something to be said about your jizz, man, exactly yeah am I right?
Speaker 3:yes, sir, you're right. So what are you finding out about your ancestry?
Speaker 2:I, I I just I'm just from what I'm reading in terms of, uh, you know the stories and everything like that, because a lot of it is, you know, not just quantitative, like who they are, it's like qualitative. You know what they did and whatever I I, I think that each generation that I go back, they're twice as strong as the previous one, or they are twice as strong as the subsequent one. You know, like, like my dad, world war ii vet at the age of 17. You know pacific theater, you know all that stuff. Um, go back to his dad. I mean his dad like built the family house and was a pillar of the community of Milwaukee, the city of Milwaukee, you know and then his pressure there right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then his dad before him he like migrated the family from you know a farm in New York to Wisconsin and began to build the you know the total empire you know. And then his dad before him was in the civil war, fighting in the civil war, highly decorated. So I'm just like, wow, man, these guys just get tougher every generation that I go back.
Speaker 3:Well, there's two thoughts to that. Okay, and you as a parent would probably go with this thought is you go through hardships so that the next generation doesn't have to right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but you know, kev, that's all well and good, if there was just a little bit more there. I mean me. I get tired after running a couple hours of errands and I have to take a nap.
Speaker 3:Well, that leads me to the second part of it is that we have become soft. We are a softer species than what they previously were. That's just a fact.
Speaker 2:Totally mean absolutely. I I always think of that. You know, when I I I conceptualize my dad graduated high school early, just to be in world war ii at 17. He's in world war ii. And if you would have told me, hey, you need to go fight a world war when I was 17, I'd have been like fuck you, dude, I'm gonna go get high. Are you crazy? I'm not getting killed for this shit right yeah yeah, they were different breed man.
Speaker 2:They were different breed like, like he, if you think about it, my dad, he'd made the decision. He was so pissed off from, you know, the Japanese and the Germans and shit like that, that you know, and that shit started when all started, when my dad was, what, 12, 13 years old. All that shit started. So he's growing up and he's a teenager and stuff like that, like that. You know, 13, 14, 15, just all pissed off, just like god.
Speaker 2:They motherfuckers, you know, and you know he, my dad, was a baller too, a great punter, a great quarterback, you know. Yes, they didn't have the face masks back in his era at rufus king high school, uh, but he was like a baller. But all he's thinking about is I just I want to kill some fucking axes of evil motherfuckers, you know, yeah, and so he makes the decision that I'm gonna study extra hard and take more of a workload and even take some summer school so I can only have three years of high school and get the fuck out of there so I can graduate and go fight a war. That's mind-boggling to me.
Speaker 3:Yeah, well, it happened a lot, you know, back then. And if it wasn't for him, we might be speaking German. You know, If it wasn't for people like your dad, like my grandfather-in-law, we might be speaking german bro yeah, I know cap, but here's the thing though.
Speaker 2:You know and we always hear that um my mom's maiden name is schmidt. I'd be cool mine's right yeah, we would be fine, we're okay. The rest of you would be fucked. If you're listening to our voices right now or watching this on youtube and be like man I'm so glad that we won that war, I'd hate yeah, I get it. I get it, you know, because a lot of you are probably in those, I guess, crosshairs of hate and evil. But, kevin, I would be, fine, I love bratwurst.
Speaker 2:Yeah, good stuff, I love it. Man, a warm beer, I don't give a shit. Throw some crowd on that thing, throw some crowd on that, I don't give a shit. Obviously we're joking. We hate, we hate fascism, and there'd be nothing more fun than to kill a Nazi back in the early forties. That would've been fun.
Speaker 3:Hey, did you see what is actually happening in Houston with the protests over the highway?
Speaker 2:No, what's going on?
Speaker 3:Trish shows me these pictures and there's a bunch of Hispanics that stand on the overpass of, I mean, it's a massive amount of protesting, deportations and all this kind of stuff. Then she shows me a picture of white supremacists holding a Nazi sign on overpass, you know, saying make America white again. And yeah, that's actually happening. I saw the picture.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I would be willing to bet all of my net worth that those two guys are either FBI or CIA stirring shit up.
Speaker 3:Well, I wasn't even talking about that. I'm just talking about one group is really really big and the other group's two people. Yeah, yeah, it's so different, man.
Speaker 2:But you know, since they're agents, they have backup ready to come in and help them out.
Speaker 3:So if that's the case, what are they trying to do?
Speaker 2:Just stir it up, man. Divide, divide, divide, divide, divide, divide. Now that's their only. That's the only thing they can do is divide, divide, divide. They're freaking out right now because they couldn't divide us enough on November 5th. You know, we came together and said enough of this bullshit. They're freaking out now, but that's the number one playbook of the powers that be who have nefarious agendas for us is to divide us.
Speaker 3:You know well, was america? America wasn't white to begin with, right? No, it was indigenous, yeah. So why are we making it white again?
Speaker 2:it was never white to begin with exactly dumbass and nobody would do that, unless it's an agent provocateur, you know, unless it's. I mean that shit is just so obvious false flag. It makes it actually makes me laugh that they're that sloppy now. You know you better do better with your shenanigans. Cia and fbi, do better.
Speaker 3:You know you've gotten really sloppy with the shit lately so that was kind of off on a tangent, but it made me think about that can't wait for the ai to go through this one and sift through it exactly how many lists am I going to be on? Both of us this.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you poor bastard, you're not even that bad, but you guilty by association.
Speaker 3:That's right, yep. One shoots and there's five in you Guess what? You're all five convicted.
Speaker 2:I could just see Kev you know he's getting strapped down to the guillotine looking up and going. I had to be partners with Tuttle huh. Really, I could have done that solo morning show back in 1996.
Speaker 3:It wouldn't have been this fun.
Speaker 2:All right, hey Kev, I got to wrap it up because I did not get a setup yet, because Fed Chairman Powell was doing a congressional hearing for an hour, so the price action was just basically barcoding up and down in a tight range. So I did not get a setup yet. I got to try to make make some money, so I got to wrap up. This has been a blast, as usual. Yeah for sure. And again, please download the episode. We ask that you download the episode, subscribe to us, give us a rating, check out atle Cline Facebook. We got some merchandise there. We also have Tuttle Cline Instagram and we appreciate you. This is our 50th episode, actually 51st. We had kind of a pilot episode, but I can't believe we have done this many episodes so far.
Speaker 3:And we're halfway to 100, man, they say, when 100 hits.
Speaker 2:That's when you really start getting the difference, really okay, I don't know, it's what they say. They say 100 is the magic number.
Speaker 3:Is that what?
Speaker 2:happens at 100 kev, no idea. Do I finally get to put the fries down and be the assistant manager?
Speaker 1:yeah, later man that's it for this episode of the tuttle and klein show. See you, yeah, later man.