Tuttle & Kline
Award winning morning radio partners for 25+ years, Tim Tuttle and Kevin Kline share stories and insights through organic conversation and natural humor.
Tuttle & Kline
Ep #30 Techology Fails, Mmmkay?, Storm Comedy, and Unfiltered Dialogues with Tuttle & Kline
Ever wondered why we can't just seem to get a handle on technology? Join us on this episode of the Tuttle & Kline Show as we hilariously recount our latest tech troubles and how they almost derailed our schedule. With Hurricane Francine barreling towards Houston, we mix in some light-hearted jokes about the "dirty side" of hurricanes while acknowledging their real-world impact. And guess what? Tuttle's neighbors have started tuning into the show, which is both flattering and a bit unnerving. We wrap up this segment by celebrating our FCC-free freedom, allowing us to be as honest and unfiltered as ever.
Switching gears, we dive into the complexities of dating and relationship standards. Is it better to date someone who's a 'ten' or someone with more down-to-earth qualities? Our conversation spirals into the bizarre world of competitive eating, as we marvel at the likes of Joey Chestnut and propose a satirical new eating competition focusing on the aftermath rather than the act. Local eating contests provide plenty of fodder for stories that are both awe-inspiring and slightly nauseating.
Our final chapters are a mix of humor and deep thought. We introduce you to a unique ninth-grader named Mmmkay, who owes his name to his parents' love for South Park and his un-bullyable physical presence. Admire the craftsmanship of two African brothers building a mansion out of sand and bamboo and explore hypothetical questions for historical figures like Winston Churchill and Jesus. From pondering the mysteries of JFK's assassination to the NFL season's kickoff, this episode is a rollercoaster of insights and laughs. Don't miss out on the fun and thought-provoking discussions that make this episode a must-listen!
Welcome to the Tuttle Cline Show.
Speaker 2:Galvin Tuttle. What's going on? Are you there?
Speaker 3:Yes, sir, can you hear me? Yeah, that was the weirdest thing. I don't know what goes on with that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't like change either, you know.
Speaker 3:Yeah, no me either.
Speaker 2:When it says you gotta have a passcode and I've never needed a passcode, I'm like what the fuck did I do wrong that now I have to have like an entry passcode?
Speaker 3:Yeah, but here we are.
Speaker 2:Does Klein no longer want to do this to me? He wants to make it hard. Do this with me.
Speaker 3:No, not at all, not at all. Is your wife playing around with us? No, well, what happens is when we, when we schedule them, we have them all scheduled out for the rest of the year at 1030. And then so when we go back in, like the last couple of weeks, we've actually started at 10 because the holiday and everything. So then we we have to go back in and change it back to 1030. It's not that big of a deal, but apparently I didn't do it correctly this time.
Speaker 2:Well, that's OK, kevin Klein, here we are. Last week I fucked it up and this week you fucked it up. It's what two old men with technology it's what we do.
Speaker 3:That's right, we're good at it, damn it.
Speaker 2:Hey man, we got another hurricane coming to Houston.
Speaker 3:Francine.
Speaker 2:Son of a bitch man. I know. It's like those weather controllers. They really, they really want to mess with Houston or something like that. They're sitting in their NOAA little labs and going.
Speaker 3:But I mean you've had one hit. It's been a light year as far as the NOAA predictions go, but yeah, there's a couple of disturbances, but this one just kind of sprouted up out of nowhere.
Speaker 2:Exactly which has people in Houston going. They're fucking with us. Bad, you know. So someday we're going to see behind the curtain and we're going to go after you fuckers, cause you know what.
Speaker 3:Cause I looked at the path, all right, and it's starting down in by in Mexico, you know, down by the, by the peninsula down there, and it looks like it's just going to go straight north. I've never seen a tropical storm or hurricane just go straight north like that.
Speaker 2:Right. So straight north, as in us and New Orleans, right.
Speaker 3:Yeah, but the good news for Houston is that, instead of being on the dirty side, you'll be on the cleaner side this time if it continues on the trajectory and the path that it's supposed to. But you know those things never.
Speaker 2:I don't know if you knew this or not. You probably did. There's some of us in Houston that like the dirty side.
Speaker 3:Yes, I'm sure there are.
Speaker 2:Hey, francine, how dirty do you get? Yeah, I'll spank, you, I'll pull your hair.
Speaker 3:Oh wow, Nice.
Speaker 2:I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make anybody a wretch right there.
Speaker 3:No, that's quite all right. So, um, but uh uh, a large tropical storm or possible hurricane category one is what's expected between Wednesday and Thursday.
Speaker 2:Do you miss that at all? That used to be a big thing for you is tracking hurricanes and really being on top of the weather. I mean when you were doing morning radio with us, I mean you were, you were, you were really into that.
Speaker 3:I miss the research. I don't miss the possible ramifications of a hurricane the flooding, the possible roof tearing off or the damage done to your house and the loss of life. No, I don't miss that at all. Yeah, that sucked. Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:Kev. I'm starting to get a little worried here.
Speaker 3:About.
Speaker 2:Well, you know, I figure it's just you and me talking and yeah, we throw it out there on podcast platforms and on YouTube and stuff like that. But I always thought it was just you and me having a little bit of fun. And you know I I the problem I'm having is my neighbors are starting to listen to the podcast.
Speaker 3:yeah, beautiful yeah, and you know I, I appreciate the listens well, absolutely, we appreciate, we need everyone we can get.
Speaker 2:By the way, kev, they all just pressed play. None of them downloaded oh thanks guys. Yeah, we need you to download the episodes and you could take them off a couple weeks later, but the initial download is how this thing is kept score, you know.
Speaker 3:Yep, yep, I know so.
Speaker 2:I always ask everybody and Kev, 99.9%, I just press play, I don't need it on my phone. Like, like we're going to like, taint and pollute their phone.
Speaker 3:Well, we might you know, through osmosis there might be a scourge on there.
Speaker 2:Yeah, or you know, like the FBI, you know, confiscates their phone, or like, oh, you're totaled incliners, okay, Wow, okay, yeah. So we were right in our assessment.
Speaker 2:Yeah, there you go so anyway, are they giving you feedback? Well, for the most part they love it, but you know there are some of those that are. You know, take umbrage. There's some umbrage takers out there which you know I'm okay with. Yeah, I come to expect it a little bit throughout the career that people are going to stop, but I'm not used to it in, you know, the post radio kind of retirement life.
Speaker 3:I mean, you were an egg cracker in your years on the radio. You know, in order to make an omelet you got to crack an egg. That's the cliche and cracking an egg in radio is you've got to be controversial at times and you thrived on that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, something that I promised with this podcast is I'll always be honest and the filter's gone and everything. People love that, that we just don't have any filters anymore. There's no FCC filters in terms of language. We don't have a boss or sponsors or anything like that, we can just be ourselves. We don't have a boss or sponsors or anything like that, we can just be ourselves.
Speaker 3:The issue, though, is, you know, I'm not used to over the last couple of years, since I've been in the public eye the walk up. Yeah well, the other issue is that, when we were- on radio.
Speaker 2:Nobody knew where you lived. Yeah, exactly.
Speaker 3:Now they know where you live. They're your neighbors.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, exactly Now, they know where you live, they're your neighbors. Yeah, and Kev, I had one and he kind of stormed like March he's a little fella, oh okay, he kind of had that little storm up. Walk that little. Excuse me, excuse me, hey, when did we talk about me not liking soccer? Did?
Speaker 3:we do that in an episode. Probably you maybe have mentioned it.
Speaker 2:I mean, we didn't really ever dwell on it yeah, I, I remember doing it, you know, obviously during the radio career. But you know, this is this is somebody that, uh, you know, listens to the podcast and, uh, you know, he started jumping my sack about me night not liking soccer, soccer.
Speaker 3:Oh God forbid.
Speaker 2:And I told him you know America. I told him you know Americans, we have our own football and it's much cooler. And then he started doing the stuff that you always do. You know, it's the sweet art or science and shit like that. He started talking like that you know, the kind of things you say about soccer.
Speaker 3:It's the beautiful game, yeah, game, yeah, you know it's a metaphor for life right, sweet science, all that shit.
Speaker 2:Yeah and uh. He said the reasons what. The reason why that americans don't embrace soccer the way, the way the rest of the world does, is america's never won a world cup that that makes sense.
Speaker 2:But anyway, this, this little italian dude, you know, kind of breaks my bubble of you know I'm just tim. Walk into the mailbox, you know uh-huh, and he's like, hey, uh, listen to your podcast. And you know it wasn't exactly like that, but that's, you know, that's my but what my thought in the head? Little Italian dude, hey, listen to your podcast, you don't like a soccer. And I'm like, no, I mean, we had our own football here in America. I like that much, much better. He goes, ah, you don't like a soccer because America never won a World Cup.
Speaker 3:Okay, and I told him well, that shit doesn't matter at all to us.
Speaker 2:We don't like a soccer because America never won a World Cup. Okay, and I told him well, that shit doesn't matter at all to us. We don't give a fuck about not winning a World Cup. We won two World Wars, including one against you, little fella.
Speaker 3:That's right, benito Mussolini was part of the. He was kind of a periphery dude in the Third Reich.
Speaker 2:He was kind of like Ringo. Yeah, exactly, you had Hitler and Hirohito and then Ringo.
Speaker 3:Yep, there he was.
Speaker 2:Oh, I should have told him that, Cap. I wish I had thought of that because he he would have loved that oh, absolutely would have, yeah and then he he actually had a little poignant uh thought you know he goes, he goes, hey, uh, uh, if there's a world war three, uh, nobody will win that one.
Speaker 3:I'm like, yeah, you're right yeah, we, yeah, we all lose we all lose that one. Exactly.
Speaker 2:So it'll be 2-0, and we hope the record just stays there.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's one rematch you don't want to see.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, no, no, no, we're good.
Speaker 3:Yep.
Speaker 2:We're good. Hey Kev do I uh?
Speaker 3:of late to you. Well, ever since we've uh started doing the podcast, you've you've seemed different to me.
Speaker 2:Cause I, you know I had maybe you can give me some feedback on this. I, I, you know I haven't been in a relationship in a while and a friend of mine who you know I play golf with, um. He asked me you haven't been, you know, um, you haven't been in a relationship. What are you okay? He asked me if I'm okay yeah and I'm like are you?
Speaker 2:hmm, I get to do what I want when I want with whomever I want. Yeah, I'm good bro. And he's like no, well, you, just you're deceived. There's something different about you. I'm like listen, I said you know if I ever get lonely, I have a couple of ladies you know that also aren't down and don't want to be in relationships either, and they'll come over and they'll watch Netflix with me. And I don't have Netflix.
Speaker 3:A lot of chilling going on.
Speaker 2:Yeah, exactly so I'm good, buddy, I'm good, and you know, it's just like do you ever get lonely? Though I like I was tired of the question. I'm like, you know Batman and Superman and all those people that wear costumes and capes they don't have related. Does anybody ever ask them if they get lonely? Did you ever think maybe I'm a superhero?
Speaker 3:I just cape.
Speaker 2:he hides his cape maybe my love for a peaceful and crime-free houston is more important than physical intimacy and deep connection with a woman. Maybe that's it and what?
Speaker 3:what are your crime fighting statistics? Uh, what you know? How are you? How are you holding up in that angle? They could use a little work. It's funny that you're talking about this, because this is kind of my be honest for you this week. Be honest, be honest.
Speaker 3:Because I was thinking about this very same thing as we were driving around the other day about Tim and his relationships. So, be honest, if she was a five on a scale of one to 10, but everything else was perfect, your symbiosis, your freak gap, whatever it is, everything else was perfect, but she was a five, be honest, would she? Would she rate?
Speaker 2:Five's a little low. Okay, just a little. But cam, I gotta be honest, you know I I have done horribly with tens I have my. I was thinking about it my last three are tens and you know that, and anybody that knows me knows that. 10, 10, 10, okay, uh, I'm not exactly if, if something were to happen, they don't have to be a 10 this time around. Okay, but five's just a little bit low. You know, a problem is when you're used to being with tens yeah there's, there's a certain level in order for you to get excited.
Speaker 2:You know I'm saying yeah, no, I know what you're used to being with tens. Yeah, there's, there's a certain level in order for you to get excited. You know I'm saying yeah, no, I don't know what you're saying. Yeah, but, kev, you give me all that symbiotic shit that you're just talking about right there on a solid seven and a half. Yeah, I'm intrigued. Okay, as a matter of fact, I would likely in terms of a relationship, right now I'm talking about not, not in terms of watching Netflix. Wink, wink, nod, nod.
Speaker 3:Yes, I'm talking about going the distance.
Speaker 2:I would probably stay away from a 10.
Speaker 3:Uh-huh.
Speaker 2:There's just it's just too much of a headache man. You know the problems inherent there within is. You know they first off tens. They're not used to adversity. If they have adversity they freak on it. Second off, they don't have to put up with any of your bullshit. You know you're just a Kleenex. They can find any dude that they want.
Speaker 3:You know. Yes, you have long said that since I've known you.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so yeah, I would probably a seven and a half or eight would be great to go the distance with, okay, if that's ever happened again at all. Uh-huh, yeah, I get it. You know, one of my friends told me he goes because he knows of some of the you know Netflix situations. I'm in.
Speaker 3:Yes.
Speaker 2:And he's like you. Better marry one of them.
Speaker 3:That'll ruin it.
Speaker 2:I'm like, yeah, yeah, that's a great way to fuck it up. Yeah, I know one thing that I'm not the like Marian guy, I'm not husband material. But he goes, you know, you're still in shape, you look good, you can. You know there's going to be a time where you can't pull that kind of a girl who says I was thinking the same thing, I was like, says who I mean? You know, look at all these guys that have these marginal. You know features, if you will, on the outside, but they have other things with them. You know a good sense of humor, you know big dick.
Speaker 3:Oh, okay. Well, I was going to say I'm a perfect example until you went with that.
Speaker 2:And you know, the ability to make her laugh is a big deal.
Speaker 3:That's massive.
Speaker 2:But yeah, so I didn't see that. And if that was the case, hey, you know, I'll just chill with my seven and a half and eight. That I get you know yeah absolutely. Yeah, but yeah, that's a good, I have one for you, I'll be honest. Okay, and it's a little more, I guess, superfluous.
Speaker 3:That's fine, that's fine.
Speaker 2:Did I use superfluous right there? Yes, yeah, okay, have you ever thought about what speed eaters like Joey Chestnut's shits might look like?
Speaker 3:Oh my God I have. Oh my God I have. Oh, yes, I have. Yeah, yeah, I am amazed by them, but I'm also grossed out by them, those competitive eaters. I mean, that is the height of American gluttony, right there. Okay, although there are some international competitors nowhere near what we bring to the table. But yeah, man, I've often wondered that how, how bad are your shits when you're eating 70 hot dogs in five minutes?
Speaker 2:Oh my God, I just see If, far be it for me to change things up in terms of how competitions go but to me that's where the next competition is Right, yep, competition is right, yep. I mean what, what?
Speaker 3:does that thing? Look like and the only problem person would be the judge oh yeah, the only problem is who's going to measure to me, to me any any politician that's busted with for corruption or scandal or anything like that.
Speaker 2:That should be their job, their punishment there you go they have to measure these, the uh speed eaters shits we had this thing uh, it's, uh, it's uh.
Speaker 3:Miles from here and I've worn the shirt before. It's a little tourist trap called Uranus. They have one in Indiana, they have one in Indianapolis, really yeah, and they put on earlier this year, I think for St Patrick's Day. They put on their very first competitive eating competition and it was how much fudge could you eat in five minutes? And somebody ate 13 pounds of fudge, see.
Speaker 2:I would be. I would never do that, because I like fudge and I want to be able to eat it again.
Speaker 3:You know but you listen to, like Joey Chestnut in interviews and stuff like that. He's not even hungry, he doesn't even like hot dogs. It is a completely competitive thing.
Speaker 2:First off, explain to me how do you know that you have that as a skill?
Speaker 3:Exactly what I wanted to know too, you know, have you ever seen the ESPN science breakdown of Joey Chestnut's ability?
Speaker 2:No, but please go into some detail here.
Speaker 4:We've measured the bite of competitive eaters at 280 pounds of force. A bite stronger than a german shepherd's joey pushes the limits of stomach expansion, training his stomach, to increase by roughly 400 so it's jaw strength and weird stomach I want.
Speaker 2:I just want to know how he broke into it like. Was it a dare, was it a bet? Yeah, right. You know that he just like discovered something about himself going wait a minute. I don't have to stop at 24.
Speaker 3:But I think it was meatballs that actually started him on it. You know where Fink beats the stomach. Look at those steaming weenies.
Speaker 4:And you know what they're saying, Larry. They're saying this is the year that Fink beats the stomach.
Speaker 2:And now Kev. Now that also makes me wonder. Like what hidden superpowers do you or I may have? We don't know about.
Speaker 3:I know mine what is yours. I have the ability to bore people. Drop of a hat, man, get me talking I.
Speaker 2:I will say this in social uh situations over the past 28 years, when it was time for us to go, we would just have cap tell a story there you go.
Speaker 2:I mean every woman's dream man, a solid five and a boring conversationalist with a tiny penis trish is a saint yeah, I know man, seriously, seriously, she could probably go on a murder spree and god would just be like, hey, that fucker you had to deal with, come on in. Yeah, you deserve this. Hey, kev, something happened last week Shocking, and you'll probably be just as shocked as I am. I can't wait to find out. Jonas turned 21.
Speaker 3:Oh my God. Trish told me about that and I'm like you're gotta be kidding me, isn't that crazy? That is absolutely insane to me. I mean, I know people grow up and get older, but I mean I remember the day he was born.
Speaker 2:I know it's so crazy man it's. And and you know I I was talking to him about it and we had a little story. I I told him, you know I remember I walked into a bar cause you know I was asking him are you, because it was the day before I was going to are you going to go tonight at midnight or are you going to go tomorrow? And you know I told him I walked into a bar at midnight. You know, at the exact moment that I turned 21 at Ball State.
Speaker 3:Legally anyway.
Speaker 2:Legally, yeah, yeah, exactly. Speaking of which, yeah, the bouncer was laughing because he's like dude, you've been coming here for years and I, I had to act quick.
Speaker 3:I just I. So I threw it out there. Oh no, no, no, my older brother and I, we look a lot alike yeah, there you go.
Speaker 2:And he laughed because he knew he laughed totally. And then he said that this was hilarious, he goes. I'll tell you what if you and your brother are ever here in the bar at the same time, your drinks are free all night. And I was like, oh, I'll find somebody that looks exactly like me. That was the tradition, you know. The older brother turns 21,. The younger brother goes to the DMV. Did I just say that?
Speaker 3:You did.
Speaker 2:What's the statute of limitations on that? Am I clear on that?
Speaker 3:one. You're totally clear, all right.
Speaker 2:State of Indiana isn't going to like. Send some SWAT team here to Houston and bust through my door and go. You gave Todd what.
Speaker 3:But you would hope that they have more pressing issues to deal with than going back 20 something years.
Speaker 2:Yeah, kev. The only problem is is I don't have the same point of view as the people in power. There used to be a good shot for them to get me. Yeah, that's the one thing.
Speaker 3:So how did Jay Fred celebrate?
Speaker 2:Well, you know he had several things happening. You know Jonas is not like me. He is actually well-liked. He is actually well-liked. So he starts off with a you know a nice dinner at a good restaurant day of with his sister, audrey, and she buys him dinner. They have some margaritas and she gives him a, a nice. As a matter of fact, they got a little video of it right here If you want to see it. Uh, gives him a nice little poster board with, uh, some liquor attached to it, with little sayings on it. I mean, you know Audrey's that crafty type.
Speaker 3:Right, she always has been.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah. She's always been good at that, kev. You remember when she's like six, seven years old and she's making daddy PowerPoints on why he should buy her this, that and that?
Speaker 3:Yep, totally. And then I remember she was the director for the community theater at about five years of age.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she made some good snowdrop signs too.
Speaker 3:She certainly did when she was a little girl.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so you know, she took him to the dinner and then he, while he was at the dinner, his roommates were creating a surprise party. So as soon as he got back from the dinner he went to surprise party. And then, you know, his birthday was on a Thursday. So you know how it is in college it turns to Friday. Saturday we didn't hear from Jonas until yesterday afternoon. Kev also last week, a week ago. From right now this is Monday. We're recording this. Audrey was in the audience for the Bachelorette finale. Was she really In Los Angeles? She was there.
Speaker 3:Oh, that was really controversial.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she was there. Yeah, there was a lot of controversy there because they thought they shouldn't have replayed the proposal after Devin dumped her and all that. You know Devin is a George ranch graduate.
Speaker 3:I didn't know that.
Speaker 2:George ranch high school 2014,. Man.
Speaker 3:Oh, wow.
Speaker 2:So you know Audrey's future sister-in-law was friends with him, went to school with him. You know Audrey was only in seventh, eighth grade when he graduated, but you know she was there and she knows Devin and all I think his name is Devin. Uh, she knows, uh, devon and all I think his name is devon. Um and uh, yeah, she was right there to just watch this freaking dumpster fire transpire in front of her. Wow, but yeah, it's uh the.
Speaker 2:The word on the word on the street behind the scenes is uh, jen is a little bit of a cuckoo for coco puffs oh, you think and even though Devin couldn't directly say that, I mean, that's the buzz on her and he played it all wrong, though he was dumb, and now he, he's the most hated man in America now because he didn't wait. He just wait a month, uh, after the finale, and then you just say, hey, I don't think it's gonna work out.
Speaker 3:Good luck to you okay, but do the producers really want him to wait? No, the producers are salivating over the way this thing ended.
Speaker 2:Totally, yeah, yeah, totally. They're quote unquote. We're very, very sorry that we played that and there's that controversy you 27 million people who watch that and are completely outraged right now. You deserve our apology and we are so sorry. We promise that's never going to happen again.
Speaker 3:That's right, you know. Look, if you're selling yourself out on a TV reality show to try and find the love of your life, you deserve what you're getting.
Speaker 2:Kev, exactly, Kev, exactly. To all the people who are so fucking outraged and everything like that, these are people who decided to put their shit front and center because they're attention seekers, for whatever reason. Ok, the whole concept of I'm going to find somebody to marry, based on you know 20 to 30 people in a group and I'm going to marry them, is ludicrous. All right, who called for ludicrous? And the idea of being one of those contestants, one of those guys, in this case in the Bachelorette, who you know I'm falling in love with you, even though last night you were tongue kissing another dude it's stupid.
Speaker 2:It is absolutely stupid and for you to be outraged just shows what a fucking idiot you are. You're an idiot. You're exactly what Ringling was talking about, man.
Speaker 3:Yeah, there's a sucker born every second.
Speaker 2:Every exactly, Please Come on man.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you know what I can honestly say? I have never watched an episode of the Bachelor or the Bachelorette.
Speaker 2:My ex was into it, so therefore I was into it. You know, that's like Jules from Pulp Fiction. My girlfriend's a vegetarian, therefore I am a vegetarian. So this big kahuna burger is really tasty.
Speaker 3:Brad say what again, I'm sorry that's okay, one of your all-time favorite movies it is still to this day.
Speaker 2:Kevin klein this is my all-time favorite movie. Wow, saying a lot uh, calf, I, calf, I, yeah, I, and I should talk because I've got uh a couple of uh children, with some you know kind of uh different names. Uh, um, you know, my, my, one of my sons is Dallas Cowboys. That's his actual first name.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:That uh first name. Yeah, that uh he. You know he still wears on the school idea. It says dallas cowboys because that's his first name. They can't get rid of the cowboys because his first name is actually dallas cowboys how funny isn't that great.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and then you know what's even better is?
Speaker 2:he's a miami fan exactly he loves the dolphins. Don't say it too loud, cab. Don't say it too loud, I won't. Uh, and and his little brother, uh is timothy george straight tuttle. But I think, kevin, that I have met the parents. That just went a little too fucking far what'd they do? There is a 14 year old boy running around ninth grader running around in the neighborhood.
Speaker 3:You want to know what his name is. Would I ever guess it? Probably not. His name is M'kay. No way, that's the best.
Speaker 2:I had to double take on it too. South Park, exactly this right here. M'kay, m'kay, m'kay, m'kay, m'kay. This right here Became a name because his parents were such huge fans of South Park.
Speaker 3:It's actually kind of a cool name.
Speaker 2:I initially thought, okay, they lost a bet. He. He lost the fantasy football bet when his, his wife, was like eight months pregnant, or something like that yeah, no, but no no, he's like he says uh, people love it, his family loves it.
Speaker 2:Um, you know that is, and you got to pronounce it that way. By the way, because if you look at yeah, it's, here's how it's spelled, this is serious. The first four letters are mmm, m, yeah, k-a-y, that's awesome. And and if you don't pronounce, if you just go, okay, okay, he'll correct you. He goes it's okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, is that awesome?
Speaker 2:So every day at 2.52 pm, they walk by to get off the bus here and they walk right by my place. They walk by to get off the bus here and they walk right by my place. And the reason I discovered it is because you know I was walking the other way. You know I was going to go to the clubhouse. They have a great espresso machine at the clubhouse, so I get an espresso just about every day and I heard the. You know one was like hey, hey, I'm gay. And him stopping everybody and everything, everybody and everything goes, it's good.
Speaker 2:And it happened again. I thought it was just he was messing around, but like three or four days later, it happened again. You know, I heard his name and I was like I have to ask. I got. I have to ask, I said. I said, hey, kid, come here. No, no, I'm not gonna drag you into my place and do terrible things, right? I said I gotta know about the name and he just told me the whole story. I was like I was, like you know, as a um, you know a south park original gangster og, which I am, and you are too kevin, and you know got to say that's just the coolest shit ever.
Speaker 3:Does he get bullied about it? No, or is it just so cool that?
Speaker 2:Dude, the kid is huge. Oh yeah, yeah, I mean, he's a ninth grader Kev and I would probably have to clock on in order to take him.
Speaker 3:Wow.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I couldn't, you know, half-ass that one uh-huh, because he's one of those. If he gets a, you know uh, an upper hand on you, he's gonna wreck your shit yeah, but you think about it.
Speaker 3:You know, if people call michael jordan, they call him mj. This is really no different, it's just the pronunciation is a little bit different. The best man.
Speaker 2:That's so awesome Dude. His name is Mgr Kev. I just want to sit in a class with him, don't you? Though? Okay, anybody know Mgr. Do you know the answer? You know what I'm saying? Yeah and Kev, even though. Do you know the answer? You know what I'm saying? Yeah, and and cab, even though it's weird when you're like a solo dude going to a football game where your kids aren't there. I have to go to one of his football games when he plays varsity and they announce their names Uh-huh, starting a left tackle.
Speaker 3:You know what I'm saying. I know exactly what you're saying. Oh my gosh man, if he ever got into some prominent position.
Speaker 2:Oh my god, I told him that. I said you know, you can take that name and parlay that thing seriously oh, hell yeah you could run for office and there's a lot of people that love and watch south park yes that immediately they don't care. I mean, you could go out and tell them you know, I'm, uh, I'm, I'm gonna vote for me to be a dictator, and you know, and just have the most heinous platform and people just be like, well, the guy's name is guy it can't be all that bad.
Speaker 3:It's got to be funny, is that the greatest?
Speaker 2:shit ever. That is awesome I want to meet his parents sometime don't you though oh, totally, yeah, yeah, right up our alley, uh, you know.
Speaker 2:The funny thing, though, is he's never seen an episode of south park. Oh really, yeah, he's never. He's watched a little bits and pieces of it. He just thinks the whole construction paper cartoon thing's a little weird. He doesn't like it. Oh, wow, wow. But he gets it. He understands his origin story and all that stuff. That's great. That's great. I mean that's. I mean that's just, kev, I'm gonna keep you in the loop on that one. Yeah, if, if he does have a varsity game sometime in the next couple years and you're going to be in Houston, we'll definitely go into that game.
Speaker 3:Oh, I'm holding up signs, are you kidding?
Speaker 2:He will have an immediate fan club.
Speaker 3:Absolutely.
Speaker 2:Who are the two middle-aged men rooting for M'Guy? M'guy, go, m'guy, go Okay, go Okay.
Speaker 3:How would Keith Jackson call him running down the sideline for a touchdown?
Speaker 2:Oh, look out. Oh, okay, Johnson. To the 54 to 30, 20, 10 touchdown. Okay, 4-30-20-10 touchdown. I always love Keith. You younger folks you missed it. Keith Jackson was the greatest announcer. I loved him.
Speaker 3:Awesome, awesome college football guy. So we have an afternoon of what college football is all about, I think. The Michigan Wolverines 10-0. Ohio State 9-1. The Buckeyes losing to Michigan State 16-13.
Speaker 2:He is the only announcer, kev. In my opinion, that should have been allowed to just swear right there on TV.
Speaker 3:That would have been great right.
Speaker 2:Holy shit, that sophomore is a monster. He went right through that fucking line Like a bad chicken goes through the system.
Speaker 3:Remember his line he's a hoss.
Speaker 2:He's a six foot four inch sophomore. That motherfucker's a hoss God. I loved him. That was great. Okay, kev, let's jump into our rabbit holes, shall we? Oh yeah, rabbit hole of the week. Okay, kev, let's jump into our rabbit holes, shall we? Oh yeah, Rabbit hole of the week. All right. What rabbit hole did you find yourself struggling with?
Speaker 3:Okay, well, we didn't get to rabbit holes last week and remember you said it must be really really good. So whenever we're in the car driving, trish plugs her phone into the USB port and we listen to the best of police scanner. Oh my God, dude, wait, a minute, wait a minute.
Speaker 2:This is an actual thing. Where do you get this? I mean, where is this available? I have to check it out.
Speaker 3:I'll have to find out what app she uses. But yeah, so what they'll do is they will call uh, the best calls to 9-1-1 dude, they, I will make wrong turns, just so I can hear how this ends up. It's amazing. So the the week that, um, the week before last, so two weeks ago, they did a whole highlight of Detroit. Weird happens in Detroit, criminally, right oh my God, you could live in Detroit 911 call. Okay, so a wife who's married having an affair husband comes home.
Speaker 2:The guy who's the affair ends up being the 911 caller because the woman stabs herself in the heart. Holy shit dude what?
Speaker 3:yeah, yeah, holy shit dude, isn't that fucking crazy oh, my god, man, there's this.
Speaker 2:Yeah, you just, you know the way you see, when you tell stories like that, you should find yourself surprised. But you don't. No, you don't.
Speaker 3:Not at all.
Speaker 2:Now it would have made more sense if you would have said instead of Detroit, anywhere in Florida. Yeah, true, but I'm still feeling it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, oh. And you would not believe, and this even happens here in Springfield. You would not believe the amount of calls, naked person on the street corner, like yesterday. Yesterday we had a guy here that was less than three miles from the house. We actually rode by it just to see. We literally rode by to make sure that we were listening to what we're seeing, what we were listening to.
Speaker 2:That's awesome.
Speaker 3:Dude was driving a blue Malibu, pulls off on the side of the road, gets out, takes all his clothes off and he starts flailing on the ground completely naked, and so they called the cops on him. And yeah, the cops showed up and we rode by and the dude was on the ground flailing and they were trying to constrain him.
Speaker 2:Oh Kev.
Speaker 3:That is a tweak dude.
Speaker 2:Just like Jules has to go to Amsterdam because he would dig it the most. You've got to give me this app, man. I definitely want a piece of this. Can you see how time suck it would be? Oh my God, I'm almost afraid I could see me going. Hey, kev, we're going to have to cancel the podcast today. I'm listening to the scanners, man.
Speaker 3:There's a good one here, so yeah, that's a big deal on our house right now. I love it.
Speaker 2:That's a good one, kev. I found myself delving into quote unquote, waking up from anesthesia videos.
Speaker 3:Oh, those are great, like when somebody has their wisdom teeth cut out. Oh my God, those are awesome.
Speaker 2:Oh my God, they're so good and you got to watch out for those, because you know anesthesia. That's the ultimate truth. Serum.
Speaker 3:That's right.
Speaker 2:I mean, look at Walter White, you know he utters under anesthesia. When his wife says hey, somebody's on the phone, he goes which phone? Where's your phone?
Speaker 3:Your cell phone, you bring it. Which one? Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and that basically revealed you know he's a, he's a crime boss or you know she thought it was an affair or something like that and ended his marriage. That's it. But most of them that I've seen they're really just funny people, just really funny, and they're also telling the truth. They're like you're fat. You look a little weird, but you're cute. I'm just waiting for one. I keep watching it. I'm waiting for one where somebody reveals you know, they committed a murder or a huge crime or something like that.
Speaker 3:Oh, my God Dude, that would be crazy.
Speaker 2:Cause that's how I mean I've been. I've been under a couple of times myself.
Speaker 3:Any defense attorney worth their salt would get that thrown out though. Yeah, yeah, they could easily. Any defense attorney worth their salt would get that thrown out though. Yeah, yeah, they could easily defend that one.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, he was just watching a movie and he thought he was Walter White.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, completely under anesthesia. I can't imagine that that would even hold up.
Speaker 2:No, but you know what Hearing about it could put the cops on the trail, at least going. He admitted what.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:You know that's a cold case. We might have to do some digging.
Speaker 3:Uh-huh.
Speaker 2:You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:Yep, yep yeah.
Speaker 2:But yeah, I'm just, I'm, I'm, I'm waiting. Uh, I'm waiting for that to happen.
Speaker 3:Wow, that would be good. That may be a possible movie for you.
Speaker 2:There you go.
Speaker 3:Another movie Right.
Speaker 2:That I'll think about it, not right? Uh, kevin, you're right that I'll think about it, not right? Uh, kevin. I had another one I want to tell you about. These are so cool. Um, and the the uh youtube site. Maybe you could put just a small clip up of it.
Speaker 3:Uh, quantum tech hd I don't know what that is.
Speaker 2:Survival experts building these incredible shelters in the cold wilderness minimal tools, genius, ingenuity. I couldn't stop watching it. It's just brilliant. They dig it in a side of the hill like perfect places of shelter and they dig into the dirt like benches and beds and everything like that and the way the woodwork they do, they just make these really strong shelters. I was like this is freaking awesome. I mean, basically, if we had a post-apocalypse and you had like just minimal tools like an ax with a hammer back and some nails and stuff like that, you can basically build your own shelter.
Speaker 3:Oh, dude, haven't you ever seen those two African brothers dig a whole mansion out of a little— they just chisel sand away. You ever seen that? No, oh yeah, oh, they put it—oh, I'm putting it up right now. They put a pool, they built this house in the ground with a chisel and they it's all sped up because I'm sure it takes a while. But they go and get bamboo and they import water and then they put a pool in the middle of their house. Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:Man, would that be the greatest to have those skills? No, because it takes forever and it's all manual labor. No, I've been avoiding manual labor all of my life. One of the most poignant things that my father said after you know, watching me like completely botch a simple task that he gave me is son, you better learn how to use your brain or your mouth ain't that the truth?
Speaker 2:yeah, and initially I was like I hope you mean mouth as in speaking. Yeah, I just yeah, you're right, you're right I I like to watch, I'm just a watch and results great.
Speaker 3:Don't want to get there I'm a hard-worked voyeur.
Speaker 2:I don't need to get my hands dirty, but I'll admire the shit out of what you're doing. I'll live there. I'll live there when you're done. I'll be at the hotel till you're done that's right, that's funny, that is awesome yeah, you're right, you're always I think, and I was like I want to do that. No, I don't want to do that hell. No, I don't want to do that if we have a post-apocalypse, I'll go find, you know, one of the houses that that like survived and you know I'll move in there by force.
Speaker 3:That's right.
Speaker 2:If somebody else is in there, I'll be like hey, sorry you, just you didn't arm yourself enough beforehand. I have a lot of weapons and you'll be leaving yeah.
Speaker 3:You'll talk your way in.
Speaker 2:And, by the way, all of the stuff that you were saving for this, that's mine now, sorry, yeah, I, yeah, I got kids and we're tuttles, so we're gonna live. 14th generation we're gonna, we're gonna live, we, uh, we're gonna keep this thing going. Have a nice day, though. Yeah, yeah, great work. There's no Sasquatches out there. Trust me, there's no Sasquatch. Watch the bears, though. Be careful of the bears. All right, kevin, time for our top three. Just when you thought they couldn't count any higher.
Speaker 2:it's Tuttle Cline's top three, Top three dead celebrities or dead historical figures you'd like to ask one question of, and they have to answer it truthfully. Hmm, and I know that's probably that's one you know. For those unaware, we switch off every other week. You know it's his top three or my top three and we don't know what's coming.
Speaker 3:No.
Speaker 2:And that's kind of a juicy one or whatever. I probably should let you look at that first.
Speaker 3:No, no no, no, I mean, that's the whole thing. I mean, the first one that came to my mind was Jeffrey Epstein. Did you really kill yourself, jeff?
Speaker 2:Actually even more than that. Pretty, we pretty much know that he was murdered okay, I mean even the, uh, the forensics of it, the snap neck and all that stuff. I mean he was murdered, okay, uh, the question to ask epstein is who's on the list?
Speaker 2:there you go you know not, not just the plane list, because you know there are people on the plane list that didn't partake in the pedophile shit. Okay, you'd ask him hey, who do you got the tape? Who do you have the video of? Who did you have the video of?
Speaker 3:That's a good question.
Speaker 2:That's the question you want to ask, epstein.
Speaker 3:That is Yep, that is yep that is we, we.
Speaker 2:We know we're about 99.5 sure that he was murdered and that that list being sealed and not released tells us, you know how high uh that, uh that goes and pretty much confirms that he was murdered too. They can't have him alive.
Speaker 3:Nope, ok, so so we got Jeffrey Epstein. Yeah, just because he's the guy that I kind of try and model my life after Winston Churchill. And what would the question be? The question for Churchill would be what's the best bourbon or whiskey you ever had? Because he was pretty much a drunk. Good one, that's the only aspect of his life that I don't try and model myself after.
Speaker 2:And Kev, I have to ask this, please, let please allow me a follow-up question, because now I'm intrigued. Okay, how do you model your life after Winston Churchill?
Speaker 3:Oh, okay, integrity, trustworthiness, truthfulness, and I won't ask anybody to do anything I'm not willing to do myself.
Speaker 2:Good one.
Speaker 3:Yep. Those are the four traits.
Speaker 2:Can I ask you this? Yeah, did you see the movie about him with Gary Olden?
Speaker 3:Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker 2:I love that movie.
Speaker 3:I've read three books on him.
Speaker 2:Oh, I can't.
Speaker 3:You know, his great grandson lives in Houston.
Speaker 2:Shut your fucking mouth. Oh, I can't. You know his great, you know his great grandson lives in Houston.
Speaker 3:Shut your fucking mouth. Yeah, no, I'm friends with him. His great grandson lives in Houston. Is he a Churchill? No, he's not a Churchill.
Speaker 2:Okay, so it went maternal.
Speaker 3:Right.
Speaker 2:Okay, all right, all right. Wasn't it not cool? And was it true? I have to know if it's true, cause it just doesn't seem. Did Winston Churchill really ride the train to get the people's feedback?
Speaker 3:Yes, he did that. Yeah, he was big on that he was. He was never about he. He was never about being prime minister for anything else than leading the country and bringing it back to prosperity. Um, people didn't. Politicians hated him, him. They couldn't stand him because he was brash, because he was outspoken, because he was truthful, but all he wanted to do was help the people. That's it, and so that's the way that he would do. It would get on the train and go ride and ask people now.
Speaker 2:Of course you can't do that now, because the powerful people that don't like you will have you killed.
Speaker 3:Dude, you know I was watching the other day and it's just. It's such a fucking sad commentary on the way politics is in this country. Both candidates for president have glass partitions around them, bulletproof partitions around them. Now to go out and public speak Both? Yeah, come on man.
Speaker 2:And Kev, it's not wacko lone gunman, it's the system, it's the establishment.
Speaker 3:It's the optics, though. That's just.
Speaker 2:It's terrible. That's why, I mean, I still have my doubts, even though he will destroy her for real in the vote. I have my doubts whether he will be, you know, sworn in again on Inauguration Day. Ok but if he is, he's just, he's got to have tribunals and nobody is off the hook.
Speaker 3:Well, he just said the other day he's going to go after people that you have to.
Speaker 2:You have to bring down the establishment. It's pure evil now. It's too big, it's overt evil. Now you have to not care how rich somebody is, how powerful a position they are in all aspects. You know, I'm talking billionaires, I'm talking corporate CEOs. I'm talking government. I'm talking bureaucracy. I'm talking the bureaucrats who do the work. I'm talking the media. I'm talking Hollywood. I'm talking the tech industry. I'm talking academia. All of these evil fucks need to be brought to a tribunal, trial, and if they're uh, found guilty of treason or crimes against humanity, they need to be executed. They just do. I mean, you have to do it, otherwise it's just, this is not going to stop oh no, this evil is this evil is not going to stop.
Speaker 2:It's been happening since 1963. It's gotten way out of hand. They used to be good at, you know, kind of camouflaging it, but they're not good at that anymore.
Speaker 3:They're overt and it needs to be stopped okay, well, um, getting back to the top three, I'm gonna go in a completely different direction.
Speaker 2:Kevin's like hey, how do I slide back from this shit, Motherfucker's talking about tribunals now.
Speaker 3:Trump said it the other day. He said if I get elected, he goes.
Speaker 2:I'm going after people. You have to. You have to, you do. I mean there's no other choice now. It is so out of hand and so obvious. I mean there is an axis of evil within our nation that needs to be shut down and I'm sorry. And for me, me saying that, first off, I want to make this clear, I am not suicidal, I love my life. And second off, if they like decide to like like invade my computer or whatever and download something on there to bust me out, I never did that. You know. It's a setup, you know. You know what I'm saying and that's what you have to do now.
Speaker 2:If you speak out got to cover your CYA, exactly, but I'm at the point in my life where I just don't care. It's like my children's future and their freedom is more important than mine. You know what I'm saying. People have to speak out. I mean it is just so obvious and ugly and you can't be afraid to speak out. But yeah, I mean, it's just Kev, even you. And you can't be afraid to speak out. But yeah, I mean, it's just Kev, even you. You've always been a nice little baseline of you know, okay, I'm. You know I'm not. I'm not, you know. I take facts in. You've always been a solid baseline to my. You know whoa, you know what I'm saying, uh-huh, yeah. But even you know and can tell, know what, Like how fucked up this shit has gotten.
Speaker 3:Oh, I will unequivocally say that I trust nothing anymore. No, I don't. Nothing that the media tells me, nothing that the government tells me do I trust, and I think that the government has gotten way too big.
Speaker 2:Way too big, and their number one priority is not to serve us. They couldn't give a fuck less about us. Their number one priority is to protect themselves, sure, at all costs, and that's that. You cannot go on like that. That needs to stop. It's unhealthy, it's unhealthy, it's unhealthy, it's ridiculous. And if our founding fathers were, you know, to just come to earth right now for one day and look around, they go. What the fuck is going on here? Are you serious?
Speaker 3:There you go. There's another question I could ask George Washington what do you think of your country now?
Speaker 2:What do you think your country now? Yeah, what do you think how we handled?
Speaker 3:protecting our constitution. Where are you at on that GW. But my third question would have been to Joe DiMaggio yeah, what did Maryland taste like? Ah, fucking creepy, is that Klein?
Speaker 2:yeah, marilyn Monroe, he was married to her that's awesome, kev of course I could ask JFK the same thing yeah, and Sam Giancana and Bobby Kennedy, yeah, um, okay, those are good, kev, I don't have three, I have four and I have to do all four, if that's okay.
Speaker 3:I just did four. Did you Well, george Washington? I was playing off of that.
Speaker 2:First off, in regards to what we've been talking about and just to put it to bed, I'll throw it out right away is I'd want to talk to Howard Hunt. Okay, he was a CIA. He did the Watergate break-in with g gordon liddy, uh-huh. But he's also been seen, you know, and confirmed, that he was in dallas on november 22nd 1963. He admitted on his deathbed to his sons. His sons say that he was part of the plot and a major player in the assassination. Oh, wow, yeah, he told his sons that the uh grassy knoll shooter was a french assassin. Uh, you know, kevin, I I told you this years ago, lucien sarti yes, you mentioned that name is his name and you know he.
Speaker 2:he's the guy who fired the uh, the shot. I would just have to ask him, you know, just to confirm all the details. Yeah, what do you know about JFK's assassination, howard? Ok, and he would just answer everything.
Speaker 3:Sounds like he'd be very forthcoming.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he did. Yeah, he felt horrible on his deathbed. He's like man. I got to get this out. He told his sons.
Speaker 3:OK, I would have to ask um nicole simpson, who killed you.
Speaker 2:Oh, good one. Good one because she's, you know, she knows, yeah, she does, yeah, yeah, I can confirm it. You know.
Speaker 3:Yeah, well, I think we all know well, we all know.
Speaker 2:But just so you know, you can have that like you know yeah exactly. She's like yeah, that all that, all that glove fit was bullshit. That motherfucker did it and she rhymes and she rhymes. Good one I just ripped that.
Speaker 3:You write it, I just I just ripped that.
Speaker 2:Uh Kev. Even though I have faith and I'm a believer, I would love to ask Jesus Christ hey, are you really the son of God?
Speaker 3:Well, that was one that immediately came to mind, and I'm like you know, I don't know if I need to go blasphemous.
Speaker 2:No, you know, just so you can. You know, show the. What do you call it when they don't believe in religion?
Speaker 3:Atheists or agnostics.
Speaker 2:Yeah, the atheists just say hey, here it is right here, man. I got the question here. It is on video.
Speaker 3:Yeah, the atheists believe that there is no God. Agnostics they question it. Yeah, exactly, there may be, there may not be.
Speaker 2:That's the difference, exactly, um? And then, kevin I, I gotta ask adolf hitler okay, yeah, I thought about that too um, when and where did you really die? Okay because there is a lot of evidence in this. You and this became a thing that I was really into about a year and a half, two years ago of they got him out. The person that, quote unquote, committed suicide with Ava Braun was one of his lookalikes Because, you know, towards the end everybody was trying to kill him. He had lookalikes everywhere.
Speaker 3:Absolutely. I knew that.
Speaker 2:Yeah, so the person that was found in the bunker by the Soviets was one of his lookalikes, was not him.
Speaker 3:There is actual speculation or maybe even evidence that he escaped or somebody pulled him out and he got out of there.
Speaker 2:Look this stuff up. It's fascinating, kevin. There's a lot of. As a matter of fact, there's a picture of a very aged and elderly guy that looks exactly like Adolf Hitler. Yeah, the story is, you know he realized in the last year, okay, we are not going to win this war. You know he realized he fucked up by both bringing.
Speaker 2:Now is maybe 10, I don't think it was that high so he started that he was staying times he's I have 10, but uh, so he was thinking of an out plan and the rumor has it that he executed the out plan. As a matter of fact, not only him, but a lot of quote unquote hierarchy from the Nazi party at the very, very end got into a submarine and went across the ocean and stopped in Argentina and got out in Argentina and lived a retirement life with huge money, gold reserves and everything like that in Argentina for decades.
Speaker 3:Wow, Fascinating, Isn't that crazy, yeah. So my curiosity then because I haven't read any of this, but my curiosity then would ask well then, how did he just give up killing Jews? He just turned the faucet off. One day he turns the faucet on, I'm going to kill a whole bunch of people, I'm going to commit a genocide, and then I've got to escape. So I can't do that anymore.
Speaker 2:Kev, when you have that realization, okay, it's the entire world. They hate me.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Probably I've been a little too far.
Speaker 3:Probably.
Speaker 2:You change a little bit, you do, yeah. And who knows, he just may have been this nice Spencer guy with a funny, funny mustache, old guy that, uh, you know, tossed, tossed kids, uh, on the argentine streets, uh, you know a little candy here and there and said have a very nice day, wow probably got away from that shit yeah a lot of people have. They have that uh moment of clarity, if you will yes, that's what it's called. You know what? I'm kind of an asshole.
Speaker 3:Yeah, even Bill Burr says after you get punched in the face, you have time to reflect on it. Yeah, I was being a dick back there.
Speaker 2:I was being a that exterminating an entire. Yeah, that was not cool. No, I don't know what I was thinking. Yeah, okay, and you know, maybe he changed, you know.
Speaker 3:I don't know. If Hitler can have a moment of clarity, then there's hope for all of us.
Speaker 2:I just you know, you just wish he would have you know, maybe like towards the very end of his life, which they say was, you know, early 70s or something like that, that if he just had a press conference.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:All right, all right, here we go. You guys were right, I was very wrong. First question comes to us from Ben, let me tell you this Okay, that's funny, that's stupid man.
Speaker 3:Yeah, but what are we? We're stupid. It's right in line with our own selves.
Speaker 2:Hey, kev, yeah, I just got to say this. Know that you, uh, you're looking to move and kansas city is your number one target, right? Um, well, um, I thought you're gonna go to kansas city and I was like, boy, that's a great time to go to kansas coming off an nfl week one. The chiefs, I mean I, can they even be beat man?
Speaker 3:well if they can be beat if the referees were not in on it. Dude that guy. Every fucking play he didn't line up right, his head is beyond, is behind the belt line of the center, and then his first step always before the snap and they never call him.
Speaker 2:And it's every time wow, okay, yeah it's every time did you notice that or did you read about that somewhere? Oh, no, I noticed it.
Speaker 3:I noticed it last year and I noticed it again, but I can't say anything because everybody in the house is a chiefs fan shit.
Speaker 2:You know what you may need to do is um, because you know they, they used, they started the reason why jason kelsey got busted, busted when they used to do the Philly. What is that one play?
Speaker 3:The brotherly shove, brotherly shove.
Speaker 2:Yeah, when they used to do that, he used to adjust the ball to give them an edge, he used to spread the ball out far, and he did it every time. And until an anonymous email to the league from a fan said, hey man, he, he did it every time. And until an anonymous email to the league from a fan said, hey, man, he's doing this every time. He got busted then from it. So, you may have to write don't tell your Kansas City chief, family and friends that you're doing it.
Speaker 3:You just may have to write an email to the NFL saying hey, the chief's left tackle is offs sides or, you know, jumping every time and what does the league know, and what do the chiefs know to highlight rishi rice so much in that, in that first game, is he not going to get suspended, is he not going to spend jail time?
Speaker 2:I think he had. I mean, he has to right you would. I was gonna. I was surprised he was in there, that game.
Speaker 3:I was surprised he was in there, but then I was even more surprised that they targeted him six times.
Speaker 2:He's the guy who had the accident in Dallas over the offseason. He's racing a.
Speaker 3:Corvette and a Lamborghini down the 635 in Dallas and ends up wrecking it. And then what does he do? He? And all of his friends. Grab some sort of a suitcase and leave, just walk away.
Speaker 2:They call that the Ted Kennedy, right? Yeah, chappaquiddick. Yeah, pull the Ted. Yeah pull the Ted which, when you're rich and famous, you can do.
Speaker 3:Exactly. But if you're not hiding something, you don't walk away with a suitcase oh yeah, yeah, you know what's in the it's.
Speaker 2:It's the second biggest inquiry on the contents of a suitcase outside of pulp fiction's suitcase. Uh-huh, has tarantino ever answered what's in marcellus wallace's suitcase?
Speaker 3:I've never heard. No, I've never heard. There are people saying that it was marcellus wallace's suitcase?
Speaker 2:I've never heard. No, I've never heard. There are people saying that it was marcellus wallace's soul okay and that's why you see marcellus wallace in pulp fiction have the band-aid on the back of his neck because his soul was pulled out from there uh-huh, that really makes sense now okay, yeah, I don't. I don't know if he ever did that. Anyway, that's, yeah, that's he. He how he continued to play as a as beyond me. He must know something. He must have some pictures on, uh, on a Goodell or something.
Speaker 3:Something, or it was a hell of a lawyer.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, cause that that's uh, that's crazy talk. But yeah, yeah, kev, it's going to be a fun. Your, your, your, your family, with the uh, the chiefs, I mean they, just they look strong uh, we, uh, we found out that dac is uh six, sixty million dollars a year yeah, I think troy lance in the last preseason game when he threw five interceptions freak jerry out so much that jerry's like all right, just just get it done, okay.
Speaker 3:So if Dak Prescott is worth 60 million a year, he's not and never won a Superbowl, never gone to a Superbowl. Mahomes has to easily be 150.
Speaker 2:It's it's just going to continue to escalate until you know Mahomes or Josh Allen or you know somebody on that level. It comes up, their contract comes due and they just go a billion dollars.
Speaker 3:You know I don't know if you read this or not but Mahomes will not be the first $100 million a year athlete. Who will be Luka Doncic.
Speaker 2:Really you think he's going to get it? Yep, so what you're telling me, kevin, is Dallas and Timmy better work on their basketball skills.
Speaker 3:Exactly. Well, look at what Boston did. They signed Jason Tatum and Jalen Brown. Both make $300 million a year. Yeah, they signed both of them to $300 million contracts. Okay, they signed both of them to $300 million contracts.
Speaker 2:Okay, so I'm just going to send a message out now to my 13-year-old son, dallas, and my 8-year-old son, timmy. You think you're coming to Dad's for the weekend for a relaxing getaway? No, we're having two a day.
Speaker 3:Candy draft first and get your ass on the court.
Speaker 2:Let's go. Let's go, Sugar up boy. All right, kev, this has been fun. I got to run. Yeah, yeah, enjoy Y'all. Make sure you like follow. And you got to do the download thing. I mean that's fine if you're pressing play, we appreciate it. No-transcript, kev, what do you have coming up in your world-famous Fuzzy Mike podcast this week?
Speaker 3:This week is episode number 100, and it is Brandi Roderick.
Speaker 2:Well, congratulations on episode number 100.
Speaker 3:Thanks, buddy, and.
Speaker 2:Brandi Roderick is a fantastic guest. She was an extreme hottie back in the 90s right.
Speaker 3:Yeah, she was Playmate of the Year in 2001, and she was on Baywatch. Check this shit out Baywatch the most watched TV show in history 1.1 billion viewers per week. Is that what it was 1.1 billion. Oh, internationally yeah internationally, yeah, yep, yep, it was 1.1 billion. Oh, internationally, yeah, internationally, yeah, yep, yep, yep, so yeah, but yeah, so, uh, and I started out with a poem, uh, that completely freaked her out oh, that's great.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh, you have to watch just for that yeah, get it out of the way early. It's right at the beginning kevin has had some creepy uh poems for people like linda cartini Creepy poem for Gwyneth Paltrow Creepy poem for what's her name from Little Big Town.
Speaker 3:Kimberly from Little Big Town.
Speaker 2:And others. They've been fantastic. So that right, there is reason enough to make sure you download his latest episode, episode 100 from his Fuzzy Mike podcast. Kev, it's been a blast buddy.
Speaker 3:Same here man Take care, have a great week Later.
Speaker 1:That's it for this episode of the Tuttle Cline Show. See you this Wednesday for an all-new episode, and you can get more Cline on his podcast, the Fuzzy Mike, with new episodes on Tuesday. Stay fuzzy, friends, and thanks for listening to the Tuttle Cline Show. Yo, all right, take the yo out.