Tuttle & Kline

Ep #23: Husbands' Hearing, Political Drama, and Candy Nostalgia with Tuttle & Kline

Tim Tuttle & Kevin Kline Episode 23

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This episode kicks off with a laugh as we explore a survey revealing that 73% of American women think their husbands might be tuning them out selectively. We also dive into the benefits of cutting down on phone usage and the stress relief it brings—a throwback to simpler, pre-smartphone days. The conversation takes an intriguing turn when Tuttle recounts a vivid dream about being in a limbo state, tasked with informing those who committed suicide about their unfulfilled destinies, sparking a deep discussion about choices, destiny, and the impact of our actions on others.

The political landscape is nothing short of a rollercoaster, and we’ve got plenty to say about the recent turmoil. From allegations of age discrimination and corruption against President Joe Biden to the strategic moves around Kamala Harris, we dissect the motivations and potential future shifts within the Democratic Party. We even touch on Trump’s possible return to power and speculate on the significant changes he might bring if re-elected.

Plus, we examine the controversy around Caitlin Clark’s exclusion from the WNBA skills competition, comparing it to how other sports leverage their stars for financial gain.

We wrap up with a mix of lighter topics and heartfelt reflections. Excitement for the upcoming Olympics, a humorous tale of elevator karma, and our shared love for "The Office" keep things entertaining. We also reflect on the incredible influence of basketball legend Dr. J, Julius Erving, and delve into the charming tradition of a candy draft, sharing our favorite candies and nostalgic scents. Lastly, our "Be Honest" feature brings out candid conversations on everything from healthy eating and divine intervention to the balance of personal habits. Join us for an episode filled with humor, reflection, and engaging discussions that will leave you pondering long after the show ends.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Tuttle Kline Show.

Speaker 2:

Galvin, good morning to you, sir.

Speaker 3:

Hi buddy, what's going on?

Speaker 2:

Not much. I'm just kind of laughing right now.

Speaker 3:

How about?

Speaker 2:

This survey of American women. Okay, 73% of American women Gav say that their husbands have selective hearing.

Speaker 3:

Oh, only 73%, huh.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, that's it Husbands and sigims. Now, if you throw out all of my Xs, that number becomes much more reasonable.

Speaker 3:

Selective hearing, meaning we only hear what we want to hear Exactly.

Speaker 2:

You know, we completely ignore the things that we don't want to hear, things that will upset us, cost us money, cause us to have to do work.

Speaker 3:

Well, have they also done a survey on who speaks more in a relationship?

Speaker 2:

This is true, right, this is true. I have to selective here because there's so many fucking words coming at me. Yes, I can't catch them all, and I was a pretty good fielder.

Speaker 3:

Do you remember that old Saturday Night Live skit where it was Chris Farley and Adam Sandler were acting like married couples and Chris Farley was the wife and she just kept reading menus?

Speaker 4:

How about Mario's Restaurant? Many pizzas and delish desserts make this Italian eatery a must. Ravioli, holy cannoli.

Speaker 2:

Day and night. She talks Each word more useless than the next. That's so funny, but that's the way it is. That's the way it is. Hey, Kev, I'm very excited. I don't know. Something is going on since that hurricane and you know, being stuck in the steamy Houston weather for 58 and a half hours, you know it's kind of like changed a lot of things in my life, Such as Well. I told you you know I'm not as active on my phone, Right, I really am not. I try to put it down for like hours at a time have you had stress just eliminated?

Speaker 2:

uh, and to a massive degree it is wonderful it is really it is wonderful, and if anybody's listening to this or watching this, that is used to me like immediately responding, or used to me, you know, like you know, uh, maybe liking some stuff of theirs on social media, and I haven't been doing that, um, nothing personal, I just. I just I have really, really, uh, been judicious of how often I'm on the phone and for how long.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, uh, when we grew up, we didn't have cellular phones, we didn't have mobile phones, we didn't have smartphones. We had dial-up rotary phones or push-button phones, and it was a simpler time, man. It was a simpler time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's one thing. Another thing Kev is I can count on one hand how many times a year that I actually remember my dreams.

Speaker 3:

We've talked about this. You are not a dream rememberer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but last week I remembered two of them vividly.

Speaker 3:

Are you going to share them?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, are you going to try to give me some of your pseudo little dream analysis?

Speaker 3:

I will definitely try to do that because I like doing that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right. In one of the dreams it was kind of weird because I died, okay, but I wasn't like waved into heaven right away.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

You know I was one of those on the border bubble type. Yeah, because you know St Pete's there with the file and he's looking through he's like, hey, you got a good heart, you're kind, you're, you've done a lot of generous things, you're, you know, a good person with a good conscience and good dad, good dad, yeah, and some things. But he's like, hey, there's a lot of naughty in you too, you know he's.

Speaker 2:

He's like you laughed with the sinners a little too often, okay, and so I had to work. They made me put me to work for a while, oh, and what I was on was their quote-unquote suicide desk. Really, yeah, you know, people who committed suicide would have to come through me. Oh, and I had reports on all of them of you know. Okay, yeah, this was your destiny. This, that and the other, um or man, why'd you do that? You know you were going to be something special. Okay, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 2:

So it was just really weird. You know, it was like. It was like I remember like a guy came in and I looked up his file. I was like, well, what, what are you doing, dude? You were going to be a three-time triple crown winner in a major league baseball. You were going to win a three, three. You were great. What'd you do that for? Oh, you got all mad about your girlfriend and down about your girlfriend. Well, everybody does when they're 16 years old. The fuck are you doing? You were going to be a Hall of Famer man. Yeah, you know, it was just weird, and I was that guy. I was that guy.

Speaker 3:

You were the arbiter of the suicidal contingency.

Speaker 2:

My only job I had no power to send them back or anything like that, or bring them in my only job was before they went into another room. It was so weird. Before they went into another room was to just let them know what they were supposed to be. Oh, wow.

Speaker 3:

Isn't that crazy. That is oh man.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. And another one was like oh, no, no, no, you were supposed to save three people's lives after you know, after this incident, you know, you know later on in life and now those people won't have other people saving their lives, so now you've messed them up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that person is responsible for four deaths their own and then three other people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I remember saying well, a big fella's not going to like that.

Speaker 3:

No, no, I don't know anybody that would like that little or big.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, so that was weird. That was just a dream I vividly remember. I remember, like the office that St Pete put me in how was it? It was a good office. He put me in how was it? It was a good office have a window. I did have a window and it was just clouds and shit, because that's all that's out there. I think, way in the corner, though, that you could see the early gates. You could just do it. So it was almost a really good real estate.

Speaker 3:

Almost really good.

Speaker 2:

But I woke up, ke Kevin. I was like well, I want to know what happens to me. You know, did I work it off? Did I do my work release?

Speaker 3:

Okay, or you know you know, as jobs go, that's not a very taxing one. So I mean you could? You could do that for eternity. There's always going to be people lined up.

Speaker 2:

I remember it bothering me though.

Speaker 3:

Oh, really Well, yeah, because you're dealing with people that took their own life.

Speaker 2:

I was thinking to myself hey, st Pete, you got anything else.

Speaker 3:

Is there a ladder that you climb up? Is there like a graduate? Do they promote from within?

Speaker 2:

I don't know when I woke up too, I took notes on it. I was like this whole concept could be a really cool movie.

Speaker 3:

It could be a very cool movie.

Speaker 2:

You know, like, for instance, you know whoa no, Somebody you sure are supposed to kill yourself. I mean, you are going to stop geothermal nuclear war in 2043. You can't do this. And then you said that there's a squad sent in to send them back.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

Or something like that. I don't know man. There's all kinds of possibilities. This is a crazy concept.

Speaker 3:

You could take this and just take one person that comes through your line and you say you have them sit down and you say, look, this is the ripple effect of you taking your own life. And then you go through the scenarios of three people they were going to save, what they were going to become, how they were going to provide for their family. You know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I like that.

Speaker 3:

And then they want to be sent back.

Speaker 2:

Or you know, even like a suicide angel who, like stops them you know what I'm saying that just comes in and interrupts and says, oh hey, I'm freezing time here. We're freezing time, I'm going to have a chat with you. Hey, this is what happens. And you show them a picture of the family's grief and everything like that their friends grieving and then show them the shit that they were supposed to do.

Speaker 3:

No dude, yeah, and I think the dream is easy to analyze, by the way, oh no, oh no. It's easy to analyze by the way. Oh no, oh no. It's really simple. It's really simple and it has to do so. Anytime you dream of your own death, that's a rebirth. So in real life you're going through a rebirth. Ok, that I see that, oh, ok.

Speaker 3:

So that rebirth to me is the phone. You are re birthing yourself by getting rid of that mobile tether, and where the suicide comes in, the various people on suicide comes in, are all of the people that you are missing corresponding with on social media, and so they're coming through.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I can see that.

Speaker 3:

OK, so anyway yeah.

Speaker 2:

I mean, I just think it's a. It's unbelievable that I'm remembering these dreams, man.

Speaker 3:

Right, right, yeah, well, because your mind's not cluttered. Yeah, I just, and you had another one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh yeah yeah yeah, this one was a little simpler. It was kind of weird. It was just a quick shot. Horses were playing a game where they were launching human shoes at targets and that was it. It was just a quick snap and I was out. It was just weird.

Speaker 3:

Well, far be it for me to be the one to bring up politics, but that one's an easy one also. Oh really, what do you got, Kev? Oh, the Democrats, it's donkey Horses closely resemble donkeys. We're paying for foreign countries to have our missiles to lob at other countries. So I don't know. Isn't that crazy, even subconsciously, he's dreaming about politics.

Speaker 2:

Kev. I got to tell you, man, I have a feeling that Biden did not want this at all. I think that they just just going to. They just said hey look, you've committed so many crimes. If you don't get out right now, we're going to make sure that you're charged with this shit. I think I think it was. I think what happened this weekend was a coup d'etat on top of the coup d'etat that they did in November of 20.

Speaker 3:

Well, I read a couple of different things. First of all, I asked my mother-in-law could he sue?

Speaker 2:

the government for age discrimination, because they pushed him out because he's 82. I don't know about age Kev. I think they pushed him out because he knew it was impossible for him to win. They can't even sheet enough to get him in. It's that much of a land side and they couldn't kill Trump. So now they have to figure out a way where they can make it for the believable to the public that, oh yeah, kamala or whoever it is, yeah, she had some juice, it was you know. Yeah, it was close, but she just barely won. You know what I'm saying? They want to make it believable because I really don't think.

Speaker 2:

Now, I had one time, at one time, thought that they actually wanted a civil war so they could martial law this shit. I don't think they want that anymore. I think they realize that they're all fucked and they and Kev we talked about this before they get the data of you know people. So they probably realize, oh, you know what, maybe we don't have enough drones and little robot killing machines to take out this many people and they would overwhelm them and then come after us. So I think that they're going to try to do the softer thing with it. Oh yeah, yeah, I know it seems unbelievable, but yeah, kamala, she won by 17 votes in four. Or yeah, yeah, I know it seems unbelievable, but yeah, kamala, she, she won by 17 votes in in four or five swing States. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

Well, I read an article, uh, that was written by a British journalist and he is uh a uh uh political historian all across the world, and he laid out three scenarios that the Democrats could have used to push Biden out of office. And he's and I don't recall what the top, what the first two were, but he said those have already been played and he still wouldn't back down. So the only other thing that they had was threatening him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they. I mean Kev, the corruption, the pay for play. They got him on everything. I mean you don't hear it, because the mainstream media never covered it, because they were there to protect who they put in. They propped up so they never did. But he is, he is a corrupt criminal, lifetime politician and they probably just said to him hey man, all this comes out, you're going to be prosecuted for it. And oh yeah, we're going to nail Hunter to the cross too. I mean they had to do that. When they missed Trump, they had to do that. I mean they got to do whatever it takes. They cannot let Donald Trump make it to inauguration. They can't Because he will probably have tribunals. And all of these billionaires, these government workers, these elected politicians, all of the business people, the corporate people, people in Hollywood, people in the tech industry, people in academia, I mean they're going to have tribunals for treason and crimes against humanity.

Speaker 3:

I imagine We've done a top three before your top three presidents, and you have on your personal list Donald Trump. Let me ask you this, though the way that you're talking right now and we've heard, we've heard Trump say retribution Is he trying to win to govern the country or is he trying to win to to spite people?

Speaker 2:

I think he just wants to get back to the constitution.

Speaker 3:

Okay, and so there is. There is a level of him wanting to govern and not just go after people.

Speaker 2:

It's such an a Leviathan, nasty, labyrinth system, now just nasty role I mean with the bureaucracy that their own, their only reason of being there. You got 2 million people that are part of the federal bureaucracy. You know lifetime paid people where their number one job is they don't give a shit about the citizens. Their number one job is to protect the system.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And he just wants, he wants. He wants to take all of that apart, revitalize and renew and reform the justice system, FBI, CIA, and he just wants to get back to the Constitution. He just wants to get back to November 21st 1963, the day before. Oh, okay, that's what he wants, because since that day it's been a corrupt, criminal operation, in his opinion.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's quite stunning, the events that happened over the weekend. If you're not familiar, you're probably living in another country or a cave because President Joe Biden has not accepted the nomination for the Democratic Party for run for president. And now it's open. They're thinking that well, he and other people have endorsed Kamala Harris as his replacement. Remains to be seen if she's going to get the nomination. But also, throwing into this turmoil, they lost a superdelegate over the weekend who? Sheila Jackson Lee.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, she was a superdelegate, and Sheila. Jackson Lee passed away from pancreatic cancer. Yeah, so they're down a superdelegate.

Speaker 2:

The convention is going to be interesting. I mean, how do you see this playing out, kev? How do I see it playing out? Is it just going to be Kamala all the way through and nobody gets in the way, or is there going to be some kind of funky shit going on at the convention?

Speaker 3:

They can't afford funky stuff going on at the convention. They just can't. They're in enough turmoil right now. I think Kamala gets the nomination and it's not going to be a landslide vote for her to get the nomination. I think there's going to be some dissension because I think people really want Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer Whitmire, california or Michigan to get that nomination. So it's really going to come down to who is she going to select for her vice president?

Speaker 3:

And it's either going to be because neither one of them have said they want the vice president, they want the top spot. Ok, they've already. Both of them are already said that. So then it comes down to Arizona Mark Kelly, who we kind of know because he was an astronaut at NASA when we were in Houston, or Governor Shapiro from Pennsylvania. And the pundits are saying that they would be kind of hard for Trump to fight against because they kind of think similarly to Trump. They just aren't in his party. But what I've already read is what I've read is that the Trump campaign has had their sights on Kamala for about a month and a half now.

Speaker 2:

And they've already got the ads ready to go. Well, they already started airing them yesterday. Really, yeah, I mean, they knew this was going to happen. They were like they knew it Because she's the only one that can spend the campaign money that's been raised so far, because she's on the ticket only one that can spend the campaign money that's been raised so far, because she's on the ticket.

Speaker 3:

Mike Johnson, the Speaker of the House, said this the other day that there will be lawsuits drawn up against particular states if they do endorse Kamala without another primary.

Speaker 4:

You said this week, the Republicans are likely to bring legal challenges against any attempts to replace Biden on the Democratic ticket. How would that work? Well, these elections are handled at the state level. Every state has its own system, and in some of these it's not possible to simply just switch out a candidate who has been chosen through the Democratic small d Democratic process over such a long period of time. 14 million Democrats voted to make Joe Biden the nominee, so it would be wrong and, I think, unlawful in accordance to some of these states' rules, for a handful of people to go in a back room and switch it out because they don't like the candidate any longer. That's not how this is supposed to work. So I think they would run into some legal impediments in at least a few of these jurisdictions, and I think there'll be a compelling case to be made that that shouldn't happen, and so I think they've got legal trouble.

Speaker 2:

There's no way anybody that they would put up would legitimately beat Trump Nobody. But they got to have it close enough. So when they put the steel on, you remember, they'll put the steel on. They just have to. Instead of Biden ballots, which they've made millions of, they'll have to print somebody else's name, but you know they got to keep it at least close.

Speaker 3:

That's one of the things you know, because, with Trish and I operating Snowdrop Foundation, we know what printing costs are okay for signs and stuff. That's the first thing that I thought of. It wasn't that, oh my God, biden stepped down and Kamala's probably going to get the nod. My thought was how much is that going to cost to make new signs that say Harris?

Speaker 2:

question mark or Harris, whoever, yeah, yeah, They've already spent millions on Biden-Harris.

Speaker 3:

So yeah, that's where my first thought was that Let me ask you this Agree or disagree with the? We don't choose the best person, we are choosing if they can win the swing states. That's the only reason that Shapiro and Kelly are being bantered about as vice presidential picks, because they're swing states Arizona and Pennsylvania.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I mean. Well, look, jd Vance is Ohio and Ohio pretty much picks the president.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, I was getting ready to say that as well. So I mean, are we really picking the right people or are we just doing it for the electoral votes?

Speaker 2:

You've got to factor that in.

Speaker 3:

Okay, and if that is the case, how do we change it and get the best people?

Speaker 2:

Kev, I've told you this before. You have one term, Everybody gets one term. They campaign only 30 days before and you can spend $87.

Speaker 3:

Oh, wouldn't that be a utopia.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you just put your positions on a website and you know what it can be. It can be any party, you know it's not just two parties.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

If you pay the fee and you have enough signatures you know, verified signatures of support you're on the ballot, okay, and you know, then election day is one day. No mail-ins, none of that shit. If you have an ID, you can vote. You vote one time and you get a mark on your forehead, like Ash Wednesday, and if you try to go to another polling place with a mark on your head, they shoot you for treason.

Speaker 3:

Well, if the pictures that I've seen in previous elections in India are any indication, you wouldn't have time to go to another polling place. The lines are so long they have to call off work for a day. You know it's a national holiday.

Speaker 2:

It should be a national holiday.

Speaker 3:

Voting yeah, yeah, for sure.

Speaker 2:

And you can make it even easier. You could do it alphabetical. You know A through E. Nine to noon, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

Noon to three, f through blah, blah, you know what I'm saying I love your idea that $87 and 30 days of campaigning, that's it. It makes my stomach turn that right now Biden was sitting on or Biden's donors anyway, were sitting on $254 million. What could we put that to use for this country?

Speaker 2:

To get a $400,000 a year job.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That tells you right there how corrupt it is. Man. Yeah, hopefully all this stuff we're talking about will eventually take place, but the people have to be stronger and the people have to demand it, otherwise they'll just continue to be shit on. I mean, there just has to be a day, and I think it'll be a day. You know that people are just like that's enough, that's enough. And I got a funny feeling if they would have been successful on the Trump hit, that that may have been the day. I don't know, people kind of let that slide.

Speaker 2:

I mean he's because he lived. Yeah, but I mean there's a lot of anger out there, kev. I realize that there's a lot of anger and I noticed that anger when there was nothing to do but talk with people you've never seen before during the hurricane, when there was nothing to do but talk with people. You've never seen before during the hurricane, and just the absolute sheer numbers of people that are just like this is bullshit, everything is bullshit. There's anger out there, kev, and when you combine anger with 150 million firearms, that's not a good cocktail?

Speaker 2:

No, no, not at all, not at all. Anyway, kev, I'm intrigued by this. I can't wait to get to this you were talking about this past week. You said seven words that you never thought that you would say.

Speaker 3:

Yep. In my life I never thought I would string these words together to make a complete sentence.

Speaker 2:

Can I guess that Make a couple?

Speaker 3:

guesses. I would love to hear your guesses.

Speaker 2:

Guess number one Seven words. Klein never thought he would say If Tuttle wants to fight, I'll fight.

Speaker 3:

No, have not said that. I know you're never supposed to say never, but never will I.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right, all right. Option number two seven words. Klein never thought he would say I thought Biden was a good president have not said those words, I did not say those.

Speaker 3:

No, yeah, it remains to be seen what history will say, but no, I haven't said that.

Speaker 2:

What about this then? Seven words Klein never thought he would string together and bring out of his mouth. Gosh, I'm feeling really sexy right now, yeah nope, nope, never have even felt half that okay, well, I'm great guesses, I'm, I'm, I'm intrigued, though what were the seven words?

Speaker 3:

uh 7 15. On saturday evening I sat down on the couch next to my wife and I said, hey, want to watch the wnba all-star game. What? And I was serious, I know it started at 7 30 and I, hey, you want to watch it? She's like no.

Speaker 2:

Wow, that's funny, did you?

Speaker 3:

watch it. No, she didn't want to watch it, so we watched 15 episodes of the Office.

Speaker 2:

Trust me, that was a better option, kev. I do not understand they kept Caitlin Clark out of the skills competition. Yeah, I don't understand why they keep shooting themselves in the foot. I mean, is there that much woke racism or maybe even heterophobia going on?

Speaker 3:

It could come down to both of those, but I honestly think that it is. You know, when somebody gets too successful, our job is, we think our job is to drag that person down, and it always happens, and I think that's what that league is trying to do, because she has already come in bigger than the league.

Speaker 2:

she's way bigger than that league yeah, they should be celebrating her, though should be. Do you remember some examples, like when tiger woods came in in 97 and turned pro and yeah, he was brash and there was a little bit of a wince from some of the older members of the pga tour, but they propped him up and he made them soGA Tour, but they propped him up and he made them so much more money because they propped him up.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's what I was getting ready to say. He turned millions into billions in that association.

Speaker 2:

Kev since 1998,. Every single PGA Tour winner should hand over 10% of his purse to Tiger Woods every tournament.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he's responsible.

Speaker 2:

You know they propped him up. There was none of that. We're jealous, we hate him. We got to knock him down a notch. You know none of that, none of that, and I'm sure there's some good old boy racists that were in that group back in the late 90s.

Speaker 3:

But I think that they were told hey, shut the fuck up well I, we're both fans of fuzzy zeller, but he got his mouth, got him in a little bit of problems with tiger woods.

Speaker 2:

Yeah with the collared greens comment after the masters yeah, yeah, yeah, that's just fuzzy. Always trying to have a joke in a line. He just forgot there was a camera and had too much whiskey before somebody put a microphone in his face I'll see too too much whiskey, yeah, yeah exactly, yeah, and Kevin, and you remember too that that you know Michael Jordan exploded and it was.

Speaker 2:

it was bird and uh, magic's league at that time. And yeah, there was a little. You know, isaiah Thomas was a dick and even magic sometimes ganged up on Michael with Isaiah, if I remember correctly. But for the most part they're like hey, this guy's leading us to revenue streams that we've never seen before. Shut the fuck up. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, on and off the court, those that they're. They're a dollar signs increased.

Speaker 2:

Am I right, and why are WNBA players and we're so fucking stupid that they would not take advantage of this once in a lifetime opportunity?

Speaker 3:

I don't know this is.

Speaker 2:

I mean, they're not even a self-sustained league. I mean, without the nba kicking in large amounts of money, they don't even exist. And suddenly you have somebody that can you know where they can go in the black on their own. They can make their money. Yeah, and we're going to beat her down.

Speaker 3:

Well, let me ask you this, though we are talking about it right now If they embrace Caitlin Clark, would we still be talking about her? We're talking about the slight that the league is giving her and the other players are giving her.

Speaker 2:

They're getting sunshine. I just think that they're so stupid.

Speaker 3:

It is. It's an asinine move. They left her off the Olympic team.

Speaker 2:

I can't even believe that. I mean, you know, you don't even have to play her, just let her go, you know? And to me, the skills competition snub I mean she is one of the most skilled players in the WNBA all around to snub her from that I mean that to me was like OK, this is the, this is now stupid. These are stupid people.

Speaker 3:

She is the female three point skills equivalent to Larry Bird. No question about it.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, and like the examples we just mentioned with Tiger and Michael Jordan, I mean your mind frame is not let's not ride this wave, ride this horse. Your mind frame is I am so racist, so heterophobic, so blinded by jealousy and rage that I'm going to cost myself in the pocketbook Because there are ripple effects.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there are totally ripple effects.

Speaker 2:

I don't get it. I don't get it. And whatever happens to them because of it happens to them, I just I don't give a fuck. No, if I were, if I were Caitlin Clark, I would just be like fuck all of you, go to Europe.

Speaker 3:

Oh, she would be a massive. I mean, she already is kind of a global phenomenon, but even more so oh she would be a massive.

Speaker 2:

I mean, she already is kind of a global phenomenon, but even more so she would be adored in Europe, and that's what I would do.

Speaker 3:

I would just be like if I'm Caitlin.

Speaker 2:

Clark's agent. I would just go to the WNBA commissioner and say we're not fucking doing this. You either call off these idiots or I'm taking her to Paris.

Speaker 3:

Hey, speaking of women's sports, at the Snowdrop Luncheon last week I got to talk with Glenn Davis, who's the voice of the Houston Dynamo, he does. Soccer Matters. Great guy, oh yeah, awesome guy. He agreed with me that the women's soccer game is much more watchable than the men game because of the flopping.

Speaker 2:

Whenever I do watch a little bit of soccer, the second I see a flop, I turn the channel. Yeah, I hate it. Same thing with the NBA. When I see like LeBron flopping, I'm out, Hate it. I'm like dude, you're 6'9" 270. You're a walking muscle, You're a rock, yeah. And that little shit just puts you on the ground with like Reaper cut God, I hate that it's dumb.

Speaker 3:

It's dumb. He gets the calls a lot, though. Oh yeah, yeah, because of who he is.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and he wants to add to it with the flopping oh, you're in LA, you're acting too much, buddy, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. I can see that, kev, I can see that. And we got the Olympics coming up too, so it'll be interesting to see that.

Speaker 3:

It will be very interesting to see the Olympics.

Speaker 2:

I can't wait, though. That's going to be fun. I like the Olympics.

Speaker 3:

I love the Olympics, love it.

Speaker 2:

Is Trish going to watch that with you or are you going to deep dive into the Office?

Speaker 3:

Okay, so we're on season five, episode 14 of the Office. We just started watching it two weeks ago. Ke episode 14 of the office.

Speaker 2:

We just started watching it two weeks ago. It's kevin. It's a great show. I'm surprised didn't watch it during original run yeah, it's an awesome show. It really is you're the one that turned me on to uh best in show.

Speaker 3:

The mockumentary stuff is great yeah, no, it's a phenomenal show, love it you're gonna, um, you're gonna love this.

Speaker 2:

uh, I got a little taste of instant karma last week. How, and okay, and you remember for many years I mean shoot, I think practically our whole career together we were always on the upper floor of a skyscraper.

Speaker 3:

Yes. You know upper floors, the highest floors, yeah, and you know the elevator.

Speaker 2:

You know, rides all the way down from a tall building can always be interesting. I was on a in a high rise and I got on the elevator. I was visiting my lawyer and then I got on the elevator and went down and as uh as I was pressing the button to go down to floor one, somebody came running uh to try to get on the elevator and I was pressing door close while while I was telling him oh, I'm trying to keep it open, I don't know what the deal is, and it closed.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm like yeah that was great, that was great. You know what I'm saying. I'm like, yeah, that's great, that was great. You know what I'm saying. I know Because you know it was just. That was one of those elevators that was so slow. It's like if it reopens again, it just takes forever and all that stuff and I just I'm like I want to get out of here. I don't like. I don't like being downtown Traffic was about to start, so Like I don't like being downtown Traffic was about to start, so I just I wanted to get out of there.

Speaker 3:

Well, and then you're on a lengthy ride with somebody you don't even know or care to know. True, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But you have literally the next floor down. Somebody gets on and they do the thing that we've always hated. Remember these people the one floor down people and get off. They can't take one set of stairs down, they have to take the elevator. And it's a slow elevator cab, one of the slowest I've ever seen. Yeah, and just to have one floor. It happened not just once, three times.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I would have got out after the second one and taken the stairs, no matter what floor you're on.

Speaker 2:

After the third one and it started to shut, I was like, yeah, I hate to get some cardio. And I could hear them mumbling something, but I don't know what it was, because the door closed.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Wow, but that was karma for me. I dicked this guy yeah, I dicked him on like 34th floor or whatever 34th. I paid the price.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you did. But yeah, you're right, man, come on, you can go down and up a flight of stairs faster than an elevator will take you.

Speaker 2:

It does not particularly down. No, I can get it. There's a lot of people that aren't in shape and you know going up is a little bit of a chore for them, and I get that, but down is easy. Come on, man.

Speaker 3:

Well, but if you're not in shape, take the stairs, because that's going to be a little extra time that you're away from work. Exactly, there you go. So there's the positive You're getting in shape and you're working less.

Speaker 2:

I love it Exactly.

Speaker 3:

Scam the man.

Speaker 1:

Okay, Kevin Klein. What rabbit hole did you find yourself in this past week, Rabbit?

Speaker 3:

hole of the week, rabbit hole that I went down this week um looking up uh different uh delicacies around the world. You know, like in in japan, like they think sea urchin is the greatest thing ever. You know, sushi, sea urchin yeah, I've had it. I've had it. It tastes like you're biting into a, a jelly filled with goo, with glue, it's terrible.

Speaker 2:

My ex had me try that. It's terrible. I was like who? Who made the first decision that I'm gonna put this in my mouth, right, and not only that, who continues to make the decision of I want to continue putting this shit in my mouth.

Speaker 3:

What about you?

Speaker 2:

I was watching sports documentaries.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there's some really good ones out there. Which ones were you gravitating towards?

Speaker 2:

The one I found intriguing was the one about Dr J Julius Irving. Now for those that are too young before there wasael jordan, there was dr jay yeah, philadelphia 76ers um great afro when he played with the uh aba before getting into the nba.

Speaker 2:

I mean, this guy was one of those guys that was just in the air for a long, long time and had some of the funkiest, best moves in history, as you can see from some of the clipskiest best moves in history, as you can see from some of the clips that Kevin has put on right here. I mean, some of those moves were like wow. But of course, you know, at the end of his career there was this kid from North Carolina named Michael Jordan that came in and did it just a little bit better and won a little bit more and was just a little more intense. But Dr J was the essence of cool.

Speaker 2:

He was yeah, when you think of the 70s, there's Dr J cool, you know what I'm saying? Absolutely the giant afro, and he just looked cool as hell. And that's when I started tuning into basketball, when I was a kid. Dr J was just the guy and there were some things about him. I did not know that I found interesting.

Speaker 2:

Such as when he was 19 years old, he was at the University of Massachusetts. By the way, umass was the only really good school that gave him a scholarship. Really, he was unknown at that time and he was only 6'3". He didn't grow to 6'6" 6'7" until he was in college.

Speaker 3:

Kind of late bloomer Okay.

Speaker 2:

Late bloomer, but when he was 19 years old at UMass, his 16-year-old brother died.

Speaker 3:

Did not know that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and he was there when, uh right, the last thing that his brother ever said was to him. Uh said well, I'm tired, julius, julius, I'm tired, Uh, I'm ready for the angels to take me away now. Oh ouch, that's hard and that was devastating. I mean, oh ouch, that's hard and that was devastating. I mean even now him talking about it.

Speaker 2:

You know he's in his seventies now. I mean just instant tears, man, yeah, Just like. I mean just the thought and memory of that. And then, ironically enough, and you probably remember this, from about 20 years ago, when his son was 19, he went missing. Do you remember this? Yes, I do his son made the wrong turn into a retention pond in florida right near their house, and was submerged underwater. Nobody could find them.

Speaker 2:

For five weeks nobody could find him right so you know that he dr j had has suffered, has had some pain and 19's a bad number for him. Exactly, wow, exactly. And you know he had an illegitimate daughter that ended up being a huge tennis pro really good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, stevenson's her last name. Yeah, yep.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you could tell by looking at her. He wasn't denying anything. But you know, I just thought it was interesting. I, you know, I I've never had an in-depth of dr j and he was like somebody that I I admired when I was a kid, his play and everything like that. But it was just, it was uh, it was funny because the documentary crew was following him around with a camera and he was in this office, like nearby where he grew up in long island, and uh, you know, there's some younger people there and they're like. They're like are you somebody famous? Are you somebody famous? And he goes uh, I used to play professional basketball and and uh, and they go, oh, who are you? He? She goes well, I'm Julius Irving, and that that should have been enough. But these people are so young, they're like oh, did you know Michael Jordan? And you could just feel the wince. You know, yeah, yeah, it's like. Oh, you know, you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

So if you're Julius Irving, then do you sit them down and talk about your career or do you say you know what? Michael Jordan was fantastic. I played against him.

Speaker 2:

No, you just blow it off and then the cameraman, hopefully, as after they leave, will pop his head back in and say look up, dr J highlights, you need to see this shit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, dr j highlights you need to see this shit. Yeah, definitely, yeah, I mean you know, because even even in the documentary you know, michael jordan uh was talking about what a huge influence dr j was on him and his game oh, he influenced a ton of people, yeah I mean, nobody had ever seen anything like that before that that's the thing they didn't.

Speaker 2:

Even when he broke into the uh aba, the nba still wasn't allowing duncan okay they thought it was a ridiculous play just showing off and you know, just big people being idiots or whatever. Uh, but he was the first guy to glide, kev. He was the first guy to glide, put it that way, where people were like holy shit, this is different. And then at the uh 1976, uh, aba, all-star game, he did the free throw line dunk and it just it's. I mean, it's that that shook the world, of course, that somebody took off, uh, from the free throw line and dunk a basketball.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, now, of course 10 years later, michael did the same thing in Chicago at the All-Star Game, but Michael had a little pump on it too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, mike was flying, he wasn't gliding, he was literally. It looked like he had a wingsuit on.

Speaker 2:

He did even a little pump move. Kev, Can you imagine that Not only are you going to explode for 15 feet while you're still on the rise, but you're going to have a little pump move halfway there? That's badass.

Speaker 3:

It was. Yeah, it certainly is, that's badass, but that was Jordan man. That was Jordan. He took things to another level that you didn't think was possible.

Speaker 2:

He had to stop doing the dunking contest just to give everybody else a chance.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. So I remember that that it's like garth brooks and the cma entertainer of the year took himself out of the running because nobody else would ever win it oh my god, that's, so funny gav remember that yeah, I remember that I'm I'm having a press conference letting you know that I'm taking, I'm taking myself out of this.

Speaker 2:

I don't. I don't want people hating me because I'm so good, yeah, yeah, why am I so beautiful? I don't know. I'm embarrassed by it, though. Oh my gosh, I just want to be normal, right? Okay, garth, okay, uh, kev. Yeah, your turn with the top three this week.

Speaker 1:

Just when you thought they couldn't count any higher. It's Tuttle Klein's top three.

Speaker 3:

Okay, uh, so Trish and I were online yesterday and we were buying, uh, hand soaps, and it's really we both have very different tastes in hand soaps, and so I wanted to get your top three aromas. Timmy T, the top three smells that you love to smell.

Speaker 2:

Top three aromas. Well, let me see here. I love the smell of fresh cut grass on a baseball field.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's a good one. Oh, that's a good one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know like you, you walk into the stadium I I, that's a good one. Yeah, you know like you walk into the stadium. I have distinctive memories as a kid, milwaukee County Stadium, as a Brewers fan, and we would get there early. Sometimes We'd just come in just like seems like right after they mowed it and you could just smell it. Yep. And I was like this is beautiful. So that smell, you know, immediately sparks an innocent time. When innocent time when I'm just a 9, 10, 11-year-old, 12-year-old kid watching baseball with my dad.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I love that you can correlate a scent with a memory. That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Love it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, let me see what else I love the smell of leather.

Speaker 3:

That's one of my top three.

Speaker 2:

Something on leather just smells cool yes, yes to me. It makes me want to bow up.

Speaker 3:

I'm like leather it also reminds me of baseball, because I always had brand new leather gloves when I was playing. Oh you did, oh yeah, every season I got a new glove. Do you have an endorsement deal?

Speaker 2:

or something.

Speaker 3:

Oh, no, no, huh. Well, in college they get that. In college they pay for your gloves.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, I've seen.

Speaker 2:

I've seen the college swag. I couldn't believe. You know, audrey's got a fifty thousand dollars worth of underarm or shit in her closet. That's right From four years of volleyball.

Speaker 3:

And then Kev, I love the smell of cinnabon. Oh, dude, that is a great smell. Walk right into a mall, oh, man, I won't.

Speaker 2:

I won't order one, because I know that's just terrible for you, uh, but I like the smell yeah, oh, it's a great smell, fantastic and yeah, you know, I don't like, I don't mind if, like somebody I know gets, gets one of those big, huge things. I just want to bite, that's it just a bite. Everything in moderation cap, you know, I've told you this before you can have a fork full or a spoonful of anything, as long as it's just a fork full or a spoonful there you go yeah, you know, like, like.

Speaker 2:

like my boys, you know they cookies and cream ice cream. I'm scooping it out for them this weekend. They love cookies and cream ice cream. I just need one little spoonful. That's all I need. I got the taste Good.

Speaker 3:

There it is, yep, just a little spoonful.

Speaker 2:

You know, like when the boys come over, we have the candy draft as soon as they get here where I lay out like different candies. And you know, this week, uh, timmy picks reese's pieces in the first round and then dallas he goes for the whoppers and milk duds in the second and third and then timmy ends up with uh, junior mints. But of course each time the box is open during the weekend there's a dad tax.

Speaker 3:

I just need one or two of them, son, is there a supplemental draft or are there trades?

Speaker 2:

after the draft is complete. They sometimes do have trades. They have a pick remorse.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And they'll cut some deals with each other, particularly when I, you know, sometimes I'll do some extended ones where it's like they each get you know five, four or five different things to last them through the weekend, and then you can hear them bartering afterwards.

Speaker 3:

That's amazing. What a great lesson. Yeah, it's an awesome lesson. You're teaching them business, you're teaching them responsibility, you're teaching them decision making. Holy crap, dude.

Speaker 2:

It's our tradition every time they walk in the door. When I pick them up, you know they'll see on the counter. They'll see on the counter their draft choices this weekend and they get all excited. I'll go and grab a quarter and I'll flip a coin and I'll say dallas, call it. Dallas will say heads usually it's tails, he struggles with the, with the call, and then timmy will have the choice. Do you want first pick or do you want second and third? Because I even it out, you know, yeah, they get second and third and timmy always I'll take first pick, dad, and dallas is okay with it because he likes the next two absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he knows he's getting two, two prime ones. Well, you know what that makes me. Uh, I always wanted to be your friend, but hell the hell with being your friend. I'm moving next door and being your neighbor. I want to be your kid you want to.

Speaker 2:

You want to be part of the draft I do candy draft yeah, it's, it's our tradition, it's, it's the uh, it's the total candy draft every other friday night in richmond texas.

Speaker 3:

That's super cool yeah, they love it too. They get excited, why wouldn't they?

Speaker 2:

they'll forget about it sometimes, and as soon as they walk in the door and they see it on the counter, their eyes light up and they're like alright.

Speaker 3:

And Dal's still doing it. He's not outgrowing it.

Speaker 2:

No man, it's candy dude. I know Audrey and Jonas would fucking do it. If they were still around, I would do it. Are you kidding me?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's very true, here I am.

Speaker 2:

I mean, if you were having a social party or get together a soiree, kev and I walked into your soiree and saw a candy drop. I'd be like yeah let's go. Let's go Definitely With the first pick of the Kevin Kline Candy Round 2024,. Tim Tuttle chooses racist peanut butter cups.

Speaker 3:

That's the go-to huh. That would be the number one.

Speaker 2:

Hard to say.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

It's up there, though. It's always up there.

Speaker 3:

That's Trish's favorite.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that's probably the way to go, because it's a lot of people's favorites. So, strategically, you're probably better off getting the Reese's Pieces quickly, because it probably is not going to survive by the time it comes around to you again oh, definitely not going to survive a full round.

Speaker 3:

No, way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's high demand, it's very high demand. So I might as well do that whereas I love junior mints, but I could usually wait until the second or third pick to get my junior mints because they're not as high demand.

Speaker 3:

Where are you at on the Twix bar?

Speaker 2:

Love the Twix bar.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, me too.

Speaker 2:

Love the peanut butter Twix even more. If the peanut butter Twix is on the board, I'm going to grab that earlier. Try to cut a deal and move up in the draft.

Speaker 3:

Also, it seems like everything that you're trying to get involves peanut butter. Would a nutter like uh everything that you're trying to get involves peanut butter. Would another butter? No, that's a cookie, that's not a candy trap there's no chocolate.

Speaker 2:

There's no chocolate. Oh, that's right. There's no chocolate in that. Yeah, I said, that's why I'm not no got it yeah, but if you, if you remember, in the early 90s, uh, eminem's mars had this thing called the pb max yes, I do remember it it was the greatest candy bar in history and they discontinued it after like just a couple of years and I was so fucking pissed off.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was, I was Kev, I was livid and they they better. Thank God that there was no internet or email back then, cause I would have fired off a very veryduty email. Hey, very sternly worded. Oh, I couldn't believe it, kev. As soon as I found out too. I found out late in the game, so I got worried. So I actually went around town and cleaned people out. Oh yeah, I had Kev, I had a freezer full of PB Max.

Speaker 3:

Oh man, how long did that last you? About a week, about six months.

Speaker 2:

Oh, really that long. Oh Kev, I knew that was it. I didn't need, I didn't, I didn't shovel, I would, I would just, eh, bite, oh man, okay, maybe another little bite. Okay, I'm done, I'm done, I'm done. Stop, walk away, walk away, push away, tuttle, push away.

Speaker 3:

That's some control.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, but that that was the greatest candy bar ever. I'd still hurt man. Yeah, I miss that one. Okay, what are your top three cents?

Speaker 3:

We've already said, leather is both uh is on both of our lists, I think you're going to have remorse here, Timmy?

Speaker 2:

I probably will. Oh, of course, Kev. There is nothing better than an espresso, a fresh brewed espresso.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, buddy.

Speaker 2:

That to me says hey, good morning Tim.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so coffee leather. And then my third one is pipe tobacco. Oh, that's a good one too. I love pipe tobacco.

Speaker 2:

That's a good one too. I had an uncle that smoked a pipe.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't like cigarette tobacco. I don't like cigar tobacco, I like pipe tobacco. That's a good one too. I had an uncle that smoked a pipe.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't like cigarette tobacco. I don't like cigar tobacco.

Speaker 3:

I like pipe tobacco. No, I get you, man, I'm with you. So that's the scent that's in my studio. We went out and got a little Etsy or a little. You know they burn the candles and stuff. You know, yeah, tobacco, tobacco's. The tobacco tobacco is the scent that I have in here now. Uh, get out of here. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and then I will go to leather after that don't be afraid to grab the cinnabon if they have that available they do have cinnamun, but not cinnabon, so there is a difference.

Speaker 2:

Oh, there's a big time difference you know, the cinnabon has a little frosting vibe to it too, and you get the yeast. I don't want to talk about any personal issues you may be having.

Speaker 2:

Okay, uh hey kevin, I wanted to throw this past you. I've had this on the battle plan for a couple weeks. I just thought it'd be a cool concept. Maybe it's something that we could do here and there. Every so often it's uh, it's a be honest feature when, like, we'll throw questions at each other and we'll, or we'll talk about you know, hey, be honest and then ask the question.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Like all right, Like, for example be honest, Kev, do you read like a well-crafted text or email several times after you've sent it, just admiring your work?

Speaker 3:

No, no, because if I'm going to take the time to write something of that length and something that profound, I will read it before I send it, just to make sure that I like it. So no, I don't read it afterwards, I read it before I proofread it.

Speaker 2:

I always read it. If it's a really good one, I'll I'll. I'll enjoy it later too.

Speaker 3:

Like, for example uh, are you talking about like if somebody gets your dander up and you respond with a quip or something?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Really Okay.

Speaker 2:

Or, or it could be like you know when, when I'm sexting somebody, I'll be like, oh, that was fucking hot man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that I could see. If, if it's a, if you have to do a comeback or a quip or something, I wouldn't even want to go back and read that because it would conjure up the bad memory of them coming at me.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, I get that. No, I, you know, I, I, I I got to admit you know that I've I've written some pros that I've been really really proud of, and you know, even a week later I'll go. Man, that was really cool. Let me look at that real quick. Oh yeah, that was cool as shit man.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know what I'm saying. You know what you should do. You should go make an account and I'll set it up for you. Make an account on Audible, because those romance novels are always looking for guys with voices like yours to read those romance novels, for books on tape.

Speaker 2:

Send that to me.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there you go.

Speaker 4:

And let's hear your female voice oh man, get that dick in me right now okay, maybe they'll have to outsource the female voice.

Speaker 2:

But I'm not gonna get that contract, am I?

Speaker 3:

not that one, but yeah no kev.

Speaker 2:

Let me ask you another. Be honest yep, and these are fun and I want you to brainstorm these going forward. I want you to maybe have a couple every time. Oh, I will because this is fun, this is kind of cool. I love it. Uh, be honest, do you look through who likes your posts and wonder why the hell some people that are close to you or big fans of you have not liked it?

Speaker 3:

no, no, uh, I I don't um, because I don't do the posts. Trish does, trish does all the posts, but the second part of that I I all the time. None of my family listens to our podcast or my other one. None of them, not a single one of them. Why, I don't know, I don't know. My mom says, well, I just don't have the time. What the fuck do you do? You're retired, you sit there and you do your crafts. You can turn that on, I just don't have time.

Speaker 2:

I don't understand that they're missing out on some really good stuff, and maybe she could get to know you by listening.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, maybe so.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah To me. Any family member that doesn't listen to our podcast Cap, I mean they're out. Every member that doesn't listen to our podcast cap, I mean they're out. Every one of my in-laws does. Yeah, I mean my kids listen, yeah and, and and todd listens yep, so you know that's they're, they're, they're top of the line.

Speaker 3:

You know the rest of them, yeah, fuck off well, I try to keep telling trish I'm like man. If I can't even get my mom to listen, how can I expect other people to listen? I think your mom's probably had enough of you oh then I don know Cause she's constantly asking me when you're going to come up and visit. I'm like when do you start listening?

Speaker 2:

I guess. I guess I'm just projecting on you. My mom has had enough of me.

Speaker 3:

No, you guys got a better relationship now than ever.

Speaker 2:

Well, the best thing about it is she's, you know, early part of dementia, so she forgets all the bad stuff. I believe me, I have crafted myself as such a good young man in recent years.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

All the, all the wise ass stuff I said. I think she's forgotten most of it.

Speaker 3:

Now I will go on LinkedIn and see who likes that, or see who wants to connect with me and wonder why or how they know me. I will do that.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but I don't really do it with the posts.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and let me ask you this, okay, and let me ask you this be honest, do you ever wonder why there are so many poor people that are obese.

Speaker 2:

Oh god, yes, yes, I do. It's like I, I don't get that. You, you know I, I've noticed that and I'm not I'm not a judgmental person at all, but you know I, I do observe and notice some things, like when somebody is paying with the uh, you know food stamps or whatever at the grocery store, I can see that you know transactions ahead of me and stuff like that. It's like look at you, how is that? You know.

Speaker 3:

Well, uh, I do know one reason why that is, and I've said this for quite a while, and and I've talked to nutritionists about it too you have a dollar to spend. Okay, what are you going to go? Do You're going to go buy a McDonald's hamburger for a dollar, or are you going to go buy three apples?

Speaker 2:

Good point. You know, the value menu enables them.

Speaker 3:

It absolutely does. It absolutely does. Eating healthy is expensive.

Speaker 2:

it's very expensive to eat healthy yeah, but kev, you were just talking about it. An apple isn't that much? A bowl of oatmeal isn't that much? You know there are ways around. I mean just just eating scoops of peanut butter, yeah, that's, that's, that's a nice protein pop right there, and that'll get you through the next few hours. A couple, a couple little spoonfuls of that. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

I hear you. I hear you, but if you're just talking about the convenience, the quickness and the cheapness, fast food, yeah, I know, I know, I, I, I see that I mean to to to me.

Speaker 2:

Uh, fast food should be the most expensive food.

Speaker 3:

It would be great if it was. You know, a Big Mac must cost $89. Uh-huh, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, I'd be curious and this kind of goes back to conspiracy stuff but I'd be curious to find out if the medical companies fund fast food.

Speaker 2:

Nothing would surprise me, Kev.

Speaker 3:

It wouldn't surprise me, it wouldn't surprise you, would it?

Speaker 2:

Not only in the medical, but they'd have government support too, because if you're obese and you can't think quickly on your feet, you're easier to control. You don't have that fight in you.

Speaker 3:

It's just so much shadiness that goes on. You just got to question everything.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, isn't it terrible that we even go there, our minds even go there now? I mean, what has happened? What has happened in the world where you know you would even have to ask that question, right, yeah?

Speaker 2:

I just I, I can't, I, I just I. I just I've had this vision and I probably shouldn't be saying that because that is you know, because this was another possible movie idea, where you know somebody's praying to God and just be like God. This world is just so messed up. I'm so scared. My kids' future, my grandkids' future and future generation, this has just gotten really really crazy. I mean, when are you going to show yourself and help out? Gotten really really crazy. I mean, when are you going to show yourself and help out?

Speaker 2:

And then suddenly, like God appears and just be like, well, I'm going to do it now and you're going to be my spokesperson. And that person is like transported, like telelifted to a place out in the desert and suddenly a giant hole that goes straight down to hell is forming. Giant hole that goes straight down to hell is forming. And suddenly that person is a you can't kill him, he's immortal, you know.

Speaker 2:

And B he takes over all forms of communication worldwide for a few moments where he explains God is God's had enough, there's too much evil, he's not doing the flooding thing. This time we got this giant hole right here and you're going to see in the next couple of minutes just bodies lying in there of evil fuckers who are going to be taken down, that are ruining God's world. God loves earth. God loves earth and he is not liking where it's been and where it's going and everything like that. So we're going to have a cleanse right now. And then suddenly all these people like start going in and he said and then you know, this guy says and you can check out on the internet, you can look up any human being if they're missing and I'll tell you why they're missing, oh man.

Speaker 2:

You know, like so-and-so, so-and-so, pedophile scam artist. You know what?

Speaker 3:

I'm saying, I know exactly what you're saying.

Speaker 2:

And he also. You know, okay, another thing, we just cleared it out. We got rid of 2.3 billion people. They're evil, they were just a blight on this whole thing. And again, you can look up their names anytime you want to and you can find out why they're not here anymore. God has laid out everything that they've done on a little bio page.

Speaker 3:

Dude, you write it because I've already got the logo for the merchand merchandising. Okay, so you, you said god wants to make earth like. Okay, so you call it the mega movement. Make earth great again. And instead of it, instead of an a, you put the jesus fish straight up and down. Instead of sideways, you put it a vertical that's funny dude, dude, we got something that's a movement, movement.

Speaker 2:

And just another little thing too is you know, God is really really wide open now. He's just like and plus, if you type into a question, into, you know, my little search engine, I'll answer any question or what happened. If you want to know what JFK assassination, you want to know about the election of 2020. You want to know about this bombing and that shooting and you know this world event, the absolute 100 truth will be, uh, laid out right there so you can read it well, that would be the most visited website in the history of websites is that awesome, or what is that?

Speaker 2:

I mean, that's just the. That's just that. I mean, you know, that's just a concept that I've had in my head when I'm doing cardio, that that would just be cool. I'm just, you know, one guy, uh puts it over the line. One guy praying to god and suddenly god's like, yeah, I'm stepping in now yeah you know I'm saying and that person at first.

Speaker 2:

They're trying to. You know the evil forces are trying to kill that person, but you know the bullets are just bouncing off of him and anybody that fired at him is going straight in the hole.

Speaker 3:

There you go, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

He's trying to warn him. He's like, hey, man, I can't be killed, this is it. I mean, it's judgment day right here. God wants earth, god loves earth, he loves this place and he wants it to be cool again. You know, yeah, you know yeah, and then you know, and then he, and then you know, uh, you have the benevolent and cool leaders that lead the world into you know a couple hundred years of peace.

Speaker 3:

You know I'm saying I'm right with you, oh I think this is phenomenal.

Speaker 2:

Is that is that? Is that a cool concept?

Speaker 3:

yeah, but so it's mecca, make earth cool again, okay make earth cool again.

Speaker 2:

Let's not call it mecca. There's a trademark on that very true. Wow, we don't we don't want to confuse anything. Okay, oh no, we don't. No, we don't. I can just see. Uh, we told you we were right. We were right the whole time. Calm down there. Habib, his name's not allah. Okay, we told you we were right. We were right the whole time. Calm down there. Habib, his name's not.

Speaker 3:

Allah, okay, yeah, it's Jesus.

Speaker 2:

But that's it. And then left on earth are just like half the people who have a good heart, good soul, good conscience. Okay, and then you know, each country has, like good, benevolent leaders Like ours would be Steven Gertzen from East Bernard Texas.

Speaker 3:

I got you were talking about bullets dropping off of somebody and I was thinking, man, this is the perfect job for Steven Gertzen.

Speaker 2:

If you would just pray one day in East Bernard and just say God, it's getting nasty, I got kids and grandkids.

Speaker 3:

Please do something and then suddenly says God, says you know, stephen, you're the guy.

Speaker 2:

Yep there, hold on, we're going to. You're going to have a quick ride to the desert.

Speaker 3:

We're begging you, Stephen, get off of the rice machinery for a day, hit the hit, hit your knees and let's get this thing done.

Speaker 2:

Let's get it going, man, let's, let's, let us get rid of all of the evil on planet earth. And then, of course, afterwards, course afterwards, afterwards. You'll see like, uh, people will be like slow, mowing the bodies going into the hole. Oh, there's that politician right there, I knew it. There's that pharmaceutical executive right there. There's that, uh, mainstream media guy right there. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

Oh, yeah, definitely.

Speaker 2:

And then they could just look it up. We don't know, why was he? Oh okay, he was. Yeah, he's an evil fucker. He had it coming.

Speaker 3:

I like this be honest segment.

Speaker 2:

I, kev, I just I. I gave you the uh uh concept, right right there, of something that has been floating around in my head for a while. It's a good concept, because I've just been thinking it too. It's like you know, hey, god, you know, centuries ago you had the ark and the flood.

Speaker 3:

I mean, how much are you going to take before we and there's a lot of fucking evil out here- yeah, but then couldn't he say well, you know what, we've had Ike, we've had Ike, we've had Barrow, we've had the tax day flooding in Houston. You know you guys aren't awake enough. Okay, I mean, could he say that he's making us earn it.

Speaker 2:

He's making us earn it. Well see, that's another thing I had in my mind is okay, once everything's done now, and he's like, hey, all of you be more strong. Okay, once everything's done now and he's like, hey, all of you, be more strong. Don't let it get to this point next time. I'm not going to bail you out. Next time. If you see evil, you snuff it out, even if it costs you a few of your lives. You know it's worth it for your kids. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

Okay, but doesn't that kind of fly in the face of God being a benevolent leader? And the doubt shall not kill kill.

Speaker 2:

I yeah there. There's certain times where good has to stand against evil and eradicate it okay I, I believe, I don't know, maybe, maybe, I mean I don't know, I don't know, I don't know exactly god's thinking.

Speaker 4:

Well, it's your script okay all right yeah, that's right, I can do whatever the fuck I want.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, kev. If you're evil, you got it coming. What?

Speaker 3:

the fuck I want. Yeah, yeah, Kev. If you're evil, you got it coming.

Speaker 2:

Okay, there you go. And then we have like Miguel Yanez and some other Navy SEALs. They're like God's hitmen.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, Well, nobody would miss.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know, if you're evil, then suddenly just like a Navy SEAL group just comes and takes you out.

Speaker 3:

Dude, I don't even know if I'm supposed to say this or not, but I'm going to because you just brought that up. A kid that I lived across the street from is a Navy.

Speaker 2:

SEAL Awesome, I know.

Speaker 3:

It was crazy then when I learned that Awesome Lived across the street from him for seven years. I mean he was in elementary school.

Speaker 2:

In Texas.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, oh, that's awesome. Yeah, and I saw a picture of him the other day. His mom posted a picture of him the other day and I'm like that ain't the same kid Trish goes. Yeah, it is, he's a seal, I'm like get out of here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, did you. Did you see that happening when you were? Was he a little cry baby or something?

Speaker 3:

when you oh no, was he a little cry baby or something? Tim, he was, uh, he was, uh, uh, like a little stick figure of a kid. And he was, he was, he was tiny, he was, he was. He was very small, very slight and uh, I the thing that I remember the most was, uh, that he had a little Pomeranian and then they had another dog and the dog the bigger dog was chasing the Pomeranian and they had a Pomeranian on the leash and to save the Pomeranian, he started swinging the Pomeranian over his head on a leash to so that the other dog wouldn't bite it and tear it apart. And so I, I run out into the middle of the street in my underwear and go, what are you doing? He's like that dog's going to bite my dog. So I grabbed the Pomeranian and then he grabbed the other dog by the collar and everything was situated and fine. But yeah, man, that's the biggest thing I remember about him.

Speaker 2:

That is crazy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, now he's a Navy SEAL. He went through Bud's training, kev, I know, I know. Yeah, now he's a Navy.

Speaker 2:

SEAL. He went through Bud's training Kev. I know, I know, yeah, the hardest training in the world. That's awesome man.

Speaker 3:

Yep, yeah, very cool.

Speaker 2:

Okay, this has been fun.

Speaker 3:

It has been.

Speaker 2:

I gotta get back trading and making a little money.

Speaker 3:

There you go, make that money, me make money now.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for joining us. This is episode number three. This is the michael jordan jersey episode 23. Um, make sure y'all like, follow, download, subscribe, give us a rating, we'd appreciate it. You help us grow this thing. Tell some friends about it too. Like, if you like our podcast, send your uh, some friends the link and say, hey, listen to these guys. Is this any good or is this total shit?

Speaker 3:

You know we don't want to hear it. Yeah, actually, actually I'm cool with it. Give us any feedback you want. We love it. Give us feedback, we don't care.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So, Kevin Kwan, what's the fuzzy mic have this week? What are you doing on your other podcast?

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm actually interviewing a guy later this week, so it'll be the next episode. He was a hostage negotiator for the Texas State Police Department Nice yeah, and he's got a real interesting story. And then the week after that I'm going to be talking to one of my favorite musicians who is. He had a rough life substance abuse, trauma, all that kind of stuff and he went on to become a phenomenal industrial, industrial music pioneer.

Speaker 2:

Awesome. All right, buddy. Yeah, you got some great stuff. I can't wait to check out the fuzzy mic, both this week and next week. What do you got?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Trying to cut back on masturbating.

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, more sexting will do that, probably. Trying to cut back on masturbating?

Speaker 2:

Okay, well, more sexting will do that, probably Just staying away from my phone, taking it one day at a time, buddy, good for you pal Good for you. All right, Great episode Kev. That was a lot of fun.

Speaker 3:

Always goes too fast man.

Speaker 2:

And again, anybody out there, don't steal my ideas for these scripts. I mean, eventually I'm going to do them, okay, eventually, my ideas for these scripts.

Speaker 1:

I mean, eventually I'm going to do them, okay, eventually. That's it for this episode of the Tuttle and Klein show. See you this Wednesday for an all new episode, and you can get more Klein on his podcast, the fuzzy Mike, with new episodes on Tuesday. Stay fuzzy, friends, and thanks for listening to the Tuttle and Klein show. Yo, all right, take the yo out.

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