Tuttle & Kline

Ep #3: Top 3 Historical Events To Witness, Kline's Music & New Follower, Jesus Was...Married?

Tim Tuttle & Kevin Kline Episode 4

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Remember your first rock concert, the buzz of the crowd, the roar of the guitar, and that electric charge in the air? Kevin Kline sure does, and he's here to share his wild tales of touring with Cannibal Corpse for a staggering 17 shows! This episode is a backstage pass to the heady days of rock 'n' roll, where we jam out on the impact of Kiss, the spectacle of pyrotechnics, and what it meant to be initiated into the Kiss Army. Whether you're a diehard fan or just love a good concert story, you'll be hooked on the nostalgia and the noise.

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Ever wonder if your hometown is honestly the best place on Earth? We've got a DM that's sparking a heated yet humorous debate about the pride of place—specifically, whether Houston can claim the top spot. As we banter over city pride and personal identities, we're also building our own 'Tuttle & Kline Army', a nod to you, our listeners, for your unwavering support. From Germany to India, we're sending out a heartfelt thanks to our global family. If you're all about music, mirth, and maybe a bit of civic pride, don't miss this episode where the amps are cranked to eleven and so is the camaraderie.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Tuddling Client Show.

Speaker 3:

Systems check we look good. Yeah. Yeah, things are good Sound good. Sounds awesome.

Speaker 2:

Yes, it does. Oh, the Cannibal Corpse T-shirt. Kevin Klein's sport in this morning.

Speaker 3:

North America 2022 tour.

Speaker 2:

For those of you unaware, Kevin likes those artists where they go and you just wait for the devil like spin up through the floor.

Speaker 3:

I've seen them 17 times now, geez man, and I'm still alive.

Speaker 2:

That's what you're doing in your retirement. Is you become like a follower of certain artists, haven't you?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I go to quite a, quite a few concerts, but I always did, you know, because we were in music for a long, long time and I love concerts, I love live music. So when COVID hit man, that was one of the worst because, you know, all the concert venues shut down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know, man, that was, that was terrible. Who have you?

Speaker 3:

seen the most times. Um, I would say kiss I, that's a band I never saw. You never saw. Kiss, never live.

Speaker 2:

Nope, okay, have everybody with pyrotechnics and over the top shows. They've all copied, kiss.

Speaker 3:

I mean even Garth Brooks says that he copied kiss.

Speaker 2:

He admitted it I'm kiss with a cowboy hat.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

That's what he said.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so that kick. I was a member of the Kiss Army. Were you a member of the Kiss Army?

Speaker 2:

1978, when I was nine years old, I became a member. I remember getting my card in the mail. Yeah, man I was so proud of it. My dad took me to a show and freaked out when Gene Simmons was spitting blood.

Speaker 3:

Your dad took you to a concert my dad took me to my first, did he?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, death leopard pyromania.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's awesome, 1983 or 84.

Speaker 3:

It was probably 84 or eight. Yet Well, maybe 84, 85, something like that, because I was a freshman or a sophomore in high school.

Speaker 4:

So yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Um, we should start our own Tuttle Climb Army. Tuttle Climb Army, yeah, yeah, I like that, like the Kiss Army, you know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah like the.

Speaker 3:

Tuttle Climb.

Speaker 2:

Army. We may not have the numbers they do, but I mean you only need about 11 to take over a country.

Speaker 3:

They only started with one remember.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. And by the way, speaking of which, the Tuttle Climb Army. Thank you all. So much for the support.

Speaker 3:

I mean, it's been phenomenal.

Speaker 2:

It's amazing, the comments, the feedback. We would just ask continue to tell friends about us. We really want to grow this into something fun and we appreciate each and every one of you, Kev tell your enemies. Yeah, tell your enemies. Yeah, there's no better way to get them back. That's right. Yeah, why not? I'm going to expose them to this crap for an hour and a half a week.

Speaker 3:

There you go.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, kev, I got a DM from last week's show. Oh, that's a direct message. That's correct.

Speaker 5:

I got a DM.

Speaker 2:

It's from Rob in Pennsylvania. Hey, rob, and I'm not sure the exact origin story of where we get listeners from Pennsylvania, but we got them from all over the place. It's kind of freaky. We got them overseas, in Germany and Ireland and India and crap like that.

Speaker 3:

I know, I know, and they're not even trying to hack us. Yeah, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for not hacking us. That's right. Um. He asks hey, um, I hear you guys say this all the time and I see you posting it all the time. You say Houston is the greatest city on earth. How do you really know that? He asks, and to a good point. I got to thinking, you know, because he may be right. I mean, who can even judge? Is there any? Has there been anybody ever?

Speaker 3:

that's been to every single city, city, no, but I do know somebody who's been to every country.

Speaker 2:

Really yes. Well, what do they say is the best country?

Speaker 3:

Um, I never really quite asked them that question. I know for me, um and I'm not saying that it's a better city than Houston, I think for me, paris is my favorite city I've ever been. Paris is, oh my God, dude.

Speaker 2:

Weren't they snooty to you Cause you're American?

Speaker 3:

No, no, they weren't Not at all.

Speaker 2:

Or do you do what a lot of Americans do? When they travel abroad, they say they're Canadian. No, just to avoid the heat.

Speaker 3:

No, I learned basic phrases and you just, yeah, you just try and just learn basic phrases. Hello, thank you, please. Uh, that kind of stuff. To me there's no prettier language in the world than French, followed very closely by Italian, which, if you wouldn't mind to me, we'd love to hear some Italian right now, because you're fluent.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm fluent in Italian. Hey Kevin, what's going on? I?

Speaker 3:

cannot wait to hear that's uh so fluent.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, very very fluent. And you should see it, when I actually talk to Italians, they love it too.

Speaker 3:

But you know what's crazy Tim is when you go to, like, uh, Massachusetts and you see buildings that are like 225 years old, and then you go to France or you go to Italy and you see 2000 year old buildings, isn't that crazy, oh my gosh dude, it's so, it's, it's very humbling.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Anyway, uh, you know, bring it back around to, uh, Rob in Pennsylvania. You're right, I mean we haven't been to every city. I just think Houston's the best for personal reasons. They've been kind to my family, They've been good to us. It's a nice diversified melting pot with all kinds of different cultures. On some days I want some, uh, you know, I want some Indian food. I can go, you know, right there, and I can go to China town, you know it's. It's really cool that way. But but, yeah, you're right, I mean there could be like a remote city in the middle of nowhere. It's got 147 different people and at 145 of them are gorgeous ladies that'll service you for a nickel.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

The other two are guys that'll talk sports and hand you nickels. That's hand you nickels. There could be a city like that somewhere.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there could be, it could be, and if you ever find it, yes, dms, dms, please. Um, I love our good friends at air innovations. They're so proud to be part of our podcast, kev Uh, we're getting back that. Um, they like the fact that we saluted the technicians who have to go in to hardcore places in the middle of like heavy heat and get people up and going. You know there's no parades for them, there's no songs written about them, but they're really really good people and air innovations. I love their story.

Speaker 2:

Kevin this is a Troy and Kelly they're from the Cyprus area. As a matter of fact, that's where home offices, but they serve the entire Houston metro area. You know they went to school at Cyprus ISD and they got out of school in 2005. They decided they're going to start the air innovations and it's just become a monster taking care of everybody in Houston and I love their attitude. They support the community with blood drives and they're really a good, caring company. I'm so proud that they're part of the tunnel and client podcast family. You know it kind of goes back to what Rob was asking.

Speaker 3:

How do we know that Houston is such a great city? Air innovations is the perfect example Houstonians helping Houstonians. You know they could have taken their business anywhere but they kept it right here in Houston and we love that about them. You know, uh, we mentioned last week, tim, that uh, the the technicians uh doesn't air innovations kind of talk about in our proponents of doing preseason maintenance. Oh yeah, you guys are about ready to get hit with the heat.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the heat's coming and I know a lot of people have an AC unit Kev that after, like you know, august or early September, when it finally started to, you know, let up a little bit. Their, their AC unit was going.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, it was on the yeah yeah. Like an 80 year old in a nursing home.

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly. And you're thinking you know, okay, we made it, but now it's hanging over you, it's looming over you like a big cloud going. Ooh, you know, we just had some 80 degree temperatures the last couple of days. Oh yeah, ooh, hey. Just reach out to Air Innovations. They're fair, good people. They'll come to a check on it. It's always good to have the preventative maintenance so you don't get the big one at the wrong time in the middle of July, if you know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 3:

So exactly what you're talking about.

Speaker 2:

If you want to reach out to them, I've got the phone number right there in the right hand corner and we also have a link to their website in the description available in the description. So, just go click on it and get taken care of by Air Innovations, kevin Klein. I'm so intrigued. I love doing these. I was excited when you sent me a message saying that you want one of your dreams analyzed.

Speaker 3:

Oh, this is crazy. Okay, so the other day I had this dream and I dreamt that Trish and I, my wife, we were in my bedroom, that I grew up in All right, your bedroom.

Speaker 3:

The room that I shared with my brother. We had two, I had a single bed and he had a single bed. Well, she wakes me up and I noticed that there is a massive boa constrictor slithering on top of the dresser. So I'm like did you see that snake over there? And she's like, yeah, hold on a second. She goes and she grabs it behind the head and she takes it out to the front porch.

Speaker 3:

Our front porch didn't do this in real life, but in the dream. It backed up to a swamp and she lets it go and I'm like you can't let it go right there, it's just going to slither back into the house. Well, she goes and tracks it and it tracks over to the neighbor's yard and it's no longer in the form of a snake. It's still a snake, but it's now in the form of a dog. And the dog it's not walking like a dog, it's slithering like a dog. And it slithers up to my neighbor's porch and just sits at the door, just stands at the door and she goes over. And she goes come on, get out here, get out here. And it comes over and she starts petting it on the head. What the hell does that mean?

Speaker 2:

I would say that means you need to stop eating Thai food so close to going to bed, right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, I looked up a dream analyzation of this. Oh, did you? What did they say? So you type into Google it says what does a dream about a snake and a dog pops up immediately. So it's like I'm not the only one that has this. Okay, so a snake in a dream apparently is a good thing, because the snake signifies that a transformation is coming, whether it's exterior or internal, doesn't decipher that, but a transformation is coming. And then a dog always is loyalty and companionship. So now that you know that, interpret what change is coming, and where's my?

Speaker 2:

loyalty. I don't know. I think the change probably could be maybe a sports team that you used to like and you're not like them anymore. But you've been looking over and going ooh, you know that Dolphins uniform looks a lot like the Tudlin Klein colors.

Speaker 3:

You know from their logo, from our logo and I don't know, isn't it crazy, though I always thought a snake was a bad thing in a dream, but no, a snake's a pretty good thing.

Speaker 2:

I didn't know that either. I'm just. I'm so surprised that you're able to have like that vivid of a dream, and it seemed like it was running a long time. I mean it seemed like to be a Scorsese tracking shot that lasted a long time. I never get those. I never get those, first off, I rarely even remember a dream. Maybe once every like three or four months, I'll remember something that I dreamed Really. Yeah, once every three or four months. What does that mean that I can't remember dreams? I mean obviously every single time, every human. Tell me if I'm wrong. When you go into deep REM, when you go to sleep, you're dreaming about something. Yeah, because the mind doesn't go completely black. But here I am, somebody that once every what 120 days may remember just a little snapshot glimpse of a dream. That is odd.

Speaker 3:

What does that mean? Well, it means that that one dream is very prominent. It's a very prominent dream. If that's the one you're remembering. Maybe all the other ones are superfluous in your life. I don't know. If you ever dream in neon colors, that means that you're predicting your future. I had a psychic tell me that once, really, yeah, really. And you know you were just talking about the length of dreams. Dreams are like an instant. Yeah, it sounds like a Scorsese movie, but that happens in like a second.

Speaker 2:

That's crazy. Yeah, that's a last dream I remember. Maybe you can interpret this real quick.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Last dream I was cliff diving.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And I started to like do a back flip. When I jumped off the cliff, and this one time a big gust of wind came and I hit my head on the cliff. And then I started to see the future.

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, that's easy, that's easy.

Speaker 2:

What do you got there?

Speaker 3:

The cliff represents me, and you're trying to jump away from it. Every time you try and get away, I somehow pull you back in and you hit your head on me. And then, all of a sudden, you're like man, where do I go now? And so that's the wind trying to carry you away, but it doesn't know where it's taking you.

Speaker 2:

There you go. I like it. I'm going to go with that. I can't get away from you.

Speaker 3:

No, you can't no.

Speaker 2:

I won't let you. You're like luggage and herpes. It's just there forever, there forever. Kevin is, kevin is perpes. Yeah, that's what he is there's no cure. Got another DM, by the way, from a listener.

Speaker 3:

We love them.

Speaker 2:

Do you remember this was from Krista? Yeah, in Pasadena, texas, and do you remember last week we were talking about? You know, if I had a time machine, I would go back and talk to the 17 year old me and tell him you know, hey, you know, this is how you should handle beautiful women. You have a thing for beautiful women and you're able to get them, but you don't know how to handle it, and I would try to walk him through some instruction. I remember that. So Krista basically said that is a wasted opportunity. Timmy T, you need to tell the 17 year old self the back to the future thing too, the gambling.

Speaker 3:

Oh OK.

Speaker 2:

So she's totally right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that is a wasted opportunity. Yeah, Like you know, this team's going to win the Super Bowl, so bet, bet, bet bet.

Speaker 2:

I would. I would go back to the 17 year old me and I wouldn't say anything but this All right, timmy, as you can see, it's a bigger, stronger version of you from the future 2024. So listen to me or I'll whoop your ass, because you know I'm older.

Speaker 3:

That's right.

Speaker 2:

You're much skinnier, so I will whoop your ass. Ok, move to Vegas with your grand graduation money and every penny that you have. You're going to bet on the Giants to win the Super Bowl, indiana to win the NCAA championship, the Lakers to win the NBA title. Are you writing this down, add boy? Ok, it's wins. Win the World Series next year. Listen to me closely. Redskins, kansas, j-hawk, lakers again. Yeah, I know they're annoying. I hate the Lakers too. We both hate the Lakers. Oh, imagine that we both hate the Lakers. But your God, michael Jordan, he's going to win it in 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98. So you're cool.

Speaker 3:

All right, just think you you could buy the farm back that your grandfather lost through betting, through betting Full circle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the 17 year old Timmy. I see you still have your OJ poster up. I got some bad news for you.

Speaker 3:

Sit down, sit down.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, and by the way, Timmy, when hiding your weed up in that ceiling tile right there, mom eventually finds it.

Speaker 3:

And it's eventually legal.

Speaker 2:

Right, it's eventually legal. Yes, yeah, you are. You are Krista from Pasadena. You are totally correct. The conclusion is it's tougher for these beautiful women to leave a billionaire than it is a guy living in a 675 square foot apartment. Okay, all alone.

Speaker 3:

But let me ask you this though Do you really want somebody who's just there for the cash? Okay, yeah, cool, I'm cool, all right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you're. That's my whole problem is have you ever seen the absolute gorgeous women that you know that towards up? Yeah, they're shallow for the most part and they can't spell cat if you spot on the C in the A.

Speaker 3:

Oh geez. But yeah, they're very attractive ladies, yes.

Speaker 2:

I know I got that. That's the number one thing. I trust me. I know there's a lot of people rolling their eyes right now listening or watching this. I'm working on that. Okay, I'm working on that.

Speaker 3:

Don't you wish you had that shallow howl skill where you could see past and see the inside? You know, if you've never seen the movie, it's a really good movie. It's talking about beauty as opposed to exterior.

Speaker 2:

Who'd want to see their like guts and their no?

Speaker 3:

no, it's the soul. You're seeing the person.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

You're not seeing the spleen. No, no entrails. Okay, yeah, I see what you had for dinner.

Speaker 2:

I just yeah, Kev, you know what this leads me to? This time machine stuff? Please tell me. It leads me to this week's top three.

Speaker 1:

Just when you thought they couldn't count any higher. It's totaling clients top three Should.

Speaker 3:

I be nervous.

Speaker 2:

I think you're going to love this.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Kevin, I need from you the top three historical events. You would jump into your time machine with a bag of popcorn and watch.

Speaker 3:

Oh my that is a three. That is a tough one. Historical events Watch live right.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you, just you're able to go like, you're able to like, land your time machine, hop out of it. You got a lawn chair. They give you a lawn chair and a bucket of popcorn.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And you could just sit there and you could watch, and you're not going to be seen, you're not going to be part of it, you just get to watch it, hindenburg.

Speaker 4:

It's bursting in the flames. Get it started. Get it started. It's crashing. It's crashing terrible. Oh my, get out of the way, please.

Speaker 3:

It's burning, bursting in the flames and it's falling on the morning fast and all the folks between the fence is terrible.

Speaker 4:

This is the word of the word. Catastrophe in the world, and the flame is rising to the ground, not quite to the morning mass of the humanity Dude.

Speaker 2:

I had that on my honorable mention list.

Speaker 3:

Really that's so funny.

Speaker 2:

Oh the humanity, oh the humanity.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, one of the greatest calls in reporting ever. This blimp ignites and catches on fire and plummets to the ground. There's footage out there of it, but I mean, if we're talking about live, the visual of that would have been just amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. Okay, that's a good one. That's kind of weird that you and I were on the same, because I don't know if you knew this or not there are billions of historical events. Yes, and you and I locked in on the same one. I can't wait to hear your next one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well, the next one's going to be wow Klein's hell bent on destruction, the atomic bomb test, and maybe just because I've seen Oppenheimer three times, but to be there for the test and experience and the feeling of that rush coming past you in the noise.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

I don't know, and Kev don't apologize, for you know you liking the mayhem. I mean, it's a total dude thing.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Especially dudes wearing black t-shirts saying cannibal corpse.

Speaker 3:

Very true, right, obviously, we know. And then the third one I would have given anything to be in the arena when the miracle on ice happened.

Speaker 2:

Miracle on the ice. Of course We've talked about this before. The US men's hockey team in 1980. They're college kids these guys are 21 to like 24 years old beating the Russians who are basically the best pro all star team in history. These guys are averaging about 32 years old, been together some of them for 15 years. There was no way that. It's the greatest upset, underdog upset in the history of sports period.

Speaker 3:

Even bigger than Rocky.

Speaker 2:

Even bigger than Buster Douglas against Tyson, even bigger than North Carolina State versus our own five slamma jamma Houston Cougars with Akima Lodge, claid Drexler, michael Young, benny Anders and all those guys. Even a bigger upset than that times two, like all of those woven together.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the electricity in that building must have been amazing. So I would say those three.

Speaker 2:

When they scored the last goal to take the lead, the US team. It was with exactly 10 minutes left. Yeah, and just that frantic 10 minutes, each second, ticking off the clock, and you're just in the stands going, oh God, please. And I'll tell you, the Russians are the Soviet Union. They were going crazy to try to score. I mean, they were. They knew that they were in the deepest trouble they have ever been in as a team and they were frantic and they were desperate and they were flipping them by and Jim Craig was just knocking everything out of the way Our goalie for the US.

Speaker 3:

There's a great movie. It's called Miracle. It was. It's actually a Disney movie. Disney produced it. It's an amazing story and it talks about the miracle on ice and how, in that game, russia had never been tested before. And so they get 10 minutes left in the game and they're behind. They didn't know how to react. They didn't know how to react.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they didn't. They didn't understand they, because they're they're usually up 10 to three. Yeah, 10 to two, you know. So they didn't get it. I mean, and you could see their eyes were widening and the coach's eyes widening, you know, the guy with the big brushy eyebrows, whoever the Soviet coach was. I mean, he's freaking out, looking over going. We have never you know what I'm saying.

Speaker 3:

I know exactly what you're saying. It's one of my favorite movies. Check it out.

Speaker 2:

I love it. It's awesome. I mean I, kev, when that happened you were still 10 years old and I was 11 years old, and did you know? I mean, I lived in Wisconsin, so the word got around about the gold medal because it was tape. We watched a tape delay on TV. They did not play it live. Isn't that crazy? They did not play that game live. We watched on a tape delay. And even during the hockey game, kev, they were cutting away to, like you know, ice dancing and they were cutting away to you know, slalom or whatever you know, and you're just like no, take us, yeah, take us in the arena. What?

Speaker 5:

is in the arena.

Speaker 2:

You know, even with even with the under 10 minutes to 11, we had to leave, okay, and now we're going to go and see what's going on out here at speed skating with Eric. Who cares about freaking Eric hiding right now?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it was one of the greatest calls in all of sports. Do you believe in miracles? It was Al Michaels, and that's where the word miracle comes from. It was from Al Michaels call.

Speaker 2:

Did he ever? Did he trademark that and never make any money off of that? I?

Speaker 3:

don't think he ever trademarked it. No, no, no, I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

Because I'm thinking of trademarking. Uh, uh, percy, well you should just kidding.

Speaker 3:

No, you know, it's interesting because Trish, my wife, our intern, uh has done research into how we trademark our logo and how we copyright copyright stuff. It's actually a lengthy process. I was thinking about doing it for the fuzzy mic, but when I saw how many steps it is I'm like yeah.

Speaker 2:

I don't, yeah, I don't think that anything that I do is so creative and mind freaking blowing that I need to spend three hours doing paperwork. I just don't think, yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

And unless you. Unless you have, uh, let's get ready to rumble. And you make $5,000 every time somebody steals that.

Speaker 2:

Is that what Michael Buffer makes off of that?

Speaker 3:

Oh, dude, he makes bank, he makes bank off of that.

Speaker 2:

Wait a minute, wait a minute, so if you want, I mean, do we have to pay right now, cause you just said it?

Speaker 3:

No, I'm not using it for commercial purposes.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say that. I mean, we're still a fledgling podcast. That would break us right there, Kev.

Speaker 3:

It would. You're right, no, but I'm not using it for commercial purposes.

Speaker 2:

By the way, if you are watching this and you know we got a great audience, we're top 10% worldwide already. We would love for you to be a sponsor, because you never know when Kevin Klein is going to upset Michael Buffer and Buffer wants to check.

Speaker 3:

That's right Okay.

Speaker 2:

So just leave a comment or a DM or something like that and uh well, one of us will get back to you in regards to, uh, how to sponsor the Tuttle and Client podcast. Kev my top three historical events that I would jump into a time machine with a bag of popcorn in a lawn chair and watch.

Speaker 3:

Can I guess you're first.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

JFK? No, no, really no. Okay, because you would want it, you would be compelled to jump in and tackle the person.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I would, I would interfere, I, I, I only unless I can intervene. And the grassy knoll where the guy dressed as a cop and his handler, uh, were and had fired the fatal shot. Only if I could intervene on that shot.

Speaker 3:

Okay, but that's not what this is about.

Speaker 2:

I couldn't sit there and watch it and drive me crazy. It would. It would make me crazy.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so JFK is not on the list.

Speaker 2:

No, and you know I was thinking, you know, you know stuff like Normandy D-Day, june 6, 1944, World War II. But you know, we, we, there's footage of that and we saw that in Private Ryan, saving Private Ryan.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

And they they say that Spielberg captured that in such a way that World War II vets said there is no more accurate uh version of any kind of wartime situation than that scene right there and, as a matter of fact, a lot of WW2 veterans back in 97 when it came out they couldn't even watch it.

Speaker 2:

Exactly right, yep, they couldn't, they couldn't even watch it because it was so like right on the money, so um, and I was also, you know, thinking stuff. Like you know, the Hindenburg was a was was on my list but I have that as an honorable mention because you know there's film on it.

Speaker 3:

Sure Yep.

Speaker 2:

And I'm very intrigued by when Pete Rose broke Ty Cobb's hit record. I'm very intrigued by that.

Speaker 1:

Everybody on their feet here in Cincinnati in a worldwide television audience watching these moments tonight here at Riverfront Stadium Two one.

Speaker 5:

this from Schaus in the Watch Center. There it is. Rose has a good stop. That's number 4,192.

Speaker 2:

But you know again, there's footage of it, I could just watch it. I want to go to like something not filmed.

Speaker 3:

Good point.

Speaker 2:

You know, such as like like a battle like Valley Forge in the Revolutionary War, gettysburg and the Civil War, and just sit there and you know, just kind of intrigued on how war was fought back then because you know we have our vision of it. Now it looks like it looks like Star Wars. I'm just wondering what it's like when you know when the Brits just line up in one row and you know all we had to do here, like the American colonists just pick them all one at a time, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know Well, you commentate, though I mean you would have to commentate, right.

Speaker 5:

Oh, look at there, paul Revere gets a shot off. Look out, look at that. Look at the British red coat in the way that brain opened up, holy crap.

Speaker 2:

Oh wow, Do graphic for you.

Speaker 3:

No, no I hate tyranny Cav. I know, you do, I know.

Speaker 2:

When they push too far and the time has come to kill them. We have to kill them, you understand right.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

They know.

Speaker 3:

They know.

Speaker 2:

Trust me. They know I'm on every list.

Speaker 3:

All right, so early, early, early skirmishes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I've become very intrigued because I found out my sister, tina, has done unbelievable genetic family tree research and I found out that you know I am a direct descendant of Aaron Burr, the vice president of the United States for Thomas Jefferson. Also, he is one of the founding fathers Aaron Burr is, and he's also probably most well known for the duel he had with Hamilton yeah, in which he killed Hamilton. So my great, great great I'll do it like 13 times Killed Hamilton.

Speaker 3:

And that's probably where your patriotism comes from, he being one of the founding.

Speaker 2:

Give me liberty or give me death. Baby, I regret that I only have one life to live for my great country of the United States of America. Anyway, I wouldn't mind watching the duel Okay, I mean because he put the shot. I mean titles are well known. For our aim, we can hit, you know yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

That's why you have four kids.

Speaker 2:

I don't know if that's aim. I think that's like a pull out game, like a game Okay, and then I would probably have. I would watch Lincoln in the theater box.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay, probably have to watch that because there's no footage of that. No footage of that one either.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

I heard that his head actually went back into the left, that there may have been somebody in front row stage left, that my firefighter fired the fadles. I'm just kidding.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay, I was going to say, really that's a conspiracy too.

Speaker 2:

No. I thought we knew that one. That's what they try to do is they try to mix in like wacky crazy conspiracies to make all conspiracy, quote unquote theorists sound crazy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well, remember, everybody at one time thought the national inquirer was full of Huey and everything that the inquirer ended up printing ended up, in the long run coming out to be true. They were just ahead of everybody.

Speaker 2:

Basically, it's like this when you hear conspiracy theory, that's what they don't want you to know, that that that's the truth that's going to come out later whenever you hear it. That's a good little guideline for you to live by. So, yeah, those are mine. I want to see stuff, kev, that there's no footage of.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I got that from your list.

Speaker 2:

Like you know how delicious looking was that apple with Adam and Eve.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, A metaphor, but I get what you're saying.

Speaker 2:

You know what I'm talking about? Oh, yeah, I know what you're talking about. Yeah, okay, stuff like that.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

Does that change? Kev? Give me real quick stuff that wasn't filmed. I mean, wouldn't it have been cool to watch, like the last day of construction of the pyramid in Egypt?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, you know what I'm saying? I actually would have liked to watch the first day. What do you mean? We're going to do what? You gotta be out of your fucking mind.

Speaker 2:

Hold on, hold on, just us right here. Yeah, and you're going to build it that big and it has to be perfect. No, yeah, no, you can go ahead and whip me all you want. I don't care, that's right, I'm picking. Okay, all right, that hurts, we'll get started.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

We'll get started. Where do you want to build it?

Speaker 3:

Good one, Thanks. Now you know what I'm pretty set in mind, even though I know mine, because I just want to be there to experience the things you can't get on film. You know the atmosphere. I get it, yeah, yeah so. I get it, I wouldn't change it.

Speaker 2:

I get it Okay, so you would like an 86? When the Challenger blew up.

Speaker 5:

Engine's throttling up. Three engines now at 104%. Challenger go with throttle up. Challenger go with throttle up One minute 15 seconds.

Speaker 4:

Velocity 2900 feet per second. Altitude 9 nautical miles. Downrange distance 7 nautical miles.

Speaker 2:

Just like, just to like see the reaction from people on the ground watching it go in Because that was a big one, that was a big launch, because it had the teacher on it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, christian McCallan.

Speaker 2:

That's it, and you know. Nothing like that has ever happened. I mean, we had Apollo 13. That happened 14 or years or so before it, but that was when they were coming back and they ended up surviving. Just to sit there and like, oh my God, you know you know, didn't they?

Speaker 3:

during one of the Apollo's they did have a blow up on the launch pad.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that set it back the fire, the fire but this was the only one that was already. Yeah, we lost Gus Grissom. Yeah, in the fire because they couldn't get out.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

That happened a couple of years before Apollo 13.

Speaker 3:

You've been on launch, haven't?

Speaker 2:

you, I have. I, yeah, I actually watched the John Glenn, that's right, when he was 69 years old. This was back in the late 90s, I think 97 or 98. I was offshore because I was doing a morning radio show in Daytona Beach, florida, and I was offshore and they just like they went right over our heads. Yeah, of course I didn't watch much of it because, you know, audrey and Jonas's mom was throwing up, she was seasick, oh so yeah, not fun.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, she got seasick and I have not Kev. It doesn't bother me that she ruined the whole fucking thing for me. I've gotten over it. I've gotten.

Speaker 3:

Yes, you have. Yeah, All right, yeah, I can tell, I can tell totally.

Speaker 2:

You see, the funny thing is Kev is. You know, we were there with you know people that grew up on the water in Daytona Beach or wherever they're used to it. They're just like we just moved here a few months ago from a place way away from the water and, yeah, she's not feeling good. She's turning different colors right now and they're just rolling her eyes going. What the hell man?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Well, it happens, you know it happens. So I mean, she used to get carsick too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I know, I know, I see, and that's the thing, kev, I don't want to belabor anything, uh-huh. I mean, if you're somebody that gets carsick all the time you know he's over it, maybe you should sit this one out, wow. I mean it's right on TV I'm Mr John Glenn going up into space again. He's 69-year-old senator, yeah, so I mean it's all over TV, you know, or? Hey, they got this motion sickness and you've taken these pills a lot before, and suddenly today of all days, completely over it.

Speaker 2:

You decide you're not going to take the pills. It's cool.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, totally cool, totally cool. Not a historic site at all.

Speaker 2:

Kev. We have another sponsor Home Video Rescue.

Speaker 3:

Very excited about this.

Speaker 2:

This is an exciting situation for us because Chris, the proprietor of Home Video Rescue, has had some, has a service that I know a lot of us have thought about before. He has the ability and we have a link, by the way, in the description here. You could just click on it and he goes through step by step of what needs to be done. If you have VHS 8mm, if you have even DVDs all kinds of different older mediums and you want to turn it into digital your family memories, your sports heroics into digital, so it'll last forever. I mean, a lot of people have those precious memories, kev and it's not going to survive forever. Each day that passes, the quality and the tape that it's on and the medium that it's on is reduced.

Speaker 3:

Well, and also think about it from this aspect. Okay, when do you like to show those memories? Pretty much when you're together with family or friends, loved ones, right? Imagine taking a sack of VHS tapes over to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving, as opposed to a little USB card that's got everything on it. Yeah, you know? Yeah, exactly. I love the convenience of that.

Speaker 2:

I love it too. Home Video Rescue offers that service for you. They'll take really, really good care of you and they take their time. I, like Chris, is very meticulous on. He knows that this is more valuable than gold. This is the value. Of this is priceless because it's your memories, it's your growing up, it's your Kev. I cannot wait to find my there's VHS tapes somewhere I think my mom has them somewhere of me dunking the basketball oh wow.

Speaker 2:

In high school yeah, yeah, and you know, I know it doesn't seem like it by looking at me, but I used to have some mops. Yeah, I used to fly, I used to get the almost elbow over the rim and I would almost, I would walk the dog, but I couldn't rock the cradle like MJ, yeah, and have some pretty nasty dunks, and that's on that VHS tape. On those tapes, man.

Speaker 2:

You gotta get it On those home runs that I hit over the wall. Yeah, and those are there and I cannot wait. As soon as I get a hold of those VHS tapes, I'm going to hop it, I'm going to make it happen.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, because you know they're collecting dust. Right now they're collecting dust and they're deteriorating every single day that goes by. Think about how convenient it would be to have it on a USB card, and then you could upload it and send it out to whoever you want, right? I love that concept.

Speaker 2:

And the thing I love about Chris is he doesn't ask questions either. So if you have some of those intimate moments you know, back when you two were young and in your 20s, he doesn't peruse it, he doesn't preview it, he just rolls it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, kim Kardashian and Ray J, he can do it, he can do it.

Speaker 2:

And he's one of those guys that you know he's not going to always. He'll respect your memories. Yeah, okay, so it is home video rescue. We have the link in the description. Click on it and then make your memories last forever. Love it. I didn't even know. Is that there's a tagline? Because that sounds like a cool tagline, does it?

Speaker 3:

It's a great tagline, and if it's not, chris, you can go ahead and use that.

Speaker 2:

I'll give it to you for free, because you're one of the ground sponsors. Yeah, ground floor sponsors of the Tuttle Client podcast, and we appreciate the heck out of you, kev. I have to know what's going on here. You're getting messaged or DMed, or something like that, from a former Playboy Playmate.

Speaker 3:

Not just a Playmate, a PMOY.

Speaker 2:

That's Playmate of the Year.

Speaker 3:

That's right, buddy Yep. I got a LinkedIn Connect request from Karen McDougal.

Speaker 2:

I remember her.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, who doesn't? She was involved with the Trump scandal, yeah, but Karen McDougal was a Playmate of the Year and I got a Connect. I think she thinks I'm my uncle, but then I'm thinking what could she possibly need with him? So I reached back out to her. I'm waiting to hear back.

Speaker 2:

Okay, all right. So Karen McDougal Okay, do you have a picture that you could post right here?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there, she is right there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, okay, yeah Is hopping into Kevin Klein's DM. I'm impressed Hopping in your DMs, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, when, if she messaged me back and we get the real reason, I'm sure it will be very unimpressive.

Speaker 2:

What, what, kev? Hmm, don't sell yourself short, okay, I'm a tremendous lounge.

Speaker 3:

You're a tremendous lounge.

Speaker 2:

You're a tremendous lounge. Hahahaha, hahahaha, hahahaha, hahahaha, hahahaha.

Speaker 3:

Don't sell yourself short, judge, you're a tremendous lounge.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, anytime we could do a caddy shag reference.

Speaker 3:

The only thing I can think of is one of her fellow playmates is now a licensed therapist, and so I've been messaging her to try and get her on the fussy mic to talk about self-empowerment. Maybe she reached out to Karen, I don't know.

Speaker 2:

I don't know, but maybe she's just like hey, I got a thing for geeky looking Harry Potter dudes, yeah, who are just you're just so awkward and are just so nerdy and weird that it's kind of a turn on.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, you know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's like like in who was the Shannon in the American Pie movies when she went after the Shermanator yes, I get it okay, maybe I am a geek, whatever.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

Yes, you are Exactly, she went after the Shermanator.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, that's it yeah.

Speaker 2:

So you just never know, cav, it could be that, and if I'm Mrs Klein, you know I may be looking over my shoulder.

Speaker 3:

If I'm her, Nah, nothing to worry about. Nothing to worry about. She'd be like take him. Well, not only that, but, as I would emphatically say, as beautiful as Karen McDougal is, that's how beautiful my wife is on the inside. So I ain't going nowhere.

Speaker 2:

Oh you just Cav, I just heard like thousands and thousands of collective.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, Well, it's a sickness. I can't breathe without her, so wow.

Speaker 2:

Oh, man, that's. I can't breathe without. That's a song, is it? I can't breathe without you. Oh, I think we could just write a song. I can't breathe without you.

Speaker 3:

Okay, well, there we go. We just wrote a song and we'll copyright it. And we'll make lots of money off of it.

Speaker 2:

If I ever said that to one of the beautiful women I'm dating, she'd be like good. I hope you die.

Speaker 3:

That would not be the case. You say that to one of your lady friends and dude. They're either going to A run away and go dude, this guy is way too serious or B that's the most sweetest thing I've ever heard. Maybe this guy's going to for the long haul.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I could just see it Some lady going. You know, if I just didn't meet you in the produce section right now and you saying that that would be very, very touching, but I literally met you 14 seconds ago. Hi, jim, Nice to meet you. Hey, I can't breathe without you. By the way, you could see him reaching for the mace Security. Oh, kev, I want to thank you for something Because you're letting me do this. And hey, seriously, kev, anytime it becomes too much, you just need to tell me.

Speaker 2:

Say I can't do it anymore, where you know. For those of you unaware, I'm kind of making a comeback. I was doing some open Don't call it a comeback.

Speaker 3:

Come back, I've been here for years.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was doing some open mics in Houston places back in 2019 for standup comedy and I got the itch. When I got the whole itch, you know to get back on the air and do something creative. And Kevin has been gracious enough to allow me to run material past him for this podcast and I just need you to tell me, just say hey, man, it's too much. No, go ahead, Are you sure? Yeah, it ain't too much.

Speaker 2:

And by the way I sent. This weekend I emailed Kev. You know my top five. You put a gun to my head right now. This would be my tight five that I would do at an open mic and he helped me adjust some things. Those are good adjustments. Oh, you liked them, I do. Oh, cool, I'm glad. I'm just not a hundred percent on it yet. I think it, I think it's good, but I, kev, you know me, I need great yeah absolutely yeah, which is why it's even more amazing that we've been together for 25 plus years.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I'm the definition of mediocre.

Speaker 2:

And you know, kevin, I hate to, I hate to say this to you, but since you bought it I mean Caitlin made it was pretty good.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I'm hey.

Speaker 3:

I didn't get to work with her as much as you did, but you know hey.

Speaker 2:

I'm taking your word for it. She actually was solid, good, like. If this thing ever blew up and we became a lot, we'd probably steal her from the rest of your radio. Yeah, we would, and we'd just do like two hours, like a couple of times a week and make $20 million. That's the goal, by the way.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I'm very excited to hear you say that that's cool.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Anyway, thank you very much. I do have now. This is freshly written.

Speaker 3:

Oh, okay, cool, yeah, cause I was going to say, if I already read what you're about to deliver it would. It would fall a little flat.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

No, this is, this is oh, and, by the way, in terms of presenting it to you, like, like when we do this on the podcast, is there a different way I can do it? Should I be doing it like small pieces at a time and pause, or?

Speaker 3:

do you like the way I've been doing it? Yeah, just do it the way you. I'm the audience. Okay, All right.

Speaker 2:

I put that, just put this together last week.

Speaker 3:

All right.

Speaker 2:

Based on you know like kind of a something I saw that's going a little bit viral. Jesus, they're saying again, jesus was probably married, jesus probably had a wife.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

And you know, you know, every 10 or 15 years or so we hear that. So but it got me. I mean, it spurred something I was doing, I was doing some cardio and it spurred something that made me chuckle to myself.

Speaker 3:

All right.

Speaker 2:

So I decided to flesh it out a little bit. Sure, yeah, good, and. And now I want to know what you think of this.

Speaker 3:

Jesus was married.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right. We got another report just came out saying Jesus was probably married, and now there's even a Wikipedia page about it. So you know it's got to be true.

Speaker 3:

Totally yeah.

Speaker 2:

Right, I'm no historian and I have absolutely no proof whatsoever, but I'm going to tell you this without a shadow of doubt Jesus Christ had no wife, had no wife, or if he did, it was the shortest marriage in history. Why so? What woman is going to buy his stories, much less put up with his stories.

Speaker 5:

So let me get this straight you were out fishing with your friends and you walked on water, and you were able to do this because, then, these are your words, not my words. You are the son of God, yes. And then you were at this revival thing, and it lasted all day and all night yet again, and this huge crowd of people needed food, and all you had were a couple of fish and a couple of loaves, and you fed thousands of people.

Speaker 4:

I love it.

Speaker 5:

Next thing you tell me, jesus, is you raised somebody from the dead?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Very, very good stuff. That's good on many levels.

Speaker 5:

Then after the big weekend, when he comes home on Sunday you and your 12 unemployed loser friends take off on Friday night. I don't hear from you for three days. Jesus, you are better off dead than coming home to me right now and telling me this cockamamie story. Cockamamie Great word I wonder you should say that dear yeah.

Speaker 3:

Very good, it's great. Is that a piece in chunk? Yeah, that's really good. That's really good. Number one it's great material. Number two what makes it even funnier is you doing the voice. Number three what makes it more relatable is what guy hasn't gone through that before?

Speaker 4:

What married guy hasn't Exactly.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so people can relate to it and the ladies will cringe at the voice and stuff, but they'll laugh because they know it's true.

Speaker 2:

Tell me this I tried to write it where I didn't have so much of the ladies voice, but I mean, is the ladies voice too much? Because I mean I'm basically popping off, set up and punch, set up, punch, set up, punch, all with the ladies voice. Is that too much?

Speaker 3:

No, I don't think so. I don't think so. I mean, how else would you do it though?

Speaker 2:

How else would you do it? I, kevin, that's a thing I was trying to figure out, a way to have more back and forth like Jesus, like responding in his calm, laid back Jesus voice. But it just you know.

Speaker 3:

But if you do, that it drags the bit out.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and then?

Speaker 3:

you lose people.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. I mean to the way I wrote this. I mean that's a laugh every sometimes eight or 10 seconds and that, if you can do that, I mean that's Gaffigan man. That's why Gaffigan is a multi-millionaire His stuff is so tight and so well written that he has people laughing every eight, nine, 11 seconds. Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam bam. And that's what you want to do so.

Speaker 3:

are you going to do this this week?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I may add that in there. Kevin, I'm not as confident in my you know my self-deprecating stuff. Yeah, okay, and I may just throw that out. Okay, or at least most of it. I mean, there's a couple really good laughs in there, so I would, I would pare it down a lot. I would get rid of, like the little big town song thing I'd get rid of and really pare it down a lot, and then I'd add this Jesus stuff and then, you know, timmy's Daddy's got a big pee pee and Jonas is.

Speaker 2:

Jonas is Percy. Yeah, the finishing.

Speaker 3:

That'd be great. See, that'd be really solid. Yeah, is that cool For sure. All right, so you could do the. I mean, you could do it either way Keep the Timmy story first, jonas story last, and then it doesn't matter how you put in the Jesus story or your relationship trouble story, because they're both. You could probably do your relationships first, your relationship stories first, and then say you know what, I wasn't the only one that had relationship problems. Apparently, jesus was married. Boom, you're in.

Speaker 2:

I like that, I like that. Or I like the idea of starting with the Timmy story, then getting into Jesus, my Jesus chunk, and then doing just a small piece. Speaking of relationship, I have the problems, same problems myself.

Speaker 3:

Okay, and as long as- Like I said, you could pop either one of those.

Speaker 2:

And because I could be garbage literally for four and a half minutes and if I finish with Percy I go out on a laugh.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, but you won't be garbage for four and a half minutes, four twenty-five maybe, but-.

Speaker 2:

Kev if one person laughs.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's right.

Speaker 2:

That's right. That's all I care about.

Speaker 3:

Okay, all right, get two in the audience and you just approve the chances.

Speaker 5:

There you go.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, dude, it's good. It's good, and I really like the idea of pairing back the relationship problems, because I thought that the way that you were presenting that in written form, you were too dark on yourself.

Speaker 2:

You know, I got to beat myself up too much.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. You beat yourself up too much and, like I was thinking about this the other day when I was mowing the neighbors lawn, people want to you're the comedian and you're the hero. And if you're up there bashing yourself to the degree that you were, people aren't going to believe in that. You know. They're not going to think you're the hero. They're going to think, wow, why am I supporting this guy?

Speaker 2:

So you think I'm overcompensating? I think so.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know I mean self-deprecating. It could be just one line. You know it doesn't have to be a whole story, it could be just one line.

Speaker 2:

So I can take, you know, just the very best good laughs of that right there.

Speaker 3:

The Astros story is perfect. You know, that's it. Yeah, took you to see Front Row. Took you to Front Row for the World Series. I could have taken you. You could have seen the Astros shower afterwards. That's funny, and you're still going to leave me.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Okay, all right, I like that. So I like that, what I was thinking of doing this week. I was going to go, you know, because I haven't been to one of these since 2019. So I'm going to go to, like Rod Yards or, you know, in some of the different places that haven't opened might go in and just kind of like check and scope things out and then put up a game plan, and I think next week I'm going to hit two, three times.

Speaker 3:

Dude, it's like dipping your toe in cold water. You don't do that, you just jump in.

Speaker 2:

I was just telling you that but, knowing me, it'd be like okay, I got the itch. These guys suck. Yeah, I can bury these guys. I'm going on stage.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, if you're going to go, you're going to go to get on stage. You don't go to test the water, because, number one, what could happen, what you just said could happen they suck so bad you feel compelled to get up there. Okay, then you've already gone there with the mindset that I might not get up there, so you're not really prepared. Or you could do what I would do and you would go and you would hear something that's really funny and you'd be like I'm not as funny as that guy, I'm not going to get up tonight. And then you've paralyzed yourself. You're going to go and you're going to do it. You're going to go and you're going to get up there.

Speaker 2:

Here's another thing, and let me know what you're thinking, I use a different name.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Because the last time I did this and still even to this day and hell, I haven't even been on the air on the radio in almost two years Time. Title second date update guy.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I don't want to be when I do this second date update guy. Because, then people start thinking. Instead of listening to what I'm doing, they're thinking about oh yeah, second date update. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

So I'm thinking of going up as tell me if you like this, Jose Camarillo.

Speaker 3:

I figured that was the name you were going to go with. Yeah, I was getting ready to bring you up on stage, but yeah, jose Camarillo, I'm going to dork. I should do that, shouldn't I? No, no.

Speaker 2:

Go up is Timmel. That's funny, jim Juttle.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, now be yourself, man. You know why? Because, people, it's going to open doors for you, bro.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

It will, you know, and once people get once, it ain't going to take them very long to get past. Oh, I used to listen to this guy on the radio. Now I'm listening to him live. I went oh my God, that's funny. He can never say that on the radio. Yeah, yeah, it'll open doors for you, bro.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, do it, don't overthink that.

Speaker 2:

I'll trust your judgment. Okay, that's what I'm going to do.

Speaker 3:

That's the only thing.

Speaker 2:

I'll trust for me to find that's all Okay, this has been fun, it's been a blast.

Speaker 2:

By the way and we have to tell you this every single time it is so important that when you go to a podcast forum if you're on one right now please download the episode we like to see downloads, and that really helps us too and then do us a favor, subscribe to it and give us a rating. You know we would love for you to give us a rating and, of course, like and follow and all that stuff that is so important for the continuous growth of this podcast. I mean, we want to do this for you once a week, every single week, for the next 10 years, but we need some kind of support from you in order to do it, and we got to continue to be growing too. So tell your friends about us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, tim wants it for growth. I just need it for validation. I have low self-esteem and I really need it. I need it. Okay, you need this for a boost. Yeah, I need it for a boost, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I was talking to somebody last week and they said you know, are you concerned that it doesn't mushroom and be like I couldn't care less? I just like having the creative outlet. I don't care if one person listens If just one person listens and I know my daughter, Audrey, is going to listen. By the way, she's got her own podcast, does she? Yeah, it's hype girls. You know, miss Positive is once a week going to come out with 25 minutes Kev. Can I do this? Can you put this up right here? This is Audrey's podcast. Yeah, I'm putting it up right now.

Speaker 2:

She just released the first episode and just cut the second episode and Audrey is the most positive human being on planet Earth and just to listen to her, I was so proud of her. I listened to her first 25 minute podcast and I was so impressed with her. What's the format? What is she doing? She's just, she's your hype girl. She picks you up. She's you know the positive vibes. You know what Audrey's always been is just always the most positive person in the room. You know the person to make you feel good, to lift you up, and she's got ways and methods that she uses to stay positive and I absolutely love it is really, really good stuff. I know there's a lot of people who like to listen to, like self-help books. Yeah, tony Robbins and all that stuff. 25 minutes of Audrey Tuttle will be pretty good too. I can't wait to listen, okay.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna listen.

Speaker 2:

So also keep in mind that we have merch available.

Speaker 4:

This is such a nice. This is really cool looking.

Speaker 2:

Look at this little. What do they call this little mug thing right here? I mean, this is really. Is that a tumbler? I think it's a tumbler, okay Cool. Look how cool that thing is and look how that logo just sizzles. It does it does? I absolutely love it. Only the highest quality merchandise. Please go to Tuttle Cline Facebook, like our Facebook, and there's specific instructions on how you can order our high quality with the neat logo merchandise. That would be totally cool. Kev, what do you have coming up this week?

Speaker 3:

buddy. You know what, tim, I'm hoping that you will listen to the episode this week of the Fuzzy Mike, because I did part of it for you. Oh, cool, yeah, so I'm talking with Ozzy's bass player. Okay, the guy who wrote Shout in the Dark, and he's got about a five minute story about his friendship with Jimmy Page, one of your all time legendary heroes.

Speaker 2:

Kev, I saw you posted something on that and now I have regret that I didn't get a chance to talk to him. It's all right, because he's got a Jimmy Page Led Zeppelin story.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it's stories that you've never heard before about Jimmy Page and Led Zeppelin, and I was like, oh, tim's going to get goosebumps here in this, tim's going to get goosebumps here in this.

Speaker 2:

Is it. Does he verify the rumors about the song Black Dog?

Speaker 3:

No, no, he doesn't talk at all about Led Zeppelin's music. He talks about how secretive and shy the band was. It was very difficult to get pictures taken with them. But he talks about getting a phone call from Jimmy Page.

Speaker 2:

How cool is that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, your life would be made.

Speaker 2:

Real quick. You know the Black Dog story right.

Speaker 3:

Uh, wasn't it just a Black Dog hanging out by the studio?

Speaker 2:

They were, they were, they recorded the song Uh-huh.

Speaker 5:

You know, hey, mama said the way you know, gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove.

Speaker 2:

And they basically recorded that like out of nowhere, just like going back and forth. Robert would just sing some lyrics I mean it was like completely pulled out of the butt at the end of the session and Jimmy would do the da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da, and they just, I mean it was it's almost a complete 100% riff song.

Speaker 3:

Wow, it became one of their all time legendary songs.

Speaker 2:

Lyrics and everything, and they get done recording it. And you know that was the last recording session. And Jimmy Page is walking out and he's got his guitars under his arm, he's heading out to his vehicle or whatever, and the producer comes out and says you know, that last thing you did in there. I know you didn't intend for that to be an actual you know cut or whatever, but that is really good stuff. And and Jimmy said well, I thought you know, oh, thank you Mike. Yeah, or whatever, jimmy.

Speaker 3:

Of course no, we were right there, on the same page, okay.

Speaker 2:

And and well he goes. Well, we probably should put this on the record. You know the Led Zeppelin IV record, and, and. But we need a title, what should we call it? And he looks in the season, the studio a black dog, and he just looks over and he goes, call it a dog and then just leaves and goes to his car.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Is that cool, or what?

Speaker 3:

That's the origin of that story. I had no idea that.

Speaker 2:

There's no black dog mentioned in the song. What's that?

Speaker 3:

That's why I always find it puzzling the name of the song. Yeah, it's nothing about a black dog.

Speaker 2:

They needed a name really quick and that's what he looked at. Wow, I mean the song could have been called half eaten cheeseburger Wouldn't have resonated as much with that title as black dog. Can you see a robber plant? All right, everybody you wanted it, so big hit. Half eaten cheeseburger.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

All right, Anything else happening Kev.

Speaker 3:

Let's see anything else happening. I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

And let's go on out and let's go out on.

Speaker 3:

What are you going up? What do you got coming up? Oh, by the way, if you do, go do open mic, record it have somebody record it. I definitely I'll record it, yeah, for sure, and we can play some of it. Do you really want to do that? Yeah, dude, what you're doing right now, it's no different than training for a race, a marathon. You're putting in the hard work right now, okay, getting up on stage running the race. That's the celebration, man.

Speaker 2:

See Kev, I love this too, because you know we reached the pinnacle in our goal in radio. Uh huh, you know we were in top 10 market many years. You know we were. We were the morning show voices for the number one country music radio station in the United States of America. At the apex we had 1.5 million people listening to second date update. And this, right at what I'm doing right now, round zero. Yeah, I'm nothing and I have to and I have to work my way up.

Speaker 3:

It gets you back to those days of hungry.

Speaker 2:

I loved it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and in radio when you're really, really hungry to make your mark.

Speaker 2:

I love, I love, I love being garbage again. It's fun.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you switch worlds with me every day, man, every day.

Speaker 2:

Black dog. Call it black dog, I'm out of here. I got a bail.

Speaker 1:

That's it for this episode of the tuddling client show. See you this Wednesday for an all new episode. Also, you can catch Tuttle on TV. He is a handsome man and you can get more client on his podcast, the fuzzy Mike, with new episodes on Tuesday. Stay fuzzy, friends, and thanks for listening to the tuddling client show. Yo, all right, let's watch the show with a friendly, friendly, relaxed Jerry Humanoff healthy杯, lovely, very chatty tonight.

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