Tuttle & Kline
Award winning morning radio partners for 25+ years, Tim Tuttle and Kevin Kline share stories and insights through organic conversation and natural humor.
Tuttle & Kline
Ep #42: Laughter and Lessons from Turkeys to Tech to Football to Slavery
Join us for a Thanksgiving table full of humor and heartfelt stories. We chat about the thrill of high school football playoffs, the unexpected consequences of an OnlyFans account, and the quirks of holiday dental advice.
From boxing orangutans to international rights for sex workers, our conversation is a rollercoaster through the absurd and the thought-provoking, sprinkled with laughter and a bit of eyebrow-raising news about Meghan Trainor's Botox adventures.
As the whistle blows on football officiating controversies, we tackle the evolving landscape of college sports and the ripples of NIL and transfer portals. We reflect on motorsport drama with Tony Stewart's infamous incident, and then color our world with a spirited debate about favorite hues. Marvel's latest superhero entry also makes the cut in our colorful commentary, where we contemplate representation in media with our signature blend of humor and critical thought.
From market maneuvers to superhero stories, this episode promises an eclectic mix of topics that are as engaging as they are entertaining.
Welcome to the Tuttle Kline Show.
Speaker 2:Calvin Tuttle.
Speaker 3:What's going on, Tuttle?
Speaker 2:How you doing, man.
Speaker 3:Good, how are you?
Speaker 2:Good, I haven't gotten a setup yet. That's why we're going a little later.
Speaker 3:Well, that's what I was thinking. I'm like I'm checking my phone starting at about 9 30 and I'm like ah shit, I haven't seen. Hey, klein, I hit my profit margin. I can go a little earlier today. I'm like man, he's having to work hard today my profit target yeah yeah, no I, it's just a slow market.
Speaker 2:I thought. I thought, uh, um, because we hit an all-time high on Friday. Yeah.
Speaker 3:I know.
Speaker 2:With light volume on Black Friday and I thought oh man, they're going to come gangbusters here, we're going to have a December Santa Claus rally or something like that. And it's just been slow, it's just been churning back and forth.
Speaker 3:Is that the official term? A Santa Claus rally? Yeah, santa Claus rally, really yeah. The official term a Santa Claus rally? Yeah, santa Claus rally, Really yeah.
Speaker 2:What determines that the retail markets? Or yeah, they get numbers in for Black Friday, slash Cyber Monday on where we're at and I was just thinking that they knew something on Friday because it hit an all-time high and I was like, okay, they know something about the retail numbers already Early projections I said this can really bust out on Monday morning. So I was just going to try to catch a second entry long at a key entry point and I was going to hold it.
Speaker 3:I don't know how many times I've caught a second entry long before in my life. It's just, it's an amazing ride.
Speaker 2:I was just going to hold it for a big profit. That was my plan this morning, but it just churned like back and forth, back and forth, you know.
Speaker 3:Yeah, no, and while we love seeing your name, we would appreciate seeing your face even more. For some reason, your screen went blank.
Speaker 2:Oh, wait a minute. Wait a minute. I don't know what happened there. Oh, sorry about that?
Speaker 3:Oh, there he is.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, okay. So instead of the market, you know, just doing a little curl move and then shooting straight up, it's just going back and forth, and back and forth oh, okay well, that's okay that sometimes the uh the big guys though they want to fake out the uh the retail idiots.
Speaker 3:So they'll wait until uh afternoon do we know who the big guys are? Are you talking like Buffett and Gates and the?
Speaker 2:well, yeah, the institutions, the hedge funds.
Speaker 3:Okay, all right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, those are the big guys, those are the ones that need to move large amounts of product and they don't want to run the price up on themselves. So they, they, you know they. They try to disguise what their intentions are.
Speaker 3:Hey, cause you're involved in this kind of stuff. I'm always curious, you know. You look at some of the wealthiest human beings in the world. They're hedge fund managers. Okay, All right, so what is the percentage of hedge fund managers that don't make it?
Speaker 2:Well, there's, there's a lot that, that, that overdo it. Oh, okay, all right managers that don't make it. Well, there's that, there's a lot that, uh, that overdo it. Oh, okay, all right. Yeah, all it is is risk control. You know if, if you are good at risk control, but you know they get. You get some gunslinger, some cowboys out there, you know, and suddenly they have a uh, a peak, the valley drawdown of you know, 25, 30 percent, and everybody's going give me my fucking money back. Man, I, I don't want those headaches.
Speaker 3:Oh, okay, all right. A peak to valley means like you're at the top of the mountain and all of a sudden you're at the bottom of the mountain.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know you're, you're looking at your, you know you're, you're invested in this fund and you're looking at it and you know, you say you put in a hundred thousand dollars into this fund and then you know it shoots like North. And it said, you know, like four months later, it's, you know it's $180,000. And you're like damn man, 80% in that little time. And then you look the next month and it's, it's, you know 110,000. And you're like, oh, these are gunslingers, man, people don't want to put up with that.
Speaker 3:Yeah, too volatile. Yeah, it's too volatile Always looking over your shoulder, going what am I going to lose now? What am I going to lose now?
Speaker 2:They want to beat the S and P, you know, by 1.5, you know a fit by 50% and they don't want any kind of a heavy drawdown.
Speaker 3:That's what people want. S and P is standard and poor.
Speaker 2:Who are those folks? The standard and poor, Well, Well, that's just a representing company, but they have the S&P 500, which is what I trade the S&P 500 futures, which is a basket of 500 of the biggest stocks in America that are put together and it's basically the most general view of the market. Everybody gets caught up in the Dow. The Dow is only 30 stocks. It means nothing.
Speaker 3:But are those 30 stocks the 30 biggest stocks?
Speaker 2:Not necessarily. They are big stocks, though, and then the NASDAQ is the tech stocks. Those are the high flyers. That's the mag seven, the big seven Tesla, amazon and all that shit NVID that.
Speaker 3:uh, is that one of them now?
Speaker 2:oh yeah, nvidia, nvidia nvidia is the monster right now. I know it is, I know nvidia is the. I mean they have in, they have, um, nvidia, uh, watch parties really yeah, for for their earnings.
Speaker 3:Oh my god, quarterly yeah yeah, it's like super bowl. Well, bezos is uh putting millions behind a rival company now because NVIDIA is so huge.
Speaker 2:They all do that, they all want to get in on that. You know how Elon wanted to have rocket ships and then Bezos is like well, I'm going to do rocket ships too. Yeah, he's got such an insecurity complex for somebody that rich. Seriously, man, how was your Thanksgiving dude?
Speaker 3:Oh, it was spent on the road buddy. You know, we drove from Springfield down to Houston. I performed a wedding the following day and then we drove back on Saturday morning.
Speaker 2:Okay, all right. I was noticing that you didn't come by and drop off your Corvette for me to fool around in.
Speaker 3:I don't yeah no, we were out by Huffman Hargrave. Remember going out there for?
Speaker 2:All the time. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:Gridiron yeah, we were out there and I figured you know what. Why get stuck in that traffic? I'm going to be back down later on this year and next year. I'll just swing by then when we have an extended stay.
Speaker 2:You know Hargrave's got a pretty good. I think they're they're a three, a football team. They're still in the playoffs.
Speaker 3:Really.
Speaker 2:I think. So they got a good squad Phenomenal. So I was just going, I was, I was reading up on that. This weekend I haven't been paying.
Speaker 3:I usually pay attention and I'm like, oh shit, man, it's December 1st. Who's in the who's in the playoffs? Still, yeah, playoffs still, yeah. Yeah, you know, our playoffs are still going on. We've got the uh state semifinals coming up this weekend, so our state semifinals well, actually our state playoffs aren't anywhere near as complex as texas, because we don't have the amount of schools here in missouri.
Speaker 2:No yeah, if you could take the best players from missouri form an all-star team and still the top 20 teams in Texas individually would kick their ass.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I know Right.
Speaker 2:Trust me, kev, I've been field, I've been like uh, you know, uh, on the field, on the sidelines and everything like that over the years. Next to these guys, they're just Kev, I'm a big guy. Yeah, they, a lot of them are a lot of them are my size as high schoolers.
Speaker 3:About seven, about seven miles from where we live, there is one of the top recruits in the country goes to Nixa High School. I think I honestly Tim. I think the kid is 6'8", 310 pounds.
Speaker 2:That's an automatic. Uh, blindside tackle buddy. It's exactly what he plays yeah, can he move?
Speaker 3:can he move? Yeah, oh yeah, he's. I mean he's not. I honest to god, I think he's one of the top 100 recruits in the country oh, that's great yeah, people are flying in every week to watch him play and his team is in the semifinals. That's great.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so how is?
Speaker 3:it being 6'8" 310 pounds.
Speaker 2:I can imagine it, but, boy, I tell you what it's like. You know, the day one of being that big, they're like man. I've ate seven times and it isn't even noon yet. I hate this shit. Right, it's all it is is eating to keep that big body moving.
Speaker 3:Indeed.
Speaker 2:How was your Thanksgiving? Good Thanksgiving.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I mean it was really quiet. You know, we spent 10 hours on the road that day. Hardly anything is open, so we had to really be strategic about this. Mcdonald's was basically the only place. Even gas stations were closed. Yeah, it's a ghost town out there, buddy, but and you know, the older I get, the more I question what? What is so special about thanksgiving? What ball, yeah, I mean, I mean the day.
Speaker 2:It's just a freaking thursday to me I know, man, it's all over hype, it's all, it's all a retail thing, and you know, hallmark you know, I mean, I get the family aspect of it, but if you're not celebrating the family, it's all a retail thing.
Speaker 3:And you know Hallmark. I mean, I get the family aspect of it, but if you're not celebrating with family, it's just a day.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and I did not celebrate with family.
Speaker 3:No, I know, I know how you celebrate it, buddy. I can't wait to hear it.
Speaker 2:I had Thanksgiving with a gorgeous single mom. Yes, she's a very beautiful, beautiful lady. You were not the one that helped to get her start, or were you? No, no, no, no, that was not me. Her, her, she's got a son and her uh, her son had thanksgiving in oklahoma with dad, so she was alone. You know, a little bit bummed out her and I have bonded over the past six to eight weeks. So you know, I'm glad I was there to help her through a tough time I'm sure very magnanimous, of you.
Speaker 2:She had a rough go of late too, Kev, I'm sure Can't be easy. Yeah, well, not just that, but a few months ago she was let go from her job. Oh my God, yeah yeah. Her co-workers found her OnlyFans. Oh really workers found her only fans, oh really, and she uh, yeah, and, and she became quote unquote too much of a distraction at work, according to her boss.
Speaker 3:Yeah, bullshit, she became too much of a jealous factor it seems to be that the individual stories that I'm getting are, uh, you know, a lot of the females there were not happy basically only fans, is a way for individuals, be it male or female, to go and make money on the internet by posting pictures, videos, more exclusive than what you would be able to get on like a TikTok or Instagram.
Speaker 2:Well, yeah, and all she does is she just reads stories in lingerie and a bikini.
Speaker 3:It's fantastic.
Speaker 2:And she's got a great following.
Speaker 3:Tim. There are women on the internet on OnlyFans that make millions of dollars posting pictures of their feet.
Speaker 2:Well, she told me that I mean that she makes more than she did at the job. And I'm like well, why are you bummed out? And she's like. She's like well, you know, it's a, it's a, I like the, uh, the, you know the, the interaction with people and stuff like that. Just doing only fans is just her.
Speaker 3:Well, and the health insurance probably helps a lot too.
Speaker 2:Well, but I told her, I said, hey, you can, you can jump on some uh health insurance policies you know for for self-employed people. They're out there, I do it myself.
Speaker 3:So do I.
Speaker 2:And if you need company, I'm a buck and a half away, exactly so. Yeah, she was just a little bummed. I mean, she was an up-and-coming sales rep with that company Okay, doing really well but now she's an in-and-coming friend of mine Nice, by the way. She would laugh at that if she heard She'll watch this later, she'll laugh at it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you know, what was interesting to me was you texted me about something we did on the last episode and she was right next to you and you're like, yeah, I'm on a date right now. I'm like, well, how good is that date if he's texting me? But you said she was laughing at it too.
Speaker 2:Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, we were both laughing because that was the Kev that was. I mean, what I'm doing now is seriously, once every first off, when I'm trading, I I I block my phone, block my phone. I I I don't have my phone. And then after that, after I get done trading Kev, I I check it once every three, four hours.
Speaker 3:Yeah, Isn't it great.
Speaker 2:Oh, it's beautiful. Yeah, it's, it's the best, the best life. You know, I, I, I have people and I, you know, I've actually been stopped now in person when I'm out of hey man, I used to follow you on Facebook. You're not there anymore. I miss you. I'm like I'm not coming back.
Speaker 3:No, no, that's about the. That's about the only thing of the Kamala Harris campaign that you adopted. We are not going back.
Speaker 2:It's, it's, it's so funny, I ain't going back. It's, it's, it's so funny, I ain't going back. Hey, uh, as a matter of fact, it's weird because, uh, to me, the only thing that would ever bring me back is, you know, to promote our podcast, right? But hi, uh, and you know, I've been waiting for trish like to reach out. Go, hey, why the fuck aren't you? Uh, you know you need help out here, buddy.
Speaker 3:No, not at all. You do a great job on Instagram.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean just follow Tuttle Kline on Instagram. I still post a daily story of what's going on with our podcast and that also transfers over on our Tuttle Kline Facebook so you can find me there Between that and you know. Now you know I'm not just, I'm not, I'm I. This is probably the most tranquil, tranquil and peaceful I've ever been. Kev.
Speaker 3:Isn't it true?
Speaker 2:It is just. It is just an amazing, amazing spiritual thing when you don't have it. And now I have Twitter, but I do not look on it at all.
Speaker 3:Well, you know we talked about it in the last episode that the legislature in the country of Australia was going to vote last week on if they were going to ban social media for 16-year-age or under. That went through. They did.
Speaker 2:They banned it you know, hey australians, good night mites. I mean you're. You have some authoritarian fascists. I mean, what they did to you during covid is insane. I mean they have they made california look like florida. That's how bad Australia was. Oh my gosh.
Speaker 3:That's impossible, it's hard to do.
Speaker 2:They have a layer of authoritarian control freaks that sunk their teeth into the constituency, into the population, when they had the gun ban, you know, and stuff like that. Now they have no reason. See, this is what happens when you can't. You know, let the government know. Hey man, if you go too far, we're coming.
Speaker 3:Yeah, well, I mean, but people in Australia just wake up every day and go. Yeah, but we live in Australia. It's a beautiful place, man, holy crap oh.
Speaker 2:I know, I know it's beautiful and you know kangaroos boxing them. That's a lot of fun too. Yeah, I love, I fucking love those videos.
Speaker 3:I forget who I was listening to a podcast that I was listening to coming back from Texas. Oh no, no, it was Nate Bargatze talking about guys that would box an orangutan.
Speaker 2:And then a guy would pay $5. It wasn't for free. He would pay, and then he'd go in there and this orangutan would just knock this dude out. That'd be dumb. If the orangutan gets a hold of one, you're dead.
Speaker 3:That's why they put the gloves on him, because he would rip your face off.
Speaker 2:He would rip your face off. Even a good punch, I mean, he'll make you time travel the next week, yeah, but you know there's so many ways to fool an orangutan man. I mean, if you can't outsmart an orangutan, I mean Kev, this whole thing. You know the wheeling around with the right arm and then just the left. That should work every time, every time, around with the right arm and then just the left. That should work every time, every time, because they don't know that's coming.
Speaker 3:they're just looking right they're looking right there, bring the jabs in man.
Speaker 2:Am I right? Yeah, absolutely right, because it's a fucking orangutan.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we're smarter than them.
Speaker 2:Many of us are yeah, many of us are okay. Well, what, well, what else? While we're on it, kevin Kline because I'm off the grid on a weekly basis he makes sure that I know what's going on in the world, things that he thinks that I should know or would want to know. What do you got?
Speaker 3:Well, you will not suffer from the Oxford Word of the Year of 2024 because you're not online anymore. The Word of the year is brain rot.
Speaker 2:Brain rot.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and you know how you get brain rot. It's by watching and looking at meaningless stuff on the internet. It doesn't make you think, it doesn't challenge you, so you're not in that boat.
Speaker 2:No, no, I still do have some YouTube rabbit holes here and there.
Speaker 3:Yeah, we're going to get to that too.
Speaker 2:But yeah, I have some of those. But yeah, I just don't do much surfing, I don't. I mean, if I have a specific need and need to Google something or look something up, I'll do that, but it's never mindless anymore.
Speaker 3:No, okay. And then here's a thing that, coming up for the holidays, dentists are saying that you should no longer do citrus, stop chewing ice, stop eating sticky candy bread and crackers, soda and energy drinks and coffee, or else your teeth are going to fall out.
Speaker 2:Really.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, it's, it's, uh, because not even flossing can save you from the acidic damage that you're doing to your teeth.
Speaker 2:Kevin, I'm, I'm, I'm one of those people that brush my teeth like after after, you know, having my coffee, and then and then again after eating, and I mean I probably brush my teeth four or five times a day. Does that help?
Speaker 3:I'm a three a day. No, it says it does not help, especially if you're doing sticky stuff like toffees, caramels, gummy worms, because you can't get all the sticky stuff, it gets stuck in your teeth and bread is kind of the same thing. They're saying Unbelievable. Who knew?
Speaker 2:I did not know.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I didn't either.
Speaker 2:Any good news this past week.
Speaker 3:Good news this past week. Yeah, I guess. So If you're a sex worker in Belgium, you now have rights.
Speaker 2:Well, my gosh, that was on the list of to-do things. Move to Belgium and be a sex worker Seriously Tim?
Speaker 3:up until last week, sex workers in Belgium could not refuse clients, could not set the conditions of a sex act and could not stop any sex act while it was in progress. Are you kidding me, are?
Speaker 2:you kidding me? That's called getting Clinton'd.
Speaker 3:Oh shit, now, because the law passed, not only do they get those three things, but they also get sick days, maternity pay and they get a pension Awesome.
Speaker 2:Yes, okay, so they're humans yeah.
Speaker 3:And the other thing is Meghan Train trainer, can't smile anymore because she said so much Botox and lip fillers.
Speaker 2:That's too bad.
Speaker 3:Isn't it though?
Speaker 2:That's too bad. Hey, do you think, uh uh, sex workers versus orangutans boxing who wins?
Speaker 3:I'm going to go with the sex workers from Belgium, from Belgium, from Belgium, from Belgium. Only Right yeah.
Speaker 2:Let's make that clear. Anything else Kev.
Speaker 3:I don't know if you know this or not, but President Biden did an unconditional and full pardon of his son, Hunter Biden yesterday Said he wasn't going to do it, but then ended up doing it. Wow, and it brings me to a be honest that I have for you. Be honest, be honest.
Speaker 2:Wow, ok, yeah, so basically a full and unconditional pardon means that anything he has done in the past he cannot face trial or repercussions for. That is just the most I mean that's worse than insider trading on Congress. The most I mean that's worse than insider trading on Congress just giving a complete blank check like that to somebody that's a family member, but again, you know, it's criminals protecting criminals.
Speaker 3:So here's my question for you Be honest If a family member committed a crime, would you turn them in?
Speaker 2:I would not. Okay, no, I would adjudicate it myself. I would. Eric and I talked about this in terms of you know, if our kids got into trouble, she'd be like, well, you know, they got to do the time. No, I don't want to put them in the system.
Speaker 2:I will, I will handle it so I would do it, I would do everything I could to defend my kids and, uh, you know, make sure that, uh, that they didn't become a part of the system and be institutionalized. I see, okay, so so no, I, I, I would, you know, obviously, if the kid did something, one of my kids did something stupid or one of some family member did something stupid, I would do what I can to correct the situation and make sure it didn't happen again. But no, I can handle it again. I can handle punishment.
Speaker 3:I'm sure you can. You've received a lot, a lot.
Speaker 2:A lot. So, yeah, yeah, eric and I. Yeah, we talked about you, would you? Would you with a family member?
Speaker 3:No, I wouldn't, and I wouldn't do it with a friend, I wouldn't do it with a family member, and not because of the institutionalization. I have a rule and it has served me very, very well in my life, and that is if it doesn't pertain to me, leave it the fuck alone. Okay, like when people would ask me about you and Erica didn't pertain to me. So I would say I have no idea, I don't know. I. That's what bothers me about a lot of people. They want to get involved in other people's shit. You know, and it, you know it serves no purpose. You stress yourself out. Look, man, if it doesn't pertain to you, let it go. Yeah, if my brother committed a murder doesn't pertain to me, I'm going to let it go. See, I'm going to, I'm going to encourage him to do the right thing, but no, it's, it's not my place.
Speaker 2:See, if my, my brother committed a murder, I'd he you murder. He'd call.
Speaker 3:I'd be like, okay, man, I'll bring the bag of lime, let's go bury it, see, but then you become an accomplice, me turning a blind eye. I don't think I become an accomplice.
Speaker 2:It's my brother man.
Speaker 3:Understood, understood. So there you go.
Speaker 2:It's my brother, I mean there's very few people I would do that for. I'd probably do that for you.
Speaker 3:Really yeah, wow, things have changed.
Speaker 2:I probably I would. I mean, if you called me up and go, dude, you're not gonna believe this shit. I didn't mean it, you know I, I, I reached down to to, uh, you know, make sure, a Metallica Kill Em All was on my thing and I looked up and the guy was on my hood flipping over it he's side of the road right now. I don't think he's going to make it. As a matter of fact, I'll be like put him out of his misery cab and then give me your location. I'll be there in a little bit. Just calm down, relax. Try to roll him off the road so nobody can really see him, and then you know.
Speaker 3:He's never thought of this before.
Speaker 2:I watch way too many fucking movies. That's my problem.
Speaker 3:Exactly, but no, I'm talking about the way things change. He would help me put lime over somebody instead of putting lime over somebody, instead of putting lime over me, which is what he used to say he was gonna do yeah, yeah, I've softened up in my old age yes, you have all right, kev, I got you.
Speaker 2:Be honest for you. Yeah, be honest. Are you secretly happy when somebody that comes off arrogant as fuck eats a shit sandwich?
Speaker 3:Absolutely yeah, oh, most definitely yeah. I was listening to smart list, which is the Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, Sean Hayes, uh, and they had Nate Bargatze on and Sean Hayes was talking about overconfident people who, uh, I can't remember the term that they used, but yeah, I was just like oh my God, I totally agree. Somebody comes off so confident and then they're wrong. Oh my God, I love it.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, kev, and I feel bad about it, but to highlight how much I love when somebody who is arrogant as fuck eating a shit sandwich yeah, every time Colorado loses, I love it.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah, because of Sanders Dion.
Speaker 2:Dion, because he's just way too cocky. And this is coming from me. Yeah, he wrote the book. Yeah, I mean, this is coming from me. I know a lot of you are going like, oh, there's Tuttle throwing stones in a glass house. Hey, I get it, okay, but that guy's off the charts. That's Richter scale right there. Another one to highlight this Kev is Mark Cuban, who is just an arrogant fucking asshole.
Speaker 3:Owner of the Dallas well, previous owner of the Dallas Mavericks, one of the guys on Shark Tank.
Speaker 2:When he had to delete all those tweets about how legendary Kamala Harris is, you, you know, and how she's going to be a great president, blah, blah. I mean, just to have him eat shit like that just made me so happy. Yeah, you know it. Just it does.
Speaker 3:It just does me good well, I've been known to eat shit. I've been known to think that I'm smarter than everybody in the room, but I will point it out when I'm wrong.
Speaker 2:Right yeah. Now, kevin, speaking of football, there's some crazy shit going on in college football. Oh my God, it was a great weekend. Nobody wants to like slam dunk themselves into the playoffs.
Speaker 3:Nobody. Well, oregon, I mean. They're the only undefeated team in the country. They really haven't been tested too much. But I think they will get a test in the Big Ten Championship against number three Penn State.
Speaker 2:Yeah, from this point on, we're going to find out who Oregon is.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, we are.
Speaker 2:Because they were outside of the Ohio State win at home, that they got on a questionable call from a referee. They have not been tested call from a referee.
Speaker 3:Um, they have not been tested, hasn't? Every game this year every single game college and pro had a questionable call by a referee.
Speaker 2:It's the most horrible thing I've ever seen refereeing now kev I I watched um the pittsburgh steelers and the bengals yesterday yeah and I it.
Speaker 2:It was ruled a uh pick six uh by cincinn Cincinnati to start the scoring off in the first quarter. Kev, that was a rape six. I mean I can't believe. I mean slamming a dude's receiver's head down is not a five yard chuck off the line, Just literally just grabbing the back of his helmet and shoving him to the ground and then, oh, I'm picking off the pass and running into the end zone. That's, that was so bad, it was unbelievable. The referee that was in the position that should have called that should probably just hand in his whistle right now.
Speaker 3:Well, it might have been part of the script. You never know exactly, I am firmly convinced that the nfl is rigged. There's just so much money riding on it and there's so many questionable calls in every single game, it's I convinced me otherwise I you're, I can't, I, I just you're right, I I think they want a kansas city detroit championship. I really do well, they might not even get that. They might get get Kansas City and Philadelphia, or they might get Detroit, buffalo. Those are my two picks.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly, exactly. But you know, getting back to college football real quick, what we've noticed is, because nobody's slam dunking into the playoffs, everybody's like limping in is the days of. You know, four or five dominant teams are over because of NIL and the portal.
Speaker 3:It's over.
Speaker 2:Totally. If a team like Indiana overnight, because they're very savvy with the portal and savvy with NIL, can turn into a huge power that tells you everything you need to know.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and look at SMU, look at Arizona State they're having resurgences because of this transfer portal and the NIL. Also, what I loved I watched just a little bit of the Ohio State-Michigan game, where Michigan won their fourth in a row over their hated rival Ohio State and the commentators were like I don't understand this Ohio State team this year. They're the best team money can buy. They went out. They got the best roster money can buy, yep. And I was like when have you ever heard that about college football?
Speaker 2:It's hilarious. Yeah, it's hilarious. Well, a key to it is you still got to do the chemistry thing. Uh-huh. But Kev, it'll never, ever be. Unless there's major reforms in regards to NIL and the portal, you'll never have those four or five dominant teams. That's the reason why Saban left totally.
Speaker 3:Of course it is.
Speaker 2:He couldn't do it. He couldn't dominate in Saban-type fashion. You know Nick Saban was used to, you know, 15, 17 years or whatever it is of just walking into any recruit that he wanted living room, talking to mama, and that kid's his sure, even if that kid knew he wasn't going to start right away or may may not even start because there's four other five stars that in the same position with him.
Speaker 2:You know Saban was was great at not only securing the best players in the nation but also the the ones right behind them, so he didn't have to compete against them exactly and and suddenly, when it became the wild west NIL portal, nick Saban no longer had the edge and he was not going to have his legacy affected by not having an edge no, because he refused to uh pay the players he were.
Speaker 3:I mean, that was something that he was very adamant about yeah, well, that's fine.
Speaker 2:I I would love to play for the alabama crimson tide, but you know they're writing me a check for 10 million dollars and I'm 17 years old exactly right.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's how michigan got the best quarterback in the nation uh-huh for $10 million and I'm 17 years old, exactly right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's how Michigan got the best quarterback in the nation. Uh-huh, 17 years old, $10 million. Oh, by the way, another little quick football note, kev. Yes, I think the Kansas City Chiefs are just bored and they just like, I mean, and just like to toy with everybody and think they have a shot at winning.
Speaker 3:Oh, the close games you mean.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean you know you mentioned it before, kev, there there, in terms of a betting edge, there are two betting edges that I like to work under dogs who are too good and too many points are being given. I like to take the under, like like the michigan game there michigan minus 20 and a half on saturday in the morning that mean or plus 20 and a half. That means ohio state would have to win by 21 points. I took that immediately. I said michigan plus 20 and a half points. Are you kidding me?
Speaker 2:yeah and then the other one was you know it's a divisional rivalry. It's the kansas city chiefs and las vegas raiders. It was uh, uh, chiefs minus nine and a half. That means they had to win by 10. For anybody betting on the chiefs, I was like no, it's division rivalry. They know them and the chiefs always let, because they toy with teams. They like to play with them.
Speaker 3:Have the Chiefs beaten anybody by more than three points this year? No, of course.
Speaker 2:That's why, you know, people are so stupid, because they're like oh, I'm going to win some money, and the Chiefs the Chiefs are a great team, man. Nine and one, ten and one, I'm going to win some money. Well, Paul, it's minus nine and a half, so they got to win by ten. Oh, they'll kill the Raiders.
Speaker 3:They'll kill them.
Speaker 2:And then you're fucking. You know, you just gave up your farm.
Speaker 3:That's right. Like your grandfather, your great-grandfather.
Speaker 2:Bet the farm, grandfather George.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Grandpa George Kev. I got to tell you this story, Please. I was busted in the men's bathroom last week.
Speaker 3:I love the way this starts out. Where are we?
Speaker 2:going. A guy in a wheelchair was not a happy man when I walked out of the handicapped stall oh wow, yeah, yeah was not a happy man when I walked out of the handicap stall oh wow, yeah, yeah, he was all. He was all huffing and he was. You know, he's doing a little wheelies, you know what's he doing?
Speaker 2:really yeah, it's just like back and forth, you know. You know back and forth, you know and stuff like that. And finally he just he called me out he's going there are three regular stalls that are available. I mean, there's just one handicap stall that's available. You know, it just started ripping into me. I mean, initially he didn't think he was going to, didn't look like he was going to do it, you know, because I'm a big guy and you never know Uh-huh. But he finally was. Just I knew it because I saw the vein pulsating.
Speaker 3:Oh damn.
Speaker 2:And so he's just like you blah, blah, blah, blah blah. He didn't swear, but he was mad, Uh-huh, and you know what I did.
Speaker 3:I can't wait to hear. Excuse me, oh, you did not. I didn't hear a nip. Can you stand a nip? And he said what Immediately up of course, immediately shut up, said nothing yeah, okay, don't have a good day. Damn, because that is another handicap oh, that's terrible.
Speaker 2:I'm so terrible. Wow, I went in there, kev, because it was the only one that was clean. Yeah, I mean I do everything that I can to avoid public restrooms.
Speaker 3:As do every other man, I believe.
Speaker 2:I can't stand it, but sometimes you're caught.
Speaker 3:Uh-huh.
Speaker 2:I went to the first one, looked in, second one, looked at you know all of them, like like all six of them, and when, when the handicap one is pristine man, I had that little, had the little tingle to, the little shine to it, man, of course I mean everything was perfect. So I'm like I'm going to do this, I'm just going to do this, and I walk out and here's one right out there. I knew he was there because I saw the wheel.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:I was like, ah shit. And then he turned around and he's like checking and I can hear him Grumbling, so I thought there's only one way out of this. Yep, it reminded me kevin I don't know if you remember this or not when, when, uh, you and I lived in nashville back in the mid 90s um, I used to have a dog, sammy the beagle I remember sammy the beagle.
Speaker 3:We watched her on occasion.
Speaker 2:And I took Sammy into Target, just walked Sammy into Target, uh-huh, because I was like I got to get something really quick and I had my dog. I'm not leaving my dog in the car, I'm not, you know, yeah, I'm going to bring her in. It'll be so quick. And well, within you know, 20 seconds of being in there, some ladies, just some lady in one of those red shirts, can have oh damn, that makes a beeline for me at the target. And just sir, sir, you can't have your dog in here. And you know, I had my shades on and all I did was excuse me. She's like Sam, like Sammy's my seeing eye dog. Oh, she's like. Oh, I'm so sorry, sir, I didn't know. Is there anything I can help? Can I help you get somewhere? I was like, no, no, I'll be okay. Thank you, though.
Speaker 3:Thank you she's leading me to where the crumbs are. That's so funny.
Speaker 2:I feel bad.
Speaker 3:I shouldn't do that do you remember when we turned that into a bit with bullet and he took his pit, his pit bull, in as a scene?
Speaker 2:Yeah, the scene I pit bull. Well, that was a funny thing about it. I had a bagel like a seeing eye bagel Really.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You're so fucking stupid, you bought that Well they have to.
Speaker 3:They have to if they stand up to that. Oh, dude the lawsuit yeah.
Speaker 2:No, this is like mid-90s, though, when people still had brains, you know, when target wasn't quite as woke and fucking stupid as they are yeah, well, I mean what? Want to want, to want to suck the uh fascist you know now you can take your dog pretty much anywhere. I know it's so awesome. I was like I wish Sammy was around. Yeah, because I would just test the bounds of it. I'd bring her to a funeral, would you? Now? I'd bring her a funeral, the wedding whole thing, anything man, let's go Court.
Speaker 3:Court.
Speaker 2:I mean Kev, who's going to convict me of speeding? I got this cute little beagle right here Exactly, Yep. Well, Sammy, if they convict me of this, I can't afford you anymore.
Speaker 3:Yeah, wine really good.
Speaker 2:Whimper. Yeah, wine really goodper. Yeah, wine really good. And cue the whining. Good girl, good girl. Alright, kev, let's talk about rabbit holes rabbit hole of the week what was your rabbit hole this past week?
Speaker 3:it's probably stuff that you've seen already because you are an avid weightlifter and you work out a lot, but last week we were talking about Ronnie Coleman. When we were talking about body mass index, he was an eight time Mr Olympia. I was just fascinated and I got sucked into it. I watched a lot of workout videos from Mr Olympia and strong men. It's unbelievable the weight that they push. Oh, it's crazy, but you know he's had 13 back surgeries because of all the weight that he pushed.
Speaker 2:I watched Schwarzenegger's 1970s Pumping Iron.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:The noise he'd make when he tried to get that last one up.
Speaker 3:Yeah, he was in one of the videos the noise he'd make when he tried to get that last one up, uh-huh, yeah, yeah, well, he's in. He was in one of the videos with Ronnie Coleman that I watched, so oh cool.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it just I don't know how he didn't start bodybuilding until he was in his late twenties, yeah, yeah. And he just I mean, well, he freely admits that he took steroids. Well, yeah, yeah, yeah. And he just, I mean, well, he freely admits that he took steroids. Well, yeah, yeah, I think he's like. He's like, up until 1995 I was clean. And then in 1995 I saw flex wheeler and I was like man, how do I get some of that stuff? And he's like yeah, man, you're gonna need it if you want to hang with the big boys that's it, you gotta do it yeah, I mean and you could tell the difference, because there are, there are quote unquote clean bodybuilding.
Speaker 2:There's competitions where you got to be clean, right, and then you look at the ones that are clean and the ones that aren't clean, they look like completely I mean the ones that aren't clean they look like fucking mutants in comparison.
Speaker 3:The guys that are winning now, tim. I've never seen larger individuals. It's just unbelievable.
Speaker 2:It's too much, man, it's too. You don't want see you don't want that.
Speaker 3:It's not healthy. No, it's not healthy.
Speaker 2:It is not healthy for you long Kev. That's one of the reasons that I backed off. I mean, I was bulking up, I was getting big, and then I was like, look at your age tim. What are you fucking doing, man? Well, but you weren't juicing, or no, I was. I was never juicing. Yeah, I mean I, I, you know, I, I it was protein and that's it a whey protein shake, and that was it, yeah but I mean this ronnie coleman can do uh well, when he was competing, uh, he could do uh incline dumbbell presses.
Speaker 3:With 200 pound dumbbells in each arm, I can't even bench press 200 pounds that's so crazy, dude.
Speaker 2:yeah, kev, I remember when I was, when I was uh, um 260s, I had 60s. I had 60s in each arm, and I remember and I was like I can't even fucking imagine three and one, third times that. I can't even get an HR up.
Speaker 3:I couldn't even get a. Yeah, no, dude, hey, it's. You know, it's the way it is. You worked out, you got to that point I'm. I went out and bought a squat rack and I can. I can now squat 135 pounds 15 times.
Speaker 2:That's funny. Yeah, it's you know, I'm starting.
Speaker 3:I'm starting to. I only bought it because my running deficiencies are in my glutes and my hamstrings and so you know doing squats is going to help that.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, I mean I, I, I squat is. I do squats three times a week, it's my favorite exercise, love it.
Speaker 3:Oh, is it really? Oh, it always has been. Always has been Yep.
Speaker 2:My uh, my favorite exercise involves beautiful single mothers.
Speaker 3:It's cardio.
Speaker 2:Who need a little bit of help on Thanksgiving weekend.
Speaker 3:Of course.
Speaker 2:I'll help you with the stuffing. There's going to be a different kind of stuffing this year. Stove top Fuck that, tim on top. There we go. Awesome. Let me just say I'm not this much of a douche bag, I'm just joking, all right.
Speaker 3:This is comedy, I know Comedy. Just joking. This is comedy, I know.
Speaker 2:Comedy, just joking. Yeah man, I got to do that in case the kids you know ever watch this in the future. And they're looking at it. Oh my God dad. Oh my God dad, it's I'm just, I'm just kidding Audrey Jonas. The rabbit hole I jumped in, kev. Yeah, do you remember about 10 years ago when Tony Stewart murdered Kevin Ward Jr?
Speaker 3:Oh, in a race, yeah, he ran him over.
Speaker 2:Yeah, sprint race in New York.
Speaker 3:He was acquitted of that. He wasn't ever convicted of murder.
Speaker 2:No, he didn't specifically try to kill him.
Speaker 3:He tried to hit him.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he did. Yeah, because he's Tony Stewart, he's a hothead, that's all he does. And this young kid, this 20-year-old kid who Tony Stewart just wrecked into the wall, was not happy about it, started walking toward him and doing the you know the shake fist, the snanky leg or whatever, and Tony Stewart, being Tony Stewart, hit the accelerator and pulled left to swing that right tire out. And he sprint cars and killed him. I don't think he expected to hit him, I think he just wanted to spray him with mud or just, you know, kind of say fuck you to him in that way. And then, all of a sudden, I'm imagine tony stewart's looking at his rearview mirror and seeing this kid flying lifeless through the air 75 feet and realized, oh shit, and that's what it was. And you know, you know Tony Stewart saying that, you know that he didn't do that and you know, you know, he was trying to avoid him by yanking left. Well, no, in sprint cars, when you yank left and hit the accelerator, that swings the right back, right tire out.
Speaker 3:Right, yes.
Speaker 2:So yeah, tony Stewart got away with murdering somebody.
Speaker 3:Oh, so you watched a lot of footage on that. Is that what your rabbit hole was?
Speaker 2:The family of Kevin Ward Jr hired these scientists who had enough angles from video to do a complete three-dimensional, from all directions replay of this, which is exactly 100% accurate, based on science. And it does not make Tony Stewart look good Because the six other cars stayed to the inside Even as Kevin Ward Jr was running down to the track, all angry. They stayed to the inside, avoided him, no problem. And then all of a sudden you see the graphic Tony Stewart just hitting the accelerator and sliding over. Wow, yeah, it was a piece of shit, fucking dirt bag move and and and Tony Stewart, I know he, I know he lost a civil suit and they settled undisclosed. But you know all that. I remember. I remember all, all the the press conferences that Tony had. He's all sad, it's been a roughest. It was rough because you're an asshole and, yeah, you didn't mean to kill him but you did.
Speaker 3:How much culpability, though, did Kevin Ward Jr have by getting out of his car on a racetrack?
Speaker 2:Well, that was dumb. Yeah, that's dumb car on a racetrack. Well, that was dumb. Yeah, that's dumb, but you know, when you have such a talented race car driver who's been driving those sprint cars for decades and knows exactly what they do and how they handle, you know, pulling that move as a fuck you to the kid yeah, that that was. That was just beyond dumb. Tit. That tony stewart should have taken a high road but he wouldn't know the high road from the hole in the fucking ground is he still racing?
Speaker 2:I think, I think he does part-time he's, he's an owner, he's an owner. Yeah, I knew that yeah, he's, he's an owner, but I, yeah, I, just because I remember buying and you know I, you know kev, I, you know this, I'm a big race fan.
Speaker 2:Yeah, indianapolis indiana yeah, also from Indiana, same as Tony Stewart. And then, you know, jeff Gordon too. I watched those, you know, we're all about the same age and I remember watching them on the dirt tracks when they were teenagers, mm-hmm, yeah, and you know so I gave Tony Stewart the benefit of the doubt on that. I was like, oh man, yeah, he's trying to avoid him. You know, I believe, tony, he wouldn't care. And then just to see all the science, you know, you know what I'm saying yeah, it's irrefutable.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's irrefutable, it's like ridiculous. You know, it's like if you're an American citizen and it's the mid-60s and you're like, oh man, I that whacked out lee harvey, oswald, guild kennedy, and then you see that they're trying to tell you that one magic bullet danced around and made all these wounds on two people and then ended up pristine, uh, on a gurney at the hospital. Uh, yeah, okay, pal, you pal, you're just like okay the science.
Speaker 3:We're talking about the JFK assassination now, but so I don't know much about it. I know that JFK got assassinated, but you're saying that the bullet that did him in breakdanced.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they can't have more than three shots, because it's impossible for one gunman to shoot a rifle, recycle it, shoot, recycle, shoot, recycle three times in the amount of time it took. So they, you know, they know one bullet, uh uh, ended up blasting Kennedy's head out, okay. And they knew another bullet actually missed the whole thing and, uh, um, and scraped the ground and hit a bystander His name's James Tagg on the face with the shrapnel. Wow, so they have one bullet that's supposed to be the one that went through Kennedy's neck from behind, which it didn't. It was, it was another frontward one Then hit Governor John Connolly, texas. Governor John Connolly caused Texas, governor John Connolly caused all these injuries and everything like that. And then, oh, by the way, oh, we found it on a gurney at Parkland Hospital. Wow, so, kev, the reality is this and the acoustic evidence proved it too is there were at least two shoot teams, probably a third that didn't have to fire because they saw the head explode that fired five, maybe even six shots. That many, yes, oh, yeah yeah, damn.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they tried to play that off as testimony of the greatest acoustical expert experts on the planet saying, yeah, those aren't echoes, those are actual shots.
Speaker 3:Is. Is Trump going to release the redacted stuff from that when he takes office?
Speaker 2:Trump. Trump has said, uh on record that it, uh, it would change America forever if they knew the truth about the JFK.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:And they're also saying the same thing about 9-11. If the 28 pages from the 9-11 report that we will never be able to see and haven't seen, even though we paid for the investigation, if it ever came out, I mean there would there would be people, their, their houses would be ransacked.
Speaker 3:Oh my gosh.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there's. So basically, we have evil people among us, who were part of this, that are still allowed to walk freely so who redacts that stuff?
Speaker 3:The attorneys or the?
Speaker 2:FBI, cia the people, more likely than not, that are involved in it and covering it up.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Understood.
Speaker 2:The evil that you can get away with Kev just by citing national security, oh yeah, is insane. It's insane and we need to have full transparency and I hope someday I don't know how far Trump will will go, although it looks like he's going to be aggressive on evil, but I don't know how far he would go. I mean we, but we do. We just need full 100 transparency on everything in order for us to build again do you think that any government in any country is fully transparent?
Speaker 3:but we're supposed to be the ones we are supposed to be. I get that, yeah.
Speaker 2:And up until November 21st 1963, we seem to be okay. But once they got away with what happened that next day and they're like well, we don't have to tell the fucking truth at all, man, you know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:I'm following you Absolutely. So yeah, I mean yeah, I'm following you Absolutely. So yeah, I mean yeah, no, I don't trust any of them.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, If you actually think that you know this is the Andy Griffith show, that we're living here in America still, you are a very foolish person. There's nothing I can do. If you're one of those that are like, oh no, that's just a conspiracy. No, no, it's what they label the truth. Yeah, as soon as you hear somebody saying, no, that's a conspiracy theory, your first thought should be that person is covering up. What is the truth? We found that somebody found the truth and that person's covering up for it.
Speaker 3:Again, we always cite it the National Enquirer. They were never wrong. Exactly, they were the forefront, but they weren't wrong.
Speaker 2:Exactly, Kevin Kline. Let's do a top three. It's your turn, buddy.
Speaker 1:Just when you thought they couldn't count any higher. It's Tuttle and Kline's top three.
Speaker 3:I officiated a wedding of a pediatric cancer survivor, tim. She was a college scholarship recipient from Snowdrop and I officiated this wedding on Friday, right after Thanksgiving, and the color scheme that she used was so cool. It was teal and purple, her two favorite colors. So I just want to know your top three favorite colors? Teal and purple, yeah, yeah, and I can't think of any college or professional team that has that color combination no, that I was doing the same thing.
Speaker 2:I was trying to rack my brain for what that looks like. Yeah, yeah, I mean to me something like that looks like, um, what the jacksonville jaguars, um, you know, just got hit by the Minnesota Vikings, or they had a love child, that's right, yeah. Favorite color Kev green.
Speaker 3:What kind of green? Kelly green, hunter green or just green in general?
Speaker 2:Green Bay Packer green.
Speaker 3:Okay, yeah, that's more of a hunter.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's a darker green. Yeah's, I love that color and I, I gotta say I've always been a red and black. Okay, I just love the combo of red and black, a because I'm a bulls fan yeah and b. It's just always been a good looking color combo to me so you were digging tyler, uh tiger woods on sunday afternoons.
Speaker 3:You're digging the texas tech red raiders. You like that stuff a lot. Uh, I could turn you on to uh cannibal corpse, because that is their color scheme black and black yeah, buddy yeah, I just did that.
Speaker 2:you know, I think the reason why I really always have been into that color combination is is I had my. I had some basketball shoes one year Kev where it was all black with the red swoosh, yeah, and I just thought that was the coolest thing. Those are my coolest shoes ever.
Speaker 3:It's a great look.
Speaker 2:I just I like it.
Speaker 3:What about you?
Speaker 2:What are your colors?
Speaker 3:uh, mine, um, kind of a sky blue. I really like sky blue, bordering on like carolina blue, that kind of thing. Um, and if you throw some neon into that, that's the color of my car, so I'm big into blue. Uh, I, I love. I mean, you're gonna think this is, oh, it's par for the course. Is what you're going to say, chartreuse, I love Chartreuse, chartreuse, yeah, you know, like neon yellow, yeah, yeah, love that.
Speaker 2:I just love that the color is named Chartreuse.
Speaker 3:Right, I know right.
Speaker 2:It's just a cool name. Yeah, yeah, I remember when we were kids, the movie Convoy.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Because we got a mighty convoy rocking through the night Pig pad, this here is a rubber duck, we ain't going to pay no toll. So crash gate doing 98. I said let them truckers roll 10-4. But they cited in that song and I remember in the movie I got 10 long-haired friends of jesus and a shark truce microbus 10-4 you remember that?
Speaker 2:I do remember that, yeah yeah, cw mccall, that was it. Yeah, yeah, which? Kev cw mccall does not look like the guy with that voice. You know what I'm saying Some people, they don't look like their voice.
Speaker 3:No, right, yeah, no, we typically get that in radio all the time.
Speaker 2:All the time. Oh yeah, yeah. Let me tell you something that happens all the time in radio. Which is hilarious to me is you'll hear this big pipes go. You know classic rock 99.5, the busser, and you know classic rock 99 five the busser. And then you'll meet him. He's five foot two and you you go into the studio and he's got like a phone books propping him up on the chair.
Speaker 3:That is no lie.
Speaker 2:And I know a lot of ladies out there like, oh yeah, like I like his voice is sexy. I'm listening to the afternoon drive and he got sexy. The dude's probably five, two, yeah, 137 pounds, with, you know, balding, but still has a long hair because he keeps up the hope if he's not that, he's probably 5, 11 and 300 pounds, because there's your.
Speaker 3:There's your radio profile right there exactly yeah, we, we were an anomaly. Believe us, I know man. And then orange would be my other color. Love it. Burnt orange, no, no, like uh. Neon orange, like oklahoma state orange. Oh, you're waving a single mom no, no, no it.
Speaker 2:Um, yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, he was just letting me know he he borrowed something. He borrowed a putter of mine. Oh cool, I, I one of my uh neighbors, black dude, yeah, love this guy man. He's hilarious, is that the? Guy from africa no, no, no, no, a different dude, he, he told me, and I didn't even know this, kevin, did you know this? I get, I guess like five, maybe six years ago, that, uh, marvel, they gave black people a superhero black panther that's what I thought he was talking about when he was telling me about.
Speaker 2:I was like, yeah, black panther he's. Oh no, no, no, they gave. They gave us another one and I can't forget his fucking name right now, some weird name Disterio, I don't know. It's a black superhero and they advertised it. He's black and he's gay, seriously. Yeah.
Speaker 2:And that's what my friend was telling me. He's like, yeah, we were all excited we finally got a black Marvel superhero and they're like we're making them gay. And I was like, damn, that's lazy man. They wanted to check off two woke boxes at once instead of just giving you that one exactly, yeah and he was like mad about it because he was going, yeah, and they didn't even advertise. You know what his superpowers were. They just said he's black and he's gay.
Speaker 3:What were his superpowers? Do we know?
Speaker 2:I don't know, Kev, but I was telling my friend. I said you know what would be really cool If his superpower was lightning fast, deep throat. You know, Can you see the villain, Kev? Can you see the villain? Please stop. I've come 11 times. In three minutes I'll tell you where your president is being held hostage. Wow.
Speaker 3:Super fast, or he could loot your pants and make you feel good about it. That's not right, klein, that's terrible.
Speaker 2:That's terrible, kevin, oh my God. But he was rolling. He was like, oh my God, they should have done that. Yeah, and he goes you should do parody porn. I'm like what I guess parody porn's a thing is, where they take Marvel and Star Wars and all that stuff and they do parody pornography out of it.
Speaker 3:Oh my god.
Speaker 2:And he said that would just be hilarious if he was. You should do it. What I'm not gonna? I am not gonna make porn okay.
Speaker 3:I make porn.
Speaker 2:At least that it will be released for wide consumption exactly I love it. I love it yeah, good stuff yeah, he told me too, he, uh, he goes. That's, that's a man and that's hilarious. He goes, he goes. But we weren't all excited about it. It's like you know, not that he said, hey, not that we're homophobe, but we don't care about that, we just wanted our own thing right. They didn't have to attach the other thing to it yeah, that I.
Speaker 2:I don't understand why they would attach that to it I don't know it was, I don't even know, is it like it was an original marvel character? You know, that's put together by stan lee or anything like that. I just think that they just get so locked down with this political correctness shit that they they have to, you know, shove it down your throat yeah that they don't think ahead.
Speaker 2:You know, I'm saying I know, yeah, no, exactly, I know exactly what you're saying it's like if you watch every, if you watch like commercials, it's like now every single couple together is a mixed couple. You know, you know I'm saying and you know even though it's one in ten that are that are gay. You know, every couple now there's every time you see a commercial like now we got a guy, guy or a girl, girl together, or something like that, it's overkill.
Speaker 3:I totally noticed that.
Speaker 2:Have you noticed that, uh-huh, we're just in such a hurry to be so PC so we can be so accepted at the fascist cocktail parties? Kev.
Speaker 3:But you know, the one constant in all of advertising, and it has been for about the last 25 years white men are stupid.
Speaker 2:Yes, we are all dumb.
Speaker 3:We are dumb.
Speaker 2:We are idiots and we are unworthy of any kind of break whatsoever. And all the characters too, all the sitcom characters, are dumb, dumb white guy. Dumb, white guy, yeah.
Speaker 3:They're getting their revenge.
Speaker 2:Exactly, and I had nothing to do with it.
Speaker 3:Not, a, thing, not a. Thing.
Speaker 2:Now, maybe I had a bad great, great, great, great grandfather here and there.
Speaker 3:And we don't talk to them anymore.
Speaker 2:I don't. I poopooed them from the beginning. I never spoke to them, Kevin.
Speaker 3:Never did.
Speaker 2:We disagreed with them from the outset. Oh, totally I was. I was on the other side of it. But I've said that. Hey, kevin, I said that before. I mean, come on man, come on man. I mean, can you imagine, like, let's say, you and me are kids, we're like nine, ten years old, and you know we live on a plantation, south carolina, uh-huh, and you know we're buddies, we live across. You know, I'm on one, one plantation and you're, you know, across the other plant plantation and we meet, we're buddies, we're like, you know, tom sawyer and huckleberry finn. We throw rocks and shit. You know we're friends and you know we got our little. What is the little?
Speaker 2:thing a little slingshot, that's a little slingshot. We're having a good time and, you know, one day we're just minding our own business. We're like eight, nine years old. We suddenly see one of you know dad's workers your dad be your dad's workers like just whipping a slave, you know, whipping a black guy, right, and we this is the first time we ever seen anything like that you and I as kids would be like what? Hey, wait, wait, a minute. The fuck is going on here. Yeah, what are you doing? No, he's not. He's not. I mean, I'm nine years old. Kevin here is eight and a half years old. We both know that that's not an animal. What are you?
Speaker 2:doing. I think that we would be those guys, definitely would be those guys.
Speaker 2:I think we would be those guys and we'd probably, and we'd probably, take some beatings from our parents, but for being those guys we would but you know, eventually, um, the ownership of the Tuttle plantation and the klein plantation would be us, and at that point, you know, kevin and I, we would be sitting there on the porch, you know, uh, sipping on some moonshine, enjoying the evening after a good barbecue, and we'd be just like, hey, man, this ain't right we've. We told ourselves when we were nine years old we're going to do this, we're going to do this, we're going to let them all go tomorrow.
Speaker 3:That's right. Come on over here, Amos, we're going to grill some chicken buddy.
Speaker 2:Yeah, come on, we're going to eat, we're going to eat.
Speaker 3:We're going to eat.
Speaker 2:This is the beatings. Well, and yeah as soon as I take control of the title plantation, I'm sure you agree on the client planted. There's no beatings. Oh no, I, I would probably. I seriously I'd be like that's fucking wrong. You know, you know we got all kinds of money coming in from our fields and shit like that. That that's right. We're making some great money. I'll just pay them. Yeah, can't you just pay them?
Speaker 3:I don't even know. Based on what I know from it, from Django Unchained, I don't think they would even care about the pay. Just stop the beatings, you know.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:I mean they got a place to live.
Speaker 2:They got a place to live and they're getting fed. Stop raping our wives and daughters. That'll be a payment. That'd be great. Yeah, that'd be great, that'd be great. I don't want to go in the hole there for, you know, three days, that sucks, kev. Listen to me, yeah, okay, I, I mean listen. You can't tell me that none of those fucking plantation owners, those slave owners, ever like thought to themselves. I'm probably going to hell Based on, based on what they're doing to slaves.
Speaker 3:I don't think they ever thought about that. It was just, it was just so normal, it was just so normal, but you don't think that none of them are just like.
Speaker 2:on Sunday we go to church and we talk about being good and do unto others and all that shit, but what about the slaves?
Speaker 3:No, I don't think so. I don't think anybody in that era said you know what I really wish I didn't have to do this, but Jerry's over there doing it, so if he's doing it, I've got to do it.
Speaker 2:I don't think it ever happened that way. You just get caught up in the group thing, don't you?
Speaker 3:You get caught up in that, but, Tim, and it's still to this day absolute power corrupts absolutely.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know, thinking about it, I remember there's an experiment, kev, there was an experiment that uh was done, you know, back in the 60s, 50s or 60s or whatever, where you know um, these people um were asked to if somebody on the other side of the wall answered a question incorrectly that they were supposed to hit them with like 420 volts of electricity. And you know, a few of them said I don't want to do that, but they got caught up in it because it's scientists with lab coats on an authority quote, unquote authority figure telling them that it's okay. So they did it anyway. They were just like, even though it's fake, you know, the person on the other side was an actor, right, they were just shocked at the overwhelming majority of people that have no problems because they think it's okay from authority to zap uh another human being with 420 volts of electricity, even though it could kill him. Jeez, and you showed that.
Speaker 2:I remember seeing this, this science project. You know there's a couple of guys are like hey, man, and that that can kill them, can it? And the scientists answered it well, it could, but it's a controlled situation. We ask that you administer it, that's that's. That's the experiment we're doing right now and these people would just be like, okay, wow. So there goes my whole, I guess one person in the room going hey, man, I think we're probably all going to fucking hell for this slavery thing.
Speaker 3:No, it didn't happen that way, that's for sure. It was a gang mentality.
Speaker 2:I want to believe in my heart of hearts that I would, because I'm a strong personality, you know tim's not an a purse type a, he's type a, a a yeah, I, I would.
Speaker 2:I just I would have to see myself as the guy. Hey, man, I think we got to probably totally get rid of this whole slavery thing. Man, I don't think that we can go to church on Sunday looking for salvation and everlasting life and eternal life and then be, you know, the other six days a week doing the shit that we're doing to slaves. I just don't think so.
Speaker 3:I agree. I think that that would be amazing if we could go back in time and do that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because I kind of want to. You know, I've always said if I get a time machine I want to stop the grassy Noel Gunman from the headshot on Kennedy, uh-huh. But I also would just like to go back to maybe 1847.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:You know, north Carolina or something like that plantation, and just you know, try to talk some sense. They probably string me up too, wouldn't they?
Speaker 3:Oh, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:This guy making too much sense, man. Yeah, he's probably too right for our comfort. Well, since you love him so much, why don't you join him?
Speaker 3:That's how it probably would have gone down. That's what you're right.
Speaker 2:You're right. All right Kev. This has been a fun podcast episode.
Speaker 3:It's gone by a lot so fast. Hey, you know what? We've got two more left this year, and then we are going to take a break from Christmas to the new year.
Speaker 2:Exactly. We'll do two more this year. This is episode 42, so it's a good number to go out on 44 for our first calendar year of doing podcasts, but this is episode 42. We would ask that if you're watching or listening right now, please like us, follow us, download us, subscribe, give us a rating, all that stuff. You know what to do. That's what keeps everything going and, kev, I know a lot of people are anticipating a brand new, fresh episode of the Fuzzy Mike sometime soon. Kevin Kline's other podcast, side Hustle. What do you got?
Speaker 3:Well, I'm already working towards 2025. I'm lining up guests for the middle part of January, but I am going to do a year in review recap and I know you listened to the last episode where I was talking about the transformation that I've actually gone through mentally and the people that I'm grateful for and you're definitely one of them. So if you haven't listened to that one yet, please go check it out and test yourself.
Speaker 2:I'm not comfortable with compliments, so don't do that again. Sorry about that. Yeah, I'm much more comfortable with being beat down.
Speaker 3:Isn't that crazy? Because I'm the same way, isn't that crazy?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I know, when I've been complimentary to you, you've been very uncomfortable. Yeah, kevin will immediately like on. You know, just be like I don't even know. This is not, doesn't compute. You know, I don't get it. I'm so. Oh, my god, I'm so weird. I mean it's almost like he's gonna spin around and like like completely short circuit and hit the ground or something like that so true all right, man, I gotta go I to find myself a setup and make some money.
Speaker 1:That's it for this episode of the Tuttle Cline Show. See you this Wednesday for an all new episode and you can get more client on his podcast, the Fuzzy Mike, with new episodes on Tuesday. Stay fuzzy, friends, and thanks for listening to the Tuttle Cline Show. Yo, all right, take the yo out.