Tuttle & Kline
Award winning morning radio partners for 25+ years, Tim Tuttle and Kevin Kline share stories and insights through organic conversation and natural humor.
Tuttle & Kline
Ep #48: A Laughter-Filled Journey of Haircare, Sports Legends and Bumping Into Therapists
We explore the significance of hair, relationships, and empowerment through personal stories. They share insights about personal encounters with legends, sports commentary and their aspirations for inspiring future generations.
• Discussions on hair journeys and societal beauty standards
• Candid reflections on non-serious relationships
• Encounter with Billie Jean King, discussing sports empowerment
• Analysis of controversial calls in the NFL
• Commentary on the challenges of modern education and mentoring
Welcome to the Tuttle and Cline Show.
Speaker 2:I'm curious as to what song we're going to get this week.
Speaker 1:I see a little silhouette of a man Cherubush Cherubush, will you do the fandango? But a box of lightning, very, very lightning. Galileo, Galileo, Figaro it's as if Freddie Mercury is still with us no, I'm glad he's not, so he didn't have to hear that shit dude, you've got a great looking head of hockey hair going on there, buddy you like it.
Speaker 1:I do, I like that yeah, man, I'm just gonna go for the all time record that I've ever had for length yeah, you know, eventually I'll cut it, but you know, just like, one more time before I have my permanent uh, senior citizens cut how long does it have to be to set a record for you? It's getting there, really it's getting there.
Speaker 2:What are you doing to make it longer? Nothing well then, there isn't like a brushing technique, or isn't there like mane and tail shampoo that helps grow it longer, faster?
Speaker 1:son, I'm a fucking alpha male. Okay, I don't have time for that shit okay that just sounds like a lot more work than I'm willing to willing to put in on this endeavor. I'm I'm here for the growing part.
Speaker 2:I'm just gonna grow yeah, but remember when you were you were, you grew your beard. I mean, you had brush. Oh out, what a thousand times a day oh yeah well, what's the difference?
Speaker 1:I don't know, I don't, I don't want to pull it all out.
Speaker 2:I hear you, I hear you. Yeah, I don't know if you can see it, but I'm pretty thin on the top there, man.
Speaker 1:It happens to the best of us, Kev.
Speaker 2:Even the worst of us.
Speaker 1:And I actually had somebody asked me this are you growing your hair out? Are you worried about hair loss? No, that's not hair loss. I don't have hair loss.
Speaker 2:No, you don't. You've always even your dad had a full head of hair.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't, I'm, you know, I'm just. I just want to like grow. I'm a rocker, you know I like, I like the rock look. Yeah, I like the Paul McCartney late sixties, last, you know, record. You know, let it be that look with the beard and the long hair. And then you know, when he was early wings and he had the long hair and you could, I like that look.
Speaker 2:That that's the look I like some people can pull it off, some people can't.
Speaker 1:You're one that can yeah, so I'm just gonna, I'm gonna go with it until you know, uh, you know the, the, uh, the ladies that I'm interested in fucking won't fuck me anymore okay but you know they um, you know I they they like it?
Speaker 2:yeah, seems to be working right and and I know a lot of you know they they like it. Yeah, Seems to be working Right.
Speaker 1:And I know a lot of people. What do you mean? They? I am not in a serious relationship with anyone. I, you know, I see a couple, maybe three different people and they all know about it. You know. No, none of us want a relationship. None of us want anything serious except for the. None of us want a relationship, none of us want anything serious except for the two who are in a relationship, the two ladies who are in a relationship with each other.
Speaker 2:Timmy has found utopia.
Speaker 1:Oh my gosh.
Speaker 2:How are your friends? You never talk about them with me anymore.
Speaker 1:Oh, they're good. I don't see them as much, okay, because they they moved. But you know, still every so, every so, I, I, I, I found myself in the situation where I'm the designated dick um for those unaware wasn't that your role on the radio too good one.
Speaker 2:Now you're talking anatomy, I get it. I get it.
Speaker 1:Good one nice going klein line of the day right on the. We'll shut down this podcast right now, but see ya, I'll run that one as a promo every day next week see, but you know what it's seriously.
Speaker 2:That's the beautiful thing about our friendship and our relationship is that we can say that to each other and not get offended, not get butthurt no, I plus.
Speaker 1:It's accurate, I was the. I was paid to be a dick that that was his role that was what I was supposed to be. That's what, yeah, I mean I, you know all of them, uh, all the consultants, and you got to be, you got to push that, you got to push the limit here, man, you got to. You know I people whispering on the side to me and you know, hey, make sure you get Erica's dander up. That's key, make her mad.
Speaker 2:Piss her off. They would say that. Yeah, they would say that.
Speaker 1:They would tell me that they said that's, you know when that's happening, it's good radio, it's really good radio. So that was my job.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was his role, that was his job. So I was a paid dick, so going back to being the DD.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I'm just. Yeah, they're there. They are a a lesbian couple. Okay, very attractive. You've seen pictures of them, yeah.
Speaker 2:The one is really likes me because she feels sorry for me.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That's great.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no, she thinks. She thinks, oh, he's so innocent and sweet and everything like that. I'm like God. There's some stories I'm not going to. I'm not going to ruin your vision of him, but I could tell you some stories.
Speaker 2:Oh, ruin it.
Speaker 1:But yeah, they are together and they're very happy. Yeah, they, yeah, they have a very good life together and everything like that, but just every so often they need the male anatomy plastic doesn't help that. That's where I come in. Yeah, and once every, you know, two, three weeks or so, they'll get that little uh, that burn, that burning, that, that itch, and I'll get a text message do you really want to call it a burning in an itch when you're talking about that?
Speaker 1:I don't, they get the fire down below. There you go. Yeah, so that's it. I don't gosh. I probably should not have revealed that, but they don't care about it. It's just, you know. Maybe some of our more Puritan listeners will be like what the fuck? But then again, those people are long gone.
Speaker 2:I was going to say, if they're sticking around with us, they're. They're doing it just to be offended.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you, you want to be offended. You're still here watching or listening to the Tuttle Cline podcast. You want to be mad.
Speaker 2:That's right.
Speaker 1:You want to be angry, you want somebody to take your day out on. That's fine, we'll take it. We don't give a fuck because, remember, those who love us listen to us this long. Those that hate us listen to us this long twice as long twice as long. Yeah, thank you for the description for the uh podcast. Only kev. Yeah, hey, did you?
Speaker 2:get the uh picture. I was just going to bring that up. I got the picture. Isn't that great?
Speaker 1:You know Kevin and I used to have a saying because you know Kevin and I were, you know, forrest Gumps in the radio industry for a quarter of a century, where you know it's not every day you get to meet a legend, but every so often we did.
Speaker 2:Yes, we did.
Speaker 1:And we had our share of legends. I mean, you know, you get Kenny Rogers coming in, you get Dan Aykroyd coming in, you get Norm MacDonald coming in, you get these legendary people Don King and Costner. Kevin Costner Is that so strange, Going to Costner's hotel in Houston and just hanging out with Kevin Costner like it's nothing?
Speaker 2:It was amazing.
Speaker 1:And Nick Cage breaking to us about how he proposed to Arquette.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yep.
Speaker 1:And just I mean surreal, but you know it happened every so often. And yesterday my daughter, you know, got to hang out and meet and talk with a legend. You saw it on the picture right here. We'll put it right here. This is her. She is on a Skype call with Billie Jean King.
Speaker 2:Global icon.
Speaker 1:Global icon. A badass quote, unquote. If you don't believe me, ask Audrey. Ask Audrey's mom, who was in the background just going, wow, this is cool. And ask Bobby Riggs. They'll tell you what a bad hat she is.
Speaker 2:Exactly, yeah. So if you're not familiar with Billie Jean King, uh, she won the battle of the sexes. There was a she's a former professional tennis player. Uh and uh, there was a male player named Bobby Riggs who said there's no way a woman can beat a man in tennis. Billie Jean King said bullshit.
Speaker 1:So they and tennis billie. Jean king said bullshit, so they played and she beat him. I'm pretty sure it was the astrodome, kevin. Have a little notation right here confirming it or, you know, uh, correcting it yeah, no, I think you're right yeah, and it was like huge crowd and it was one of the most watch on tv.
Speaker 1:It's still the most and I believe this is correct too. And again, kev, I'm sorry to make you do this work, but I believe it is still, to this day, the most watched tennis match, even more than bjork mackinrow, 1981 wimbledon wow, wow.
Speaker 2:On tv obviously would be. Obviously, with it being in the astrodome, it would have been the largest attended. Because there's no, there's no tennis stadium in the world that could hold that and do not.
Speaker 1:Uh, hey, the the, uh, the pre-match hype and all that bullshit. Do not buy any of it. They love each other because they both made millions over the years and, in the aftermath, because of that moment.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:That was a huge, huge thing. You know a lot of people get all upset about Bobby Riggs. You know talking that chauvinistic shit. Billie Jean King has no problems with the late tennis player Bobby Riggs. You know, talking that chauvinistic shit. Billie Jean King has no problems with the late tennis player Bobby Riggs.
Speaker 2:He got his comeuppance, he lost, he got smoked. Yeah, so there you go.
Speaker 1:But I thought that was cool. She got to. You know, audrey is the marketing director and public relations director for the Austin League One Volleyball and you know, just an unbelievable on-fire league Kev. They're selling out all over the place, espn carrying them, espn going to carry their championship and their classic tournament. They're doing so well and Billie Jean King is one of the executives over the whole league.
Speaker 2:I was going to ask what her affiliation is with the league. I figured that it had something to do with the volleyball.
Speaker 1:She's a big gun. There's a lot of money tied up into this. You know a lot of professional athletes, a lot of celebrities have plunked millions and millions of dollars into it and she just you know, she wants to make sure it's in the right direction, sending the right messages, and she's just the person for that.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. What a great ambassador she is for all sport, but if she's financially involved she's going to rock that thing.
Speaker 1:But you know, here's my daughter is in and I'm screen with her, talking with her, and I just think that's a really neat thing. That's just a proud dad moment. I'm sorry if that annoys anybody.
Speaker 2:I'm sure Audrey did her homework, but did she really understand the magnitude of who she was talking with?
Speaker 1:Audrey always does her homework.
Speaker 2:Oh, I know she does yeah.
Speaker 1:So if she didn't, uh, you know, prior to, in the days prior to when she did her research, she found out, yeah, yeah, Even though you know Audrey is, uh, you know, Gen Z, you know, born in 2001,. Um, you know, has probably, you know Gen Z, you know, born in 2001,. You know, has probably. You know, you can count on one hand how many Gen Z's know Billie Jean King? Audrey is one of the five.
Speaker 2:That's super cool man. I saw that picture this morning and I'm like holy smokes, that's awesome.
Speaker 1:Yeah, big time, big time.
Speaker 2:So that was cool yeah absolutely Did she give you any feedback. Was the conversation good? Was it warm? Yeah, big time, big time. So that was cool. Yeah, absolutely did she give you any feedback? It was the conversation good? Was it warm? Did she was billy king?
Speaker 1:just badass, just like you. Uh, control of the situation, I mean she's in charge yeah she knows her shit and you know there is no uh, you know older lady, um know losing the memory, dementia, shit happening with Billie Jean King. She is a badass, sound business minded person.
Speaker 2:Awesome, awesome. But I'm sure she was very kind to speak with Audrey.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, of course, of course. Of course you know that's. They're all in it together. Oh yeah, of course, of course, of course you know that's. They're all in it together. They all love the progress that this league has made over the past three weeks. It's amazing what they've done and what they've accomplished ahead of all projections.
Speaker 2:So it's smart what this league did. They went to cities where a volleyball is massive, either in a youth situation or in a collegiate situation. They got built in audiences. They did it right.
Speaker 1:They did it right. Well, not only that, kev, they have the soccer model. You know, the football model is it's a club situation. They own the clubs now too, you know, like Houston Skyline that's owned by Love Volleyball.
Speaker 2:Nice.
Speaker 1:So they bought the club, so they have the system generation, not only for audience, you know, because those kids are like I'm going to go watch, these are our pros, you know, these are our team. So that helps fill the stands, but also in, you know, matriculating talent up through the pipeline you know, it's exactly what Sporting KC, the soccer team in Kansas City, does.
Speaker 2:Every single kid that plays youth soccer in Kansas City is wearing a Sporting KC shirt, and then the team that they're representing is on the back.
Speaker 1:It's brilliant, and their parents are wearing it too, so it's an automatic built-in audience. It was done brilliantly.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:You know I got to give them credit. They did it different than. And then there's, you know, there's, a couple of volleyball leagues that are trying to make their way, which I think eventually League One Volleyball will end up purchasing all of them. They'll all fold into them in a couple of years because of their models just too good and they have just too much money behind them.
Speaker 2:Are the uniforms?
Speaker 1:cool, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah. And the only, thing, and I hesitate to say this, but the only thing that I think that could cause them some issues is if the WNBA gets jealous. What would that, you think?
Speaker 1:they'd come after him. Yeah, they would just like, you know, they would go to their woke partners, the ESPN, and be like, hey, you know, we've been around a long time and everything like that. You know, I don't know, I don't know, I guess I'm paranoid about, you know, geopolitical bullshit. That goes on, but that's the only thing I can see is maybe the wnba getting a little bit too jealous at their, at their uh growth and their rise, which which they, you know, outside of the uh caitlin thing, um, you know that they're drawing bigger crowds, man oh, the the volleyball's drawing yeah, oh yeah, they're selling out well, I don't doubt that, and the reason I don't doubt that is because it's a new on a professional level in america.
Speaker 2:It's a new sport and not only that it's very fast and very athletic dude, if you go to a college volleyball game, they hit the crap out of that ball though, and and the way they move.
Speaker 1:I mean that's the thing that I love the most about volleyball, particularly when Audrey was rising up in age, and uh, and talent pool is the way they move. I mean it's, it's, it's artistic.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know it's, it's uh, it's so systematic. I mean you can just see the patterns of what needs to be done and it's really a neat game to watch To me. In my opinion I'm a basketball guy it is much easier to watch than basketball.
Speaker 2:Sure yeah, constant action.
Speaker 1:So, anyway, I hope I'm wrong and maybe that's just the old guy going. God damn it. You just know some bullshit's going to happen, kev, this was actually. You know, what I want you to do right now is because I, outside of football, kev, I know nothing going on in the world and you, since I'm completely off the grid, kevin, every week, you know, lets me know the shit that maybe I should know about what's going on in the world right now.
Speaker 2:Well, we started the deportations of the undocumented immigrants in America, and so we we sent two planes over to Colombia with with their people, and Colombia did not accept the planes. You know about this right.
Speaker 1:No, no, I heard something about them rejecting it. But you can't. I mean, we're america, fuck you. Yeah, well, and we don't have a. We don't have a pussy. President, that's gonna look the other. Oh, okay, they said, no, bring them back.
Speaker 2:No, we don't have that happening yeah, no, they rejected it and uh and said uh, you know, we're not going to do that. And so trump said well, we're going to sanction the shit out of you. And they said whoa, wait a minute, hold on there, let us send a couple of planes over and just grab them from you. So they threatened sanctions on us, but I believe that they did send planes, and now they're. They're undocumented immigrants, are back in Colombia.
Speaker 1:Yeah. Now my question is again I stay off of it, I just don't want to get involved. I hate social media. I hate social media. I just I hate propaganda.
Speaker 2:But I'd imagine that, that the progressive communist left is just up in arms about this and are flipping out, aren't they? The questions that I've seen from reporters are where does this end? Ok, right now you say you're going after the hardened criminals, but you haven't really set any parameters as to where this ends, where you're going to stop.
Speaker 1:They're not going to go after mom and pop and with three kids they're not going to do that. They're just getting rid of the MS-13, the gangbangers. I mean Kev. During the Biden administration, these countries emptied their prisons.
Speaker 2:I've heard that.
Speaker 1:Emptied their prisons and marched them over here. They were taking, they're taking over apartment complexes and in Colorado and shit like that. They're, they're fucking eating, they're eating animals, they're, they're rapists, they're thugs. I mean, that's who he's going after. He doesn't care, he doesn't care about the people who have a dream of freedom and come here and work hard and and do a good job and take care of business, and you know that's not what it's about, and anybody that tells you otherwise is a propagandist. It's fucking bullshit, is a propagandist.
Speaker 2:It's fucking bullshit. You know about this. What happened on the stock market on Monday of this past week? It took a massive hit and NVIDIA the largest single loss for a company in Dow Jones industrial average history. They lost $300 billion on Monday. And you know why they lost $300 billion on Monday Because China unveiled DeepSeek.
Speaker 1:And I heard the DeepSeek. They got all the technology from NVIDIA's engineers, tiktok.
Speaker 2:There you go. Yeah, so no, what DeepSeek is is China's AI program, and they say that they can do it for cheaper and they can do it with less carbon footprint. Imagine that China saying they can do it with less carbon footprint than NVIDIA. And so a lot of people started started investing.
Speaker 1:I've heard that there's some issues, though, with the technology and the computing power, and not only that Kev, it is heavily censored. You know communists, they censor everything. Yeah, like even even more than our own tech control freaks who like to censor shit. And and one day we'll probably have to pay a price for that, either in civil or criminal court. But yeah, I I think yesterday was a great buying opportunity for nvidia.
Speaker 2:that was a shot at buying them low, uh-huh yeah, a lot of people saw it that way too absolutely that's why things are back up today yeah, I.
Speaker 1:I that as soon as. As soon as you woke up yesterday and you saw that shit tanking, put a buy order in for 100 shares, 200 shares, whatever, and watch it rise now, because you can't have a censorship product and it be a winner. It can't be a censored product.
Speaker 2:Guess who sold most of her NVIDIA on Thursday of last week? Who? Nancy Pelosi.
Speaker 1:Well, of course, Of course, the greatest stock trader in history. Her performance is better than Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn. She's better than Jesse Livermore, the 19th, the 20th century, turn of the 20th century. You know the guy who had, you know, 20, 30, 40, 50 million dollars back in 1920.
Speaker 2:And that's a lot of money then.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she is a higher performer than any other stock trader in history the greatest ever. How?
Speaker 2:is that.
Speaker 1:Because she's a fucking criminal. I'm sorry, you can say what you want. That's criminal, that's insider trading. Anybody else outside of somebody from Congress goes to prison for what she does and that is a huge issue and that let them eat cake attitude from Congress is going to cost them big someday.
Speaker 2:You know, Trish and I are watching Lioness now. Do you know what Lioness?
Speaker 1:No, what is that?
Speaker 2:It's a program on Paramount Plus and it's written and directed by Taylor Sheridan. Who, taylor Sheridan? Man just making money hand over fist.
Speaker 1:I watch Landman it's awesome, isn't it? Fucking great show.
Speaker 2:Yeah, man, billy Bob's amazing, isn't he?
Speaker 1:Billy Bob is great. Allie Larder still looks fantastic. Oh my God.
Speaker 2:You're gorgeous. She looks great. We talked to her.
Speaker 1:We oh my God, dude Gorgeous. She looks great. We talked to her, we interviewed her. Yeah, we had a chat with Allie Lauder one time. That was great, yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, landman's amazing. You would like Lioness and I'll tell you why you would like it, because it is absolutely riveting programming. Okay, the storylines are great, but watch it and tell me how much of it is real and how much of it is manufactured. It's it's about the CIA, okay, and it's about uh, the lioness program is they get a um, they get a female soldier and they embed her into the organization that they're trying to infiltrate or eradicate and and the behind the scenes shit that goes on in the white house in this program. I don't know how much of it's real, how much of it's, you know hollywood, but it is quite eye-opening well, if it's, if it's criminal, corrupt and unconstitutional, it is probably very accurate I don't think they they're not really getting into that.
Speaker 2:I mean there is a weird dynamic and relationship between Nicole Kidman and her husband, because she is one of the deputy directors of the CIA and she's one of the she's the head of the lioness program and her husband trade stocks and oil futures and all this kind of stuff and uh, he tells her what to do and she tells him what to do. It's really a weird dynamic.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's okay. So it's Nicole Kidman.
Speaker 2:Yeah, nicole Kidman, zoe Saldana and Morgan Freeman.
Speaker 1:Oh, nice, Okay, so that's is. That is that on Paramount plus.
Speaker 2:Yes, it is. It's three seasons. I think now we're on, say, season two.
Speaker 1:Got to give Paramount Plus credit. They're coming up with some programming man.
Speaker 2:It's Taylor Sheridan's channel.
Speaker 1:That guy's got some great ideas he does.
Speaker 2:yeah, he's got amazing ideas.
Speaker 1:I mean he's hit the vein and obviously he gets experts in oil and experts in the CIA and experts in serial killer. You know, uh, track down with Dexter. I mean I, he gets the experts and just you know, throws ideas and say, okay, you guys fill it in.
Speaker 2:Totally.
Speaker 1:I love that. That's, that's fantastic. What else is going on in the world, Kev? What am I missing?
Speaker 2:Well, uh, in in kind of lesser important news. Did you know that Mount Everest is no longer the highest mountain in the world?
Speaker 1:Shut up.
Speaker 2:I know, yeah, I didn't know, mountains grew, but apparently no, there are what they are now calling hidden mountains in the ocean that are 600, what did they say? 600 meters taller than Everest.
Speaker 1:Isn't the Mariana Tiana trench? Isn't there one that starts down? Actually, it goes down 35 000 feet yeah yeah, the deepest part of the ocean goes down 35 000 feet the mariana trench right, yeah, nobody could survive down there, just the pressure would be immense. You, couldn't do it. James cameron went down there though he had a special vehicle yeah, he can use.
Speaker 1:I mean, how crazy is that? Yeah, really, I mean you figure he'd have somebody around him going. Hey, james, you know we got a couple more avatar movies we want to do, and you know we got some projects going on. We really need you around, are you sure? I mean Mariana Trench. You know we could send your brother Bill.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that is valuable, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:Kev, I got to tell you this. I knew the Bills were in trouble when Josh Allen, immediately after the national anthem, he put on his coat and sat down and had a weird look on his face, Instead of getting loose and warming up because they had first possession.
Speaker 2:Right, they did yeah.
Speaker 1:He just sat on the. I mean he had the wide eyes, he had the Tony Romo wide eyes pressure situation. Yeah, I just knew they were going to be in trouble. And you remember that first possession. He almost threw two interceptions almost threw two picks. Yeah, yeah, I remember I, I'm just thinking, man, if, look, if, if the b2 stealth bomber um a flyover to start the afc motherfucking championship doesn't get you jacked up, you, I don't know what will yeah, yeah, right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and it, it it turned out to be, I mean obviously the, the, the refs stepped in to make sure that their, their chiefs, you know, and and Tay-Tay got to the Superbowl.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you can't dispute that. And the reason you can't dispute that is because and you take away, take away the controversial fourth down stoppage. Okay, don't even worry about that. All right, it's a non-factor, because the call that decided this game was the Xavier Worthy catch. That was not even a catch.
Speaker 1:No.
Speaker 2:At best it was an incompletion because it hit the ground. It should have been an interception more than it should have been a worthy catch. Worthy had no possession of that whatsoever it was incomplete.
Speaker 1:It was an incomplete pass. It was an incomplete pass and you're right if you. But if you have to get possession of somebody, that's an interception and that that's ridiculous and what happened?
Speaker 2:what happened after that was patrick mahomes scampers 10 yards for a touchdown.
Speaker 1:Put him up 21 10 and and Kev, I, I got to tell you this, I, you know, I I put a little bit of blame on the Bills. I mean you know that going in, that it's you versus Kansas City and the refs, you know that going in. So you know, like the fourth down call on, you know, start the fourth quarter, the big controversial one. I mean, you know, against the chiefs, you have to get 11 yards. You, you can't rely on 10 yards. Okay, to get first down, you got to get 11 yards because they, they are they're obviously.
Speaker 1:Anybody that knows football can see with their own eyes that the shit that happened to seattle during 2006 Super Bowl versus Pittsburgh and the shit that happened to the Green Bay Packers against the Denver Broncos in the 1998 Super Bowl is happening again. It's manifesting itself again. So you know, you've got to leave no space whatsoever. You've got to get 11 yards, you've got to punch Kansas City in the face, otherwise the NFL is going to get their dream scenario of their Chiefs with Taylor Swift in the Super Bowl.
Speaker 2:Well, here's the thing about that call. Okay, the fourth and one, where Kansas City stopped Josh Allen on what they call the tush push. Here's the thing. Okay, the only angle that they showed on the replay was the angle where the judge had him behind the line. The reason why that is a controversial angle is because Chris Jones blocked the view of that referee. Had they gone to the other side, that referee had him passing the mark of a first down. They never showed that angle.
Speaker 1:Nope.
Speaker 2:Never showed that angle.
Speaker 1:And that's how you know it's rigged. When, when CBS is involved in making sure that the take that and they do the media, the media will if. If you're a powerful source and you have a, an agenda, the media will go right along. You know they love to. So, yeah, you didn't see the right thing, you didn't see the right angle on the instant replay. But again, again, you know some of the blame is on the Bills. You know you have to beat them solidly. You know they did the tush push way too many times.
Speaker 2:Well, and he always goes left. I mean he never goes right. Allen always goes left. I mean he never goes right, allen always goes left. And so, yeah, it's one of the easier tush pushes to defend.
Speaker 1:Anybody can pick that up on film.
Speaker 2:Of course they do.
Speaker 1:You've got to vary it up. The tush push is very effective if there's a possible threat of another play. If he just does a bootleg, rolls out, hits a tight end or runs it in himself, you got it. You have to have that option.
Speaker 2:Let me ask you this, because now you know it was the Bills and the Chiefs that altered the overtime rules. It was after that championship game that they altered the overtime rules. Now, do you think that because of the controversy with that fourth-and-one call, we will see a computer chip put into the football? Because the technology's there come on man, they have it in hockey, they have it in baseball, they have it in basketball absolutely what.
Speaker 1:What? What they'll do is they'll they'll put a computer chip in the football and if it, it'll tell exactly upstairs how far that ball went before the knee went down. Yeah, they they have to, I mean, unless you want to be able to.
Speaker 2:The only reason it wouldn't be instituted and implemented kev is if you want to be be able to have the opportunity to rig it let me ask you this, because you, you like the action and uh and and uh, draft kingsings and the I can't remember the other the other gambling site, they sponsor the NFL. Now, isn't that a massive conflict of interest? Huge, ok, all right, I'm not alone in my thought process.
Speaker 1:Huge. Oh, it's huge, it's, it's, you know, it's everything that is a nightmare to anybody. That's a purist. Okay, I, I have no problems with people being, you know, gambling on games. The leagues should have nothing to do with it. Yeah, just like. If you are a, a network that has news, you should not be able to. It should be against the law for you to accept prescription drug advertising money so you can, you can actually tell the truth about it instead of being like, well, we don't want to lose Pfizer's 74 million dollars a year, we're not going to report what these COVID shots are really doing to people. Which has it had happened? You know it confirmed, that happened, you know it confirmed. But yeah, kev, I hope that something's done, but I would not bet the farm pardon the pun on it happening.
Speaker 1:I will say this, though I got to give Josh Allen credit. Okay, with all of the shit against him, the world against him, the refs against him, the world against him, the refs against him. He's at Kansas City. He gave his team a shot at going into overtime. Dalton Kincaid should have. I mean how he even got that pass on the kitchen sink blitz. Yeah, the kitchen sink blitz. Their last play.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know, I know.
Speaker 1:I cannot recall seeing more bodies come in more quickly on a uh pass rush in my lifetime than what happened on that play. And that motherfucker josh allen still got a pass off where his guy put two hands on the ball and could have caught it right there to kick a field goal to send it to overtime.
Speaker 2:It wasn't a catchable ball.
Speaker 1:Oh, very catchable. It should have been caught. You know, Fred Tuttle, my dad taught me, if you can touch it, you can catch it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:You know, any ball that's thrown to you, if you can touch it, you can catch it, and that should have been caught. And Dalton Kincaid to me he probably still has not gotten any sleep since Sunday night. He probably has no sleep and he shouldn't for a while because that was, on him, all he had to do. I mean, you got one fucking job. You're a tight end. What's your job outside of blocking? But once you go past, you know five, six yards, what's your job?
Speaker 2:Catch the ball.
Speaker 1:Catch the fucking ball.
Speaker 2:I thought it was very classy of Josh Allen allen and some of the bills to say, look, that's not on dalton kincaid, that's on us for a couple of different plays throughout the game. You know, I mean obviously that's what they're going to say, because you got to have your play, your teammates back.
Speaker 1:But uh, I thought it was pretty classy of them and I just say this right now, kev, the big debate for mvp has been between what two players?
Speaker 2:Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen.
Speaker 1:I have got to disagree wholeheartedly. Um, I would throw my vote. Congratulations to the Kansas City refs truly the most valuable players in the NFL. I mean it's, it's hard to beat that man. I mean that's they. Wow, I mean that's Kev, if you get a whistle you can change a lot of things.
Speaker 2:Yeah you can.
Speaker 1:So a salute to them for that you know what I don't like.
Speaker 2:Obviously I don't like that the games, seemingly, are being decided by the stripes, but it does take away from the great game that Patrick Mahomes did have.
Speaker 1:Oh, he played again and this is a saddest thing. Kev, I myself, and I think a lot of people feel the same way we like.
Speaker 2:Patrick Mahomes. He's dynamite. He's a great player.
Speaker 1:And he's not even 30 yet, but I'm going to go ahead and say it he's the best NFL quarterback in history. Wow Period he is.
Speaker 1:Yeah, brady, you give him the longevity award. You know, just like LeBron gets the longevity award in the NBA. But, I'm sorry, you're nothing in comparison to Michael Jordan. I think even at some point you're going to see Brady say it. Just say, hey, man, this guy's the best and I love Andy Reid. Andy Reid is a great coach, a great guy, and I like a team right in the dead center, middle of the country, off the East Coast, the West Coast, being able to do this. But you know, I hate that the refs have done this. Yeah, they have. They have made what should be a really great story, a team going for a three-peat. They've turned it into hatred, I mean, and a hatred that I haven't really seen a lot of in the NFL.
Speaker 2:Even when the Patriots were winning so much.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean it's close, but this has now stepped into a New York Yankees hatred.
Speaker 2:Yes, it has.
Speaker 1:This has now stepped into a late 80s, early 90s Detroit Pistons hatred.
Speaker 2:Oh, they deserved it. They were bad people.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but and that's what I'm saying is they should. They shouldn't be in the same class. But people fucking hate the Chiefs. Kev. I know you're in the middle of that because you're right down the road and you have a lot of family members that are listening and watching right now that are chiefs fans and you probably are in that bubble and don't see from the outside. Your team is fucking hated oh no, I feel it.
Speaker 2:I mean, they're not my team, they're my in-laws team and they know it.
Speaker 1:Yeah I mean, I would hate to see something really tragic and bad happen to the kansas city chiefs of what the response in social media would be. It would be sad, yeah, and it didn't have to be that way and it's not their fault, and I, I, I think it would be great, you know, if, uh, just, you know, kiddingly, that either andy reid or homa holmes, who have the cachet, who have the power, the carte blanche, that could just make a goof about it. You know, make a joke about it. You know something in a press conference or something like that, you know, thanking the refs. You know, just as a joke.
Speaker 2:Uh-huh.
Speaker 1:I think that that would help them.
Speaker 2:I don't know. Might help them with the fan base or with the casual fan. I don't think Goodell would be very happy about that.
Speaker 1:I don't think too much would happen to them, and their state farm money could pay for it.
Speaker 2:Dude, I did not know this. You talk about Andy Reid, the head coach of the Kansas City Chiefs. You know how old he is.
Speaker 1:Isn't he like 75?
Speaker 2:No, that's what he looks. He's 66, dude, is he is? Isn't he like 75? No, that's what he looks. He's 66, dude, is he really? Yeah, he's 11 years older than me.
Speaker 1:That's crazy, isn't it? Is that crazy. I couldn't believe it when Trish told me that Kev, I noticed, speaking of which I noticed when I was watching Billions, the movie or the TV show Billions on Showtime, paul Giamatti.
Speaker 2:Love him.
Speaker 1:He was in my grade. I mean, I don't. The last thing I want to do is oh, look at me, look at me. But I just have to. For comparison, here's Paul Giamatti, here's me, you know, yeah, I know, yeah, I know, I know. And speaking of which, real quick, kevin. I had a neighbor that, uh, you know him and I were talking and he just flat out asked me you know how old I am, and everything like that. I told him and he was like shocked, he was like what you know? Because he's, he's like, uh, you know 43, 44, and he just thought maybe I was around him oh, wow yeah, and I told him, and I, you know, he's like how, how do you, how is this happening?
Speaker 1:and I'm just like hey look, I've lived. I've had some tough shit happen a lot of stress, a lot of bullshit absorbed, pain, disappointment, all that stuff. I think honestly, though, my secret is my mind frame, like in, like inside of me. I've always been 18 or 19 years old.
Speaker 2:Don't you feel that way Always?
Speaker 1:I just always have. I just and Kev, you know this probably more than anybody. Well, my exes do too, and that's one of the reasons why their exes is. I've always been 18 to 19 year old. Yeah, I've always been just a, just an idiot, and I think that helped helped that has helped me.
Speaker 2:I really do. Yeah, I really do. I mean it's cliche, but a lot of people say it.
Speaker 1:You know, you're only as old as you feel yeah I completely agree with that I I still laugh at the most inappropriate and raunchy shit.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I freaking love Bill Burr. Like once every couple of years I'll go listen to Dice Clay Because this shit's funny man it is. I've just, I've always been a kid, I've always been. I mean, it was like I was telling you at the end of the last podcast man, I literally did, I got man, I literally did, I got done trading. I went outside, I made a snow angel, I put horns in it right outside of my window so I could watch people's reaction, just to see like literally four or five people stop and go. Oh no, dad, what's that? That's awesome. You know I'm a kid. I have not grown up. I wish I have. I mean, you know I wish that I would have been a little more mature, but you know, it's kept me young.
Speaker 2:Be you.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know. Yeah, sometimes it's lonely Because when you're my age and you're, you know, in a serious relationship with somebody, they don't want an 18, 19 year old, you know yeah, I know, I know they don't want somebody that's gonna walk into target with them and make fart noises with their armpits.
Speaker 2:They just don't want that oh, dude, speaking of farts, are you following this Justin Baldoni and Blake Lively situation where they're suing each other? She's suing him for sexual harassment and he's suing her for defamation of character? They did the movie. It Ends With Us together.
Speaker 1:What happened? What is going on? I've heard little bits and pieces here.
Speaker 2:Yeah, well, that's, that's basically what it it is. She says that he sexually harassed her on set and she did a whole article and like vogue or something.
Speaker 1:Well, and why does she just call deadpool? He's a badass yeah, exactly.
Speaker 2:Well, he's part of this lawsuit too, because they they say that he's been uh helping her with this situation. Anyway, uh, one of her she was in gossip girl right, like lively gossip girl, yeah, and one of the uh one of the extras on set that you made uh 10 different appearances on the show said that she has the worst flatulence problem she's ever experienced. Blake lively farts a lot.
Speaker 1:That's funny, yeah oh my gosh, that's so funny, I. I guess when you open yourself up to stuff like this, everything will come out about you oh, for sure, for sure, yeah that's funny, yeah, hey, hey, kev, I gotta tell you about this, I think, I think you'll get a kick out of it.
Speaker 1:What do you got? I, um, I ran into my ex-therapist while I was pumping gas at, uh, timewise, the shell station over here. How'd that go? Um, you know, that's so. That's so weird too. That's just so weird. And I, I, I noticed, I noticed him, uh, and and I tried to like kind of, you know, because it's your therapist, your ex, there. They know shit about you, you know but, he noticed me.
Speaker 2:Did he?
Speaker 1:Yeah, and he said he quit being a therapist.
Speaker 2:Really.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he wants to find himself Holy smokes.
Speaker 2:You sent him into retirement.
Speaker 1:Well, that was my first thing, and then I started thinking, thinking, kevin, what the fuck? I mean, what damage could his blind leading the blind been costing me and my brain? You know, yes, I was like, you know. He reassured me it wasn't me, you know, or anything like that. He just, you know, he just needed some time away and he's gotten some assistance from a support animal that's helping him out, which he, of course, wanted to really, really talk. He just kept chattering even after I got done pumping gas, but his support animal, kev, is a female chihuahua.
Speaker 2:Really.
Speaker 1:I was like that would. Doesn't that drive you nuts? Yeah, you know, that's the last dog you'd think would give you the support emotionally that you need Exactly. That would kind of set you off, wouldn't it? And then he. And then he suggested you know, no, you should try it, you should get. You know, no, you should try it, you should get a support female chihuahua. And I'm like, I tried Mexican women. It didn't work out for me. Yeah, yeah, I, it didn't, you know. Yeah. So, yeah, I, I, you know. And he remember, he remembered at that time when, you know, it didn't seem that her support animal was going to be a thing, because, yeah, I got a small apartment too okay I mean I'll wait till I move from here and then I'll probably get another beagle.
Speaker 1:But uh, he remembered it from our sessions that I was an altar boy, and you know. Then he suggested hey, you know, maybe, maybe you look into, look into Jesus, you know, and I'm just like I don't know. Man, I mean, I don't think the main character in a book I was forced to read is probably the best angle for me. I mean, it probably works for some people, but you know, yeah yeah, I, I, I, I go to church.
Speaker 1:You know I go to church, you know, two or three times a month now, but you know I'm not the biggest believer but I like the message, you know.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Um, as a matter of fact, sometimes when I'm there, I'm there, cap, I get kind of a posture syndrome because I I don't buy the word for word, like everybody else seems to be buying right, you know, so I I feel like, um, do they notice that I'm an imposter, you know?
Speaker 1:do they notice that? You know the original reason that I came in here, because they had the free coffee and donut holes and I kind of the reason I keep coming back. It's kind of like it. I kind of like the message and the vibe and everything like that. But you know, there's sometimes that you know they're talking some scripture and stuff like that. I'm like that has got to be fucking bullshit, you know yeah, and then the gate kind of closes ever so slowly.
Speaker 1:I, you know nothing personal man. I mean I just I, just I, I just I just think I sometimes, kevin, you tell me if I'm out of line and if you need to edit this out, for so people don't freak out, you do what you have to do, but I I just think sometimes you know, matthew, Mark, luke, john, all those guys, they're just like you know, matthew, mark, luke, john, all those guys, they're just like, hey, man, we got to punch this up the story.
Speaker 1:You know that's funny, let's just throw that in there. Let's just throw that in there, yeah. And not one of them in the room is going yeah, but what if they really buy this shit, man, uh huh, what if they really? I mean, they're going gonna do some fact checking. I could just see that becoming a thing someday, fact checking now we know that's not real anymore exactly, yeah, oh yeah, I thought that was interesting.
Speaker 1:I yeah, yeah, have you ever seen? Uh, you know you've had many therapists. Kevin klein probably has one of the all-time records for therapists number of therapists. Do you ever seen? You know you've had many therapists. Kevin Klein probably has one of the all-time records for therapists number of therapists. Did you ever see him outside of you know therapy.
Speaker 2:No, no, I never have.
Speaker 1:It is something that people should not experience, and I think that there should be some kind of code and agreement that, if you do see me at the grocery store or pumping gas or something like that, you'll just look down and keep walking.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 1:I just think that that should be a thing.
Speaker 2:It should be, you're right.
Speaker 1:Unless you're a therapist, kev, it's your therapist and she becomes my therapist. That'd be okay, your therapist's hot.
Speaker 2:Laurel, yes, she's a sweetheart.
Speaker 1:She's a smoke show man. I mean, I mean, yeah, I can imagine, kev, you don't even blink. She says like that'll be $1,200 for the hour and you'll be like here.
Speaker 2:Yep, let me book the next one.
Speaker 1:Kind of like my dad with cigarettes at the Playboy Mansion. Yeah Calva, yeah Cal, oh. The other day we had a domestic issue in the apartment complex.
Speaker 2:Oh, I saw that you sent that to me that you wanted to talk about this. I can't wait to hear it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, the guy just walked by, right now too.
Speaker 2:I mean I don't want to hear about a domestic issue, but this was a horrible one.
Speaker 1:No, and let me tell you what happened. I'll give you and you let me know if I handled this okay or not.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:I kind of want. You know, looking back after it, I was like you know, should I have? Maybe I shouldn't have. But you know, there's a lady next door, kev. She locked her husband out and he's like yelling and screaming upset at these three to three to four minutes straight, wow, and I'm just like, oh man, we got kids around here, we got families. The language is getting way out of hand. I mean, this is getting louder and it's it's so.
Speaker 1:I, I took it into my own hands, I, I walked outside kev, I gave him a hard push in the chest and I said this shit stops right, fucking now. Nice, yeah, and he's like he looks stunned. I mean, you know, yeah, he looked a little bit stunned. He's seen me around. He's one of those. You know, we do the the upward head nod and we're cool with each other and stuff like that.
Speaker 1:But I say no, this stops right here. And I told him. I said look, dude. I said go for a walk around the block, take some deep breaths, think about the stupid shit that you've been doing over the last three or four minutes Doesn't seem like you've done anything really too hardcore that you can't come back from. Uh, but if you keep this up, you're gonna go to jail. You're gonna end up tonight in jail. You know, one of these neighbors is gonna call the cops, or your wife is gonna call the cops, or whatever, and you're gonna sit in jail and you'll be like so I'm just trying to help you right here was he on substance no, no, no, he, no, he was just pissed, just pissed, and after he did he did the walk around or whatever, and you know, and everything turned out okay.
Speaker 1:I went back in. I was just kind of watching outside to make sure. Nothing, you know, escalated into something where you know it would be viral later. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:Absolutely know what you're saying.
Speaker 1:yes, you know it would be viral later. You know I'm saying absolutely know what you're saying. Yes, but I, you know I was thinking about it. You know, I I didn't plan on like punching him or lighting him up or anything when I went out there, unless he like fought back and got squirrely. I mean to me and tell me if I'm wrong for doing this. I mean to me the push in the chest is kind of like a hard reset, like a reboot, uh-huh. You know I'm saying I know, like, like when we were kids and we had a remote control and it didn't work, and you're trying to change channels and you just, like you know, hit the, hit the remote a little bit and reboot it, reset it, sure, and then you know it woke it up and now it's okay, now we're going. Now we're going to mtv. We got, uh, we got the bangles on mtv. Suzanna haas walk like an egyptian.
Speaker 2:All right, here we go it happened because you went like that.
Speaker 1:Yeah just like that. Yeah, that was it. I, just I, and that's what it was. I mean he was, he didn't know what he was doing.
Speaker 2:He didn't know I mean he is in that altered state yeah, you gotta get the needle out of the groove or it's just gonna keep going.
Speaker 1:So I just you know it's just going to keep going. So I just you know it's just another neighbor like saw it and he's like dude, you got to be careful, man. I mean, he could have shot you. You know, you could have gotten killed there and I'm like I didn't even think about that. I just thought this guy needs a reset, just a quick reset, and it was just a little push in the chest going stop, and uh, you know it worked.
Speaker 2:There you go.
Speaker 1:But I probably should, should I not?
Speaker 2:have done it. I mean, you know, hindsight's always going to be perfect vision, but uh, at the time it seemed like the right thing to do. So okay, yeah, I mean, dude, if you're going to get shot for that, there are plenty of other, lesser reasons that people are going to shoot us.
Speaker 1:Okay, you know, I was just trying to help out. I mean, I, the dude bro, was going to jail.
Speaker 2:Dude, I was playing air guitar in my car the other day and a couple of gangbangers rode by me and they started flashing signs at me because they thought I was doing something graphically against them. I'm like I rolled my window down and I'm like listen.
Speaker 1:Oh my God, that's so funny.
Speaker 2:I had to pull up. I have a 14 speaker system in my car. I had to pull up on 12.
Speaker 1:Why, why, why. What did they do after you? You showed them.
Speaker 2:They, they drove off.
Speaker 1:Okay, it was cool. Yeah, that's funny. Yeah, you just never know, you know you just don't. Oh, you know, you just don't. Oh, and speaking of which, I hate to bring it back around, the Bengals walk like an Egyptian. What the fuck was that man? I mean, how did they get away with that shit? Yeah right, Kev. I have known probably about four or five Egyptians in my life and none of them have ever walked like that. None of them, None of them.
Speaker 2:Oh, now that you're bringing this up, I got to bring this up with you. Do you remember when we were in Birmingham, all right and our producer, doc Adams, said that we should take the Israelites and move them to Utah? Do you remember when he said that?
Speaker 1:Yeah, we should take Israel and move it to Utah and we wouldn't have the violence in the Middle East.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's right, yeah, and we got in massive trouble for that. Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.
Speaker 1:One of our biggest sponsors was Jewish and did not like that at all.
Speaker 2:Did you hear what Trump said the other day? What did he say? I think everybody that's in Gaza should be let go to either Turkey or Jordan or Egypt. I think you guys need to take all of them in. Move everybody, move everybody to Jordan and Egypt, as a matter of fact, I have an airliftift.
Speaker 1:It's in the air right now. The way I got it figured, it'll take 140 planes, 79 hours, round the clock, round the clock I heard him say that and I'm like damn, we got in trouble for suggesting something like that I know, I know we did. If we did that, then you know that we're in trouble.
Speaker 2:But then again I'm like maybe we're ahead of our time, kevin.
Speaker 1:Hey kevin, I gotta ask you, man. I mean I let's do an update. Um, for those unaware, kevin klein has had a dream of being a teacher yeah he wants to be a, he wants to teach uh, middle school or high school. What do you want?
Speaker 2:I'm kind of concentrating on middle school yeah.
Speaker 1:OK, and how's that going? What's what's the latest? I know the last time we chatted you were going to have a break bread or have a chat with a bunch of teachers to find out you know, check their heads on it what you've gotten. He's gotten the certification and the background check. The FBI has concluded yes, indeed, for those. I know a lot of people lost a bet there.
Speaker 2:Kevin Klein is allowed to be near children. Yeah, I did pass my background check. I was up at. I was up at a school last Friday talking to the entire student body about accountability and afterwards I went and helped out with the media class and got to talk to the principal they want me to be a substitute over there Talked to a couple of the teachers and they were giving me some pointers and stuff.
Speaker 1:So yeah, I mean it looks like within the next couple of weeks, I should be fully registered, because there's still some things I have to do. Now let me ask you know what does that look like? Is it? You're on their call sheet. If somebody gets sick, you just go in and teach.
Speaker 2:There was an actual news story here in Springfield yesterday on the news Tim and the typical on a daily basis. The typical school district has openings for 30 substitutes every single day. Wow, yeah Now Springfield Public Schools is the largest public school system in the state of Missouri. They have upwards of 150 openings per day.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that seems like a lot, it is a lot. And it's probably has gotten, because I can't remember when we were kids, a situation like that at all. Is this um, you know, teachers just going, hey, you fucking bring these animals that you don't raise correctly here and I need, I need some mental health there is a lot of that.
Speaker 2:There is a lot of that and I'm not.
Speaker 1:I can. I can completely understand it. As a as a guy who has been in the classroom for a full day in a fifth grade classroom two times, you know I can totally understand that these kids, a lot of these kids, have no parenting, no discipline. There is nobody there to say no and these teachers are at the tip of the spear on that shit yeah, yeah, well it.
Speaker 2:It really inhibits their ability to teach when you have to do, uh, deal with disruption in class. You know that, that that one or two students who are disrupting in class you have to give them your attention, and the other 28 that are in class, they're, they're on their own.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I can't. I remember this. I remember this one glue eater. It was just disrupting the class, you know, causing my ex you know some problems. She was teaching the class and I'm serious, man, I was so close to just you know, when the bell rang and we're gonna go to the lunch, we still had a second half of the day I was gonna like walk with him and go hey look, man, if you don't fucking get your shit in line, you're gonna fucking pay a price yeah I said you ever heard of a code red?
Speaker 2:Oh, code red, no way.
Speaker 1:I told him. I said I got a pillowcase and a bunch of bars of soap in my fucking truck and I will come back in here.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you will not like that.
Speaker 1:I was about to do that. I just I couldn't, obviously I didn't want to. You know, look bad to my ex.
Speaker 2:Yeah right.
Speaker 1:Yeah, but that's how bad it was.
Speaker 2:Right, yeah, but that's how bad it was.
Speaker 1:Anyway, go ahead, Kev. I'm sorry I interrupted you yeah, no, no.
Speaker 2:So they also say that right now it's kind of high because of the cold and flus that are going around and stuff like that. But no, I'm very excited about it, I'm very anxious to get started. I talked to so many different teachers who gave me all different kinds of points, but the main point was you're a substitute teacher, you're not going to make a difference. You're not going to make a difference, you're just going to be there to babysit. So you know.
Speaker 1:Maybe you could be that, michelle Pfeiffer.
Speaker 2:Well, they said that the way that I because what I want to do, I want to mentor kids I get a thrill out of mentoring kids and watching them grasp something that they didn't understand before. And they said the only way that you're going to do that as a substitute is if you're a regular substitute at one particular school, then they'll develop a rapport with you, a familiarity with you, and then you can have that impact. So I'm pretty much just going to concentrate on one school here and you know, see what happens.
Speaker 1:Now I could see this and maybe I'm off base here I could see this turning into into like, uh, maybe even a regular type thing for you. Um, look where you would be able to, you know, customize a kevin klein classroom, and I'm just wondering what that would look like. I mean, kev, would that thing have the the gwyneth paltrow shrine in it?
Speaker 2:uh, no, it would not have the gwyneth paltrow shrine in it. No, it would not have the Gwyneth Paltrow shrine, I would. You know, I want to teach a media class because that's what I know the most. I suck at math, and so that would be out. But what I would like to do is I would like to put movie posters up around the room, like my, my mentor, my, my media class teacher did in high school. Um, but he put, like you know, pink Floyd, the wall and stuff like that. I would put like seven, uh, or the usual suspects, or you know, movies that you know. If the kids know what they are, they're going to be scared to cross the cross. Oh, mr Kev.
Speaker 1:What's in the box. Mr Klein, that's right, your half. I just just I can't. I think maybe one of your death medal posters would do it that would be a good one too you put guar on there. Can you imagine I'm gonna for those of you don't know what I'm talking about, can you imagine you walk into a fourth grader or you know maybe an eighth or ninth graders class and you see this poster right here?
Speaker 1:you're gonna behave. No, those kids know that. Hey, this is not a teacher we trifle with, not at all. But you know, kevin won't go hard like the whole time, he won't be like hardcore. The exemplary students I'd imagine would get some of that classic, uh, custom kevin klein cheesecake.
Speaker 2:Oh, absolutely oh yeah, that that's, that's a.
Speaker 1:That's a great incentive yeah, just for the exemplary students only for sure. Thank you for that, yeah and when the others mouth or watering or whatever you, just you could look over and go and quit being a fuck up yep, quit eating your glue quit eating your glue and you can get a caramel chocolate chip. She's good.
Speaker 2:Put the glue down. Oh, that's funny, that's good, oh shit.
Speaker 1:I love it. Man, that seems like a good thing for you, a good outlet for you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I want some structure in my life and that will give me some.
Speaker 1:There you go. You need some structure. I do, I do, whereas I, well, I actually I, when I trade Kev, I have like complete structure.
Speaker 2:You, you are very regimented.
Speaker 1:Yes, yeah, like I have, like I was, um, you know, talking with my risk manager, did a little, uh, you know a little. Uh, you know one once every month or two months, the uh funding company, you know, I have a chat with my risk manager and, uh, he's like hey, so you, you have a set of rules, don't you?
Speaker 2:And I was like yeah, here they are.
Speaker 1:He goes geez. He's like this is unbelievable. I mean I said, yeah, I've laid that out in case my kids ever want to get into trading. They've got dad's recipe right there.
Speaker 2:What is a risk manager?
Speaker 1:Just somebody you know, since I'm using their funds. You know, first off, the risk management department. They have, like, all of the balances of all of their funded traders on their computer monitors so they can see what's happening second by second, by second, to make sure nobody is out of line, and they'll check in with you when you you know you maybe you've taken a couple of losses. You know too many. You know maximum daily loss limits. You know too many days in a row, which I don't do I never hit my maximum daily loss limit.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:I just I take a small percentage of it and then they'll also, if you have a huge winner going, they'll be like Ooh, hey, man, you're up. That really good. You know what's the plan. I mean we want, we want you to at least lock in half. You know that really good. You know what's the plan I mean we want, we want you to at least lock in half. You know, or you know, two-thirds of these profits. You know, yeah, what's what's your plan.
Speaker 1:So they'll, they'll call you okay uh, but but every so often you'll just, you'll have a chat with them and you know they'll do a head check, see how you're doing. And you know they, you know I'm kind of new with them, so they, you know we have these more details on my mind frame and my trading system and my style. But yeah, my rules are very, very specific. The only thing that I have discretion on is because I've watched and you were with me when I was watching for hours and hours this market move every single day on the morning show and everything like that.
Speaker 1:I know I have the discretion of I know when to take a long or when to take a short, you know when to sell, um, but after I decide, you know where I sell, how much I risk, what my stop is, what my first take profit uh area is, what my first take profit area is, what my second take profit area is. That is all automatic and mechanical. Wow, yeah, so I, you know, I, I would anticipate, you know, I think probably one of my kids will eventually hey, dad, this is really cool and I think it's probably be Dallas.
Speaker 2:Really it's going to be down, okay.
Speaker 1:I think so. If I had to bet on it, I think Dallas will come to me in a couple years three, four years and be like hey, how do you do that shit? That looks pretty cool, because Dallas is my big gamer. He loves video games.
Speaker 2:Okay.
Speaker 1:And all I'm doing every morning is the biggest video game in the world. I didn't know that interesting it's. That's basically what it is.
Speaker 1:I'm playing a video game against the smartest minds, robots, algorithms in the world every single morning, and, uh, you know, all I want is a little peace yeah and you know so I, I see him doing that and then when he does, if he does or any of my kids do, I I have the recipe just fucking laid out right there. Do you trade in crypto? I do not. It's not. I don't like it. I mean I, there there's a futures market for now, but it do not. It's not. I don't like it. I mean there's a futures market for now, but it's not regulated. It's Wild West. I don't like it. First off, it doesn't have quite the liquidity I want. So, you know, getting in and out, I mean it's pretty liquid now, but I still don't like the spreads on it. You know it costs a lot of money to get in and to get out and I just I don't like the price action. I don't like the price action Whereas yeah, cause I'm a pullback trader calf.
Speaker 2:Okay, I don't know what that is, but I'm not, I, I, I.
Speaker 1:I watch on a very short timeframe, the uh ES, which is the S&P 500 E-mini market, their chart. I watch it on a small timeframe 2000 ticks, which are about 30 to 40 second little bars and once I decide, okay, we're long, we're going long. Right now we're in a little bit of an uptrend. This, we're long, we're we're we're going long. Right now we're in a little bit of an uptrend. I take a pullback, I wait for it to come back a certain amount, then I'll get in with a stop and then look for it to a test that amount for one, take profit. And then, you know, go even further for a second, take profit. So I wait for pullbacks. Okay, whereas you know Bitcoin and all those cryptos, those are breakouts. But the thing about breakouts is you can make a lot of money on them, but there are a lot of false breakouts, so you're getting death by a thousand paper cuts.
Speaker 1:Oh, okay, so it's like you get set and you know I don't like seven, eight losers in a row before I get my big winner.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:I just don't like that. I like being. You know, I'm cool with hey. Half the time I win, half the time I lose, or 60% of the time I win, 40% of the time I lose. My average winning rate is about 1.2 to 1. So you do the math right. There I can carve out a living.
Speaker 2:Can you spend cryptocurrency?
Speaker 1:Yeah, who takes it. There's a lot of vendors that take it Really and Kev, it could be immediately converted into cash anyway.
Speaker 2:Oh, it can okay.
Speaker 1:Immediately. All right. So yeah, crypto is easy. You know you have, you have a coin base wallet or whatever. I mean you can pay things through that wallet, like direct, but you know any like retail establishment or something like that, even groceries or whatever where they don't take bitcoin. You can convert it to cash immediately I see okay.
Speaker 1:So, yeah, it's, it's mainstream, it's big time. It's just not liquid enough for me. I don't like the spreads, I don't like the price action, so I stay away from it. Understood, so it's kind of like Kev.
Speaker 1:For thousands and thousands and thousands of hours I've watched this one market. I know her. I like the way she moves. She's good to me, don't get me wrong. Crypto and NASDAQ, I mean they're like that hot Latina chick where it's like, hey, I can really have a lot of fun with this and really get some benefit from that. But you know, I don't like the way it moves. It doesn't give a fuck about my levels, my moving averages, doesn't care about my stop, doesn't give a fuck, and it's just going to be like shake them around or whatever you know. So I just I just have the girl next door, nice little seven and a half in my E, s, e mini market there, my S and P 500. And I know the way she moves, I know what to do when she does this. I do that. She's not going to shake me out or violate my levels or anything like that. She's just going to be good and kind to Timmy T.
Speaker 2:Okay, I understand that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah, I mean your NASDAQ and your cryptos. Those are Latina chicks. Yeah, they're fun, but they can fuck you up.
Speaker 2:He knows.
Speaker 1:I know, you know, just your next girl next door. You know, sweetheart, that's the E-mini 500.
Speaker 2:Oh, by the way, you're talking about girls again. I read this morning and man Timmy, if're talking about girls again, um, I read this morning and man Timmy, if you haven't made your move yet, you need to. Uh, yeah, you know what. You know why she, uh, she got out of that marriage. Why no sex? What?
Speaker 1:That's what I. He didn't want to have sex with Jessica Alba Bingo. There you go, oh my God.
Speaker 2:When did Cash Warren go gay? That is what I read this morning from quote. An inside anonymous source said that she had grown fed up with the lack of romance and sex in the marriage.
Speaker 1:Oh, my God.
Speaker 2:There you go, Timmy.
Speaker 1:You have that woman could walk into a morgue and get volunteers for sex. There will people that, there are people that will raise themselves from the dead. I mean, Kev, just I hate to give you work, but here this is Jessica Alba. Really, there you work. But here this is Jessica Alba, Really, there you go. Kev, I could be like on my deathbed, you know bedpan and ready to die, and if there's the opportunities there, I would suddenly just stand up. Now, of course, the bedpan would be a turnoff to Miss Alba.
Speaker 2:I was getting ready to say boy, you got game. If you can get us through a bedpan dude.
Speaker 1:You know, Tim, I think you're hot, but the shit in the pan is not good. All right, Kevin Coyne, that has been a fun, fun show.
Speaker 2:Goes by fast man.
Speaker 1:Goes by really, really quick. Again, you know we only covered about 20% of what we needed to cover, but that's okay, there's always next week. Hey look, do us a favor Like, follow, download, subscribe. We need you all to download these episodes. I love it that the dramatic majority of you you'll press play on your podcast platform, but please just download it. You know, just press that download button. That really really helps our numbers and puts us in a good position. We got merchandise available on the Tuttle Kline Facebook page. We got Tuttle Kline on Instagram and Tuttle Kline on TikTok, so you can check out our stuff on a day-to-day basis. Kev.
Speaker 2:Yeah, anything else? No, no, we're all good man, we're all good. Enjoy your uh. Enjoy the rest of your week.
Speaker 1:You got it, my brother Peace out.
Speaker 2:That's it for this episode of the Tuttle Kline Show. See you this Wednesday for an all new episode, and thanks for listening to the Tuttle Kline Show. Yo, all right, take the yo out.