Tuttle & Kline
Award winning morning radio partners for 25+ years, Tim Tuttle and Kevin Kline share stories and insights through organic conversation and natural humor.
Tuttle & Kline
Ep #33: Tuttle's Social Media Ban, Grocery Store Drama & Is Kline Getting His Dream Car?
Ever wondered what it feels like to be suddenly barred from social media without a hint of an explanation? Sure, it’s frustrating, but it can also bring an unexpected sense of peace. We kick off this episode sharing Tuttle's personal ordeal of being banned from Facebook and Instagram, discussing potential reasons behind it, and how this forced disconnection made him rethink the role of social media in our lives. We also dive into the power dynamics at play in tech companies and the inherent negativity in online interactions, prompting a discussion on whether we’d ever voice our online comments face-to-face.
Next, we shift gears to the jaw-dropping aftermath of a massive hurricane that turned Florida and nearby states into surreal landscapes, complete with flooded streets and sharks(?) swimming around. Amidst this chaos, we tackle the allegations against P Diddy involving secret videotaping and controversial parties. But it’s not all doom and gloom – we cap this segment with the intriguing tale of a man who ate 700 eggs in a month, debunking myths about cholesterol and sparking debates on nutritional norms.
Our final segment gets heated with an account of a grocery store confrontation where Tuttle's attempt to defend a woman results in an unexpected backlash. This leads us to ponder themes of justice, bravery, and the surprising outcomes of standing up for what’s right. We then navigate through diverse topics like taxation woes, the educational crisis, and even the light-hearted dream of Kline owning a Corvette. Wrapping up, Tuttle shares a newfound appreciation for the updated Star Trek movies, proving that past biases can indeed be overturned by new, captivating experiences. Join us for a rollercoaster of emotions, insights, and unexpected revelations on the Tuttle & Kline Show!
Welcome to the Tuttle Kline Show.
Speaker 2:Kevin Kline Tuttle. What's going on? Not much.
Speaker 3:Can you hear me? I can hear you and I can see you perfectly.
Speaker 2:All right, I apologize for that then. Hey, kev, I am now part of a very exclusive club and I'm kind of excited about it.
Speaker 3:Well, what club is?
Speaker 2:that the Tech Gods Not happy with me, for whatever reason. I have no idea. Facebook and Instagram Sunday morning.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 2:Disabled me and kicked me off of their platforms with no explanation whatsoever. You can't get on. No, they, I'll show you. Yeah, I'm banned. What did you do? They said community standards or something like that. Really, and I'm out. I'll show you the notices right here. But yeah, it was so weird. I like, okay, what did I do? Uh, they sent me a. Um you know they. They said well, click on here, you can dispute it. They wanted a picture of me, really. So I sent them a picture of me and you know I was like why?
Speaker 3:and they no explanation are you sure it was from them and not a fishing attempt?
Speaker 2:I can't get on. Wow, I can't get on there. Now I got on our platform.
Speaker 3:Our Tuttle Cline one.
Speaker 2:Our Instagram one to post on a story. And, by the way, you should follow the Tuttle Cline Instagram and the Facebook, because, at least in the near future, that's the only place that I will exist on this planet. Yeah, it was a strange thing though, yesterday, kev, you know I would go and check it, you know, and I forget that I'm banned, I'm gone. And then, about midday yesterday, I'm like God, this is awesome, I'm gone. And then, about midday yesterday, I'm like God, this is awesome. I absolutely love not having to check messages, not having to no comments to look at. I'm just I'm gone and I love it.
Speaker 3:Isn't it peaceful?
Speaker 2:It's so, so peaceful. And you know, to the geeky little tech Nazi fascists I know you think oh, look at me, I'm big and strong, I can kick people off of platforms. First off, I don't give a fuck about your little platforms OK, I don't give a fuck about your little platforms, okay, I don't care. Second off, I don't give a shit how much money you have. You're a little fucking pencil neck, tiny dick geek and you always will be. And that girl you're with right now she's just with you for the money. When she sees big, strong, strapping dudes, she gets the tingly down below and there's nothing that you can do about that. You, little pencil neck, fascist, totalitarian, fascist, nazi geek nothing you can do about it.
Speaker 3:I believe Bob Seger said it properly about the women with the fire down below. They got the fire down below. Now, sometimes it's not contagious, I'm thinking the same thing, man.
Speaker 2:And yeah, just one more thing to the little tech nerds yes, I'm on the right side of history. I'm on the right side of the good versus evil equation. You're on the wrong side of it. History is going to look very poorly upon you, okay. Plus, you're facing eternal damnation for what you've done, unless you repent for your sins and change your ways. Now You're fucked.
Speaker 3:Wow, he's going Westboro Church now, going to start protesting outside of funerals and shit. Nah, nah, nah. Can you look back and think of anything that you might have posted? That's not community standards.
Speaker 2:The only thing I can think of. Well, first off, I express my opinion, which they don't like.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:They hate people who express their opinion that doesn't go along with their totalitarian, fascist, communist platform and narrative. Okay, so I've been doing that for a while, so I've probably been on their hit list yeah, but you've been doing it for a while.
Speaker 3:Why, all of a sudden, was the last straw?
Speaker 2:because they're looking for something. And I think uh, when I posted uh on saturday on the story I posted, you know, from our show about the bachelorette party, yeah. That perhaps they may have think. They may think that had crossed the line and they're like, OK, now we got them. Ah well possible, I don't know.
Speaker 3:Hey man, anything's possible yeah.
Speaker 2:But, and that's the, that's the lame, weak chicken shit thing about it too, is you know? I replied to their email. I was like why?
Speaker 3:And they never responded no, they won't. They don't have to. We don't owe you an explanation, sir. They're gods Kev.
Speaker 2:They're gods with big yachts.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And eternal damnation and eternal damnation.
Speaker 3:Well, you could go to the truth. Social media right.
Speaker 2:Because Trump doesn't kill anybody off of his site, does he?
Speaker 3:I'm not in a hurry to do any of that shit. I'm telling you, man, when I got rid of my phone, it was awesome for the six months that I didn't have one. And then you know, I had to get one for business purposes, but I still don't get on social media very much.
Speaker 2:No, man, I mean it is, it's. It's such a negative, it's a cesspool. It's a cesspool, I mean people, people saying things to you or about you that they would never say to your face because I'd kick the fucking shit out of them. You know, I know who needs it.
Speaker 3:Huh, you know, I know who needs it, and that's one of my. If I'm ever going to comment on something, I always sit there and ask myself would you say this to their face? 99 of the time I won't, so I don't comment yeah, and that has actually happened.
Speaker 2:I I had somebody that was giving me some shit.
Speaker 2:Um, it was after you had retired okay and it was at that that, my last rodeo, when I was with the station in 2022. All right, they were giving me some shit on social media and I saw them in, uh, the nrg building and I walked up to them and I said, hey, I know you. And they have just the look of fear in their eyes. Yeah, just the look. And I was like boy, you know, you really dug into me there. You know you want to talk about it. Oh, I'm so sorry, I was in a bad frame of mind. I'd been drinking. Yeah, you fucking pussy. Yeah, yeah, you fucking pussy.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah. And the thing is, though and this is a perfect example, and you and I have actually talked about this on the podcast before they might say shit about you, but when they meet you, or when you meet the person you're saying shit about you've said it numerous times you find out that the person that you're talking shit about is really a different person than what you've been told.
Speaker 2:Say you absolutely hate Donald Trump.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:You know, you've been taught to hate him. You've been brainwashed to hate him. You actually believe a lot of the bullshit that they've laid out on him. If you were ever in the same room with Donald Trump for 15 minutes, he would charm the pants off of you. You would love him.
Speaker 3:Duh, you don't get to be that successful by not being charming. Yeah, I mean his charm's a little different than ours, oh yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he's a little coarse, a little bit, but people love that and I don't care who you are. You could be the most dyed in the wool. Quote unquote blue state, you know, whatever and just. And you could have rants about him on your social media for the last eight years and this, that and the other. You're in the same room with him. You'll be smiling. You'll be like, hey, can I get a picture? You know that's just how it is. You know that's just how it is.
Speaker 3:When George HW Bush was alive, every Houston marathon he would sit out between mile 20 and 21 right in front of the big church there that we used to see out of our window on the 23rd floor of the tower, and he would pass out pretzels and wave to everybody and say hi. And what was the biggest criticism of his presidency?
Speaker 2:No new taxes, no new taxes, and he raised taxes.
Speaker 3:Right. You know what, when you meet him and he's just a kind grandpa old man, you forget about that. No new taxes, and that he went back on that big promise. He was just very, very kind Let anybody who wanted to get a picture with him. He showed you his socks. I mean, I had a picture with him. He showed you his socks. I mean, I had a conversation with him in the middle of a marathon. Hey, what socks are you wearing today, mr President?
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, yeah, that's true of any. I mean, even even if you're like, I'll go on the other side with it. You know, even if you're like, oh I, I absolutely cannot stand Barack Obama. That dude will charm your pants off in 15 seconds. Yeah, you literally will wait. Hey, let me get the beer. I'm going to buy the beer.
Speaker 3:Or he'd let P Diddy do it for you. Oh wow.
Speaker 2:Now, kev, I'm glad you did that, because here's the thing. Here's the thing is you know, now more than ever, I am off the grid, I am just completely I mean I don't, I don't look at news anymore, I don't, I don't have. I mean I watch, I watch football and sports and I know what's going on in sports and stuff like that, but that's really about it. So you know, every week I want you to do this Tell me the thing or two that happened in the world in the past week that I may want to know or may need to know.
Speaker 3:Oh, okay, well, do you know about Hurricane Helene?
Speaker 2:Yes, Helene Florida.
Speaker 3:Well, Florida. But North Carolina and Georgia actually had more damage than Florida, and here's why. Okay, Helene was one of the widest, one of the biggest and one of the strongest hurricanes to hit. However, when you talk about Florida, they're used to that stuff, you know.
Speaker 1:So they take preparations for it they take.
Speaker 3:This one was so big it was actually a category one hurricane when it got into Georgia, just South of Atlanta. It was a tropical storm when it went into South Carolina, North Carolina. That's how big and strong this thing was. They weren't prepared for it, because you really don't ever have to prepare for a hurricane when you're in that far inland. So there are a couple of North Carolina mountain cities that have been literally wiped off the map and I want to say the death count is just over 50 now, with they don't know how many more because there could be bodies papped under or trapped under the rubble.
Speaker 2:Hey, kev, is it true? I did hear one thing, a smattering of conversation. Were there sharks and alligators in the streets on Florida streets swimming around Because streets were flooded? People said they saw shark fins going down like Main Street St Petersburg?
Speaker 3:That could very well be. I have not heard that, but I did see video footage that the 20-foot storm surge oh my gosh man, it looked like an aquarium. Looked like an aquarium Really. So, yeah, I completely believe that sharks could have been up there.
Speaker 2:Can you imagine that You're minding your own business? You walk out to assess the damage. You know. Obviously your house is a little bit higher than the street. That's what they do on these coastal towns they put our houses just a little bit higher than the street because the street's supposed to be the river and you see a shark right on your street. Just the shark fin. Crazy. Better get your phone.
Speaker 3:Yeah, get your phone and you might want to keep your dog on the porch, exactly right, yeah, yeah, uh, the other uh happenings that uh that uh have been going on, obviously the election uh, then the, the um, uh, the p did Diddy thing. This is interesting with the P Diddy thing because there are now two new Jane Does who have come out, and a Jane Doe is somebody who wants to remain anonymous but who is kind of a witness, and two Jane Does have come out and one says that there was a very prominent individual they will not name names but they say one of the most powerful and recognizable people in the world who was at one of these parties participating in pornographic videos. But the caveat here is they may not have known that they were being videotaped, so but they say their face is completely recognizable and so it kind of makes you wonder, and the rumors out there are that it could very well be one of the former presidents.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, I heard that too.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I also heard about a drug dealer who was called to bring his cocaine and when he walked in he saw you're not going to believe there were several top of the line celebrity males having gay sex with each other right there.
Speaker 3:Yeah, there's, uh, I know the drug dealer that you're talking about and yeah, he, I mean, geez, he's, he's, his name is out there and, uh, he said he was with I think he said he was with pd for 7 to 14 years, something like that so yeah he said he was, so he saw all of it. So he saw all of it. So that's, that is a sticky situation. Uh, that, uh, pardon the pun.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly, well, right and the thing about um. You know, did he just like epstein, he videoed everything.
Speaker 3:So there's video out there yeah, yep so you'll, you'll never see no, you may not ever see sean again not that, not that you want to see it anyway. Right, yeah, no.
Speaker 2:Yeah, but the death watch Kev. I mean they got over and unders on how long did he last?
Speaker 3:They had him on suicide watch, suicide watch.
Speaker 2:Quote, unquote, yeah. So, don't be surprised after we kill him.
Speaker 3:Uh-huh, yeah, that came out the second day that he was incarcerated and he was denied bail. They put him on or the the media had him under suicide watch. So, right, all right, what else? Uh, what else? Uh, this is kind of. I've been just stunned by this story since I read it last week. There is a guy who was educated in Oxford, got his medical degree at Harvard Smart, right, okay. He did an experiment and he wanted to find out if the studies and the news reports are correct that eggs will contribute to bad cholesterol levels in you. So here's what this guy did For one whole month, 30 days, he ate 700 eggs. That's 24 a day.
Speaker 2:Wow.
Speaker 3:Okay, on top of that, he had two bananas and one cup of fresh blueberries. That's what he ate every day. For 30 days. He lost weight, his good cholesterol elevated by eight points and his bad cholesterol dropped by 18 points.
Speaker 2:Why do they say bad things about eggs then?
Speaker 3:I don't know, I mean who's involved with that?
Speaker 2:Like let's flush the eggs, man. Is that like the peanut butter industry or is that like a competing industry? Are the poultry? People are like, hey, man, our numbers are down.
Speaker 3:Well, it was the same thing with the keto diet. You know, it was all based on meat and fats and people lost weight on that, which debunked a lot of the science. But oh, and, by the way, this guy was eating the yolks too, and he wasn't getting rid of those, and that's not why the cholesterol levels were different, he just yeah.
Speaker 2:I have at least one egg a day, sometimes two yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, sometimes too. Yeah, yeah. Well, if you increase that 22 more, you could drop your bad cholesterol levels and raise your good ones. I can only imagine what he smelled like that's what Trish said.
Speaker 2:I mean he, literally you, have to go. He would have to go to a public bathroom. To go to the bathroom, anybody living in his house, anybody living in his house, would be like hey, man, yeah.
Speaker 3:Go down there to the 7-11. Yeah, uh, anything else. Astros clinched the west. You already know that. Yes, I know that the guy who won the national league batting title uh, it's his third year in a row winning the batting title in his third different team. Wit, no, no, no, no, uh.
Speaker 3:National league, uh ariza ariza, yeah, okay, uh, minnesota, then florida and now san diego. And the other thing about this is amazing is baseball is really crazy. Right now, shohei otani was four points away from winning the triple crown. Would have been the first national league player to win the batting triple crown since 1927, when joe ducky medwick did it for the St Louis Cardinals. He ended up with what? 54 home runs. 54 home runs, 58 stolen bases and a 3-10 batting average.
Speaker 2:Dude, the 50-50 is crazy.
Speaker 3:Oh, that's nuts. That's insane man. No-transcript.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the 30-30, and everybody's freaking out on that 50-50. Kev is the greatest player in the history of America's pastime. Is he a Japanese dude?
Speaker 3:Right now I would say he is. I mean, there's just nobody even near him in what he can do and he's a two-way player. He only didn't pitch this year because of Tommy John surgery.
Speaker 2:Anything else, what am?
Speaker 3:I missing out on Kev. I believe that is about it, sir. Well, there are three disturbances that you guys need to be paying attention to. What's that Hurricane activity Shit? Yeah, there's one that could be forming. Well, it is forming right now in the same spot that Helene started.
Speaker 2:Yeah, Kev, I hate to be conspiracy theory guy, but I'm going to throw this out here. I think they're whipping up these storms just so they can have such destabilization in key states that they can get the mail-in vote thing going.
Speaker 3:Oh, okay.
Speaker 2:That's just a theory you can't disregard anything anymore. Nothing, because anything that has been disregarded in the past has ended up being true.
Speaker 3:National Enquirer. We always say it they were at the forefront, man.
Speaker 2:Nobody ever has apologized to them, have they? Uh-uh, Kev, I'm so proud of my son Dallas.
Speaker 3:I know you are You're proud of all your kids.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they're all fantastic, but Dallas this weekend, you know, I had the weekend with the boys and Dallas had a kind of a deep thought question for me.
Speaker 3:He is a thinker.
Speaker 2:And you know, being in eighth grade, I'm like, wow, OK, that's way ahead of here. What do you think of this? Is Louis Armstrong, remember him from? What a Wonderful World, yeah. What a wonderful world, is he good or is he absolutely terrible? But nobody will say anything. I see, you know, is that good singing?
Speaker 3:Yeah, you know, I thought the same thing about Joe Cocker and then I started listening to more Joe Cocker. That guy could sing man, he was good. So I think Louie's probably, I think probably he's good.
Speaker 2:Okay. Then I threw at Dallas and he didn't know what I was talking about. He doesn't know him, but you will. I mean, and let me be the first to say it I mean somebody has to say it as a singer bruce springsteen fucking sucks, dude.
Speaker 3:He's terrible I've never been a fan he, that is bad dude.
Speaker 2:I mean people make fun of me for singing the way that he has made millions singing. He's terrible.
Speaker 3:You know what I learned last week. On whatever channel he's on, jason Garrett, former coach of the Dallas Cowboys, has seen Bruce Springsteen 94 times.
Speaker 2:And I'll give you this A. He's a great personality. You know, he's got that charm, that charisma, and they don't teach that in schools Kev.
Speaker 3:No, they do not.
Speaker 2:He's got a great birthday. My birthday September 23rd, is that right? Yeah him, me and Jason Alexander from Seinfeld Wow Along with Ray Charles, but he's no longer with us.
Speaker 3:Yeah, never saw that coming.
Speaker 2:Good one, kev, and Bruce Springsteen's a great songwriter oh, awesome songwriter I mean, you know I'm on fire, that's good.
Speaker 2:I mean, blinded by the light is genius. Yeah. Now of course he had to have man for man step in and actually do it right, because his version is shit. Man for man killed that thing. But kev iv I mean the lyrics and go-kart. Mozart was checking out the weather, trying to see if it was safe outside, and little early pearly gave my anus curly-whirly and asked me if I needed a ride. I mean that's fucking brilliant man.
Speaker 3:That is. We don't know what it means, but man, it's awesome. No clue where he's coming from, what that's all about, but damn there's something that was floating around his head when he spit that out on the napkin that was great Glory Days. He did Glory Days, right yeah, that's a great tune, great tune, great song.
Speaker 2:Born in the USA. I mean which is not a patriotic song? You?
Speaker 3:know people are like yeah.
Speaker 2:America. I was like no, he's kind of ripping America there.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, so same thing that Macklemore. Well, not not to the degree that Macklemore did, but Macklemore is being canceled right now by a host of people.
Speaker 2:What's going on with Macklemore? I didn't get, I didn't get this one. You know who?
Speaker 3:he is. Yeah, he was doing a concert in his hometown of Seattle and he said F America from the stage. Yeah, tough to recover from that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, even in Seattle, which is the People's Republic of Washington. There.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I mean that's still not going to bode well.
Speaker 3:No, uh-uh.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you know.
Speaker 3:Just move. If you don't like it, just move. That's the yeah, I mean it sounds like it's easy to do. It's not.
Speaker 2:But Well, if you're a big star with big money, I mean there you go. You could buy yourself a nice penthouse in Lima, peru, and be the fuck out of here. There, you go yeah if it's so bad.
Speaker 3:Yep. And I like it every election year If so yep, and I like it every election year. If so, and?
Speaker 2:so gets in. I'm moving, but they never do. No, they never do, they never do. Uh, kev, I, I gotta, I gotta, question it. I thought there would be a limit on the number of times.
Speaker 3:I just got another, uh, jury duty summons I thought you could only get one of those every five years. I.
Speaker 2:I just got one 18 months ago, really.
Speaker 3:Yeah, wow, they want you bad. I don't know what the deal is oh wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. One could be for the city and one could be for the county.
Speaker 2:Okay. Perhaps, yeah, I did. I did one. I did a civil suit 18 months ago. I was in a civil suit situation, oh wow, and of course everybody's trying to get out of it.
Speaker 3:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:And even one guy told the judge hey, I was charged with a felony. And the judge was like well, were you convicted? And the guy said no, but I did it. I'm like what are you doing?
Speaker 3:Well, double jeopardy you can't be recharged.
Speaker 2:This guy would rather do hard time than four days on a fucking civil suit. I'm like, wow, man and I was thinking about that too Going to jail. Would jail be like that bad at our age? I mean three hot meals, lots of naps, nobody bothering you. And you know, kev, we're at an age where the rate probability is probably much lower now.
Speaker 3:Yeah, but the stab probability is still there, the shanking probability is still there. The shank probability is still there, the shanking probability the shake probability is still up there. Yeah, maybe even more so, because they don't think I'm gonna fight back or you might not.
Speaker 2:Might not fight back, but uh, you would, I know you would oh yeah, I can't, I can't, I can't like, let somebody beat me up no, you would probably step in for other people too I know I have that. I have that stupid gene where I just that is where I just have to jump in and help out. Made most famous by the grocery store confrontation many years ago. You know about this one.
Speaker 3:Oh, but you please share again for me. It'll be again for me.
Speaker 2:I'm walking down the cereal aisle, I'm looking to get my cookie crisp, because they're so delicious, and I see a couple angry at each other and they're getting really, really heated in terms of an argument, and I don't know what the argument was about. I didn't know whether you know, maybe one of them was Fruit Loops and the other one was Apple Jacks. I don't know what the fucking problem was. All I saw is, suddenly, out of nowhere, he gives her a backhand, slap across the face, man, and I'm just like you, motherfucker. He did it right in front of me too, and he looked at me while he was doing it and I'm just like, oh dude, you motherfucker man. So I immediately go over there, man. I go over there like I did the.
Speaker 2:You remember, uh, terminator two, uh, robert patrick, as the liquid terminator, and the way he walked towards you? Uh-huh, that was my walk towards this guy and he knew it was. He was in some trouble, and I grabbed him by the shirt, I pinned, I lifted him up off the fucking ground, man, and I pinned him against, you know, the shelves and I said are you fucking kidding me? Don't you ever, ever, raise your hand to a woman again? Suddenly, she's slapping me, punching me and throwing stuff from her cart at me, and I'm like what are you, are you kidding me? And she, she said, leave him alone, leave him alone.
Speaker 2:And then you know, obviously the ruckus had had, you know, filtered out to the manager's area or whatever. Because the manager starts coming towards me and he, you know, he's like hey, you'll have to leave, you'll have to to me, to you, to me, you'll have to leave. I was like, are you kidding me, me, do you? Do you guys not know what's going on here? And I'm telling the manager, I'm like pull your security tape, man. This motherfucker just, uh, I mean, look, she's bleeding. You know she had a little blood, uh-huh, nothing, I, I, I had to leave the grocery store for standing up to a woman who just got her ass kicked.
Speaker 3:Unbelievable Isn't that crazy. That's an alternate universe.
Speaker 2:I was. It was so bizarro world to me. Yeah, yeah, at that time my dad was still around.
Speaker 3:Did you tell him about this?
Speaker 2:Yeah, and he said he said, if you were going to be exited from the store, you should have just thrown one at him. Really yeah, he said he probably should just hit one at him. You know, just a quickie, you know, like one of those quick ones, like one of those kind of like what the bad guy did to your teacher and you got blamed for.
Speaker 3:John Grabian Brought one up from Georgia right in your gut.
Speaker 2:Just a quick one from the gut. Yeah, kevin got blamed for hitting the teacher and it was somebody else almost got expelled.
Speaker 3:You almost got expelled and you didn't do it. It was virtually impossible for me to do it, because I was on the other side of the desk.
Speaker 2:You have to tell this story.
Speaker 3:Okay, well, it was. Uh, it was sophomore year of high school. Joyce Fowler was the teacher. John Grabian sat behind me and, uh, she was bent over my desk teaching me something. And he gets up cause the lunch bell just rings. He gets up, walks behind her and, as he's walking behind her, takes his left hand and jams it into her gut, just punches her in the gut and knocks the wind right out of her. Well, she looks at me and she goes what punches her in the gut and knocks the wind right out of her? Well, she looks at me and she goes what did you do that for? I'm like, do what? And she goes. She catches her breath and she goes you got to get down to the office. And I'm like for what?
Speaker 3:Grabian's gone now. I mean, I'm in, I'm the only one in the, in the, in the, in the classroom. And she's like you just punched me. And I'm like, no, I did not punch you. She goes, you're going down to the office, so takes me out in the office and my principal says explain what's going on.
Speaker 3:I'm getting wrongfully accused of punching my teacher, which I would never do. And he says well, how did it happen? So I'm telling him that Grabian gets up behind me, walks behind Mrs Fowler and punches her with his left hand. I'm like she's leaning over the desk. If I would have punched her, I could only punch her with my right hand to hit her in the place that got hit. She would see me coming up with that right hand. I'm like there's no way I could have done it. So I take him back up to the classroom, I position him the way that she was positioned, I show him how it's virtually impossible for me to do it and then I say just stand there and I get up and I walk behind the way John Grabian did and I punch. You know I act like I'm punching him in the gut and I'm like see how he got away with it. He's like you're absolutely right. And two hours later Mr Grabian was expelled.
Speaker 2:Kevin, that is the funniest freaking thing, Because you know he was trying to tell you about the magic fist theory. Uh-huh, Yep, yep, and Kevin's going hey, hey, Senator Spector, your little theory is fucking ridiculous. Okay, it's impossible.
Speaker 3:And I got an apology from the teacher and I also got a little gift from her. She said I know how much you like baseball, and she goes. I want you to read this book. So she gives me the book Shoeless Joe Jackson and she goes. I want you to read this book. So she gives me the book shoeless joe jackson and I gotta fucking read it.
Speaker 2:You know like I'm thinking it was an assignment right here. Thank you, here's your assignment.
Speaker 3:Damn it yeah yeah so, but that's hilarious cab Cab.
Speaker 2:I got to tell you this. There's a couple of people who have wronged me.
Speaker 3:Mm, hmm.
Speaker 2:And I look them up and bad things have happened to all of them.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so you fuck with Tim. Tuttle, you're fucking with karma.
Speaker 3:I got to ask you your former nephew that punched you in the balls. Yes, I saw a picture of him the other day yeah, what's happening there to me?
Speaker 2:uh, lenient parenting but is he?
Speaker 3:is he full-on transitioning?
Speaker 2:I guess, yeah, I guess oh, wow yeah he, he had some mental issues, all yeah, he's always been yeah, we never thought that that would happen. We always thought he'd shoot a place up oh yeah, I thought he would be a mass shooter. Yeah and uh, yeah, it's a much more gentle way now I mean it's one way or the other right, yeah, right.
Speaker 2:And I'm just like I kind of saw that one coming all right, because he was, you know, you know how you look at some people and you're like, okay, you're not all there, yes, and that that was definitely one from the beginning as a, as a toddler tim's checking into a hotel and he comes up to.
Speaker 3:I don't even know how old he was. He made him in five or six and he just kev it.
Speaker 2:I don't even know how old he was. He may have been five or six, and he just yeah, it was July.
Speaker 3:I'll never forget it was.
Speaker 2:July 4th. July 4th 2004. He's three years old. No, audrey's three years old. We're checking into a hotel. They, you know, we have connecting hotels. He's my nephew, you know. His sister and my ex are, you know. Or his mom and my ex are sisters, and I'm moving the suitcases and everything. Suddenly, out of nowhere he comes running up to me and just punches me in the nuts. He didn't hold back either. I'm like you, little motherfucker. I said January 2019, you will turn 18, and guess who's going to be right there?
Speaker 3:He did say that.
Speaker 2:Uncle Tim Yep, and I'm going to knock you the fuck out for what you just did right there, which, of course, I didn't do. Of course, yeah, I didn't do. I mean, again, you know, life, just look at him. I mean just life, just.
Speaker 3:Yeah, well, you wouldn't be able to do it Cause you got a penis now, I mean I was, I would assume. I saw the pictures. Is that weird, hey?
Speaker 2:to each your own. Uh, that it's just something that I don't understand. I just, I don't either, and I guess I'm old and I don't get it.
Speaker 3:I mean, I just don't get it. No, I've run a hundred mile race before with uh, with somebody who was transitioning, and we had a couple laps where we got to talk and they talked about it freely and they couldn't even explain it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, literally couldn't even explain it to me and and let me before you're, you guys are, you know you younger? Uh, viewers and listeners are like oh, you guys are. You guys are a bunch of boomers. You know, both kevin and I are the least homophobic people or whatever that you would have, transphobic or whatever that you would ever run into. We don't give a shit.
Speaker 3:Oh, I prefer hanging out with gay people, exactly.
Speaker 2:Kevin, it's like okay, you know that I live in a very diverse neighborhood.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 2:And you know, I got a neighbor who's a religious zealot from another country and I'll let you guess the religion.
Speaker 3:All right Okay.
Speaker 2:You know we got a gay couple, two guys, in the neighborhood and they'll come to the pool and whatever. And you know, here he is. He's doing some homophobic rant from his porch where they can hear it.
Speaker 3:None of his business.
Speaker 2:Exactly and I even, you know, I actually walked over to him and I said inappropriate, you know, I know you can't. Yeah, I was like what you're doing is completely wrong and I even told him. I said hey, look. I said you know that may be your religion, but to me people who are homophobic homophobic they're projecting, you know, they're trying to throw people off their scent.
Speaker 3:OK, yeah, yeah, I don't know, that's happened before.
Speaker 2:I've always felt that, that that people are homophobic, they want to suck a dick so bad and they know you know, from their peers and their family, upbringing and their religion or whatever that they can't do that so they overcompensate to try to throw people over this. Oh no, he would never do that. You know, you hear it. Do you hear him going off on gay people and being homophobic?
Speaker 3:He would, which is its exact opposite. You know that been proven.
Speaker 2:You've you've seen news stories about ministers exactly, yeah, exactly, and and you're right gay people are hilarious.
Speaker 3:I love gay people. Oh my god, dude. They're so much fun.
Speaker 2:They don't care kevin, even in the 90s, you know. I'm watching my best friends writing with rupert everett and julia roberts and I'm screaming to the screen more Rupert, this guy's hilarious, yeah, I love them, yeah, yeah, but I kind of do like Norm MacDonald's take, though you know what I'm talking about.
Speaker 3:I believe I do yes.
Speaker 2:Where he's like yeah, hey, when I was a kid, yeah, I went to a big ticker tape parade with my dad and it's Neil Armstrong. Neil Armstrong, he just got back from walking on the moon, and then I'm in New York City and there's another parade. So back when I was a kid they'd have a parade for walking on the moon. Now they'll have a parade for sucking some cock that's.
Speaker 2:That's so hilarious norm norma's, you know, and kevin, you know. Just another real quick note to the homophobics yes, most of these gay guys they take really good care of themselves, they're in in great shape, they're cut, they work out like crazy, they're chiseled, they're handsome dudes. So they could probably, if they wanted, to take any hot single woman they wanted.
Speaker 3:Oh, women love to hang out with gay men.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they do. Homophobes should be thanking God that they're not into women, because it actually gives you somewhat of a shot yes, it does right yeah yeah, I mean, every time you hear like a hot guy celebrity coming out of the closet, you should be celebrating, plus them being cut and ripped. They'll kick the shit out of you, man, yeah, and then you're the homophobe, uh, uh, non-tolerant dude that got his ass kicked by a gay guy.
Speaker 3:There you go. Try and live that one down, yeah.
Speaker 2:And that's what I was trying to. You know I was trying to hit it at this. This religious zealot neighbor of mine is those dudes are so close. I mean, these are dudes that you know they're, they're cut. I'm like they were so close they would literally wipe the floor with this guy. I don't know what you're doing, dude, you know, welcome to America. Glad you're here, as long as you don't vote, if you can't vote, but yeah, you got some learning to do pal yeah.
Speaker 2:Keep that thought to yourself, man you know, kev, we were talking about grocery store and my incident before. I had another grocery store incident, um, on friday I walked out of the grocery store without paying for the bottom rack of stuff on the shopping cart oh, common mistake on on accident, complete, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:And I didn't realize it until I got home. I was like shit, I did not pay for this stuff. And I looked at the receipt double check and I was like no, she didn't get it. And then I felt kind of like a criminal. I was like a criminal because, you know, looking bad at the transaction. You know I'm having conversation with her, a nice back and forth which could be construed as a distraction that I was trying to distract her. So I'm just like man, am I a criminal? Am I on the lam right now? I mean, I didn't go back, I'm not going to, but I will go back and pay for it the next time I'm there, which will probably be either this Friday or next Friday. But I'm wondering, man, I'm like could they be looking for me right now? I mean, could my picture be on their wanted wall or something?
Speaker 3:No, uh-uh. No, it's not, but they could have docked her pay for the items.
Speaker 2:Really Do they do that?
Speaker 3:I've known companies to do that. Yes, trish used to tell me about that in retail all the time.
Speaker 2:Oh no, I don't want that.
Speaker 3:Well, I know, I know you don't want it. That's why you're going to make it right Next time you go up there. Yeah, I just I didn't want to make it. We're going to do that anyway.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I didn't want to make an extra trip. I mean I'll go up there eventually, you know, this week or next week I'll say, hey, you know these items right here. You know, for some reason they weren't rung up last time I was here and I want to pay for them. Yes, okay.
Speaker 3:Because that's the magnanimous thing to do. That's what you do.
Speaker 2:And then I'll thanks for telling me that, because I'll even specifically say hey, did you like charge the cashier because you give her fucking money back right now.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, just just check on it.
Speaker 2:Make sure, because there are some companies that will do that. Yeah, I don't. Yeah, it's like restaurants If you, if you run out on the check, a lot of waiters and waitresses have to pay for that.
Speaker 3:Exactly.
Speaker 2:Which is terrible.
Speaker 3:They're making dick 50 an hour, and then you got to charge them on top of that.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, to me that's the most evil shit. Yeah Is walking out and you know.
Speaker 3:Yep.
Speaker 2:Because, let's face it, the waiters and waitresses not treated well on 99.9% of the restaurant establishments, which I think it's awesome that President Trump is going to make their tips tax-free.
Speaker 3:I never understood that anyway, because if you're tipping them cash, who's to say what you tipped them? The income tax in itself is illegal my god, dude, I hate it, it's illegal taxes.
Speaker 2:It is illegal and unconstitutional to taxed income. It's just, we all go along with it. We sign the return. There are people who don't do it and just say, hey, it's illegal, I won't do it, and they get away with it.
Speaker 3:Well, okay, so I'm in the market to buy a car right now, and why are they going to tax me for buying a car? Why are they taxing me to own a house?
Speaker 2:Yes, I mean it's ridiculous, oh my God. And now they want unrealized gains.
Speaker 3:Yes, I saw that. Explain what those are.
Speaker 2:Okay, like you own a bunch of stock and it's worth this much. Now, even though you haven't cashed out, they want to charge you for the profit that you haven't taken yet. That, to me, is, kevin, they are begging for a revolution, they are, they are begging. I mean this is getting boston tea party to the nth power now. Yeah, it's all. It's almost like they. I think they want it.
Speaker 3:I mean think about this the Boston Tea Party was a tax on tea. Tea, yeah that was it. That's what spurred it.
Speaker 2:Look at everything they fuck us in the ass on now.
Speaker 3:Oh my God, it's so bad.
Speaker 2:It is so bad. That's my only conclusion. Is they actually? They're like come bad, I, I, just that's my only conclusion. Is they actually? They're like come on, let's go. Yeah, we got enough drones and robot dogs, we're gonna take you uh-huh, and all I would say is we don't want that, but are you sure you do? Because once you do that, there's no turning back no, no, no turning back at all all right, let's let gab like we'll get. We don't want to go down that. Uh, that that tangent.
Speaker 2:Again there I'm trying to keep an observation we're making just an observation again we don't solicit and call for anything, we're just observers. We're historians and know history and we're observers and we know how human behavior is, and I'm all I'm saying is going a little too far hey, let me ask you this, because we're, as long as we're talking a little bit of taxation.
Speaker 3:Let me ask you this A dear friend of ours was over at the house yesterday. She's an educator, she's a teacher. Ok, they don't have enough teachers in their school, not the school system in their school. Ok, because four teachers have already quit this year, because the students are unruly and you know, know, your hands are tied as to what you could do. Uh, the superintendent came over the other day and asked you know what can be done. They said can you hire four more people? He's like no, we can't, we don't have the money. But we are asking for a bond issue on this uh, upcoming election, uh, and we're going to use that four million, if it passes, to build three new football stadiums. I mean, what is going on there?
Speaker 2:It's just ridiculous.
Speaker 3:Isn't the education more important than what's going on on the football field?
Speaker 2:And you don't have enough staff to make kids smarter. It's not Everything's completely out of whack. I mean, the public school system is ridiculous. Eventually that'll have to just be completely overhauled or just disbanded, you know you don't need it anymore. All it is is brainwashing now.
Speaker 3:Well, but if you don't have enough staff for the kids, who's teaching them?
Speaker 2:Exactly? Who's teaching them?
Speaker 3:They don't give a fuck, it's all about money and you have somebody here that wants to be a teacher but who can't because I don't have a bachelor's degree. I mean, I want to and I don't care what they pay me. I can suffer the $30,000 a year that they get paid, the measly money that they get paid. I can suffer that because I don't need it. I just want to be in a classroom. They won't let me.
Speaker 2:Well, you know what, kev? That's their loss, and I don't think, kev, they give a fuck about you enriching minds either. That's not it.
Speaker 3:Probably not.
Speaker 2:Friday night lights, and how much can we eke out of the taxpayers? There you go. That's all that matters, all right.
Speaker 1:Kev, you got the top three this week Just when you thought they couldn't count any higher. It's Tuttle.
Speaker 3:Kline's Top 3. So I was watching Sunday Night Football last night and I absolutely abhor, I detest, I hate the Carrie Underwood song. I can't stand it. I literally have never liked that song. So it got me wondering, because they make a big deal out of it. What are the top three TV theme songs of all time?
Speaker 2:Oh, I like that. Well, kev. You know I'm a big fan of Fall Guy.
Speaker 3:I knew you were going to go there.
Speaker 2:And Lee Major's rendition is really good, but I got to give the ups to the you know updated because of the movie new movie with Ryan Gosling. Blake Shelton killed it.
Speaker 3:Well, I'm not the kind to run and hide when I come close to danger.
Speaker 2:Okay, so yeah, the fall guy and Kev, and you know this one too, the A-team. I love the A-team theme, nice, I mean that's. You know to me that right there automatically perks up memories of youth and just gets me all jacked up.
Speaker 3:Sure Okay.
Speaker 1:Awesome.
Speaker 2:And Kev. Finally, I'll have to go with the TV themed songs. I want to do this one, right, Kev. Magnum PI Okay, alright, Magnum PI has a really good theme song that I love and I know on this one I'm going to have some theme song regret.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I thought we would have two on the same what did you have well duke's a hazard oh shit, just a good old boy never mean it, no harm, yeah, yeah, uh, the original monday night football oh my god, that's a great one. And then I looked up a list this morning, because this would have been on my list anyway but of the top 100 theme songs of TV shows of all time, this was number one.
Speaker 2:Well, we're moving on up, moving on up to the sun, moving on up to a deluxe apartment in the sky, moving on up, moving on up. I love it, kev, and that you know. Every time I hear that song I remember 1996 when we're starting out in radio and George Jefferson himself Sherman Helmsley Is that it, helmsley? Sherman Helmsley Walked into our studio and he had that little Sherman strut and I was like this is the coolest shit ever.
Speaker 3:Yeah, george Jefferson, right there with us.
Speaker 2:What was he pushing that day? I can't even remember. Did he have a comedy show or something like that?
Speaker 3:I don't even remember, I just remember, we were lucky.
Speaker 2:We were lucky we had Sherman Helmsley, george jefferson, and he was cool as shit, and our first like six, eight months on the radio yeah, and he was super cool.
Speaker 3:We were like man. If all celebrities don't like this, that'd be awesome yeah and kevin.
Speaker 2:Then after that we had don king. I mean, we were rolling baby that was amazing yeah, that was good stuff. Okay, that's a great theme song too, man Moving on. And did you know that Roxy Roker is Lenny Kravitz's mom?
Speaker 3:Yep. She played Helen Willis.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she played Helen Willis and dang man. That's classic stuff, Kev. I'm going to bookmark it. I have access to every episode of the Jeffersons and All in the Family. Really, and I may have to hit that soon. I may have to go on a binge Because the Jeffersons was a spinoff.
Speaker 3:The Jeffersons was a spinoff of All in the Family right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh yeah, there was nothing. Now, of course, I was too young to remember, but I caught, I mean, george Jefferson and Archie Bunker. That was great shit.
Speaker 3:Dude, you couldn't do it today. Oh, you can't do that. Couldn't do it today.
Speaker 2:Everybody's a hypersensitive pussy looking to cancel people. Yeah, you could not do that today, but back in the day it was freaking awesome. Yeah, good stuff. Okay, kev, I just kind of gave a hint at maybe an upcoming rabbit hole that I may go in.
Speaker 1:Let's talk about the rabbit holes that we got caught in this past week.
Speaker 3:Rabbit hole of the week. Go ahead, oh cars, I'm researching cars.
Speaker 2:Yeah yeah, you getting a Corvette.
Speaker 3:Let me tell you how badass my wife is. Timmy T Okay, so we're moving into a new house tomorrow. All right, by the time this comes out, we'll be closed on a new house. We also need a new car. Not a new, we're going to keep the same one we got.
Speaker 3:She loves it and but it's approaching a hundred thousand miles and I'm thinking we need two cars, you know. So she's like well, what do you want to get? I'm like I don't know, whatever, you know, I just want to get something that's cool, that's highly rated. She goes well, why don't you get your dream car? I'm like, um, because we don't need it. She's like no, I know, we don't need it, we don't need another car. She says but you should get your dream car. She says but you should get your dream car. My dream car is a Corvette. My favorite American car ever made was Corvette, and I love the mid engine Corvette. So any year from 2020 to now would work. And so I've found a couple. She actually found the first one. She sent it to me. She goes you should get this one. How, how bad ass is my wife? And she goes, oh, and we can just pay cash for it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that is amazing, isn't it?
Speaker 3:She's pushing me to get a $70,000 vehicle.
Speaker 2:Yeah, kev, that's to me. Yeah, that's that's what you want, right there.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and I'm the one that's having an hour on going. You know, I don't know if we need it, it's not really practical.
Speaker 2:Shut the fuck up.
Speaker 3:Exactly what color are you going to get? Well, I've ranked my favorite colors rapid blue, it's the kind of light blue, sort of neon blue sort of looking thing. Um so, and I've found a couple, but they're all one LTs, and I want at least a two LT, but preferably, preferably a 3LT, because the difference in those is that the 2LT and the 3LT, well, 3lt is top of the line, stingray, but the 2LT comes with heated and ventilated seats, heated and cooling seats, and it also comes with the target top, which is the clear glass.
Speaker 2:That's going to be so sweet.
Speaker 3:Yeah, but I found a silver one this morning that's in my price range, under 5,000 miles.
Speaker 2:Let me tell you this Um first off, kevin I I I drove a 2021.
Speaker 3:I test, drove one. It's sweet, is it? The power is ridiculous.
Speaker 2:Almost 500 horsepower. It's ridiculous and I love it. And I know a lot of people are listening or watching and thinking oh my God, Kevin, please don't get one. You're going to wrap it around the tree and you're going to die, and then this stupid podcast will just be the tunnel podcast and it'll suck because there'll be nobody there to keep them in line.
Speaker 3:Kevin, I like I do that anyway. Yeah, okay, exactly Nobody keeps him tunnel in line.
Speaker 2:Look how badly he's failed. I'm banned from social media. Kevin will not be doing anything over the speed limit. He just doesn't do it. He's a ground. He's a ground law.
Speaker 3:Which again kind of is like why do you need that car Klein? You know, because I'm not going to push it, I'm definitely not. It's never going to reach its potential with me.
Speaker 2:Just pulling in the parking lot, people will be like there's an awesome car right there, that guy's got the shit and they won't be thinking about his tiny penis.
Speaker 3:No, they will be. Oh my God, that guy's got the smallest dick in the world.
Speaker 2:He had to go out at 55 years of age and get a midlife crisis car.
Speaker 3:He's got a small dick. Totally, kev, you are completely just going stereotype right now. I know and I don't know if I want to do that because it's not about that with me I have Tim when I was in middle school. All through high school I mean, this is the dumbest thing in the world. I would be pulled up next to a car a Corvette and I would blow a kiss to it. I fucking love that car. I've always loved that car, kev here's what you do.
Speaker 2:Forget about the Corvette, get a Prius and then wrap a cucumber in aluminum foil, like the guys on Spinal Tap.
Speaker 3:There you go.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. And then they'll be like wow, look at this guy, he's got a fucking little pussy ass car, but look at that huge cock so what's your rabbit hole, sir?
Speaker 2:um, you're gonna laugh, man, because you're gonna be like not you. No, I watched pretty much back to back to back all three of the updated new versions of Star Trek movies. Who are you? This is so shocking. Dallas is shocked. Dallas is absolutely shocked. My kids are shocked. They're like Star Trek, dad. Let me give you a little background. My sister was a huge fan of Star Trek growing up and she was a lot bigger than me, so I could be sitting there watching baseball or watching a football game or whatever, and she would just come in and turn the tv on star trek and I'm fucked.
Speaker 2:And so I I always had a a hatred for star trek it's a trigger, yeah, it's a mental trigger always was a trigger for me mental trigger and plus, you know, it was a little geeky for my taste. I saw a trailer, uh, last week, and I was like you know what I chris pine. I always like chris pine. I think he's a good actor. He's one of those guys and I think zachary quinto, who played spock, a great actor too, and I didn't even know it, uh. But the guy who played checkoff and I'm forgetting his name, the guy who played Chekhov and I'm forgetting his name, the guy who played Chekhov on these shows, he was the guy Kev, back in 2015, I think it was that had that weird accident where his Jeep rolled over on him on his gate and crushed him.
Speaker 2:Anton. What is his name? Anton? Whatever, he was a great. He was in the movie Alpha Dog. He played the stolen boy in Alpha Dog and I'm forgetting his name. I'm so sorry, kev, anton, and it's a russian name because he's his parents are russian. But you know, I I always thought he was a great actor too and, of course, I always thought zoe's, zoe's, zoe's, saldana yes, zoe saldana beautiful yeah, gorgeous woman.
Speaker 2:So I was like you know what, I'm gonna give this a shot. So I watched the first one. I was like you know what? I'm going to give this a shot. So I watched the first one. I was like, oh my God, this is a great movie, jj Abrams killed it.
Speaker 3:Oh, he's fantastic.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, he killed it and I was like I have to watch the next one. And then it just kept going, Wow. So I watched like two and a half day period of time.
Speaker 3:Nice buddy and.
Speaker 2:I was into it.
Speaker 3:You're going to graduate to Lord of the Rings Hell, no.
Speaker 2:I can't, I can't and I like that one. What's that? One actor with the little chin butt, chin Viggo.
Speaker 3:Who Viggo Mortensen. I like him.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he's great, I like him, but I can't do that. I can't do Lord of the Rings.
Speaker 3:Which is interesting to me because Led Zeppelin sings about.
Speaker 2:Mordor, I know, man, there's a lot of cross over there, but I just can't. I can't see myself. Nothing personal, I mean. If that's your thing, it's just I think. I think I really really well went on a limb with the star trek yeah and I'd almost be afraid of what I would become if I started. You know, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I'm like, oh, can't do it.
Speaker 3:Still on the back burner, way back burner.
Speaker 2:All right.
Speaker 1:Kev, we got just enough time to do our weekly feature of Be Honest, be honest, be honest.
Speaker 3:I have one for you.
Speaker 1:Okay.
Speaker 3:All right, you have to make an immediate decision or you die. Here's your choice. Which one would you give up? Coffee or sex? Wow?
Speaker 2:Wow, dude, that is just I mean. For most of these, like 99% of these, I have an immediate answer. It's obvious.
Speaker 3:How well do I know my radio partner?
Speaker 2:I mean, I love espresso.
Speaker 3:I know, I know.
Speaker 2:Straight espresso. I mean, that's my, that's my jam man, you know, look, look, that was a double when we started. It's gone. God and I love sex too, but I, you know, I've had a lot of good sex with a lot of beautiful women, or a few beautiful women, not a total whore. That cab, that uh, yeah, yes, oh, you know, I still can. I still jerk off no in all forms.
Speaker 3:Sex in all forms I cannot ejaculate no sex in all forms of coffee okay, I give up coffee then oh my god, think that.
Speaker 2:I think it is really unhealthy to not, you know, throw a batch every so often. Throw a batch. I honestly I think that is not good for you, Okay. So, yeah, I think that, and I know that you're the guy who, you know, does not ejaculate, does not masturbate, does not, you know, have a sexual relationship with his wife. And look at you, you're all fucked in the head.
Speaker 3:Yeah, there it is.
Speaker 2:I mean, I, just I, I you know, I would. I would almost like completely advise you, kev, you have to, just you know, bust one out, but I'd be afraid of the PSI that you would generate from that shot.
Speaker 3:No, you know, it wouldn't be. Because if you, if you know that the prostate needs to be worked out every once in a while in order to remain its potent self, Well guess what Mine ain't been worked out in years I could just see seismologists going.
Speaker 2:We just had a disturbance in central Missouri. Is it an earthquake? No, kevin Kline just jerked off.
Speaker 3:And this is going to be a clip on the instagram, so we're banned now. Community standards forget it yeah, fuck your community standard you know I just the personal satisfaction I got was stumping you and making you think that was better than any answer you would have given yeah, and I, I don't.
Speaker 2:Mine are mine, are not that. My, uh, be honest, are not that good. I gotta start thinking that way. Like like mine is, if you see someone leaving their car, engine running to run into a store, don't you just want to jump in their car and park it somewhere, just to fuck with them?
Speaker 3:uh, I'm knowing myself. I wouldn't even think about that, but now that you bring it up, that would be a really funny thing to do.
Speaker 2:I just I can't. I it's. It's happened three times over the past five or six weeks that I'll just you know. I'll either be getting gas or I'll just have you know parked. And now I'm walking up to the store and people will just go right up there, get out of their running vehicle, run in, or I'll just have you know parked. And now I'm walking up to the store and people will just go right up there, get out of their running vehicle, run in, and I'm just like God, I want to do that so bad. Well they deserve it.
Speaker 2:Oh, I just want to. So bad. Yeah, but the only reason I don't is, like you know, it can be misconstrued.
Speaker 2:And you know next thing you, you know you're facing grand theft, auto charge right, yeah, no, you very well could be, but again they deserve it I just I, I just so want to just take it and just park it very end of the parking lot, leave it running and then just walk out. But the only problem is is that 15 seconds it takes you to get it to the parking space you're eligible for a grand theft auto charge. That's right, and just imagine how funny that would be the video of that of them walking it takes you to get it to the parking space, you're eligible for a grand theft auto charge.
Speaker 3:That's right.
Speaker 2:And just imagine how funny that would be the video of that, of them walking out of the store just freaking out. Oh, hell yeah, Freaking out.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:And then you'd be the guy to walk up to him and go yeah, that was weird. Do you have a kit car or one of those self-driving cars? Do you have a kit car or one of those self-driving cars? Because as soon as you went into the store it just got into gear and just started rolling around.
Speaker 3:Nuts.
Speaker 2:Would that be hilarious?
Speaker 3:That would be See somebody freaking out out of their own stupidity.
Speaker 2:Oh, Kev, I got to be honest. That's something that intrigues me and something that I'm, and I may end up doing it someday and I may have to call you up to bail me out of prison.
Speaker 3:Yeah, Klein did the prank. Yeah, they got me.
Speaker 2:I got a grand theft auto charge, so the shit that Facebook and IG did to me is nothing.
Speaker 3:Yeah, right, nice.
Speaker 2:Kev. What should I do about it? I mean I have no inkling to get back on it at all. I just don't, then don't. I just don't. I mean to me my focus in life be a good dad, be a good trader. Have fun doing this podcast and trader, not traitor trader oh, trader, yeah, trader, I'm a, I'm a futurist trader.
Speaker 2:I want to be a good trader no, no, you know benedict arnold, not that. Yeah, nah, I think the uh warren buffett slash paul tourer jones, that that kind of trader, not the benedict arnold, you know brett farve, right, right, yeah, I'm sorry I'll still never.
Speaker 3:I'll still Tudor Jones, that kind of trainer, not the Benedict Arnold, brett Favre. Right, right, yeah, I'm sorry.
Speaker 2:I'll still never forgive him for going to the Vikings.
Speaker 3:Dude, how about him announcing Parkinson's disease?
Speaker 2:Yeah, Kev, I told you about that. His daughter and my daughter played in volleyball tournaments in the same locations together and I saw him one day day and it just did not look like he was all there.
Speaker 3:He's not dude, he had. He even admitted in front of Congress that he had five concussions in one game still played, and you just know that's going to catch up to you. Well, it is. I mean Jesus. If there was anybody who was going to be fast track with Parkinson's, he would be it.
Speaker 2:And Kev's, and might as well talk about this then, since we're there is. Tua has put the NFL in the worst possible position that they could possibly be in right?
Speaker 3:Yeah, tua Tagovailoa the quarterback for the Miami Dolphins.
Speaker 2:That's his fourth concussion. That's the second time he did that. Really disturbing fencing. Yeah, what do they call it? The fencing pose, or?
Speaker 3:whatever the fencing pose, yeah, you just stiffen.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and now, with CTE being such a huge thing in the NFL, I mean, let's face it, for the rest of his life the public will be watching Tua.
Speaker 3:Oh, absolutely.
Speaker 2:Because are those not the highest profile concussion situations we've ever had? Uh-huh, and the NFL is probably behind the scenes. You think behind the scenes they're just like hey man, please retire.
Speaker 3:Oh, of course they are.
Speaker 2:Please walk away. I mean, you know, I know the Dolphins will take a good chunk of your signing bonus that you just saw. They gave them $45 million as a signing bonus a few months ago.
Speaker 3:Uh-huh.
Speaker 2:But they probably would cut them a little bit of a deal just to go away.
Speaker 3:Well, but didn't they give them a guaranteed contract for four years?
Speaker 2:Well, one of the ways out for the Dolphins, I heard, is the concussion thing. Oh Well, one of the ways out for the Dolphins, I heard, is the concussion thing.
Speaker 3:Oh, okay, so they do have an out, all right.
Speaker 2:They have an out I mean dude played two games. Yeah, they have an out, and not only that is what he's already had in hand. What he already has in hand is most of that would come back to him. The signing bonus yeah.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 2:So somebody did the figuring that if Tua walked away today and the Dolphins voided the contract and took back a chunk of the signing bonus, he would have about $35 million that he has made in the NFL, which should be enough to live a comfortable life forever, depending on how he has spent it in his first few years. I don't see him as the big. You know, I got to buy 10 cars, four houses, one for my mama, three for me. I don't see him as that type of guy, but we don't know?
Speaker 3:Well, I don't know much about him. I know he went to Alabama. I know that he's the left-handed quarterback. I've never heard him speak. Is he intelligent? Because if he is, he could go in the booth and make $375 million over 10 years. Because Tom Brady, dude man, that guy is not a great broadcaster.
Speaker 2:Kev. He is not only intelligent, he is one of the most well-liked NFL players ever. Everybody loves Tua. He's one of those guys that anybody that runs into. He's the nicest guy, great family, not pretentious at all. He could easily mop up, but you got to have the brain to do it. And right now, man, you are on the clock.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I want to see him retire because geez four big ones like that I would.
Speaker 2:I, I would hate to see what happened next. And if he does have another one, if you come see. But here's the thing is, the nfl can't stop him from playing. He would just sue the fuck out of him. Yeah, he would just be like you cannot stop me from me. I'm a warrior, I make that decision on my own. You can't do that for me. Nfl, if there's a team willing to sign me, you know, I don't know. Could the NFL put it together that you know, with the 32 teams, a consortium where, hey, nobody plays this guy or signs this guy?
Speaker 3:Well, that would be collusion and there's claims that that's what they did against Kaepernick. And we've already seen kind of what they did, what Brian Flores did when he was the head coach of Miami, suing for racial discrimination because they let him go. He won that case, by the way, but yeah, I don't. He would have to be signed. If somebody wants to sign him.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I just, I just Kev. That is the stickiest thing, man, because you know, if something really bad happened to tua, let's say another concussion, and then you know, five years from now, in his late 20s, early 30s or whatever, he starts going crazy or something. You had a crazy story about him. People are just going to be like what are you doing, nfl, letting him play yeah, you know saying I know.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I don't know how many times I saw the commercial yesterday about the advancements they've made in helmets. Yeah, that ad showed like three or four times yesterday I saw.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they have to. I mean, the NFL could end up being a flag football league.
Speaker 3:It is with the quarterback now.
Speaker 2:It is. That is ridiculous. That is ridiculous that you can't. And I told you that before, as I'm teaching Dallas, who plays defensive end, how to tackle and I'm showing him you know great video of old school hits and I'm like, oh, but by the way, you can't do that yeah you can't blow anybody up anymore. You cannot blow anybody up. They're defenseless defense list, quote, unquote. Even though they're not right, they got pads all over them and they know what they've gotten into, so yeah so, um, all right, kevin, this has been a blast.
Speaker 2:I've had a good time with you. Yet again, same here, buddy. Is there anything?
Speaker 3:we're forgetting? No, I don't think so. We actually stuck to the battle plan today. Kind of Little bit, little bit.
Speaker 2:Hey, do us a favor Seriously, we talked about it earlier. Do us a favor, follow us on Instagram Again. That may. The Tuttle Cline Instagram may be the only place you ever even hear from me again. Or the Tuttle Cline Facebook, and Kevin's wife Trish has some great merchandise there. We'd love for you to buy our merchandise. Subscribe, give us a rating, make sure you download our stuff. Kevin Cline, what do you have coming up on the world-famous Buzzy Mike podcast? Your other side hustle?
Speaker 3:This is the week that we get to talk to Todd Blylevin, and I've already had the conversation. We recorded it last week. Tim, you're going to love it, man. This guy is so cool. Burt Blylevin's son, burt is a Hall of Famer pitcher and Todd actually played a little bit of pro ball, but his big. The reason why I'm talking to him is because he gave himself PTSD by going in to the Route 91 music festival and rescuing 30 people from that mass shooting. He carried three people that were dead out to the street and then carried 27 who were massively wounded and he still hasn't recovered.
Speaker 2:I cannot wait to see that.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:I watch it on YouTube, but you can get it on all of the platforms. The Fuzzy Mike podcast. Kevin Kline does a really, really great job delving into not only true crime but mental health and how to combat it, and it's a really really good podcast. If you get a chance to check it out, kev, yes, I'm done. Okay, I've got another Star Trek movie that I need to watch.
Speaker 3:And more community standards to offend.
Speaker 2:Yes, more community standards to offend. I have no idea what I fucking did. You are gods though. Thanks, Zuck, Motherfucker.
Speaker 1:That's it for this episode of the Tuttle Klein show. See you this Wednesday for an all-new episode, and you can get more Klein on his podcast, the fuzzy mic, with new episodes on Tuesday. Stay, fuzzy, friends, and thanks for listening to the Tuttle and Klein show. Yo, all right, take the yo out.